The Return of Eli

The 13th

The 13th part 6


While hugging her I felt her body go limp. I pull back, and see Angel's eyes roll into the back of her head. Then they close. She gets up slowly, and walks towards the edge of the roof. "Angel NOOOOO!!!!" I grab her as she steps off the roof. I'm holding onto her arm tightly. She just dangles there out cold. I don't have the strength to pull her up, but I can feel myself slipping. I have to call Luhan.


We've finally manage to calm TOP hyung down. Now we're just waiting for the girls. "Luhan I need help up here. Angel just tried to jump off the roof. I'm holding onto her, but we're slipping." I jump when I hear Boms mental message. "Roof now Angel in danger." Everyone hops up, and sprints to the roof.


the door slams open, and I run straight to Bom pulling her, and Angel up. "What happened??!!!!!?" "I don't know we talked then hugged. Then her eyes rolled back, and close. She stood up, and walked over to the roof edge, and jumped." I cradle her head in my lap willing her to wake up. She starts to move, but she looks scared. "No no..... leave..... me.....alone please. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" She screams in pain. Then starts to whimper. I look down at her in shock, but then I see her arm. It's red almost like she been burned. I pull her sleeve up revealing that her whole arm to be like that. "What is that?" Bom ask quietly. "I don't know, but I know it has something to do with Lucas(Eli)." "Ah TOP you might wanna see this." Seungri calls over. I get up,and walk towards the edge of the roof. I look over, and down. Lucas(Eli) is standing in the middle of the street looking up. I jump down off the building landing lightly on my feet. "Leave Lucas(Eli)." "Sorry brother, but that's my property up there." "She's no ones property, but she's especially not yours." "Aren't you wondering wae her arm is like that?" "How did you...." "Know. Well her, and I are similar. We are both turned vampires. I am her master, and the longer she's away from me the more that burn spreads. She will also remain unconscious. You see my blood is what keeps here going." He pauses for a moment. "The only way to stop this process is to A let me give her blood, or B find a way to make me relinquish my master status over her." "Wae are you telling me this?" "Just thought thought like to know wae she's gonna die soon." I must have snapped because next thing I know I back in YG, and it appears the others have captured Lucas(Eli). "We need to give Angel some...." "We know TOP we heard what he said, and it's already been done. She should be waking up soon." Tao says. "Where is he at?" H'se at are home, but don't worry he's being guarded, and there are barriers set up so he can't escape. We will return back home, and try to figure out a way to break the bond." Kris continues. Leo enters the room. "She's awake." Leo mumbles then leaves. We both leave the lounge, and head to YG's office. She there looking confused. When she sees me I can tell she wants to ask me what happened. She looks over at Kris, and blushes. Kris chuckles. "You know your not the only one who tried to bite me so don't worry about it." Kris looks over at me, and smirks. "What!!?? It was one time!!" "Put two zeros behind that one." I hear giggling, and see Angel laughing at us. "So Angel do you remember being on the roof earlier?" "To tell you the truth I remember everything that happened while I was up there. It's weird, but I could see everything that was going on, but couldn't physically do anything about it." "Do you know wae those those things happened?" She shook her head no. So for the next hour I go through everything with her. What he told, and what I know about the bonds. Her eyes slowly start to dull as she realizes that sheay never be free. I just sit there wondering if her and Lucas(Eli) are really ment to be.

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