Drowning in Pain

Deadly Fate

     To pass the time, I went to see a movie with a little friend of mine, a small child who belonged to my brother. She looked up to me so much, even after her father passed. She begged me to take her to see Despicable Me 2, and when I agreed, she jumped all over the room, causing a giggle to escape my lips.

     I kept a gray scarf around my still clearly wounded neck.

     A breeze kept me cool and I was able to keep the pain minimum.

     I drove her to the theater after a few minutes of preparation, and she was exclaiming how much she loved the tiniest minion as we passed a cut out of them. I smiled and bought the tickets.

     As we purchased snacks, a coffee-like scent took control of my brain and I became feverish. I bit my tongue to keep the pain away and I tried as hard as possible to breathe only through my mouth.

     I groaned and rubbed me neck, which to no surprise made the pain worse than before.

     "Ah, sir, can you take care of her, I need to-" I dashed to the bathroom to catch my breath.

     I felt completely nauseated by the pain, and what made it worse is that I left my brother's child outside with some stranger at a counter.

     I clutched my chest in discomfort and snatched my phone from my back pocket and dialed Hakyeon right away.

     "H-hello?" I breathed heavily, leaning against the wall for support.

     "The person you are trying to reach is busy at the moment. Leave a message for this person at the beep," the recording played. I gave up and merely tried to keep the agony away as I watched the movie.

      I hate Cha Hakyeon, hate, hate, hate. I wish I never met him, I wish he wasn't ever a part of my life, and not a cause of my pain.

     I breathed in and out as if I was about to give birth. The need to remove my scarf was enormous, but I didn't need this little girl to be afraid of me. I had enough to deal with.

     I gripped my chair and as soon as the movie was over, I took my friend into my arms and took off, happy to be in the car to go home.

     "Was that fun, Nayoung?" I spurted out a sentence so she didn't feel completely ignored.

     "Yeah, I liked the part where..." she began and continued all the way home. I dropped her off with a hug and a a goodbye, but before she left, she announced, "Unni, why are you so warm? It's cold today."

     I shrugged, replying with a childish answer she chuckled at.

     I left with a sigh and drove home to find a car in my space.

     Who's that? Mom? I wondered, exiting my own vehicle to unlock the door and find a red-haired man leaning against the wall in the hallway.

     I collapsed to the floor with a relieved yell. He only laughed.

     "Miss me, I suppose?" he said cockily. I groaned at him.

     "Don't talk. I want to let you know you were correct. Don't be all self-confident as usual, just shut up and let me enjoy this." He only smirked, showing a motion of zipping his lips. He took me by my scarf and pulled me closer. It felt like the best sensation in the world at this moment, even though I didn't want it to be.

     "H-Hakyeon..." I whimpered. "I did miss you... I wasn't aware, but everytime I am even a mere mile away from your aroma, I die a little. I'm not going to say I love you. Don't even think about it. I don't want you, I just need you. I need you to live. Because you marked me, plus you failed to tell me to keep my hands away from the wound, so I need you, Cha Hakyeon. I hate you, but I need you," I announced, and he kept quiet even then.

     He opened his arms, as if asking if I needed a hug. It wouldn't hurt, actually. It'd be the opposite.

     My arms slowly slid around his waist and he took me into his body. His scent rubbed off on my clothing afterward. Goose bumps spread all over my body during the embrace. I shivered from how cold I felt with him in the same room as I.

     "I hope that keeps you pain-free for the next four hours. See you at the coffee shop," he rubbed my back, and with that, he disappeared.

     His scent was sure to keep me happy for all my life.

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Next chapter is done my lovelies~ If you want it, come get it! keke just kiddin, it'll be up in a bit~^^


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Chapter 6: Gosh I need more.
Chapter 6: Aww~ Cute.
Chapter 5: Goodness. you're so awesome.
eLquinox #4
Chapter 4: Update soooooooon......

I'm dying here because of N!!! Ahhhhh... *fans self*
Me subscribe means me likey~ /got hit by a train/
Chapter 4: Interesting x3
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: please update .. its soo interesting