Joonmyun- Prince

Endless moments with you (Short Oneshot Collection)

Lately, In the area of where I live, It's been raining nonstop! so today I've decided that I'll write Joonmyun's oneshot about the rain! I hope you all like it very much! :)




Your thoughts- Blue

Joonmyun’s thoughts- Purple

Minseok’s thoughts- Green




The golden, and scarlet leaves began to feather down the trees that grew against the road while the fall breeze ghosted between your legs lightly. Breathing in the crisp atmosphere, you knew it was another autumn day until winter would come. Like everyday after school, you would have to stay after just to clean up after the students in class 1-A, your homeroom, and then you’d have to water the plants one last time before they would die. Even though it would be useless, autumn was already here.

It never was a burden to actually do all of this because by the time you were finished with cleaning up, you’d always be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the school’s Kingkas coming back from sports events. There was twelve of them, one of them you had a small crush on, Joonmyun, and one of them you knew, Minseok.

Joonmyun is you class’ president, ranked 1st in the school, and very popular with everyone at school, even the boys. He always showed this bright smile that made your day even if he wasn’t smiling because of you. You just liked it. He always showed kindness to everyone in the school, except for you because you were... kind of invisible. You always wished that he could notice you, but you were too quiet, and “creepy” for him to notice you, or at least you thought. Minseok, on the other hand, he was your neighbor.

You grew up with Minseok like peas in a pod, that was until he became more popular with the other kids by playing soccer, and his good looks. After that he just left you and your guys’ friendship back in elementary, and you became a loner since then, at school and outside of it. After losing Minseok as your only friend, everyone else just kind of followed whatever he did, and left you out.

During school, and non-school hours, You often find yourself talking to yourself in order to relieve the eerie silence of having no friends to talk to. You’d also always remember how back in middle school, You tried to fix your broken friendship with Minseok everyday, but doing so resulted in a rumor that you were a crazy, obsessive, lonely person. After the rumor spreaded, everyone avoided you, scared that you would become obsessive, and controlling with them. Even though you knew that in all actuality, you couldn’t even hurt a mosquito if it came to bite you!

Once you were finished watering the soon-to-be-dead flowers, you heard the Kingkas coming around the corner; you hid behind the classroom down to hear what they were talking about. Since you didn’t have any friends, you still had to keep up with the things going on in the school right?

“Hyung, no! I don’t want seating arrangements! I like my seat!” You heard Tao whine, and you chuckled at the cuteness. New seating arrangements? I wonder if I’m at the back again.

“It doesn’t matter, tomorrow we’re going to get them whether you like it or not. The teacher asked of Me, and Yifan-”

“Kris” Kris corrected.

“Me, and Kris-”

“Kris, and I” Corrected once more.

“The teacher asked of Kris, and I to do this.”

“But hyung!”

“Quiet. you’re giving me a headache.” Kris’ voice hinted annoyance from what you could heard through the door. You could help but chuckle.

“Can you at leasht tell us what the stheating arrangementsth are?” you could tell it was Sehun who asked this. His lisp was too adorable to not know.

“In all honesty, I don’t even know what they are.”


“Yep. Well, it’s printing in the other room go check. It should be down by now.” Oh gosh! That’s the room I’m in what to do, what to do!?OH! I’ll pretend i’m cleaning! That it! You thought to yourself grabbing the broom as fast as you could while you heard the pitter patter of their footsteps approaching. The door opened and your back was facing the classroom. You looked over your shoulder casually to catch a glimpse of Tao, Sehun, and Minseok. Your eyes met Minseok’s for seconds that seemed like an eternity to remind you that you are very lonely indeed. His eyes were clear as day, and filled with confusion, and a hint of fear. He quickly eschewed his gaze from you, uninterested in who you were to him, and what you were doing. Your gaze slowly fell down to your feet as you continued sweeping, sweeping away the memories.

“I got it! Let’s go back!” Tao cheered. When they left the classroom, your heart dropped; realizing that yours and Minseok’s friendship and past was preserved in a time that neither of you can touch, but watch and replay over, and over again like a movie. You stopped your sweeping, emptied the dust pan, and walked on over to your items, and packed up to go home. You had to admit it was awkward staring at Minseok the way you did today. It’s been 5 years since you’ve looked at eachother like that. Oh well.



Your blinked up at the white ceiling of your room. Before straining yourself from your soft cream sheets. By the time you were finished with brushing your teeth, washing your face, and combing your hair, your alarm clock went off telling you that you should be up by now. You never found a reason why anyone would need those 5 extra minutes of sleep. You always knew that dreams come true, this included nightmares. So every morning when you wake up, you’re glad that you break yourself away from a made-up world into reality.

You ran down into the kitchen after turning your alarm clock off, and ate a piece of toast adorned with strawberry jam. To wash away the flavor of the bread, you drank cool orange juice, kissed your mom goodbye, and off to the door you went. You didn't realize that it was pouring, so you ran back into your house in an unorganized fashion, grabbed your favorite white umbrella, and bidded your mother a farewell once again. So clumsy! I should’ve check outside first! Now I’m a bit wet, but it’s ok. I like the rain.

“Aish stupid rain!” You looked to your right to see Minseok running on over the cover his bike, preventing it from rusting up. You watched him, eyes rounded when he saw you staring. You turned back around, and walked your way on to school.

“I hate the rain!” Female students shrieked.

“Damn it! I’m going to be all wet now!”

“You can’t get wet! Only girls do!”

“Shut Up!” two male students were conversing while running to the school building

“I should’ve brought an umbrella, Stupid rain!” By passers, and students that attended your school were all raging on the rain.

“Rain, I like you very much. I don’t see why people dislike you. You let me know I’m not falling by my self. That there’s another who falls at the same time. Rain, I like how you cleanse the world from the impurities! I also like it when... when you cry your tears for me! Rain, you do so much! I hope one day everyone likes you as much as I do!”You said to yourself, smiling as you jumped into a small forming puddle like a child, splashing the water on your legs.

“I do too.”A male voice spoke up. Your pivoted on your right leg to see who responded to you,

“I like the rain too.” You were in shock. You couldn’t believe that the man under the umbrella, is Prince of your school who’s standing right in front of you. Talking to you. Smiling at you. Joonmyun.

You quickly turned around and began speed-walking away from Joonmyun, and to the school. You just embarrassed yourself in front of the Prince, your crush! Not knowing who was too far off, the Prince was following your footsteps into the building as well.

“Aigoo!~ He must think I’m weird. I’ve got to stop talking to myself out loud! Aigoo! How will Prince Joonmyun think of me now? Well... He’s probably never thought of me in the first place either; I’m too plain for someone as cute as he is. Aish!~ Pabo! you’re doing it again! Stop talking to yourself!” You scolded yourself with a knock on the head with your left hand.

“I don’t think you’re weird. I think you’re cute too.” You looked behind you, and there he was again all smiles and jazz. You blushed realizing he heard you talk to yourself again. Ok I really gotta stop doing that.

“We all talk to ourselves at least once a day right?” He flashed his eye smiles that made you melt into a little puddle of goo. You slowly nodded getting lost in his eyes, personality, and just him.

“Where’s your class? I’ll walk you there.” He suggested.

“1-A.” You shyly hid your blushing cheeks by looking to the left of the hallway. His eyes widen.

“Woah really? What’s your name? Are you by chance a new student?” He overthrew you by asking so many questions.

“N-no. I’m not a new student.”

“Oh... Then how come I’ve never seen you in class? Have you or are you sick and out all of the time? You don’t happened to be Lee Yoo Jin right? She’s never in class, and sorry for all the questions, I’m just curious.”

“No. I’m not sick.” You manage to stammer out.

“Oh, well in that case who are you? I’m Joonmyun.”

“I-I know...”

“Well?” You looked up at him with confused eyes, “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself to me?”

“O-oh. Yes,” You bowed down at 90 degrees, “ I’m-”

“-Joonmyun!” You heard a voice call from a distant, not letting you finish your introduction

“What?” Joonmyun called back, “I’m sorry you were saying?”

“Well, I’m-”

“Get over here!!! NOW!!! OR I’M GONNA WALK OVER THERE TO GET YOU!” the same voice shouted over yours. It was Minseok. He made his way over to grab Joonmyun away from you, but paused to catch a glimpse of you. He gave you a smirk, and you bit your bottom lip.

“Hey~” Minseok sing-songed to you.

“M-Minseok...” you looked down, avoiding any eye contact.

“Your name’s Minseok?” Joonmyun questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

“No it’s not her name. Anyways, Let’s go Joonmyun!” And just like that, Minseok pulled Joonmyun away from you, who was still curious to know your name.






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Chapter 4: (^//^) i'm speechless~~ KYAAA~~~!!! Please update soon!!! Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: Kyyaaa!! CHANNIE!! (^//^) Love it!!!! LOL!! Update soon please!!~~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I love it so much! Please update soon! ><
Chapter 2: Wow!! I love it... Are u going to continue?? If you do,, Please update soon!!