SNSD - Tiffany (1)

Your One-Stop SMTOWN Scenario Shop! (Open)



Requested by: jaxxon


“Tiffany? You’re up,” Seohyun whispered, nudging Tiffany towards the director. Tiffany quickly made her way towards him and took her script with a bow. 

“I’ll give you twenty minutes or so to get a feel for the plot of the drama, alright?” The director said rather sternly.

“Ah, ye. Kamsahamnida,” Tiffany said, bowing once more before making her way back toward the other girls.

 “So who’s the lucky guy?” Sooyoung asked Tiffany teasingly, causing Tiffany to slap her lightly on the arm.

“Yah, shut up!” Tiffany giggled. “Just because we’re both the leads doesn’t mean we’re dating or anything!”

Yuri rolled her eyes. “Just tell us who it is already,” she said, earning noises of agreement from the seven other girls.

Tiffany quickly glanced at her script, looking for the name of her partner. What she found shocked her.

“Jason Kim…” she muttered. “It can’t be him, right?”

“Him?” Taeyeon asked, confused. “Who is ‘Him’?”

“Jason…” Tiffany said. “He’s a boy that went to my high school back in the States. He… he was my admirer back then…”


“S-stephanie? I-I… um, I… I like you…” The seventeen year old, nerdish Jason stuttered out, unable to meet Tiffany’s eyes due to fear of being rejected.

Tiffany scoffed. “Join the club, kid. Everyone likes me.”

“N-no. I mean I like-like you. I-I was wondering if maybe you… would, um… want to b-be my g-girlfriend?” Jason asked, finally meeting her eyes.

She looked down at him with a smirk before replying, “Look here, kid. You’re a nerd,  I’m the school’s queenka. Everybody loves me, most people don’t even know you exist. I’m rich, you’re not. Get the picture?”

Jason was stunned into silence unable to reply. He could merely stare at Tiffany with large, confused yet dejected eyes.

Tiffany sighed annoyingly. “Look. I would never go for someone like you, okay? Come talk to me when you’re rich and famous, then maybe I’ll consider dating you.”

She then proceeded to walk away, leaving a hurt Jason behind, deep in thought.

End of Flashback

“He moved away after that,” Tiffany sighed. “I haven’t seen him since then…”

“You don’t think he could have taken you seriously, right?” Jessica asked. “You know, about the whole ‘rich and famous’ thing?

“I don’t know,” Tiffany said, shrugging. “He might have. He seemed pretty gullible.”

“Oh, wait! Here,” Hyoyeon said, passing her phone to Tiffany. Looking at the screen, she realized it was a short biography on this ‘Jason Kim’ she would be working with. She quickly skimmed the article, her eyes widening with every word.

born and raised in Diamond Bar, California’

“attended Diamond Bar High School with Girl’s Generation member Tiffany Hwang’

‘Came to South Korea in 2007 to pursue his dream of becoming an idol/actor’

‘solo vocalist/actor under JYP Entertainment’

 ‘Currently Asia’s #1 male star at age 23 (American age)’

‘third richest man in South Korea’

“He… he actually did it…” Tiffany murmured in shock.

“Who did what now?” Asked a male’s voice teasingly from behind her.

She whirled around, only to be met with a tall man who Tiffany immediately recognized as her high school admirer.  He still sported his thick-rimmed black glasses from back in high school, but they looked much better on him now that he was thinner and had dyed his hair from its original ash blonde color to a dark brown. He had also grown it out so that it now reached his eyebrows and had been styled in a neat-yet messy way. His eyes were as large and innocent as Tiffany remembered, yet they seemed to fit the new him much better than the nerdy Jason from so long ago.

“J-jason?” Tiffany stuttered, shocked by how good he looked now.  Her heart was pounding in her chest, threatening to break free from her ribcage. Why was she behaving like this? He had never had this effect on her before…

“Long time no see,” He said, smirking. “How long has it been again? Five- no, six years?”

“You… you actually listened to me?!” Tiffany exclaimed, not even bothering to acknowledge his previous statement. She probably looked ridiculous with wide open and her eyes as wide as saucers, but she was too shocked right now to care.

“Why yes, yes I did,” he said nonchalantly. “But you know what? I realized something after I came here to Korea, Stephanie. Do you know what that something was?”

Tiffany could only stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

“I realized that if you weren’t willing to accept me for who I was back then, then you weren’t worth my time. Why should I change for someone who was so cruel to me when I was so fond of them?”

It took Tiffany a moment to process what he was saying. He… he didn’t like her anymore? Was he saying that he was no longer fond of her?

“I’m over you, Stephanie Hwang. I don’t know what made me admire you back then. I may have fallen in love with you back in high school, but I certainly won’t let it happen again.”

Each of his words hit Tiffany like an arrow, stabbing her heart. It was then that Tiffany realized what the feeling in her heart had been.

 She had fallen in love with the new Jason. If only she hadn’t been so harsh on him back then. If she had been nicer, would he still have feelings for her? Would they be able to be together?

She narrowed her eyes at his retreating figure. Now that she had recognized her feelings for him, she was determined to renew his for her. She was going to make him hers, no matter what it took.

“Girls, I’m going to need your help with something.”


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Here you go~! (: I've never written anything like this before so it was a bit difficult. I hope you enjoyed reading it, though! ^^


* Tiffany's birth name is Stephanie Hwang, which is why I referred to her as Stephanie when she conversed with Jason. (:

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Chapter 3: jae is so paranoid! ^ ^ i loved this~ thankyu! :3
Chapter 5: Aww i loved it. It was so perfect thanks author-nim!
Chapter 4: lollololllooll that's a good story you write there xD
requested :)
Chapter 2: omf. its so good ahgsfja. thank you omo *___* <3
requested; ^^