Page 8 : Optimistic

Dear Diary


Dear Diary,

When the driver first walked in, he looked so nervous. He probably thought I was going to be rude and mean to him, since..well..most people probably would be, but not me! I welcomed with open arms and a smile, and I saw him physically relax as I bid him good morning :) 

We didn't really talk about the accident, I don't think either one of us wanted to relive it. He asked me how Seunghyun is doing, I told him how he's waking up and doing great, but other than that, anyhing related to the incident was not mentioned. We talked about our interests, he told me he's currently unemployed, but his wife works in an office. The have three children, two boys and a girl. They're absolutely adorable, Diary! He seemed really thankful over the fact I was kind and understanding to him.

I didn't really mention my incident, but as soon as he knew I was the Kang Daesung of BIGBANG, he probably already knew why I did this. My accident was huge news here, so he must know of it..

He was called a murder, a sick monster, and he got suicide notes from angry fans, but I helped him focus on the positive. 

Diary..I really have trouble writing this. It hurts to even think about it, but I need to get it out, so I will try.

Diary, he was going to kill himself tonight. As soon as he finished his meeting with me, he was going to drive his car into the lake and drown. He told me that because of me, he wasn't going to do that. 

I wonder if this is how Seunghyun felt? I'm so elated that I saved this man's life. This man that has a loving wife and three children, I save that family..

I feel so overwhelmed right now, I need to sleep. Good night, Diary.

~Smiling Angel D-LITE ^-^ <3



Dear Diary,

Seunghyun smiled at me today. It wasn't a big smile, but I was telling him some stupid jokes and his lips curled up into a half smile. 

It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen..

I asked him if it hurt to smile and he said yes. 

So I asked him why he did it if it hurt?

He said, because I looked so miserable.

Later on when he went to sleep, I looked in the mirror and, Diary..

I looked nothing like the Daesung I remember..

Dark bags under my eyes, my skin pallid, my hair a complete mess..

My eyes have no life in them, Diary. 

Even though I'm so happy Seunghyun is waking up, I looked so miserable. Why?

Is it because, I'm still afr

I don't think he's gonnna r

BIGBANG will never be the s

It must just be stress. I'm gonna go take a nice warm shower and try to liven myself up, good night, Diary.

~Smiling Angel D-LITE ^-^ <3



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hasusmile #1
9/7/2013 and now is the end of 2016 :)))))
I have just read your fic, "Dear diary" and then... it make me cry. Your writing...your fic... It's awsome!
I really love your fic and I want to ask you if I can translate it to Vietnamese? I promise to take out with full credit and send you the link to the translation as soon as I finish translating and post this.
It's too late but I'm looking forward to your reply <3
Zimmy02 #2
Chapter 13: no! why? why?! ;A;
I'm just... my todae fell

btw thank you for the story author-nim :')
esja3224 #3
Chapter 13: No. NOO. WHY?! ARGHH :( this is so beautifully written, and the saddest fic ever. Good job author-nim, though I'll still hate you for killing Seunghyun and Seungri, and breaking my Dae XD

Write more Dae pairings please! :) But happy ones! Fighting!
Chapter 13: NO OMG I can´t STOP CRYING ;_; I´m depressed becuase of this..My Seung Hyun...My Dae...My Seungri ;_; MY FEELINGS X,DDD
This is the saddes fanfic I´ve read..Why? DSAJHADGJDHS *DIES* X,D
Arvena #5
Why?! Why?! I can't stop crying... I really wanted it to end up in some happy way... But I guess that's the deal about life. We can't choose the future. I was perfect, perfect in every single way. Although I was crying all the time, I was crying because I could feel all those emotions radiating through your words. It was brilliant, amazing and simply perfect...

I'm waiting for more ToDae. Please, write more.
Congratulations again.
And this time rather than with lots of love-I think it's more lots of tears and pain...
Arvena :3
RadiantBelle #6
Chapter 13: Waaah! Gosh! I think my heart just stopped... Why life is soo hard? Why Top? Why Seungri? I need to calm down... Ok... This is only a fanfic, this is not going to happen right?!?! RIGHT? I will get my emotions straighten first... Please, author-nim, more Todae or Gdae, or whatever pairing there is Dae! <3 saranghae! ^^
Chapter 11: Wait! No! You can't! Why?! I cried since the first chapter... How can you do something like this to my pure heart? How could you?
Arvena #9
I love it... Words can't describe how much I love this story. And to be honest, I really feel shivers go up and down my spine when I read the next chapter. I love how you send us little messages by these crossed lines! It's a brilliant idea! And the most wonderful is that even when you read this you can feel that this is happy and positive story, you can still feel how hard it is for Dae, how he is hurting inside.

Well... It's brilliant. One of the best I've read. And my only worry is that you will finish it with sad ending... I hope that maybe they can be togheter?

I'm always waiting for your next chapter.

With lots, lots, lots of love,
Arvena :3
Chapter 11: OMG what happened? ;___; No no no no ;o;
OMG you need to update, I think I´m going to cry a lot x,DDD