Amusement Park .____.

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

[A/N: BTW Minwoo sneaked out of the school because he wanted to talk with Miyoung, so Miyoung was shocked to see Minwoo because he supposed to still have classes]


Miyoung's POV:

"Uhm Hey Miyoung, i just want to ask if you.........want to go out with me?" i widened my eyes in shocked, oh god is he even serious?! or he's just trying to play some tricks with me again?

"Hey Minwoo if this is some kind of joke or trick, i'll pass this time, i don't have time with this kind of joke" i told him prankly and tried to snatch my phone back but i failed, he hold my wrist and he looked straight in my eyes...

"I'm not trying to play with you Miyoung, err fine i'll tell you now, honestly, i don't want to go out with you as "MY GIRL" but i want you to go out with me because........i felt guilty with happened with you, i felt that it was my fault..." I bursted out with laughter when i heard the last part of his sentence, omg is this real? he's guilty with what happened to me? XD

"Hey! Stop laughing! i'm trying to be serious in here you know!" He frowned on me when he said that. Okay he's right he was really serious when he told me that, and that's exactly why i laughed XD

"Okay fine, i'll stop laughing. But i salute you! you made me laugh with that kind of joke!" I did a salute while i'm trying to hold my laugh again, i want to . :P

"I'm not joking Miyoung! I'm really serious! so go out with me so i can finally get over with this guiltiness!" This Minwoo, he's not just playboy but he's a demanding boy also =.=

"okay! easy boy, easy! Hmmm fine i'll go out with you" I don't really want to go out with him duh? he's a boy! I agreed because i think it's still a joke even how serious is he, I want to go along with his joke and show him that it's not good playing this kind of joke to me.

"Good then. This coming Saturday, meet me at the park, be there @ 10 am. Don't make me wait arasso?" He coldly said to me and then walk out without even saying goodbye to me. Errr I REALLY HATE THIS GUY!


Saturday came...

Minwoo's POV:

"Asdfghjkl Where's that girl?! it's already 10:30 am and she still not here, i even keep reminding her to come on time!"  I thought as i keep on walking back and forth. i can't relax because i don't want to waste my precious time waiting for someone like her to come.............

"Hey.." I heard a voice behind me, i turned around....and finally she came! =.=

"Finally you came! what took you so long?! do you even know that you're late?!" i said to her with a kinda pissed voice.

"Hey it wasn't my fault, blame my stupid alarm clock for not waking me up on time!" And now She even defended herself and passed the blame on the lifeless alarm clock -__-

"Errr Whatever, atleast you're already here." I said so that no fight will start.

"So..... what are we going to do today?" she asked.

"Uh yeah about that, i decided to go to an amusement park today! since it's been quite a long time since i last went there" I told her..... I like going to amusement parks, so i decided to go there...

"What?! An Amusement park?! are you kidding me? it's a place for kids and for lovey dovey couples!" she said like she can't believe that i really want to go there. 

"Yah! don't worry we're not going there to be like kids or act like a couple...I just want to go there to have fun so don't complain arasso?" I hold wrist hand and started walking, she tried to remove my hands on her wrist but i just tightened my hold :P

"Hey i can walk by myself! so you don't need to do this!" I remained silent and just smiled while she's still struggling to remove my hands from her wrist........ "fine" but then she finally gave up and sighed. 


Someone's POV:

"OMG! is this real?! the new student and my unnie's Minwoo are TOGETHER? unnie must know this!" I immediately dialed my unnie's number and waited for her to answer "unnie please answer the phone! it's a really important news!"

"yoboseyo?" Finally she answered!

"Unnie! I have something important to tell you!" I didn't realized that i said it with a loud voice.

"Hey don't shout at me!"

"Mianhe, i'm just excited to tell you something..."

"Well it seems like a good news, so what's that?" Okay she's definitely wrong on that.

"No it's not unnie......Minwoo's seeing other girl!"

"WHAT?! WHY?! WHO?! HOW?! SINCE WHEN?! DID YOU SEE THEM?! WHERE ARE THEY?!" as expected, i know that this will be her reaction.

"Easy unnie, too much question...i could only answer few. Well, Remember the new girl who poured a bottle of water to Minwoo on the first day of class? she's the one! i saw them and i heard that they're going to amusement park and..and OH! Minwoo's even holding her hand!"

"WHAT?! HOLDING HANDS and AMUSEMENT PARK? NO WAY!! Minwoo didn't even bother to ask me to go to an amusement park and hold my hand T.T" she whined because she can't accept it... 

"HEY WHERE ARE YOU?!" she asked me suddenly.

"In the park? why?" 

"Okay meet me there and let's follow them!!!"

"But i have som---" i didn't finish what i'm going to say because unnie suddenly hanged up.

"I guess i just need to wait for her" I sighed. well, i can't do anything about it.


  Amusement Park...

No One's POV:

The two finally arrived at the Amusement Park.[a/n: just pretend that there's a near amusement park, so they just walked. XD] It's quite a lot of people, of course because it's weekend.

[A/n: just pretend that it's still morning :)]

As they entered the main gate, Minwoo's jaw dropped and you can see on his eyes the excitement! He really likes this place. While, Miyoung, though she don't want to admit it, she's amazed and want to try every single rides there.

Finally Miyoung cleared (To disturb minwoo XD) and then spoke "So Minwoo where do yo-" she didn't finish what her saying because Minwoo suddenly spoke "There! There! I want to ride on the roller coaster! Come on, Let's go!" Minwoo suddenly pulled Miyoung and went to the line of the roller coaster.

Miyoung gulped and tried to speak, she really don't want to ride there. But of course she had a pride and she don't want Minwoo to know that she's afraid on heights. So instead of trying to stop Minwoo she just let him.

"Oh God. please don't make me die in there" she mumbled on herself.

Minwoo noticed that she's kinda sweating... "hey miyoung, are you okay?"

"huh? u-uh Yes! of course! why?" she said while stuttering.

"Because you're sweating.................OH! maybe you're afraid on riding on that!" He said teasingly while smirking and pointing the roller coaster.

Miyoung widened her eyes and gulped "I'm dead, he got me!" she thought as Minwoo still smirking on him.



Two girls are hiding behind a tree and they're spying on Minwoo and Miyoung. Both of them are in disguise....

"See? i told you i'm right unnie!" The other bragged about how she found those two.

"This can't be! How can Minwoo do this to me?!" the unnie said madly while clenching her fists.

"so unnie what do you want to do now?" the other asked.

She smirked "We're going to make their date DISASTER!" she answered emphasizing the word disaster.


So how do you think this date (but not really a date) will go?
And who's the 2 girls trying to spy Minwoo and Miyoung?
Can they really turn this date into a Disaster?
Do you think Minwoo and Miyoung will notice it?

Err to many questions so just STAY TUNED!~ ;D


TaDah!~ Chapter 6 is finally done! pheww~ so what do you think about it? :D
sorry if this chapter is boring *bows100x* i'll try to make it interesting more! i promise ;))

Please comment and subscribe! i'll appreciate it ;D
and a BIG BIG THANK YOU to all those who commented and subscribed already

and ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE, so I'M REALLY SORRY for all the mispelled words and wrong grammars.
I promise to improve my writing skills! Pinky promise :))
and sorry if i updated late again...i'll try to update as fast as i can :)


well that's all! THANK YOU again :D



Actually No i don't, i'm jealous!! >.< 




Yeah. He's Effin Adorable XD

[the pictures are not mine. credits to the owner :D]



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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!