Daehyun-Thunder (1/2)

Endless moments with you (Short Oneshot Collection)

“You’re such a Player!”

“Pshhh, let’s just say I’m good with girls, okay?”

“Whatever.” You jokingly stated while rolling your eyes at Daehyun who then shrugged his shoulders.

“What can I say? They came to me like the titanic did to the iceberg!” he smirked, and turned around to get out of his desk and report to the board as class president.




It’s been a long time since you’ve notice these feelings you’ve had for Daehyun; it wasn’t just a childhood friendship to start it out with, but more of a vow to start. You were at the age of 7 when your parents got in a car accident. Your mother passed, while you still had your father. Your father was a great dad up until this point, because he realized that without your mother, there wasn’t really a reason to care, or provide for you so he left. You weren’t a male, you couldn’t carry the family name, and all that you had to remind you of your childhood was that one photograph of your mom, father, and you at the hospital when you first came to the world.


Your grandparents passed away long before your birth, and your aunts and uncles were all in the U.S or Canda, so for you there wasn’t really anywhere left to go. A woman who lived in the same neighborhood, your passing mother’s closest friend, reached out to you and decided that it would be best for you to live with them since your childhood was very corrupted. They had a son who was about the same age as you, his name was Daehyun. You could still remember what Daehyun said when he first heard about what happened to your parents like it was just yesterday.




You walked into your new house and gasped at the size of it. There was a boy who ascended from the top level and met you at the end of the staircase just as you were about to go up.

“So you don’t have a mama, or a daddy? Huh? Is that why you’ve come to live with us?” the curious youngster asked with a bright smile, not understanding the seriousness of the topic.


You looked at him and your eyes met his, soon tears began to flow from your gleaming eyes. A small chubby thumb came up to wipe a tear that was rolling down your face.

“You’re sad, don’t be sad,” you looked up at the boy in front of you and started sniffling.

“I’m not sad... I’m just happy that I have a house now,” you lied trying to hide away the sadness due to the question he brought up not too long ago. You were angry, not at him for not understanding the seriousness of the topic, but to be reminded of it all. The little boy took his right thumb off your face and the tear.


“It’s salty... That means you’re sad. I’m sorry...If what I said was rude. How about this, I’ll promise  that you wouldn’t have to cry anymore from now on because I’ll make sure that when you cry it has to be happy tears. So can you stop crying my mommy might give me a time-out,” his little arms embraced around your small figure.


“I really am sorry though.”

“I’m not sad, I’m mad, not at you, but the fact that my papa was a liar,” You stopped crying but continued to have a slurred speech with hiccups in between every other word. The little boy extended the baby of right hand, you looked up confused.


“What?” you asked still sniffling, and hiccupping in your speech.

“You don’t know what pinky promises are?” You looked up at his face.

“Its like this,” His pinky linked with yours, he had your thumbs connect at the top to create a loop. You were amazed at the sight of how fingers can link in that certain way.


“You see, when we link our pinkies, that means it’s a promise. And when we brush our thumbs against each other, that means it’s a promise that’s not allowed to be broken.” He smiled and you smiled back. That was when you first noticed that you had feelings for Daehyun.




It’s been 10 years since that day, and 10 years since those feelings had first developed in your heart. To be up to date, Daehyun is love stricken by Kang Gaeul, you still have a secret crush on your best guy friend, and worst of all he’s too blinded by other girls to notice your feelings, so it’s like you’re friendzoned indirectly. Everyone at school already knows that you have no parents, and that Daehyun’s parents didn’t even adopt you into the family but you and him just share the same roof.


Which is why you’re constantly getting shot at with horrible names, but as long as you had Daehyun around, no one would pick on you, except for in the locker rooms, because he couldn’t be with you while you were in there. So if you were ever bullied, it would only be in the locker room. Your two best friends, Min and Yerin, didn't have the same P.E. class as you, so they couldn’t protect you there either.




You and Daehyun have always been in the same classes since the second grade and always ranked as top students of the school, he’d be first, and you come in second, closely followed by Gaeul. Last night, he came into your room and mentioned to you that he was going to confess to Gaeul after school tomorrow, once he left your room you began saying your goodbyes.

Today was the day that you could possibly lose Daehyun, your best friend, your crush, and the roof you shared with him. Yes, you promised yourself that when Daehyun started dating and started to become a real man, you’d leave the house because you knew that you couldn’t stay with Daehyun until you were in your nineties.

You knew that one day when he gets married, you’d have to move out.

It was 9:00 am right now and school would end at 5:00 pm. During lunch break you sat on the rooftop with Min and Yerin and talked about who you were gonna stay with once you moved out. You lied and said you’d go and live with your aunt and uncle who were around the district, but they were actually in Canada.


You also didn’t want to be a trouble to your friends because Min had a family of six, and Yerin was living with her single mother. The day went by quicker than you thought; it was already five. Once the school bells rang, you began walking home alone, knowing that Daehyun, and Kang Gaeul were still in the home classroom. She probably said yes. I mean who wouldn’t? Daehyun was smart, handsome, musically talented and very kind. What more could you ask for when god made someone as perfect as him?




You were taking down all of your posters, wall art, and placing them carefully in boxes. Your closet was clean without an article of clothing to be found in it. Everything was in place the only thing that wasn’t packed up was the things that you’ve received from the Jung Family while you stayed there. 10 years of your life, your home, you were about to leave until you heard a knock at the door. It was Daehyun’s parents.


“Hey...Why is everything in boxes? How come your room is all empty? You act like you’re moving out,” Daehyun’s mother laughed it off jokingly.

“Because I am...” you stated in a very serious voice. She looked in your eyes to see if you were just kidding, but your eyes showed no signs of happiness.


“Haha... You gotta be kidding..” Her smile began to slowly fall down.

“Why are you leaving?” Daehyuns father asked in a trembling voice.

“Well,” You took in a breath and held Mrs.Jung’s hands in your hands. “Mr. and Mrs. Jung, you’ve been like my parents for the last 10 years in my life, and I feel like I’ve been troubling you. I just-” your sentence got cut off.


“Where will you stay? You don’t have any family in Korea besides your father who ran away. Where do you think you could possibly run to? We’re your family!” Mrs. Jung began to weep, “Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?” it was getting hard to understand her. You took in another deep breath.


“Well... Daehyun is going to start dating other people soon, and I don’t want to make it awkward, especially since I’m not officially your daughter by law,(not that you wanted to be either because things between you and Daehyun would be straight out weird) and Daehyun doesn’t like girls like me. So there isn’t really a point in staying. Also he deserves much better than a girl without parents plus he probably only sees me like a sister because we’ve been living under the same roof for so long.” your tears began to flow too.


“Couldn’t you just stay one more month?” You shook your head in a polite manner.

“What made you think Daehyun is going to date someone so soon?” Mr. Jung questioned you.

“Well... He has liked this girl named Kang Gaeul for a long time, nine months to be exact and he said that he was going to ask her out today.”

“So, you decided that you want to leave just because of him?”


“Well yes, and because I’ve put up with this one sidedness long enough.”

“But theres no place to go!”

“I’ll find a place.”

“But you’re just a mere child. You can just do chores and stay here.” You took in a breath to let out a sigh.

“Okay, I guess I could-” You stopped in the middle of your sentence when you the front door open, and heavy steps coming in the house.




Gaeul was on cleaning duty today after school, and Daehyun was coming from the library, his off hour. He ran up the stairs, reciting his confession to Gaeul. Daehyun looked in from the classroom windows. He stood there admiring Gaeul’s beauty.


The rays of the sunset bounced off her flawless complexion and it gave her an angelic glow. Daehyun’s heart began to race every second he stared, he took a deep breath and stepped into the classroom. Gaeul looked up from the dust pan and into the direction of where the sound was coming from.


“Hey Daehyun Oppa, what are you doing here?” she ended the sentence with a bright smile that made Daehyun’s nerves shiver a bit.

“I forgot something,” He quickly made his way to her desk and sat in it.

“In my desk?” she questioned in a joking matter and walked over to Daehyun.


“What matter did you forget?” She asked with her arms crossed while chuckling a bit.

“I forgot where the girl I like resides in the classroom.” He replied with a smile.

“You’re so cheesy,” She giggled.

“Fine, I didn’t actually forget anything,” he confessed.


“Then why did you come?”

“Because today, I decided I want you to be my girlfriend.” Gaeul laughed.

“You’re such a flirt Oppa-”

“I’m serious,” he cut her off and looked into her eyes, “So will you be my girlfriend?” She looked down in the corner of her eyes realizing He wasn’t joking, and that he was serious.


“I-I can’t.” Daehyun’s eyes shot up at Gaeul.

“Why!?” He asked in a demanding and curty way.

“I kinda like someone else... but thank you for admiring me in this manner though,” She turned around and just as she was about to take a step Daehyun grabbed her by her wrist, and she looked down at him.


“Kyungsoo... am I right?” Gaeul swallowed the lump that formed in the back of , because Daehyun got her spot on.

Daehyun stood out of her desk and took a step forward.

“It’s fine. Honestly.” He let go of his grasp on her wrist and walked out the door without another word. On that day the classroom remained in silence that was accompanied with the sounds of a broom sweeping.



“Hey, what’s for dinner?” Daehyun called out into the empty lit kitchen, “Hello-” He stopped himself once he realized no one was present. He made his way up the staircase and down the right wing to find that the only room lit was your bedroom. He peeked in through the crack between your wall and the door.


“I- I could stay.” You said in a very promising manner.

“That’s right. There isn’t anywhere else in the world better than home, _____. We’re glad that you decided not to leave.” Daehyun’s parents embraced you in a loving way that made you shed tears.They helped you unpack all the things you’ve managed to have boxed up and laid everything out the way it was before.


Once he was done watching, he turned around and walked down the hall until he got to his room, he spreaded himself on his bed sighing and wondering where he messed up during his confession. He heard footsteps down the hallway, it was you after taking a shower. You quickly made your way to your bedroom and sat up on your bed with semi-dried hair looking around the whole room.




*knock knock*


“Come in!~” You froze when you saw Daehyun at the door way. He walked towards you and sat besides you on your bed with his legs criss crossed. He let out a sigh before breaking the silence.


“So-” You both said at the same time, “No, You go first! I insist” you both said at the same time again.

“Well, How was your ‘Confession’ Did she say yes?” You asked with your hands making the quotation signs.

“Um, she said no.” Daehyun answered with a bright smile.

“Is that so? Why?” you questioned looking deeply at his expression.

“She likes Kyungsoo, You know the one that cooks, sings, and does everything better than me, right?” His eyes made contact with yours before you broke it.


“Yeah, I know him.” the room fell silent again until Daehyun spoke up.

“Random question, did you ever like Kyungsoo, or found him attractive?” You thought and answered truthfully.


“No, but He’s very handsome, and smart though.”

“Ah~ okay. Did you ever like someone who didn’t liked you back and when you found out they liked someone else, you started comparing yourself to the other person?”

“Yeah I’m pretty sure everyones done that.”




“I always wanted to know, How come girls only go for guys that don’t even notice their feelings, and the guy who wants her to notice his feelings isn’t ever noticed? It’s so unfair to have your feelings pushed aside by the person you like because they’re too blinded by somebody else to even take notice your pure feelings of admiration. IT JUST PISSES ME OFF REALLY BAD!” You looked down at Daehyun who spreaded himself across your bed.


“You know what?” you questioned him.

“What?” He sat up once again and faced you still in his school uniform.

“I think that Gaeul noticed your feelings, but notice her feelings for Kyungsoo were stronger than your feelings for her.” Daehyun gave you a stare.


“Are you saying that I didn’t like her enough?!” He asked curtly.

“No, I’m not. But what I meant to say is that she probably noticed someone who had feelings for you that were stronger than the feelings you’ve had for Gaeul herself. One sided love is something I think I could understand a bit better than you ever could.”


“No you won’t understand it better than me, Gaeul was just too blind to see what she already had. You know what? One sided loves are just so-” You cutted Daehyun off with a peck on the lips. He looked at you with a confuzzled expression.



“One sided loves are so unfair, am I right?” Daehyun let out a sigh and began to clear his throat.


“So.. Why did you kiss me?” he started to scratch the back of his neck.

“To see if you’ll notice me. But guess you still wouldn’t.” Daehyun’s hand reached for yours but you retaliated and pulled back, he then looked up at your eyes.

“I’m sorry, I’m foolish for the things I put up with, I know. Good Night Oppa.” You then squirmed up to the headboard of your bed, and pulled over the sheets so they covered your figure. Daehyun, was still sitting on the edge of your bed. He got up and walked towards the door of your room.


“Thanks for the goodnight kiss, can I have another one?” he whispered in a  joking manner, before he left your room.




The following morning Daehyun woke up and stumbled into your room, excited to see his one sided lover fast asleep in a dreamland, but instead he found something more nerve wrecking. An empty room.




Tehehe I saw this its soo cute >_<  ----->


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Chapter 4: (^//^) i'm speechless~~ KYAAA~~~!!! Please update soon!!! Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: Kyyaaa!! CHANNIE!! (^//^) Love it!!!! LOL!! Update soon please!!~~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I love it so much! Please update soon! ><
Chapter 2: Wow!! I love it... Are u going to continue?? If you do,, Please update soon!!