Teentop Facts

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Teentop Facts/ Anecdotes



C.A.P: “IIIII…. sleep a lot. *laughs* I don’t think so but other people do, so I’m a sleepy head *laughs*” Niel: “Even if it’s only 5 minutes, he (C.A.P) devote every spare moments to sleep.” Niel: Even if he (C.A.P) wakes up he doesn’t get up. We have to kick him out to wake him up.”


When L.Joe talks in his sleep, Chunji & Changjo struck up a conversation with L.Joe and he actually replied. That scares them. After L.Joe did a conversation with Chunji & Changjo in his sleep, he couldn't remember it at all in the morning.


L.Joe: As you can see Niel talks a lot and he talks even more on an everyday basis. That’s why it’s a problem. It gets tiring. Niel: *laughs* I’m the energizer of the group ! Teen Top: But you’re so loud! Chunji: That’s why I sometimes tell him to be quiet or to shut up *laughs* Niel: Ah, no. It gets really noisy when Ricky, Chunji and I get together. We hold our own concert in our car when we are traveling back and forth to the regional areas of Seoul. Ricky: We scream along to other singers’ songs. Niel: Changjo acts as the radio DJ since he sits up front. C.A.P: That is why I put on my earphones to listen to music. Chunji: And sometimes, C.A.P joins in. He sings in a high-pitched voice. Interviewer: Don’t you think your manager has a hard time listening to you guys sing like that? Niel: No. We sing that way so he can stay awake because we think he might get sleepy. *laughs* Chunji: That is the reason why we sing!   Interviewer: Can you tell us an incident involving when you met your fans face-to-face ? Chunji: A lot of interesting fans come whenever we have autograph sessions. If I have to talk about one thing…there was this fan dressed in hanbok (Korean traditional costume) who brought a table full of food that bowed in front of me. She said she was my wife. *laugh* L.Joe: She also asked all of us to sign a marriage certificate and I felt uneasy doing it. *laugh* Niel: Do you think that means you are actually married now? Ricky: Well, we actually signed it. It was quite scary. Chunji: So how many wives do we have? We’re in trouble now.    

Teentop Anecdotes

1. Niel stopped playing soccer because the sun was too hot and it was too tiresome.

2. When Niel was in elementary school, he was playing by himself when two older girls walked by him and whispered to each other “Hey that kid’s kind of attractive?” Niel thought that they were badmouthing him so he got together his friends and they threw rocks at the girls, yelling “GO AWAY!! I SAID GO AWAY”


3. Niel’s face is the size of a fist…but his lips are also the size of a fist


4. L.Joe’s first love was a Chinese girl named Angela. He showed a picture of her to Chunji but he responded with something along the lines of “She isn’t even that pretty”


5. C.A.P has a lot of pictures of Niel on his phone. When Niel found out, he became really scared of C.A.P.


6. Chunji performed “Love119” with C.A.P, but during the performance, his voice cracked. Watching this, the members covered their faces in embarrassment. Changjo covered his face and said, “I was always embarrassed of him.”


7. C.A.P’s fan asked him, “Do you miss me?” and C.A.P replied, “No.”


8. Niel has very light eyebrows and when he takes off his makeup, it looks like he doesn’t have any eyebrows at all.


9. Changjo always talks back to his hyungs, and L.Joe always accepts it, but when the cameras turn off, he becomes instantly different.


10. There was a lot of bad rumors surrounding Chunji: He was a gangster and player in high school, had many girlfriends, and took his girlfriends to karaoke.


11. When Ricky acts cutely to Changjo, he just looks at Ricky with a straight face.


12. Changjo only does aegyo when he’s told to. On a daily basis, he never does aegyo.


13. A fan asked C.A.P to sign her CD and he asked her, “Is this your name?” She nodded and he replied “That’s my mom’s name kekeke”


14. L.Joe once said that “A man’s hands must be soft and moist,” but the fans who shook his hands at fansigns said that he had clammy hands.


15. Niel once hit the back of L.Joe’s head and pretended he didn’t do anything, as a joke. L.Joe turned around and said “Dont’ do that” and Niel angrily yelled, “What did I do?!” L.Joe apologized, “I-I’m s-s-sorry”


16. Ricky unconsciously said “Niel’s lips are really thick.” Niel gave him a death glare and Ricky was really taken aback.


17. A fan told C.A.P that he “looked like an octopus.” C.A.P replied “Why’s that?” and they almost got into an argument.


18. A fan said to C.A.P, “I could melt from the way you look at me” and C.A.P coldly replied, “That’s greasy.”


19. Chunji’s head’s girth is 22 inches around.


20. A fan gave L.Joe a marshmallow and said “Ah~” but L.Joe denied and she got upset, so he said that he’d keep the marshmallow as a present. He held it throughout the entire fansign even though it was during the summer and it would’ve melted in his hand.


21. Chunji never said anything about his ideal type and he also said that there wasn’t a girl that he was interested in. But during Supa Luv, he said that he had a girlfriend in 7th grade that he really liked. His fans felt betrayed and they cried.


22. A fan sent a UFO to Changjo saying “I’m going crazy because I keep thinking of you all day.” He replied, “Thank you for thinking of me.” After this, many other fans sent the same message to him. However, for these messages he replied, “Stop.”


23. A fan sent a UFO to all of Teen Top saying “I love Teen Top,” but her username was “Emotional You Ahn Daniel” so L.Joe replied saying, “I’m sending this for Niel…thank you♥”


24. L.Joe was originally supposed to be coupled with Ricky, but he abandoned Ricky for Chunji. When this happened, Ricky couldn’t control his expression and it looked like he was about to cry.


25. A fan gave Chunji a lollipop but Chunji deadpanned and said “I don’t like candy.” He himself was surprised at the way he answered.


26. Chunji really enjoys skinship. He always has his arm around the other members’ shoulders or has his arm wrapped around their waists.


27. On a really cold winter’s day at a fanmeet, Niel said “The weather is getting warmer these days~” and the fans angrily responded, “Is this warm to you!? Is it?!!” Niel was very taken aback.


28. At a fansign, two fans bumped into each other. One of them cursed and Niel scolded her.


29. A fan said to C.A.P, “I heard that you didn’t get a part in Secret Garden? Are you sad?” C.A.P replied, “I think it was a good

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Chapter 11: Wow, Zico and Kyung are VERY talented.

Aww, poor P.O. How mean for the anti-fans to do that and P.O. gets sent to the hospital. Idiots.

If Lee Joon and JunHyung weren't recommended to be in MBLAQ and B2ST, they wouldn't be as popular. Way to go Jaehyo.

So does anyone know what "Beup" mean?
Chapter 10: Sungyeol and I are the same. We can be brought to tears emotionally, but when asked to do it on the spot, we can't.

I don't trust Tarot Card readers because I think they are a scam, but in Sungyeol's case, his reading was accurate.

Is the drama "While You Were Sleeping" the same as the American movie? If so, which character did Sungyeol play?
Chapter 10: How did Woohyun get injured during the BTD MV recording?
Chapter 73: I love you Kwangmin oppa!

I hope Boyfriend will do a European or World tour one day and come to the UK.
I had no idea that Minwoo had an English name!
Chapter 69: *facepaint
Chapter 69: Their faepaint is soo cool.
But then Guppie's is like... MEH.
Srsly, TS...
But other than that AWESOME TEASER!!
Chapter 68: It's such a shame that a 'fan' leaked footage, causing EXO to rush the making of the MV.
The video is amazing and I bet it would of been a whole lot better if they had the time to film and out those mistakes.
Some fans need to think about how EXO must be feeling. Being an idol is not as easy as it seems.
They have tight schedules already, so they are constantly have to work and be rushed. And now they are being rushed even more, cause some 'fan' decides to leak footage. :(
Chapter 63: Ah! My precious maknae and 'honey abs' Joon.
Thank you!
Chapter 62: Could you write about MBLAQ and Led Apple?
exoticxsonexmelody #10
Chapter 58: WOW! I can't watch any of the EXO "Growl" leaked stuff because I want it all to be a surprise so I can spazz my heart out to them cute and y boys :D