
Deadly Fate

     After a slightly awkward walk home, I slumped down in my bed, safe from any other unwanted events. I sang lightly in my mind, a song that I wanted to live, but as I sang it, the lyrics were altered. What I wanted to hear was "I only know you, I love you." What came out instead was "That's all a lie, I hate you," and I jerked the covers off of my sweating body and sat at the edge of the bed, cooling myself off.

     I poked at the bite marks, which stung more than ever at this point. I cringed upon the burning sensation and stood up to get cool air.

     I tried staying up as long as possible so I wouldn't have to face the creepy nightmares or deadly thoughts that came to mind being alone and tired.

     The clock on the microwave read 2:45 AM, so I decided to take another attempt at falling asleep.

     This time, I lay on the cool couch with fans above me so I wouldn't overheat.

     Come to think of it, everytime I got slightly warm, I couldn't control my thoughts, as well as my pierced neck which I believed would start a fire.

     I was only thinking happy thoughts, like I'm glad I have nothing to do this summer, I'm free to do whatever I want, I could go swimming tomorrow with my friends, go to a CPU room maybe!

     I finally drifted off with slightly happier thoughts, and my dreams ended up lighter as well. I dreamt of my old friend Sanghyuk who I haven't seen since grade school. I remember having the hugest crush on him. He gave me candy, jewelry, and stuffed animals any time he got his allowance.

     Although I never had the courage to ask him out.

     He disappeared out of nowhere the next year, and I was obviously heartbroken. I haven't loved anyone since. I was too afraid that if I did, they would leave as well.

     I didn't get attached to anyone or anything until recently. The only person I treasured was my brother, who I was sure wouldn't go anywhere, as I never believed in death. But the tragic accident came in a flash and everything I loved was gone.

     Maybe that Hakyeon was right, he didn't cause the death. He left and was probably miles away from the building when the incident occurred. To be honest to myself, Hakyeon is almost like a copy of my brother, only I dislike him a lot more.

     I jumped awake, somehow burning hot and full of pain in my neck and shoulders.

     My phone buzzed next to my leg, displaying a phone call from Hakyeon. I hesitantly answered, and as I heard his melodious, honey-like voice, the heat vanished as did the pain.

     "You don't mind me calling right now, you're not busy, yes?" he questioned.

     "I wish you wouldn't have but go ahead, I have nothing else better to do at 6 in the morning."

     "Sorry if I woke you up. I have a question. You haven't happened to touch the marks yet, have you?" he seemed a little worried, reminding me of my caring brother.

     "Yeah, a bit, why?" I answered, to which he stayed completely silent.

     "I knew I should have told you earlier..."

     "What? Told me what, why?"

     "Aish, you ask so many questions! Let me answer one at a time, okay?" I sighed deeply and agreed. "If you touch the marks two to three hours after you've received them, you'll be mentally attached to the giver. You'll be in terrible pain if you're too far away, not hearing or seeing from that person. Have you felt any bad pain recently?"

     I groaned, wanting to reject this news. "Yeah..."

     "Well that's a problem. You can let me know if you want anything from me, anytime, got it? I don't want you to feel hurt all the time."

     "I don't need y-"

     "Yes, you do. It may not seem like it but if you start feeling pain after I hang up, that's not my fault. Your choice. I have a few things that can help you if it gets to the point where you just can't live without me, but you won't need them just yet. Shall I see you at the coffee shop later tonight? 8 perhaps?" Hakyeon finished off.

     "...I guess. Don't expect any type of PDA though, alright?" He chuckled and said a sweet goodbye before hanging up.

     Surprisingly enough, he was right. I began to warm up immediately but without pain, at least not yet. I wasn't sure if I could last fourteen whole hours.

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Next chapter is done my lovelies~ If you want it, come get it! keke just kiddin, it'll be up in a bit~^^


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Chapter 6: Gosh I need more.
Chapter 6: Aww~ Cute.
Chapter 5: Goodness. you're so awesome.
eLquinox #4
Chapter 4: Update soooooooon......

I'm dying here because of N!!! Ahhhhh... *fans self*
Me subscribe means me likey~ /got hit by a train/
Chapter 4: Interesting x3
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: please update .. its soo interesting