Chapter 16: "I'm not gonna consider her as a sister-in-law"

A cluttered birthday wish

Chapter 16: “I'm not gonna consider her as a sister-in-law.”

“Andy yah! What is it!?” Eric asked worryingly when he ran to the bar Andy had asked him to come.

“Hyung, you’re here.” Andy sighed happily. “I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Eric leaned closer and patted the maknae’s knee. “You know you can tell me anything.”

Andy smiled and said, “I am really sorry that I shouted at you the other night.” Eric blinked his eyes and was inside his thoughts as he started to think which night Andy was meaning. “The night when I told you to start acting like a leader. I’m really sorry, hyung. I don’t know what got into me. But you have to know that,” Andy got closer to his hyung. “I meant every word then though.”

“Woah…” The leader sighed. “I really thought you were about to say that you didn’t mean those words.”

“No, no! I meant every single word.” Andy laughed. “It’s true. You do act like a douche when you’re with Hyesung hyung.” He said. “But I am sorry, hyung that I shouted at you. I should’ve been more reasonable.”

Eric nodded. “I understand. But Andy ya,”

“What hyung?”

“Why did you call? You kinda…um…ruined my meeting with Hye Rin.”

Andy smirked. “I did?” He interrogated exaggeratingly sad.

Eric nodded and took a glass of soju Andy had poured to him. The maknae tried to hide his smile but he just couldn’t. So Junjin’s plan had worked? Daebak!

“I’m sorry.” Andy apologized. “I didn’t know you were on a date with her.”

Eric tsked. “It wasn’t a date.”

Andy frowned. “It wasn’t?”

Older man shook his head. “We were just hanging out.”

Okay, now the maknae was super bewildered. So, Eric didn’t consider those ‘meetings’ as dates? What the ? Eric thinks that he and Hye Rin are only hanging out? Wow! Andy knew that Eric was an idiot but he had no idea that the leader of the legendary idol group was a .

“If you’re just hanging out, why were you about to kiss her today?” Oops! Andy thought covering his mouth with his palm.

Eric raised an eyebrow. “How did you know that we were about to kiss? Were you spying on me?”

“AH! NO, NO, NO!” Andy shoved his arms around. His loud voice caused people in the bar to look at him confused. “I just…um…um…” Come on Andy! Say something!! Say the something! “Umm…I…umm…I was jogging and ran pass your and Hyesung hyung’s apartment buildings and saw you there with her.” He blabbered.

“Ah, really?” Eric questioned. “I didn’t kiss her though.”

“Hyung,” Andy mumbled while pouring another glass of the bitter soju drink that actually tasted like disinfectant. “Why are you with her?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you planning to marry her?” Andy was getting ‘a bit’ tipsy. “Because if you are,” he stopped for a second to imbibe the drink. “I’m not gonna consider her as a sister-in-law.”

“Andy ya,”

“Hyung,” Andy muttered. “You have to do before you think…wait, no…you have to think before you do.” The maknae was drinking a bit too much and his voice was getting unclear. “I just think what’s the best for you, Jung Hyuk ah.”

The leader stared at the maknae who was slowly passing out still talking nonsensical stuff. “Because I love you, hyung. Every single one of us in Shinhwa…loves you hyung…especially Hyesung. He loves you like crazy. He loves you madly.” Andy said. “So, please. Don’t marry Hae…no, He…no, HyeRin.” He whispered. “You’re going to choose the wrong one.”

Eric frowned and jerked the 6th (Andy’s soju tolerance is 8 bottles…I think?) bottle of soju away from Andy’s hand, earning a pout from the maknae.

“Hyung~!” The supposedly drunk maknae whined. “Give me back my bottle.”

“No,” Eric said gently. “You’re drunk enough. Your alcohol tolerance has decreased, Andy-sshi. Maybe you’ve gotten so old?”

“I’m not old!”

“No, you’re not Andy ya. I was just kidding.” Eric chuckled amused. “Let’s go.”

“To where?”

“I’ll bring you home.”


“What Andy?”

“You didn’t promise!”

Eric blinked his eyes as he lifted Andy’s left arm onto his shoulders. “Promise what?”

“Don’t marry that girl…I’ll hate you forever if you do.” The maknae murmured cutely. “And so will the other four.”

Eric sighed. “Of course, Andy ya. I will not marry her.”

“Good. Hyung?”

“Yes, Andy?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Junjin was sitting at a back of the bar when the door tingled and a tall man entered. A smirk curved onto his lips as he winked at the smaller guy who was sitting at bar, rolling a glass of soju in his hands. From afar Junjin didn’t see whether Andy was nervous but the way the man was biting his lip gave his nervousness away. Eric, who was the man (no ), walked towards the other rapper and sat in front of him, smiling widely.

The two talked some time, mumbling something Junjin didn’t catch. He was sitting farer from the two but was still able to hear their conversation. ‘Hyungs’ flying here and there, Andy drinking soju like it was juice or something and Eric just nodding and replying whenever Andy said something.

When Andy was pretending to be drunk, Junjin grinned. He knew that Andy was an amazing actor. They had seen it in Shinhwa Broadcast episode ‘Shinhwa’s dignity’. Andy was perfect in portraying a drunken man. Junjin laughed at the corner.

“I’ll bring you home, Andy ya.” Junjin heard Eric say.

“Hyung,” Andy spoke cutely.

“Yes, Andy?”

“You didn’t promise!”

Junjin nodded to the maknae.

“Promise what?”

“Don’t marry that girl. I’ll hate you if you do. And so will the other four.”

Junjin noticed how Eric looked at his youngest brother, replying, “Of course Andy ya. I won’t marry her.” That was the thing Junjin wanted to hear. He smiled and when Andy slightly turned to look at him at the door, he smirked and gave a short nod.

“Good job, Andy ya.”


Eric was ordering his morning coffee at Hye Rin’s coffeeshop when something caught his eye. To be honest, his heart skipped a beat when Pil Kyo’s face paraded on a magazine cover with a text ‘Love is in the air? Not oil and water anymore?’ The leader of Shinhwa gulped and moved next to the magazine holder, pulling out that pinkish gossiping magazine.

He opened the middle page and gasped.

Shin Hyesung says, “He is perfect in every way. I love everything in him. His eyes, the way his nose wrinkles every time he smiles, his mouth and lips and his character. But most of all I love Eric himself. He is the leader. He is the one I feel safe with.”

Eric read the article further and every single line made him angry. The thought of innocent Pil Kyo in a coffeehouse with an interviewer who had asked inappropriate questions made Eric’s blood boil.

“Oppa,” Hye Rin squealed. “Here is your coffee. Oppa?”


“What are you reading?”

“A magazine. There was an interview about Pil Kyo. What did you say?”

Hye Rin smiled bitterly. “Here’s your coffee. Do you want to take that magazine? It’s free for you, oppa.”

The man nodded, slid the magazine between his arm and rib, took the coffee cup and exited the shop. When he sat at the backseat of his car he took the magazine out and started to read it again. When had Pil Kyo done that interview? Who let him do it? Why didn’t anyone prevent him? Why had he spilled everything out just like that? Hadn’t he thought about Shinhwa at all?


“Yes, hyung.”

“Can you hurry? I really need to see Pil Kyo now.”


“Hyesung ah!” Minwoo and Dongwan whined in unison. “Why didn’t you think before you answered!?”

“What have I done? I don’t get it!” Hyesung interrogated innocently.

“This!” Minwoo shoved him the magazine. “You totally blurted everything out about you and Eric. Do you know that this,” Dongwan tapped the paper, “is a reason for Eric to shout at you?”

Hyesung’s eyes widened. “ I…I…seriously had no idea what I had said!”

Minwoo sighed. “This time,” he said. “I don’t know how to protect you when Eric comes here.” He mumbled.

“Don’t worry, Minwoo. I don’t think he’d be that—“


Hyesung, Dongwan and Minwoo turned towards the door where Eric stood, hands onto his hips, magazine unnaturally in his left hand.

“What the hell is this!?” Eric spread the magazine open from the page Hyesung’s face paraded.

“It’s an interview.” responded the main vocalist dumbly.

“I know what it is. I just really can’t believe that you did something like this! Have you any idea what you have done to us?”

Hyesung pouted.

“Have you any idea what this will do about Shinhwa activities?”  

“I’m sorry, Eric ah. I didn’t know that they would actually put that part into the interview. And the questions were stupid and I just answered because I don’t lie…and…and…” Hyesung took steps back slowly as Eric advanced him hands ready to strangle his neck. “Hyung! Don’t do it~ Hyung~!” Hyesung escaped when Eric almost touched him and he started to run around the studio.

Minwoo and Dongwan sighed when Hyesung was laughing and Eric was cursing because the main vocalist thought it was funny. Junjin and Andy arrived to the studio together and the view amused them.

“What’s happening here?” Andy asked.

“Eric read the interview.”

“What interview?”

Minwoo and Dongwan unfolded their paper and showed the main page of the gossip magazine to the maknaes. Andy gasped and turned to look at Junjin who, for some reason, was smiling like a fool.

“COME HERE PIL KYO!” Eric screamed.

“Hyung’s so funny!” Hyesung giggled.


Hyesung turned around to jeer at Eric when suddenly the leader stumbled to a chair, lost his balance right in front of Hyesung, who didn’t have time to think, and pushed him with his body to the floor, covering the small and slender Jung Pil Kyo, the lead singer of Shinhwa, with his heavy and bigger body. Hyesung heard a crash and he had closed his eyes. Eric bemoaned. Slowly they opened their eyes, as if being afraid that it might hurt.

“E-e-Eric,” Minwoo stuttered.

“Hyungs,” Andy widened his eyes while nibbling Junjin’s sleeve, who whined ‘mommy bird’ at the same time. Dongwan was so frozen that he didn’t move at all. “A kiss…”

Eric opened his eyes rapidly and so did Hyesung who startled as soon as he noticed the stare in Eric’s eyes. It was a kiss…sort of a kiss since Eric’s lips were touching the tip of Hyesung’s nose, but that was enough for Hyesung to blush and Eric to maneuver off of him in fast speed. Amazingly Eric’s cheekbones were slightly redder than before.

“Hey, what is that?” Hyesung questioned blinking his eyes.

“What is what?” Minwoo commented confused.

“That shiny thing in Eric hyung’s pocket.” Hyesung responded.

Minwoo, Dongwan, Junjin and Andy stared at the main vocalist like he was a maniac and the leader looked at him shocked.

“What shiny thing?” Andy pouted. “I don’t see anything.”

“It’s a bracelet.” Eric mumbled seriously.

“A bracelet?” Hyesung interrogated. “Why does it shine?”

Eric cringed as he pulled it out of his pocket. “It doesn’t.” he hissed and hurried out of the studio.


On a lunch time Shinhwa members crammed into Hye Rin’s café, keeping a loud noise, causing customers to look at them. Eric’s bracelet had wrapped around his wrist as soon as Pil Kyo had noticed its shine and now he couldn’t remove it anymore. Minwoo and Dongwan were noisier than ever and their bad jokes weren’t overlooked. Junjin and Andy were awkwardly silent and they stared at the two particular hyungs who kept the well-known distance between them.

“Oppa.” Hye Rin patted Eric’s shoulder. “I’ve got something to tell to you.”

“Okay?” Eric motioned with his hand that they should go to more private place and she nodded. “What is it?” He asked.

“I have a trip planned.” She replied solemnly. "And I'm leaving tomorrow."     

This story is near the end's like I just started this story...I've had so many writer's blocks with this and answered to so many questions and comments that now I feel sad when this story comes to an end. :( 

I seriously never thought that this story would become this loved. I've never considered myself as a good writer so you have no idea what your support, comments, votes and subscribings mean to me. ;___; Every time I get a subscriber I start panicking that now they are  going to get disappointed and stop reading this. And believe I've lost several subscribers with this ff. It feels sad and bad but what can I do? I know I'm not an angel. I'm not like Gwillion or Shintahahaha xD

I seriously cried for two hours WHEN I BROKE 100 SUBS! I seriously cried my eyes out. AND I NEVER CRY!!!! You made me cry people!!!! <3 I'm envious to authors whose stories will always get 120 subs ganz egal (sorry forgot what that's in English) what the plot is like and I always will be....but I like to write stories to lower amount of subs. :) It feels like you're writing them for a family (Omg I'm super cheesy today). And I've gotten used to it...not to have many subs I mean. xD lol!

This story is the only one of mine that I feel stressed about whenever I start writing. xD Because I know people like this very much. Or how the hell would I know? :D

You know what I wanted to do at the end of this chapter?

I wanted to list all of my subscribers here...buuuut since there's too much....I just can't. D:

And I would really love to thank you all just being there and reading this. I feel like crying now but since I am a tough and a cool girl (as if xD) I'll keep the tears inside until I'm all alone. xD

Tomorrow is my German final exam second part. xD lol!


Cheesy I know. -____- 


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bc my heart and chest hurts to know that this'll


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Chapter 22: love this story author nim.. hoping there's more...
ninabulett #2
Chapter 22: And then it ends.. *sigh*
Finally finished was always a bit sad to reach the end of a chaptered fic, especially a good one like this, but i'm happy..kekeke..still i feel the need to be back and reread this, still fangirling, lol~
Thank you authorsshi~ (>^^<)
ninabulett #3
Chapter 19: This and the previous chapter were just too freaking cute! XD I need to stop hitting my pillow..but this is too cute i can't stop fangirling! *squeeeeeeeeal*
My fave chapter ever! >\\\\\\\<
ninabulett #4
Chapter 16: Your rambling is cute~ XD
I know i'm 2 years late, but i'm gonna vote the story coz i really like it, i like how the story progressed..and i love andy here! XD ..the only one i dislike is that hye rin.. And eric made me want to smack his head or something.. -_- ..
ninabulett #5
Chapter 3: Just started reading the fic, i've never read any ricsyung fic with this theme before! Looks really promising, i'm excited! Daebak authorsshi! XD
Chapter 22: Awww..such a sweet and cutr story.great job authornim!
Chapter 22: Awww. I love everything about this story. The resolution was so lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 22: I know why this is one of your favourite fanfics now :) The 22 chapter fanfic marathon was worthwhile and the feels I felt were crazier compared to watching "A Walk to Remember".
Chapter 22: It happens all the time, but I just keep finding the best things late.

This was sooo freaking amazing and I just loved every second of this story. Eric and Hyesung were both entertaining and so was their love. This was honestly my first time reading a ricsyung fic, but I loved every second of it and you definitely made me a believer ^.^

I cannot tell you how many times I had to hide my face in my pillow and scream like an idiot because of just how good this was...Thanks for the totally amazing story and I would definitely read this again!!! (^.^)
Chapter 22: Ah, just read this...
Love this fiiiic, surely ricsyung team will be happy!
Thank you for bring this great story up, author-nim ;)