
Deadly Fate

     Across from me sat my friend, my enemy, a foreigner and a nuisance. His chocolate brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight that shone through the windows. He seemed bugged by the sun's radiation.

      "So," he locked eyes with me and didn't take them off of me for the whole time he spoke. "Why'd I invite you here, you ask?"

      The café was empty. Just him, Cha Hakyeon, and I. He was reading my mind, or so I thought, for I felt his eyes penetrating my brain, searching through my current thoughts. I just nodded to his question and folded my arms.

     "Well, you see... My dear friend has been killed. His name... Actually, that he never told me. Not even if I forced him. He was killed by someone tall, dark, and magnificent. Or, so they say. I've met this murderer. He goes by the name Leo. He's a vampire. Not the kind I'm friendly with." Hakyeon sipped his coffee.

     "So, what exactly are you saying?" I questioned.

     "I need you to kill him. You're all the help I need. You will be my minion, my servant, my slave. I will make you mine but... First, I must also tell you something else of your interest." I nodded, keeping silent.

     "I'm a vampire. Not one of Leo's kind. More sophisticated. Meet me at 7 P.M. over in the forest near the river," he finished speaking.

     "What forest?" The man looked into my eyes again, staring deep into my soul.

     "The big red rock, go up to it and wait for me. I'm the only one who has discovered this forest. I know how to get in. Don't worry," he cleared up.

     "Why will I be there?"

     "Why do you ask so many questions... Really..." he sighed. "The only way to make you my servant is to turn you into a vampire fledgling. Initiation isn't as painful as it sounds, either~" he smirked and with that, off he went. So smooth and silent. Well, look at what I get to look forward to at 7.

     Upon arriving home, my billions of thoughts and worries buzzed around in my head like bees. I remember the first time we met. He was a customer at the restaurant I ran about three years ago. His hair was ash brown, long, and swaying in the draft from the creaky doors. Not many people were fond of this place for it's unstable... Well, everything. Only the ruthless ones would come.

     After chatting with the cocky man, he became a regular customer.

     The day the place closed down was a strange one. As far as I remember... Hakyeon wasn't there that day. I recall a tall guy with short, dark brown hair coming in for the first time.

     While this stranger was there, the restaurant went berserk. Lights flickered on and off as if some misbehaved child had found the light switch. The draft got stronger and the cool-colored autumn leaves flew in through the doors in strong gusts of wind. I decided it was just a slight storm, so I went back to cleaning.

     After the man finally left, the building began to stop spazzing. Somehow, a hole was left in the ceiling, the fans had crashed to the floor and a strong smell of iron filled the room. I decided to check if anything strange had gone on in the kitchen.

     The smell got stronger as I entered the dark kitchen. Cold breezes wafted through the air, only bringing the scent closer. I carefully switched on the lights.

     I'd walked into what was soon to be crime scene. All my employees were either dead or heavily injured. Blood stained the floors, the walls, and the bodies. One of the workers that was killed just happened to be my brother.

     I had to shut down the place in order to keep others safe.

     After recalling the disaster, all I felt like doing to pass the time was sleeping. Only nightmares came from that, and every since the incident, that's all that did come from sleeping. Hakyeon reassures me sometimes, but I don't trust him much. I have believed that the killing had something to do with Hakyeon, but I wasn't sure what.

     My alarm clock practically screamed in my ear, waking me up right away. 7 already... I thought, somewhat worried about this whole "initiation" thing.

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Next chapter is done my lovelies~ If you want it, come get it! keke just kiddin, it'll be up in a bit~^^


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Chapter 6: Gosh I need more.
Chapter 6: Aww~ Cute.
Chapter 5: Goodness. you're so awesome.
eLquinox #4
Chapter 4: Update soooooooon......

I'm dying here because of N!!! Ahhhhh... *fans self*
Me subscribe means me likey~ /got hit by a train/
Chapter 4: Interesting x3
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: please update .. its soo interesting