I shouldn't be like this!

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

[A/N: Just to remind you, not everything in my teaser are exactly will be the lines in here, don't worry not everything will be change :D]



"Let The Race Begin!" 

As Mr. Kwon yelled that, Miyoung and Minwoo posisioned themselves, they can't stop glaring with each other....

"Good Luck Mr. Playboy!" Miyoung said while smirking on Minwoo, "Thank you. I hope you accept your defeat later" Minwoo winked making Miyoung disgust.

 "Ready!"........"Set!"..........."Go!" Finally The race begun. As the two heard Mr. Kwon whistled they immediately got up and give all their might to run. At first it was Minwoo who's in the first, but of course Miyoung wouldn't allow that. The Race was really close and tensed, no one has an idea who'll win, they're both good. 

The race is nearly finish and Miyoung's currently on the first, she's not that far from Minwoo but enough to say that she might win over minwoo....

Everybody already thought that Miyoung would really win this race but..............


Miyoung's POV:

Yes! I know i'll win this race, i'm already on the first place and i can see now the finish line, just a little more Miyoung! -heartbeats- b...but why does i feel like i suudenly can't breath...that my chest is tightening -heartbeats- a-a..and why does my sight moves like i'm on a roller coaster, oh gosh, -heartbeats- i-i can't breath! some....body help me! s-somebody....and after that everything went black.


Kwangmin's POV:

I'm not really on the mood to watch the race though i really want to see how will the race will go, so i just sat on the bench and make myself busy by reading a book...

I was almost on the chapter 3 of the book but i was distracted when my classmates started to shout someone's name...
"Miyoung!" i saw miyoung fainting so i immediately stood up and ran to her, i don't know why i suddenly became concern about her, all i know is that i need to help her.

Once i got on her, I immediately lift her head "Miyoung! Miyoung!..." i lightly tap her face to see if she'll gain her consciousness, but she's still remained unconscious.

It worries me so i just decided to carry her and bring her to the Campus Clinic...


Minwoo's POV:

I panicked and worried a bit because i thought Miyoung would already win, because she's quite far from me....But i noticed that she's slowing down "oh great! this will be the perfect time to run fast and be on the first"  i thought as i smirked and run as fast as i can......and i didn't notice that i'm already on the finish line....

I widened my eyes in surprise "Huh? I won! Yes I won! I knew i'm gonna win this race!" i jump in happiness i was right, that girl will never win against me!

But where is she? why does she's still not reaching the finish line? ... i turn around and look for her but instead of seeing her i saw my classmates that were rushing to someone and panicking, i got curious and just in time i got a chance to see what's happening...i saw a girl who's unconscious, she's lying in the middle of the field. I was shocked and got worried! and i somehow got familiar on the figure who's lying in there....and when i realized who is she....I widened my eyes in shocked  "it's Miyoung!!"

I saw kwangmin carrying her, maybe he'll bring Miyoung to the Campus Clinic...

Oh God! i hope she'll be fine! why does i'm feeling guilty about what happened to her? i didn't do anything on her but why does i'm feeling this!...ERR what's happening on


Miyoung's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes, at first my sight were kinda blurry but after a few seconds it came back to normal and i saw that i'm not on my room nor on our classroom, so i got shocked and sat up, i roam my eyes on the room and i realize that i'm in the Clinic....But why i'm in here?

Oh! i remembered i fainted in the middle of the field during the race....and after that i don't know what happened next....

Suddenly a person came in the room....it was Kwangmin.

"Hey, you're awake!" He went on my side and smiled on me. "asdfghjkl it's the first time i saw him smile and his smile is so.........adorable >.< and i found myself staring on him~ ohmy I HATE BOYS BUT WHY I AM LIKE THIS?!" I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey Miyoung? are you okay?" I get back to reality when i saw kwangmin waving his hand in front of my face.

"Uh-uhm yeah, of course :D!" i answered him happily. hey miyoung stop smiling like that in front of him! He's part of BOYFRIEND remember? you supposed to hate him! >.<

"Ah that's good to know! Oh by the way the nurse told me that you might fainted because of too much heat, i hope you're really fine now :)" He said smiling again.  but he seems so nice *o* errrr seriously Miyoung you should stop this -___-

"Ah don't worry i'm really fine now" that's all i could say..... there's some awkward moment after that so to cut it off i finally spoke "Uhm..hey kwangmin right? uhm do you know how did i got in here?" i asked that because i really don't have an idea how i got in here or maybe i sleep walked! XD COOOOLLLL! LOL.

"I carried and brought you here..." He replied.  Is he serious? he CARRIED AND BROUGHT me in here?! O.O i got shocked because even though he's from BOYFRIEND he's super different from Minwoo! He's so nice! :D But i still hate boys and he's a boy so i should stop thinking good things about him!!! >.<

"Ah Re-Really?" i kinda stutter in disbelief. I looked down because i felt my cheeks burning! arghh what's happening to me?!!!  "If that so, I want to thank you...."  I thanked him still looking down...

"hehehe~ ah that's nothing Miyoung!" He smiled again and patted my head. My cheeks are really burning now! This is not right! i wasn't supposed to be like this on him! >.<


Kwangmin's POV:

I felt a great relief that she's finally okay now.

I just realized that Miyoung's not that bad afterall, she's just really cold and annoyed with Minwoo! Maybe i should be friends with her and get to know her more. She's really nice and..........pretty.


No One's POV:

After what happened to Miyoung, the teachers just decided to let Miyoung rest for a bit so they let her go home early. While she was on her way home she received a text message from JinHye....

From: JinHye <3

MiMi! I heard what happened to you! I hope you're fine now!
I was really worried about you and i want to skip class to see you but i can't! :(
But don't worry I'll visit you on your home later after class
! :)
Let's see each other later arasso? i still have class, the teacher might caught me -__-
till here! TCGB <3

Miyoung smiled seeing how caring and silly is JinHye even texting.
She then decided to reply Jin Hye. While she was replying to JinHye's Message she suddenly bumped to someone making her phone slipped on her hands, but just in time the one who bumped on her catched her phone. Miyoung felt relief about it but when she looked up to see who's the person....she was shocked to see who's that...

"Minwoo?" she said still shocked but she slowly frowned realizing that she hate that person.
"Hey why are you here?! aren't you supposed to be in school righ now?!" she said annoyed and pissed on him. "I'm really irritated with this playboy =.="

"Uhm Hey Miyoung, i just want to ask if you................want to go out with me?" she widened her eyes in shocked when she heard him ask that. "oh god is even serious?!" she thought.


OH MY GOSH! Minwoo's asking Miyoung out?! is this true? or it's some kind of minwoo's trick?
Will Miyoung say yes to Minwoo? or she'll think that it's one of Minwoo's game and play along with him?
What do you think? ;D Stay Tuned! Comment! and Subscribe!~ <3


TaDah!~~ Chapter 5 is done! what do you think about it? :)
I Know this chapter is boring but i still hope you do like it even a bit~ :D
Please Subscribe and Comment arasso?~ :) <3

And to all those who Subscribe and commented already, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I really appreciated it! <3
Please continue to love my story! :)

I just want to say sorry for all my mispelled words and wrong grammars, remember that ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE :)))
But i promise to improve my writing skills more~

And Hurray for Kwangmin! He got a kinda lot of POV in this chapter!~~ <3

BTW i'm not really sure why the title of this chapter is "I SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS >.<"
so sorry for that :)) i can't think of anything XD

Well that's all THANK YOU AGAIN! <3 :D


iHEARTalmightyKEYandMINWOO <3


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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3
haha....lol,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!