Chapter 14: 고마워, 필교 = Thank you, Pil Kyo

A cluttered birthday wish

Hahaaa! AN UPDATE! Six days since the last update. AHAHAHAHAHHAH! lol! 

Hopefully this ain't dull! 




BY THE WAY: I CRIED TOO. T_________________T WHAT AM I? A CRY BABY?  

Chapter 14: 고마워, 필교= Thank you, Pil Kyo

Eric stared at the ticket and the movie with wide eyes. He then lifted his head from them to look at that one particular member who had given it to him. Pil Kyo wasn’t paying any attention to him, he was just collecting the ripped paper from the floor and glancing around the room as if to find more trash to clean. Eric followed the main vocalist and his heartbeat kept increasing every time he pouted.

“Hyung,” Andy blinked his eyes.

“Yes?” Eric interrogated while looking at the main vocalist.

“Can I see that?”

Eric, absent-mindedly, gave the plane ticket and the movie to the maknae, still not really understanding why and how. Minwoo narrowed his eyes – that made them look even smaller- and tilted his head while poking Dongwan who hit him annoyed back.

“Look,” Minwoo mumbled while pointing at Eric. “Where is he looking at?”

Dongwan shrugged and turned to look at Eric and his expression that resembled a lost puppy. He then returned to Minwoo who still had that weird look in his eyes and shrugged again. This time, they both turned to look at Eric and his frozen eyes and body.

“Woah,” Junjin spilled out. “Really? A plane ticket to the States?” He questioned amused. “Someone must really love you hyung.”

“What?” Eric snapped.

“I just said that someone really loves you hyung.” Junjin repeated offended. “Don’t be so angry, geez.” He muttered.

At that moment Andy figured something out and gave meaningful winks towards Dongwan and Minwoo who frowned quizzically and tried to comprehend what was their maknae signing about. Hye Rin sat in front of Eric and she kinda noticed how her Eric oppa was staring at the main vocalist of Shinhwa. She gritted her teeth as she slid closer to Eric and clung onto his arm. The man cringed.

“Oppa,” She sang. “I love you.”

Shocked, Eric turned to look at her with wide eyes. What should he say? There was nothing in his mind right now. Just a blank line went through his head and played an annoying sound of ‘beep’. The man was awfully silent and he realized it in some point since only thing he could say, was, “I love spending time with you too.”


Hyesung hurriedly closed the kitchen door and pressed his slender body against it. He let out a long and deep breath, holding his chest that furiously rose after each inhale. A smile formed onto his lips as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of his beating heart. He had done it. He had actually done it. And it was a success. The one he had been planning for two days had been a success. It had worked. Well, sort of.

“Hyung!” Junjin screamed from the living room.

“Yes?” Hyesung answered still leaning onto the door.

“I am hungry!” the baby bird whined hitting the door with his knuckles. “I need food!”

“Calm down!” Hyesung yelled. “The food is coming in a minute!”

The hitting on the door quieted down and the main vocalist ran to his oven to check the quality of the meat. A grin curved onto his lips again as he saw the look on Eric’s face when he opened the gift. It was amazing. Hyesung sighed. Eric was like a little kid when he let out that happy gasp. He even knew that the manly man wanted to cry but didn’t because there was Hye—

“Aish,” Hyesung whispered.

He didn’t buy the gift because he wanted to win Hye Rin. No, no! Hyesung wouldn’t be like that. He had already conceded his defeat towards her. Hye Rin was something Eric needed to have his dream future. He wanted children and to get married. And that’s why Hye Rin was there.

“Not because of me.” He murmured sadly.

The gift was just to show Eric that he was still there as a friend. Not as a crazy fan boy, who loved him and wanted to be with him so bad that his heart was aching from the thought, but as someone who Eric could turn to. As always.

“MOMMY BIRD!” Junjin shouted obviously crying. “BABY BIRD IS HUNGRY!”

Hyesung let out an exasperated sigh and it was obvious that Junjin heard it since the screaming ended and he returned back to the couch. The main vocalist smirked and put his oven mittens on and opened the door and pulled out tasty looking piece of meat. He took a sniff and exhaled.

“Great,” he praised and took steps back towards the table where he landed the plate. He then went to the fridge and took things out from it, stuffing every part of his body just to get everything onto the table. He was just about to switch of the stove when someone entered the room and made him clasp his hand onto the hot cooker.  

“Sorry, Pil Kyo,”

Hyesung screamed as he pulled his hand off of the hot stove and ran to the faucet to run cold water onto it. He exhaled relieved when the throbbing and the terrible burning in his hand somewhat went down.

“Are you okay?”

Hyesung startled when he at last realized who the intruder was when he took his hand and started to it under the icy cold water. Eric stared at the hand with a frown trying to ease the pain. Just him being there made Hyesung endure it.

“I-i-i-I am fine.” He stuttered. “Really.”

The main vocalist pulled his hand away and turned his back to the leader who bit his lip.

“What was that present, Pil Kyo?” he interrogated.


“That present. What was it?”

“A gift.”

“It was too much, Pil Kyo.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

“If you don’t like it, I could just take it back and use it myself. There are really nice shops in New York.” Pil Kyo threw back.

“No, I like it.” Eric replied. “It’s just that…how did you know?”

“I just know you Eric ah,”

“Pil Kyo,” Eric said seriously.

“I eavesdropped my hyungs conversation.”

Eric bit his lower lip angrily and closed his eyes.

“Sorry. I heard my—I mean yours and Minwoo’s conversation. Happy?”

Eric nodded slowly.

“Can you go now? I need to focus onto cooking. As much as I love you Eric ah,” Hyesung spoke nervously –blushing after realizing what he had said - and busily. “I have to keep preparing the feast. So shoo~!” 

The leader was pushed towards the door from where he turned around and glanced at Pil Kyo who blinked his eyes in bemuse. He was taken by a surprise by the taller man who awkwardly curled his arms around him to give him a hug. It was troublesome and not really romantic just a hug between friends – for Hyesung’s disappointment.

“Thank you,”

Hyesung got frozen

“Thank you, Pil Kyo.”

Main vocalist’s eyes went closed quite soon and he too lifted his arms behind Eric’s back, not scaring the man though. The hug was too short but Pil Kyo knew it wouldn’t last long since Eric’s annoying girlfriend – to whom, by the way, Hyesung was super jealous – was there with them.

“I will go now. Hye Rin’s waiting.” Eric mumbled.

“Oh, alright. Tell Jinnie that the feast is done soon.” The little prince exclaimed under his blush that got redder and redder after the leader had exited the kitchen. “You’re welcome, Eric ah.”


Jae Ha felt a stung in his heart and once again he heard a voice inside his head. It made it throb and ache and he got down a bit. It had been a while since he got the last and still this was even more powerful. It felt like the two, who were having the curse – Jae Ha was sure that there were two of them -, were getting closer but still their happiness was obstructed by those two obstacles that Jae Ha didn’t know existed.

After his father had told him about the candles and about the thing that he will die if the curse got broken, he started to search for information about his family’s history and he managed to find something rather interesting. There was a way to keep him alive.

He needed to fall in love.

“That shouldn’t be difficult right?” He thought out loud. “I just need to find the right one.”

There was another thing Jae Ha knew for sure. It was that rapper from that longest running idol group that had had comeback a year ago with that awesome song called Venus. Shinhwa was it? He pondered while he lifted some kind of potion onto the shelf. He had accidentally found their fan page and when he had seen that rapper – that he recalled to be named as Andy -, he had been surprised and flattered. A celebrity had visited his dad’s insignificant shop. That was kinda honorable, right?

Jae Ha chuckled. Now all he had to do was find someone to fall in love with and the ones that had the curse on them. There were lots of single girls out there in South Korea and lots of people in love that could have the curse in them, so Jae Ha had no idea where to start.

One thing was clear though, he couldn’t tell anything to his father.


Hye Rin was awkwardly quiet when she and Eric walked towards her place. It wasn’t that far away from Eric’s and Hyesung’s apartment buildings but it did take a while to get there.

“Oppa,” She finally said.


“What happened to you and Hyesung oppa?”

Eric cringed. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” She spoke. “I noticed the distance between you and him when I first started to like Shinhwa. Hyesung and you don’t mix and Hyesung oppa always says how he hates you and how he detests being with you. But that isn’t what I saw at my early Christmas party. He seemed pretty clingy. Should I get worried?” She pursed her lips.

“What?” Eric laughed. “Pil Kyo is harmless.”

“Is he?”

“Yes. You have nothing to be afraid of.” The man stated. “He may be clingy but I don’t care about him. I care about me and my life.”

Hye Rin smiled.

“Pil Kyo is like a puppy.”

“A puppy?” Hye Rin blinked her eyes.

“You love it when you see its smile and the twinkle in its eyes, but when you see it being sad and not-loved, you feel incomplete.”

Hye Rin frowned. “What does that mean?”

Eric knew what that meant but gave a shrug to her because he didn’t want any other questions. Hye Rin didn’t give up though.

“So,” She started. “You love him at first but then you realize that you could have something better and see all the faults he has?” She added.

No, Eric thought. “Yes, exactly like that.” He, however, responded. “You are so smart, Hye Rin ah,”

“I know, oppa!” She squealed. “It’s all because of you.”

The main rapper of Shinhwa grinned and took her hand into his and led hear into the subway station. It was already pass midnight.


Minwoo smirked.

“What’s that disgusting smile on your face, hyung?” Junjin interrogated.

“This,” Minwoo pointed at his mouth, “is my ‘I have another plan and I need to execute it before I die’ face.” The main dancer explained.

“What plan? What are you talking about?” Junjin answered.

“Oh, yeah, you’re not in the team.”

“What team? What are you talking about, hyung?”

“I, Andy and Dongwan have a team.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

“It’s called RicSyung.”



“Like Eric and Hyesung?”


“Wow,” Junjin clasped his hands together. “You’ve been busy.”

Minwoo nodded. “You should thank our maknae. He started it.”

“He did?”

“Well, I helped. But that’s not important. Do you want to hear my plan?”

Junjin contemplated couple of minutes before he flashed a smile and nodded eagerly. He was so joining this RicSyung team in any cost.

“I try to break Hye Rin and Eric apart.”

“Okay? That sounds pretty good actually.”

“Right? But I don’t have an exact plan yet.”

“You just said that you do.”

“Well, I don’t. Andy’s usually the brain but since he’s not here, I really can’t plan anything.”

“You could try. Eric hyung is really considering to continue this relationship.” Junjin’s body shivered. “I really disliked that girl. Ruins everything. She ruined Christmas. She ate my ginger bread man!” he cried out.

“Calm down, Jin ah.” Minwoo laughed. “We just have to destroy their next date plan.” He laughed ominously.

“I have an idea, Minwoo, but,” Junjin narrowed his eyes. “I will not tell you it, if you don’t let me join this team.”

The main dancer pouted and stared at Junjin.

“Welcome to the team, Junjin-sshi. So, what’s your idea?”    

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bc my heart and chest hurts to know that this'll


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Chapter 22: love this story author nim.. hoping there's more...
ninabulett #2
Chapter 22: And then it ends.. *sigh*
Finally finished was always a bit sad to reach the end of a chaptered fic, especially a good one like this, but i'm happy..kekeke..still i feel the need to be back and reread this, still fangirling, lol~
Thank you authorsshi~ (>^^<)
ninabulett #3
Chapter 19: This and the previous chapter were just too freaking cute! XD I need to stop hitting my pillow..but this is too cute i can't stop fangirling! *squeeeeeeeeal*
My fave chapter ever! >\\\\\\\<
ninabulett #4
Chapter 16: Your rambling is cute~ XD
I know i'm 2 years late, but i'm gonna vote the story coz i really like it, i like how the story progressed..and i love andy here! XD ..the only one i dislike is that hye rin.. And eric made me want to smack his head or something.. -_- ..
ninabulett #5
Chapter 3: Just started reading the fic, i've never read any ricsyung fic with this theme before! Looks really promising, i'm excited! Daebak authorsshi! XD
Chapter 22: Awww..such a sweet and cutr story.great job authornim!
Chapter 22: Awww. I love everything about this story. The resolution was so lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 22: I know why this is one of your favourite fanfics now :) The 22 chapter fanfic marathon was worthwhile and the feels I felt were crazier compared to watching "A Walk to Remember".
Chapter 22: It happens all the time, but I just keep finding the best things late.

This was sooo freaking amazing and I just loved every second of this story. Eric and Hyesung were both entertaining and so was their love. This was honestly my first time reading a ricsyung fic, but I loved every second of it and you definitely made me a believer ^.^

I cannot tell you how many times I had to hide my face in my pillow and scream like an idiot because of just how good this was...Thanks for the totally amazing story and I would definitely read this again!!! (^.^)
Chapter 22: Ah, just read this...
Love this fiiiic, surely ricsyung team will be happy!
Thank you for bring this great story up, author-nim ;)