EXO - Lu Han (1)

Your One-Stop SMTOWN Scenario Shop! (Open)

Requested by PaoShin31093

"Where are you taking me?" Paola asked, squinting playfully at Luhan.

"You'll see~" He sang, grinning mischeviously.

Paola and Luhan were on their first date together. Luhan (after harbouring feelings for Paola for quite some time) finally had decided to confess to her and in turn Paola had agreed to go on this date with him. There was just one issue: Luhan refused to tell Paola where he was taking her.

Paola finally gave up asking and sat quietly in her seat, softly humming to the song playing on the radio.


They finally arrive at what seems to be an apartment building after fifteen minutes or so. Confused, Paola glances over at Luhan only to see that he is already ahead of her, approaching the building. She hesitantly follows him inside the building and after riding the elevator up to the fifth level they arrive in front of the entrance to one of the apartments.  Luhan pulls a key out of his pocket, and while unlocking the door he turns to meet his date's questioning gaze. 

"I thought we could start off by doing something simple," Luhan explains. "Is dinner and a movie okay with you? I'm sorry we can't do something more extravegant - it's just that since I'm an idol I can't really go out in public, escpecially with a date. The fans might see us and start rumors." 

Paola shakes her head, following Luhan inside the dorm and slipping off her shoes. "It's fine, I understand." She smiles slightly. "Are the other members alright with this? I don't want to make them uncomfortable or anything."

"Actually..." Luhan starts, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Paola raises an eyebrow seeing this. "I made sure that they were all out of the dorm tonight. Most of them went to go see a movie, I think. I made Kris, Baekhyun, and Sehun go to Lotte World though, since they didn't want to see the movie with everyone else."   

"That doesn't answer my question, though. Do they know that I'm here?" Paola asked again.

"Baekhyun does," he answered. "He got suspicious when I practically forced him and the others out of the dorm, so he forced me to tell him."

"So no one else knows that I'm here?" Paola laughed. "What are you going to do if they end up coming home early or something? Good luck explaining that one..."

Luhan shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to hope that they don't get home early, then. Now come on!" He grinned, taking her hand and leading her to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat? I was thinking that we could try making Kyungsoo's kimchi spaghetti recipe. What do you think?"

The latter just shrugged. "I'm fine with anything, as long as it's edible. You do know how to cook, right?" She asked teasingly. "I wouldn't want to get food poisoning all because you don't know how to cook properly."

Luhan scoffed, smiling. "Of course I know how to cook! I’m a grown man, after all.”

Paola rolled her eyes, giggling as she took out the ingredients they would need for their meal. “Why don’t you prove it then and start cooking?”


As the two were cooking and conversing, they didn’t hear the click of the door as it opened and three men stepped in, one sniffing the air and following the aroma to the kitchen where he found his fellow bandmate and a girl making what appeared to be kimchi spaghetti together.

 He didn’t even spare a second glance toward Paola as he snuck up behind his hyung; he knew she would be here anyway, so why make a big deal out of it?

"BOO!" Baekhyun shouted, grabbing Luhan's shoulders.

"Yah!" Luhan jumped, spnning around to glare at his dongsaeng. "I'm trying to cook here! You could have made me burn myself!"

“Food!” Baekhyun yelled, running over and stealing a spoonful out of the pot.

“Yah, yah, yah!” Luhan shouted, lightly smacking his dongsaeng with the serving spoon. “That’s for Paola and I, not you! What are you even doing here, anyway? You're supposed to be at Lotte World!”

"They kicked us out," Baekhyun shrugged. "Too many fans were flipping out."

"Aish," Luhan sighed. "Can't you go do something other than bother us, then? We're trying to have a date night here."

Baekhyun pouted. “Fine, I’ll just go play with Sehunnie, then!” With that he stalked out of the kitchen, leaving the almost-couple alone once more.

“Crazy kid,” Luhan sighed, shaking his head. “I’m really sorry about Baek there. He can be kind of…”

“Hyper?” Paola finished for him, laughing. “It’s okay. There’s still enough left for the both of us, anyway.”


After they finished preparing their dinner, it was time to decide on a movie.

"Let's watch a Disney movie!" Paola exclaimed excitedly, already pawing through the abundant selection of movies.

"I'm too manly for a Disney movie," Luhan declared proudly, puffinf out his chest in an attempt to look tough.

"You, manly? Yeah right," Paola laughed.

"But I am manly~" Luhan whined, pouting. Paola's giggles became even louder at just how contradicting the situation was to Luhan's statement.

"Yeah, because pouting is totally manly," she said sarcastically. "Ah, here we go! This one is perfect!" She eclaimed, holding up a copy of 'Sleeping Beauty' and grinning.

"There is no way I'm watching that, Luhan said firmly, shaking his head and backing away slowly.

"Aww, come on, oppa! You're no fun," Paola pouted. Luhan just stared at her, shocked. Did... did she just call me oppa? 

"Oppa?" Paola asked, confused. "Are you... okay?"

Luhan snapped out of his daze and smiled hurriedly at her. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

She shook her head to signal it was nothing. "So can we watch this one?" She asked again, now hugging the movie to her chest.

Luhan shook his head, scrunching his nose. "That movie is so... girly! Plus it's in English. We can't even understand what they're saying!" 

"Pleeeeeeeaaase, oppa?" Paola asked cutely, pouting. She wasn't one to enjoy doing aegyo,but she knew how to use to her advantage when she needed to.

"Aish," Luhan sighed, giving in. He took the movie from her and slid it into the player, switching on the TV. "You're lucky you're cute..."

"Yay!" She cheered, scurrying over to the couch and sitting down.


They were watching the movie in silence, both of them enjoying their dinner when Luhan noticed Paola shivering.

"Are you cold? I can go grab some blankets for us," Luhan offered. Paola nodded.

A few moments later, Luhan came back holding a blanket. He quickly sat down next to Paola, draping the blanket over her before turning back to the movie.

"Oppa?" Paola called him. 

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, turning to look at her.

"Aren't you cold?"

"No, not really," he said, but right at that moment he shivered, causing him to blush while Paola chuckled.  She swiftly lifted the blanket from her shoulders, scooting closer to Luhan and putting one edge around his side while saving the other half for herself. 

"Y-you... what...why?" Luhan stared at her in shock, unable to form a coherent sentence. 

Paola chuckled. "You don't have to pretend to be all tough and manly for me, Luhan. I like you just the way you are," she stated, taking his hand in hers under the blanket and intertwining their fingers. Luhan smiled softly before leaning over and pecking Paola's cheek lightly before turning back to the movie.

At that moment Sehun ran into the room, looking for his favorite hyung to save him from Baekhyun. 

"Luhan hyung!" Sehun shrieked. "Save me! Baekhyun wants to play with me and he won't let me..." He trailed off upon seeing his hyung cuddled up on the couch with a girl, both of them staring at the maknae in alarm.

"...go." Sehun finished lamely, still staring at Paola. He stood there quietly for a few seconds before shrieking again. "KRIS HYUNG! COME HERE NOW!"

Kris rushed into the room, his eyes wide in panic and his eyebrows raised in alarm. "What is it, Sehun ah?!"

"Luhan hyung is with a GIRL! They're even sharing a blanket," Sehun rushed over and ripped the blanket off the two, gasping loudly as he saw their intertwined fingers. "AND THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS, HYUNG!" 

Kris' expression returned to its usual poker face as he looked at Sehun. "YEah, and the point is...?"

Sehun gawked at his hyung for a moment before mumbling a nearly inaudible "nothing" under his breath and pouting as he walked out of the room.

Kris watched him go before turning back to the couple. "I'll let you two get back to your date now," he stated and exited the room, but not before smirking and whispering something in Luhan's ear.

"You've got some serious explaining to do later, hyung."

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Chapter 3: jae is so paranoid! ^ ^ i loved this~ thankyu! :3
Chapter 5: Aww i loved it. It was so perfect thanks author-nim!
Chapter 4: lollololllooll that's a good story you write there xD
requested :)
Chapter 2: omf. its so good ahgsfja. thank you omo *___* <3
requested; ^^