Zelo- Time

Endless moments with you (Short Oneshot Collection)

Back with a oneshot with an OC this time so yeah...~

Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/653965/1/all-that-is-left-angst-romance-you-zelo-bap


Just read it down here!~


    May 28, 2014. ‘Today is going to be another halcyon spring day’ I thought to myself, looking outside of the windows. The atmosphere was always crisp and cool in the spring of Mokpo, the different shades and hues of pink blossoms had just begun to fall onto the ground not too long ago either. I was just about finished gathering the lightly used articles of clothing into a laundry basket before heading out to the laundry room.

Since I worked at a smaller and cozier palliative child care center at the time, I was able to tell whose shirt and pants belonged to whom. Regardless if it was for the gossamer fabrics, or if it were the verdant stains from who knows what accident had happened, I could always tell. From Jaehyung, to Ilhoon, and Ilhoon to Eunjoo, I came across a pair of unfamiliar jeans. The jeans looked like they were of a higher brand name. “Levi’s” it read on the inside tag of the waistband. I pondered, curious of whom the pair Levi’s belonged to. I had not been informed about new patients being admitted to the care center, which would not have been a problem at all if there were new patients.

    “E-excuse me miss,” A sudden voice spoke out, extricating itself through a rough cough. I whipped my head towards the direction of where the voice reverberated from, eyes becoming overt at the sight before me. “Is there something wrong?” The tall male who stood before me asked. My mouth opened to reply, but only an eerie silence came out, prolonging the taciturn situation. He waved his hand infront of my face, hoping to catch my attention; I snapped back into reality, and smiled at him awkwardly.

    “N-not at all,” I stammered, “I’m just... tired you know?” I gave out a dry laugh, rubbing the nape of my neck unsuspiciously.  He, the boy, unexpectedly sat down in a propinquity towards me and if he sat any closer, my heart would have probably leapt out of my chest. He smiled, and reached his hands towards mine, giving it a firm, strong, yet kind shake.

“I go by Junhong, Choi Junhong. I’m suppose to die in seven months.” He said this in a nonchalant tone, with a blanked expression that was summarily followed with a smile. His smile was so bright, you’d wondered if he was trying so hard; so hard to not to let the tears that could visually be seen from a good foot away, from falling. I nodded, acknowledging the new information, but I wondered, why?. Why upon our first encounter that he would decide to openly tell me about his death; to talk about it like it was a germane to introduce yourself.

“I’m Cheonsa, it’s nice meeting you, Junhong.” I smiled hearing  his name rolling off of my tongue smoothly.

“Well, then it’s considered a pleasure to meet you, Cheonsa.” He smiled.

“You know,” he began, “Even though we’re strangers, I’m going to make a gambit because I need someone to talk to, and upon my short observation, I’ll just infer that you’re trustworthy.” I nodded and gestured for him to continue.

“So, let’s talk about this, about me.” He corrected himself and continued, “I couldn’t tell my Hyungs. No, not them, not when I’m in this state. I would probably just receive some animadversions from them.” I stared at him, this boy who went by the name of Junhong, telling me about this short-lived life he’s be given.

I learned a plethora about him during that one conversation, like how he went by the name “Zelo” when he was performing, and details such as: his age: seventeen, his dream: to live and become one of the best rappers of the world, and his passion: to dance, and inspire others. He said that when he found out he was diagnosed, he was still promoting the title track of his most current album, “1004”. I found out that he was too scared to talk to s casually, and scared that his fans wouldn’t support him once they found out.

He was wrong, once everyone found out, they began to shower him with love, until he got sick and tired of their “sympathetic-pity”, and decided to ignore them. He told me that he began to push everyone, and everything he once cared about out, and away from his life because he knew that he’d either do one of three things for them.

One: become a living-advertisement for the group’s image and name, resulting his fame into cruel pity. Two: He would be a burden for always having to pull everyone back, because he would not be able to keep up with everyone else. And three: if he stayed and continued to do what he loved, and love everyone he did, he would become too attachted, and forget that he would actually die because of his scathing state of health.

He said that being around the things he loved got so bad to the point where he was told, personally by his parents and multiple doctors, that he’d have to give up everything, or death would snatch it away with a celerity that would leave him out of the hospital quicker than the speed of light. There was no point in giving him a single caveat too because he knew death would be coming along anyways. Therefore, Junhong did as he was told, and he gave up. He said that he gave up on his dreams because he was scared that death would take it when he least expected it, when he was doing what he loved the most, music.

“This is why I distance myself from my friends and family too,” he spoke so silently, it was almost an inaudible whisper, “I distance myself away from those I loved because I didn’t want to die in front of them,  in front of the people I love.” I gazed at the sadness washing upon his pale face.

If a random person had just seen this young, fine, and tall gentleman, they would guess that there was not a single wrong with him, that he was perfect, and confident. Fearless. But they would all be wrong, very wrong indeed. This young male that stood before me, wasn’t perfect at all, he wasn’t confident, he was coward.

“You’re a coward.” I said out loud, not purchasing the scurrilous words that had fallen from my lips.

“E-excuse me?” He said while glowering at me. I could feel anger accosting its way towards me.

“You’re a coward...” I repeated.

“Ahem, you’re a pretty brusque coward yourself for-,”I didn’t allow him to finish his thoughts, so I cut him short of whatever he was going to say.

“No. I’m not.” I stated, “I’m not a coward.” He scoffed.

“So are you saying you’re not afraid of death?” smirking, he saw that I couldn’t respond to his question, “Coward.”

“I am afraid,” I confessed, “yet if I was in your shoes, I wouldn’t allow death to dictate me, my life, and those I love, and cherish. Sure, you may have been told the amount of time you have left, and you may not have much of it left.” He looked at me curious as to what I was blabbering about, did I sound non-coherent to him? Anyhow, I continued.

“But... you still have every right, every say, and every action, to still be loved, and to love, because death doesn’t tell you to stop loving, death just tells you to continue loving, especially since you don’t have a lot time left to do it.” I stated my thoughts before standing up. He grabbed my wrist, I came to a halt, stopping me from leaving.

“Wait,” He murmured, getting up to stand in front of me.

“What is it, Junhong?” I asked with propriety in my voice. He didn’t say a word, but instead engulfed me into his arms, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck and shoulder. I tried to strain away from his hold, but he held on tighter not letting me see why he was doing this. Soon, the sound of suppressed sniffles and hiccups passed through the air, Junhong was crying. He probably didn’t want anyone to see him cry. I smiled at his small action, it was truly adorable how shy he was about crying infront of me, a stranger, even though he was hugging me.

I undulated my fingers through his hair, following the natural waves it had. ‘Silver, he must have dyed it for promotions’, I thought silently, letting father time clock me out for spending time with Junhong. Once he stopped crying, he pulled back rubbing his tear ducts with the back of his hands.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“No, it’s alright, I deal with these kinds of situations all the time.” I commented. He sniffled and smiled at me, his eyes disappearing into small crescent moons.

“Thank you.” He whispered, embracing my short figure in another bone crushing hug yet again.

“You’re welcome, and anytime, Junhong.” After a few moments, we broke away from the hug.




As time passed, meeting Junhong became a normal part of my everyday routine I would always see him right after my school hours were over and the first person on the weekends too. We became closer over time, and before I knew it, three months had flown by, due to the amount of fun and joyful memories Junhong and I made. Whether it was watching movies, star gazing, or just simply listening to the same song, we’d always cherish every moment. Once the fourth month came around, Junhong’s body became unwieldy to his own feet, so he had to get around by wheelchair, but that didn’t stop our friendship from growing.

There was this one time, I remember, where Junhong and I scared the nurses half-to-death because we were racing one another in wheelchairs down the hallways. Before I knew it, time truly deceived me into believing that I still had time with Junhong, it had already been October, two months before his expected death.

Time was slowly slipping beyond our reach because not even a week after Junhong and I raced down the halls, he was on a restriction referral to stay in bed for at least fourteen hours before doing any type of physical activities, which meant I had to either spend my volunteering hours helping the other child patients, or cleaning up after them. All too soon, school decided to cram down on me too, with end of the year exams, so that forced me to spent most of my time studying at the school library. Doing so, only gave me a time frame of about an hour or two with Junhong once a week.




December, Junhong last month already. Winter break finally kicked in, and I thought it would be nice to get visit Junhong as much as I could before time ran out on us.

“Hey, Cheonsa... It’s been,” He paused, recalling his memories, “A while. Yeah, it has been quiet a while since I’ve last seen you. Having you here, like this, feels all too surreal to me like Wonderland.” He laughed at his light remarks and flashed me his signature smile, that was now cover behind an oxygen mask. So much, has changed since the last time I spent time with him. I gave him a sad smile before sitting down next to him. The room got quiet, after a minute of the awkward silence, I reached into my bag, and pushed a small box adorned with golden wrapping paper towards him.

“What’s this?” he asked in a confused tone, eyebrows furrowing and meeting the center.

“It’s a present, silly.” I replied, lightly ruffling my fingers through the strands of his silver, starlight colored hair. The present was wrapped so beautifully, he stared in awe,.

“What are you waiting for?” I asked, “Aren’t you going to open it he asked?” He snapped out of his chain of thoughts, and carefully placed his fingers on the red ribbon, sliding it out of place and off of the golden box. After he got through with the wrapping paper and opened the gift. In his eyes, the gift was the most beautiful thing anyone could have given to him. The gift was a simple O-shaped, crystal adorned pendant, that interlocked around my small heart-shaped one perfectly. Tears began welling in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into his embrace.

“Thank you,” was all that came out of his lips, but in my heart, I knew that what he said was more than a simple ‘Thank you’. It was more of a ‘Thank you for not giving up on me, thank you for creating enough memories to last me a life-time, short or not, and most of all, thank you for loving me.’

Two days after visiting Junhong, a blizzard struck Mokpo, and the power went out for what seemed like weeks, but in reality’s time count, it was only three days. When the power in Mokpo got back to normal, I went to pay a visit  to Junhong, but what I met was a vacant room. All of the posters that once decorated the white walls, were no longer there, the collection of skateboards, and cds that once splayed across the floor, gone. Everything about him was gone, except for the memories and promises we made during the course of seven months. The time we spent with one another became preserved in an estological time that I could never go back to, but know was there.




Thanks Everyone thanks for reading, and yes, I'll write more oneshots, but I need some inspiration! So give me a request, and I shall type lol exm: (Bias/GENRE). :))


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Chapter 4: (^//^) i'm speechless~~ KYAAA~~~!!! Please update soon!!! Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: Kyyaaa!! CHANNIE!! (^//^) Love it!!!! LOL!! Update soon please!!~~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I love it so much! Please update soon! ><
Chapter 2: Wow!! I love it... Are u going to continue?? If you do,, Please update soon!!