Daehyun- Thunder (2/2)

Endless moments with you (Short Oneshot Collection)

He began to rub his eyes, in hope that what laid before him was just a dream. But no; this wasn’t a dream. In fact, it was a nightmare to be more precise. Reality. The room was empty, the bed, dresser, desk, and everything else that used to lie there, was no longer present. The walls that were formally hanged with posters, and whatnots, became a white canvas.


He then became wide awake, sprinted out of the vacant room, and down the stairs to make an announcement about your disappearance. He slid his feet and shuffled to the kitchen.

“_____’s gone missing! She moved out, and-” He stopped himself from looking like a babbling idiot to realize that you very present. You sat at the dining table eating pancakes with a slice of toast adorned with strawberry jam for breakfast.


Mr. and Mrs. Jung looked up at Daehyun as if he went mad but continued on with their morning routine ignoring his morning wake. Daehyun took the seat next to you and wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder.


“You really had me going there,” You looked up at him coldly, removed his arm around you and continued to eat your slice of toast. “So, did you move out of your room? Why is all of the furniture missing?”

“I relocated to the vacant room that was across my previous room.”

“The guest room?”

“Yes.” You were replying curtly.


“So about last night, I-” He leaned in to kiss you much like you did last night. You quickly stood up to rid yourself of him and got out of the chair, looking down at your plate.

“I’ve lost my appetite.” Daehyun’s eyes followed you as you walked up to clean your plate off, and head to the door to put on your shoes.


“Where are you going?” Mrs. Jung called out to you from the kitchen.

“I’m going to hangout with Min, and Yerin.”

“Be safe!” she said in a caring voice.

“I will,” you then walked out of the door. Daehyun stood up from his seat to follow you out the door.


“I’ve lost my appetite as well,” a hand reached down to push him forcefully down back into his seat.

“No! I did not cook an extra meal to be wasted so you will SIT DOWN and EAT this wonderful breakfast that I, YOUR LOVELY MOTHER, made!” He jumped at his mother’s threat and began to eat his breakfast like a good boy should.




Once breakfast was over, he reportedly got back to his room,not missing out the chance to also check up on the new room you were staying in. Thirty minutes later, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup, and JunHong showed up at the house and retrieved up and into Daehyun’s room.


“So what’s with the urgent text?” Youngjae asked, a bit annoyed to find that Daehyun wasn’t exactly in a life or death situation.

“Girl problems,” laughter soon filled the room and everyone in the room began clapping their knees, rolling on the floors, and all that jazz.


“I’m serious!”

“Was it Gaeul?” YongGuk asked while trying to catch his breath from all that laughter. Daehyun shot a cold stare at everyone and they immediately stopped fooling around.

“Okay, now that I’ve got everyones attention, the thing is that... yesterday she kissed me and-”


“WOAH, wait! Who’s ‘she’?” Youngjae quickly questioned Daehyun.

“Um well it’s ____,” Daehyun confessed.

“Finally, she took forever to make a move,” Jongup comment

“Wait, you knew she’s liked me?”


“Hyung, we’ve all known this for...3 years now, already?” JunHong answered a bit skeptical if he said the information correctly and everyone shook their heads to confirm it except for Daehyun.

“Why did she tell you guys out of all people (not to be rude)?!? and how come you guys didn’t attempt to hint me about this?”


“Well she didn’t exactly tell us, it was just obvious in everything she did, and said towards you. Also we didn't bother telling you because we thought you’d be smart enough to notice her feelings, but I guess for a ‘Top Student’ like you, you're lacking in common sense, and something not for a smart man.” Daehyun winced a bit at YongGuk’s response.


“Then how come she hasn’t tried to tell me earlier?”

“Because she’s shady.”

“And you aren’t?” commenting on Jongup’s answer.


“Well anyways, the thing is that after she kissed me last night, I found out that she liked me, and the thing is that this morning I tried to welcome her a bit more and she just pushed me away coldly and ignored me.”

“Maybe because she thinks you’re too touchy.” Himchan declared

“Touchy?” Daehyun rose an eyebrow.


“Yeah, did you try to hug her or do anything weird earlier?”

“Well, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and try to lean in for a kiss but-” He was cutted off by JunHong.

*Buzz, Buzz* He imitated the sound of a game show buzzer, “___ is probably thinking that you’ve became a creeper overnight.”

“Maybe,” Daehyun said nodding his head, “But what if-”

“You’re my only one way, ojik noereul wonhae. Naega ni gyeote isseume gamsahae.” Himchan’s phone rung out heavily.

“Who is it?” Jongup questioned.


“It’s just Ailee. She’s facetime calling me. Say ‘hi’ everyone.”

“Hello~!” everyone called out.

“Hey what are all of you doing here?” Ailee asked.

“Daehyun’s got girl problems.” Youngjae said in a laughing matter as Daehyun shot his killer eyes down to Youngjae for him to stop.


“Aw, what happened?” Ailee curiously asked after seeing Daehyun’s sad face.

“Well he got reject by Gaeul yesterday, and at night he found out that ___ had liked him for a long time. Also, today she’s been treating Daehyun coldly so we think that she probably thinks he’s become too touchy and clingy.” Himchan explained.


“Oh,” Ailee said nodding, “Daehyun, it’s not that you’re too touchy, or anything she just feels like you gave her second place.” Daehyun looked at the screen of the phone.

“Second place?” He asked.

“Yeah, kinda like Ice cream,” she responded.

“Ice cream?” All of the guys in room questioned with a confuzzled expression.


“Gosh you guys are so- Nevermind,” Ailee responding facepalming and shaking her head.

“Daehyun think of it like this. Gaeul is Vanilla Ice cream and ____ is like Chocolate Ice cream. You’d choose vanilla ice cream right?”

“Yeah, why not it’s vanilla?” he responded with a slight smile.

“But let’s just say there was no more vanilla. So you’d choose chocolate right?”


“Yeah, but why wouldn't there be anymore vanilla? Doesn’t the ice cream parlour restock?”

“Just be quiet and listen to what I’m trying to tell you okay?” He nodded. “You see that fact that you’d choose Gaeul over ____ and the fact that you’d only chose ____ because you couldn’t have Gaeul makes her feel like she’s just a second choice.” Daehyun then understood what You were feeling and started to get a bit teary.


“I feel so stupid.”

“You should.” Daehyun glared at Himchan for his comment.

“The thing is that I really didn’t want to make her feel like a second choice. I just... I...” Daehyun stopped himself and smiled.

“I just got overwhelmed in happiness to find out that someone like her could actually like someone as horrible, selfish, and careless as me. I’ve been pushing away her feelings just so I could focus on my own. I can’t believe she’s been putting my feelings in front of hers just so I could be happy. She’s been putting up with my selfishness and didn’t even try to say anything. She’s probably been crying secretly after I told her about my feelings for Gaeul so I wouldn’t have to know about what she’s been doing, ” Daehyun was starting to hiccup during his speech.


“Hyung, stop crying you look ugly.” Youngjae whispered into Daehyun’s ears and he and everyone else hugged him tightly. Daehyun gradually calmed down.




“What would you like?” the coffee shop cashier asked.

“Um... three Green tea frappuccinos please.”

“Coming right up,” you handed your money to the cashier, and then sat down at the table with Min and Yerin.


“Thanks for treating us to drinks,” they both said.

“No problem, I wanna thank you both for taking your time to spend it with me today at the Trick eye museum, and now a coffee house.” Your friends and you had endless conversations about school, boy bands, and life. Everything was pretty normal until Min went off topic.


“So did you move out?”

“Oh no. I decided to stay with the Jungs, but moved to the empty room across my old room. Also the Jungs are really nice and-”

“Daehyun probably got rejected huh?” Yerin blurted out. You nodding in silence.

“Three Green Frappucinos!” was called out you got up to get the order for your friends and you and sat back down.


“So tell me: did you tell him about your feelings?” Min was questioning.

“No, I.. I-”

“You what!?! Just tell us already c’mon we're your best friends!” Yerin called out to you.

“I kissed him,” you said while looking down at your lap. Jaws were indeed dropped.

“You WHAT!?” they both shouted.


“Shhhh!~ you heard me the first time!” you said in a scolding manner.

“Oh my! Did he kiss you back?”

“Did he tell you he likes you back?”

“Did he try to do more than return the kiss-”

“SHHHH!!!!~ Do you guys know how to calm down and keep your voices down?” they looked down with frowns because you scolded them again.


“But did he kiss you back?”

“No... but he tried to grab my hand.”

“How romantic~.”

“I pulled back and told him to go to sleep,” you replied curt and in a serious manner. Your friends’ dreams about you two were, again,  indeed crushed.


“Why, Isn’t that what you wanted him to do?”

“No... I just wanted to get rid of my one sided feelings, because they’ve been hurting me more than I thought they would’ve.”

“So you planned to kiss him and immediately shun him away from you?” Yerin questioned and you nodded slowly.


“Why though? I mean why shun him all of a sudden?”

“Because he did get rejected, and I’m just like his second choice.”

“Ahh~” Min and Yerin nodded their heads. You and your friends continued to talk until it was around 8pm. The heavy rainstorm began to roll in with light droplets and you all decided it would be best to head home.




When you finally arrived home, and opened the front door with your keys, it was roughly about nine o'clock. Mrs.Jung was still up and greeted you she waited up at night for you to come home just to make sure you came back safely. She’s so generous to even serve up a special home meal just for you. Once you were done eating, she told you to go shower and rest up for tomorrow.


You did just as you were told to do. While walking down the hallway, you checked in Daehyun’s slightly opened door to find it completely dark. He must’ve been sleeping you thought to yourself. When you opened your room you found Daehyun making a place on the floor for him to sleep right next to your bed.


“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like, I’m sleeping with you tonight,” he replied curtly.

“No you’re-” You got cut off when the loud boom of thunder crashed through the room. It was so scary to where your hairs stood on end. You quickly crawled into your bed.

“Okay you can stay, but don’t do anything stupid!” you warned him.


“Stupid?” he questioned while lifting one of his eyebrows.

“Yes stupid?”

“Like what?”

“You know what I mean!” He smiled cutely and in an instant. your cheeks were flushed in a light pink.


“The only stupid thing I’ve ever done was ask for someone who didn’t like me, when I could’ve easily appreciate your presence there,” he then smiled. You rolled over to the edge of your bed, and on your stomach to face him. You shot at him.

“You are stupid...You’ve been too stupid to realize my feelings I’ve had for you for 10 years. And once you found out that Gaeul doesn’t like you, but I do, you expect me to fall into your arms, but no. You’re wrong! I’m not going to be your second choice.

On top of being stupid, you’re selfish. You pushed me away for 10 years trying to focus on other girls that don’t give a crap about you! The thing I hate most about you is how you never noticed anything about me for 10 years straight!” Daehyun allowed you to finish as your breath became heavy.


“I know, I’m a stupid, selfish, person with only cares about himself but I have noticed you. I’ve notice that when theres a spider in your room you immediately hitch your voice and ask me to kill it for you. I’ve notice that you can’t hold a grudge for longer than an hour. I’ve notice that everytime you get an A- on a test you tend to push yourself even more.

I’ve notice your favorites colors. I know your father dropped you at age 7. I KNOW that you can’t properly sleep when there’s a raging thunderstorm with lightning so you ALWAYS ask me to come sleep in your room and hold your hands throughout the WHOLE night without letting go!”


After Daehyun blew off steam, the room became quiet. Slowly a slight tear came rushing down your cheek. You knew he was right. He got you spot on. He knew everything about you. He’s... He’s noticed you. Your tears were soon wiped away by Daehyun’s thumb.


“I’m sorry... I just... I get mad too.... I’m sorry so please don’t cry ____,”  Daehyun took in a deep breath and wiped away your continuous tears.

“Are you sad?” You shook your head at his question. Daehyun was staring at you falling apart slowly, he then removed his right hand from your face to dab his thumb on his lips. It came to his realization that you weren’t crying tears of sadness but tears of happiness.


Daehyun cupped his hands around your face and closed the distance between you and him. His lips were soft, and warm. A smile formed on both of your faces as he kissed your lips once more this time he was more affectionate.




The sounding of thunder crackling broke the kiss as you pulled back to cover your ears, seal your eyes tight, and trembled as countless sounds of thunder echoed throughout the room your room. At your trembling figure Daehyun took you by the forearm pulling you, and your sheets down ontop of him. His warm arms engulfed you in gentle touch that had your trembling stop, and tears of joy fall once more. He then pulled the sheets over the both of your heads.


“Don’t be scared I’m here,” he placed his soft lips on your forehead while pulling you closer to his chest, “I’ll always be here.” You nodded and began to snuggle in his warm, and strong embrace. Throughout the night not another single sound of thunder disturbed you for where caged in his embrace that let you know you were indeed safe.




The sun was creeping through the curtains on the following Sunday morning. Daehyun was still fast asleep with you, who was still in his embrace.




You like? Hope you did :) I spent 2 days planning and writing :D
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Chapter 4: (^//^) i'm speechless~~ KYAAA~~~!!! Please update soon!!! Hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 3: Kyyaaa!! CHANNIE!! (^//^) Love it!!!! LOL!! Update soon please!!~~ Hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I love it so much! Please update soon! ><
Chapter 2: Wow!! I love it... Are u going to continue?? If you do,, Please update soon!!