
Deadly Fate

     I traveled over to the glittering river, which had always been the source of my good memories. That was probably going to change negatively without delay.

     I examined the rocks that lined the river, finally discovering a massive maroon rock.

     I stood by it impatiently, waiting for Hakyeon to arrive for "initiation". My god, even the name sounds scary...

     "Initiation isn't as painful as it sounds, either~" I sighed, recalling what Hakyeon, that messed up vampire had stated earlier today.

     I rolled my eyes just enough while waiting for him, thinking by the time her arrived, my eyeballs would have fallen out of my head. Then, as I was swearing to myself, he appeared out of thin air right in front of my eyes.

     "Yah! Cha Hakyeon, you punk!" I smacked his shoulder, to which he just chuckled.

     He tapped the big rock a few times, almost like Morse code, and a colossal green forest popped up from the rock as it cracked open. I gasped as the charming scenery emerged out of that crimson colored rock. He gently took my hand and pulled me into the jade forest.

     I was biting my lip during the deep journey through the forest, scared and somewhat intrigued. It was a mixture of all emotions possible, actually. I couldn't explain it. Hate, pain, fright, and... And love.

     We stopped out of nowhere, interrupting my thoughts. He s his arms around my waist and kissed me with those poisonous lips. I began to kiss back slowly, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His head soon drifted lower, down from my chin, to my jawline and soon, my pale neck of which he was about to snack on. He placed a few small kisses in one particular area to prepare my sensitive skin to be pierced by his pearl white fangs.

     Before he even barely grazed the surface, a loud voice shouted from near, "Stop right there Cha Hakyeon!"

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Next chapter is done my lovelies~ If you want it, come get it! keke just kiddin, it'll be up in a bit~^^


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Chapter 6: Gosh I need more.
Chapter 6: Aww~ Cute.
Chapter 5: Goodness. you're so awesome.
eLquinox #4
Chapter 4: Update soooooooon......

I'm dying here because of N!!! Ahhhhh... *fans self*
Me subscribe means me likey~ /got hit by a train/
Chapter 4: Interesting x3
update soon ^^
Chapter 3: please update .. its soo interesting