(2) Wonbin & Jaejin (part 2)

Lets play a game : Of Life & Death

Their blindfolds were taken off, and the boys found themselves standing outside an empty, badly lit room. The men who were holding them flung them into the room, sending them sprawling across the cold hard cement floor, a loud thud echoed as they fell.

Wonbin got up immediately after falling, trying to ignore the pain as much as possible. He trudged over to Jaejin to help him up, when he notice the chain locked around Jaejin's ankle.

"Yah, you okay?" Wonbin asked as he trudged over.

Jaejin tried to sit up, cringing at the excruciating pain on his back.

"Argh hyung. My back hurts" Jaejin cried out. He had fallen on his back when the masked men threw him and Wonbin into the room.

Wonbin carefully helped Jaejin sit up. Seeing Jaejin wincing at almost every little move was painful, he didnt like seeing Jaejin suffer this much.

A loud screech suddenly filled the room. The boys shuddered. The familiar eerie voice spoke to them again.

"riddles will be given, for you to solve. If one fails, the other will fall" the eerie voice paused momentarily. The boys frowned, trying to figure out what she was saying.

"listen well my precious ones, pull the lever and you will free, little Jaejin from his misery. Hidden is the lever, but it isnt hard to seek, if only you know where to see"

And eerie laugh filled the room, followed by the same loud extremely high-pitched screech. The boys shuddered again.

Both Wonbin and Jaejin turned to look at each other. And at once both of them thought they knew the answer to that riddle.

Wonbin trudged back to the exact spot he fell on. He tapped the floor lightly. Soft thuds indicated that the floor was hollow. Wonbin smiled to himself, he was certain that he had found the lever. He kicked onto the hollow spot on the floor using his right heel. Once, twice, thrice, and finally on the fourth try the floor gave in and broke into pieces.

But the was no lever there.

"Hyung, my spot is hollow too" Jaejin called out, a little too late.

Water started filling up to room, almost to Jaejin's showlder level as he sat and struggled to break free from the chains.

"Hmmm" the eerie voice seemed happy. "Looked at the wrong place, i see?" She bellowed, pleased with herself. "Lets move on, shall we?"

She filled the room with her eerie laughter.

Jaejin and Wonbin cursed under their breaths.

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MiaAmelia #1
Chapter 13: Please update!~ The story is so good :33
JuzzMee #2
i miss this story so much... really hope you will start to update it again
Wow! This really is thrilling. I almost cried when the lady said that Hongki and Seunghyun's time is up because I know that she will torture them and she knows the others will feel sad also. I feel I want to cry because: 1.Wonbin didn't see them for a long time and this is how they reunite?, 2.I was thinking of Minhwan of what will be his reaction, his the maknae and I'm sure he will be the one who's scared the most. 3.I don't want S.T Island(I just made it into S.T because they are six and I want Wonbin to come back in the band and make it Six Treasure Island)to be hurt like Seunghyun and Hongki. 4.What if Hongki can't hold the mic and Seunghyun can't play the guitar properly when they need to perform as the last challenge? 5.I hate seeing all of the members be tortured like this. But I also feel entertained on knowing how the members will solve a life-threatening problem like this. Good Luck in writing more chapters to be added in this story!~FIGHTING!~
Sicko~ update soon :))
K-pop4everlover #5
Wahh~! you updated at last!!! >0<
but it's too short but at least you updated ^0^
pls update soon~ ^-^
K-pop4everlover #6
update pls~~~ i really really want to read the next chapter of your ff~<br />
update pwease~<br />
pretty pwease~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
This story is just lovely, unnie~ I hope you update soon, even if it's been a month... But that's okay! I enjoy this enough to stay with you, so please, take your time-- school comes first. ^^
updated soon :D