And My Nightmare Starts Here.

You're My Beautiful Nightmare.

Chapter 1:

"What?! I'm going to transfer school?! but why,when,where?"

"Easy darling, you're overreacting..."

"Mom, i'm not overreacting! you don't have to transfer me to another school, because i'm fine with my school now!"

"Miyoung, we know that you're fine with your school now, it's just that we want you to meet new people and boys too."

"What?! Boys?!!! So it means you'll going to transfer me to a Co-ed School?! Mom! Dad! you know how much i hated boys, i can't even stand seeing them"

"That's the problem Miyoung, since that "incident" you've begun hating boys, so we want you to meet other people espeially boys so we can fix that problem and besides we don't want to die not having a grandchildren, remember you're our only child darling."

you're the one who's overreacting Mom & Dad. =.="

"Sorry to disappoint you Mom & Dad, but you can't fix that problem." =P

"Oh yes we can Miyoung, you know your parents *evil smile*"

"W-Wait, are you planning something evil?! O.O"

Omo. i think i'm on trouble >.<

"Whether you like it or not , you'll going to spend your senior year at another school, because if you don't, i'll cut your credit card and i will not give you any allowance. What do you think?


now i'm on a nightmare....


In the end i was forced to be in a Co-Ed school (thanks for my evil parents -_-) -sigh-...good thing my old bestfriend Jin Hye is here....atleast i have someone to talk with. BTW the first day of classes and i'm just sitting alone, in the corner of the classroom, and i'm being bored now =.= I'm waiting for Jin Hye, Oh God...where's that girl?...

then suddenly...


"Nice try Jin Hye,but i didn't get suprised at all -_-"

"Yah! MiMi! Why are you being so serious?, come on it's our first day! and besides don't you miss me? *pouts*"

"Yah! don't call me MiMi here!...ofcourse i've missed you know how much i hated being here and seeing Boys all over!"

"Oh yeah! w-wait, until now?! don't worry MiMi! i'll protect you! =)

i said don't call me MiMI here!!!

"haha...Thanks Jin Hye...but i can protect myself ;)"

-Bell Rings-

"Oh! class will start soon! i'm going back to my seat MiMi! talk to you later =)"

-Break Time-

It's Break time now....So far, being here is kinda great, but during first period i was really waiting for the break time, because i'm really hungry, i didn't take my breakfast properly..So me and Jin Hye grab foods and find a place to sit in.

"Miyoung, one of the best thing in this school is the foods...i asure you that =)"

"yeah, i hope so..haha"

The foods were really great not until 6 boys passes our table, girls are going crazy oh god!, like these boys are so handsome to go crazy about! Well, the truth is they're really handsome, but who cares care bear?!
They sat next to our table , so i can bearly hear what they are talking about...but i don't care, i continued eating until i heard someone from them, the boy with a cap said "Girls are toys". I stopped eating and i get up from where i sit, i'm holding a bottle w/ water, i go to where that boy is seated and the next thing i do is pour him a cold water.

I saw shocking faces, people whispering and staring at us, i guess they can't believe what i just did. Well, that playboy needs to learn something, his so arrogant! and i hate it!

"Yah! Playboy! next time you say that again, that's not the only thing you will get!" I warned him like that and just leave him wet, his friend were shocked too =)) their faces are like this O.O

People are staring at me as i walked away, i could see Jin Hye's shocked too, but seriously why are they being like that? like it's the first time they saw a girl like that...

"Miyoung! why did you do that?!"

"Well, i didn't like that boy's attitude, he's so arrogant...and the way he talks errr i hate it!!"

"uhuh? do you really hate his attitude or you just hated him because his a boy?"

"That's another story Jin Hye....and besides why are you all having a face like this O.O?"

"Miyoung, why would we not give that face if that boy you poured a water, is one of the Kingkas of the School?!!!"

"Oh! jinjja?! haha, then it's great! i just made an arrogant-kingka boy embarrassed infront of his fangirls! =))"

"Oh, Miyoung, you didn't change at all, you're still the MiMi i know....evil like your parents =))"

"haha, i know Jin Hye!"


Minwoo's POV:

That new girl embarrassed me infront of a lot people! errrr, she would regret doing this to me! -smirk-.


First chapter is done~~~ Thanks for waiting!!! =)
What do you think of the 1st Chapter? =)
I know i have a lot of grammar errors,,,so i'm very sorry =)
I hope you do like it ^___^
well that's all for now =)

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missfilipinoELF #1
maybe it's one of APINK!
Update again :D I feel like it's yuri & yoona or yuri & seohyun idk if they're even in the story xD
katt26kpop #3,update soon!!:D
lol the minwoo and youngmin's pic made me laugh
I like the youngwoo couple <3 omg. Update!
yii <3
update soon..!!
I LOVE THE PICS. XD I'm actually jealous of Donghyun xD (seriously)
I like Minwoo and Youngmin's pic.. makes me laugh xD

waa...update soon!! i wanna know whats gonna happens next!!:D
I'm so excited!!^_^
kwangminnnnnnn! please update XDD
lsksjdkckzksnd s xjxkskr cnallqlrlckzksmfk kkse f UPDATES.
nice story!