
Tinkerbell of the Café

"Make sure you brush after meals if possible, but most crucial is to brush in the morning and at night. Floss daily!” Dr. Min commented as she escorted me out of her office.

“Yeah, I understand. Thank you!” I bowed and waved goodbye, feeling content as I walked downstairs to exit the building.

His face popped up suddenly, and I misplaced my footing, almost crashing down the staircase. I jumped up and brushed myself angrily, getting all up in his face. “Yah, Oh Sehun! What the hell?” I slapped his shoulder, just like how we used to do so back in the days.

He had an innocent smile as he inspected me from head to toe. “First meeting in five years and you’re still the same, Jae.”

 Hearing him say my name pissed me off; who was he to call me by my nickname when he was the one that broke our friendship?

His face fell when he saw my bitter stare. “Hey, I’m sorry…” he reached a hand out to gently touch my arm and I pulled away sharply at the contact. “Sorry for what, Oh Sehun? For scaring me? For almost making me sprain my ankles falling down the stairs? For taking my fruit scented sharpies? For what?” I asked shrilly, getting a bit emotional.

Without warning, he launched himself at me. “Stop it, Jae, I didn’t mean to leave without saying goodbye.”

None of us said a word, but we both knew that it was what he was sorry for. He pulled away, putting his hands gingerly on my shoulders, looking me in the face seriously. “You weren’t one to hold a grudge,” he commented.

“That was before you left.” I admitted briefly. He looked hurt. “I didn’t have a choice, Mother decided to ship me to Seoul Private almost immediately after grade 7 ended. I’m sorry I couldn’t spend summer with you.”

“You could’ve called, you could’ve texted, Facebook, Twitter, we live in the 21st century!” I could feel all the anger and hurt from the years burst out. He opened his mouth to defend himself, but I cut in, “Don’t give me any excuses.”

“He can’t, but I can defend him, can’t I?” a voice behind us said.

I turned around and saw a clean-cut, smooth-skinned guy with wine red hair and doe eyes. “Baekhyun hyung!” Sehun exclaimed, and I could see his face fill with relief and gratitude. My eyes lingered on him, glued to his toned body, his gentle grin. I bet this is what Hyeri had in mi when she mentioned hot guys!

Baekhyun looked at me with amused, laughing eyes. “Seoul Private doesn’t allow outside contact, at least not until the school ensures you have a safe social life outside campus grounds. That’s probably why Sehun couldn’t talk to you, as much as I bet he wanted to.”

I nodded, pondering the new information. “But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t talk to me after they made sure he had a safe social life!” I exclaimed.

“Well, during his first few weeks of social network deprivation, he met us and decided you’re too unworthy to stay in contact with!”

I looked at Sehun, who was nodding along when he realized the trap Baekhyun dug him into. “Wait, no! That’s a lie, Jae.”

At the mention of my name Baekhyun immediately jumped in a shot me a witty grin. “Hi Jae, I’m Byun Baekhyun and I go to Seoul U.”

“Hey. I’m Lee Jae Mi,” I gestured at my uniform with the Seoul Prep emblem displayed on the left pocket. “Are the rest of the crew still here?” Sehun cut in.

The crew? I thought.

“No, they left, and kept me as the spy.”

“Spy?” Sehun exclaimed.

“Yeah, and I spy with my little eyes, the most beautiful girl on the planet.” Baekhyun winked at me and I flushed.

“”Hyung, please,” Sehun rolled his eyes and groaned, shoving the older. It soon developed into a little girly slappy fight and I left the two alone, rolling my eyes as I continued heading towards the exit.

“Hey! Wait, Jae Mi, can I walk you home?” Sehun chased me, cutely cocking his head to the left and looking up at me with bright eyes.

“Nope, I’m gonna bus home.” I lied. I really don’t want to spend any more time with him, confronting him about our past. It won’t do my heart any good. “Baekhyun sshi, may I borrow bus money?” I whispered to him, and Sehun’s ears perked up.

“Ah seriously, come onnn~” he whined, grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers between mine. My entire body caught on fire, I was blushing red.

I shook my hand out from his and grumbled. “Let’s go then.”


Still a child…how is he even older than me?

We left the cafe, gingerly stepping around other pedestrians.

“How’s life?” he asked pointedly, grabbing my arm so we can circle around a mother pushing her toddler in a cart. We continued walking, but his hand slid down to mine, holding it.

“Um, it's good. I’m trying to stay on top of my studies before going to university.”

“Are you planning to go to Seoul U?” he asked. I felt like this is becoming an interview rather than a catch-up session, because while I was dying to ask him some about Seoul Private life, he keeps the conversation solely about me.

“It’s alright, but I’m aiming for Konkuk University. Maybe, or I can study abroad.” I answered. “ah…all my hyungs go to Seoul U, I think I might go there too.”

I took the chance to dig further. “Hyungs? Are they…the crew?” I sent him a glance.

“Huh? Uh, yeah, the crew…” Sehun said absentmindedly and I realized that he was looking at his phone intently.

I sneaked a glance and saw a girl’s name… “Kim Dahyun?” I read aloud, and realizing what I’ve done, clapped a hand over my mouth. He looked over at me and smiled, rosy red visible on his cheeks.

“Yeah, she’s a girl that works near the school.”

Being friends with Sehun from kindergarten until grade 7, I could easily read his body language and words. “You like her huh~?” I teased, pushing him. Old habits die hard, and I guess meeting Sehun again means my old habits aren’t going to die, ever.

“Well…she’s a very nice friend…really pretty…” he mumbled, shy. I tried to keep my heart from shattering into molecules. “Congratulations,” I happily said, trying to look unaffected.

“Yah, don’t be jealous,” he grinned, and for a second I thought he caught on to my feelings. “You’re like a guy friend, so easy to chill with.”

I shrugged off the usage ‘guy friend,’ first he insults my gender, then my role? But at least he complimented me…

“See! Look, she’s so cute.” He stuffed his phone into my face and when my eyes adjusted I saw a selca of him and a girl, closely posing.

If we stood next to each other, Dahyun and I, it would be obvious who’s prettier. She had wavy black hair, cute bangs, porcelain skin that made her look like a doll. Her petite lips were shades of trendy, ombre styled pink, and her eyes winged with flawless, matching eyeliner. If I were a guy, I’d fall for her for sure.

If it were a sign that Sehun and I reunited at Peter Pan’s, he might be Peter Pan, and I might sparkle as Tinkerbell for a moment…but eventually, he’s going to meet his Wendy, with wavy black hair, milky skin, and beautiful lips. I am no match for Dahyun, and soon, I will just be disposed, as insignificant as a speck of pixie dust. 

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Chapter 7: finally you updated!!
such a funny chapter xD
whyamidoingthis #2
aw i really likethis story! please keep updating~
Chapter 6: The end was so cute!! I love this story! Can't wait for the next update!!:)
Chapter 5: Huhuhu. Sehuna, you idiot. ;;
Chapter 5: Awwwww. Im liking the story author-nim. More updates to come!!! *u* im excited for growl. Hope itll be the 2nd part of wolf T.T
Chapter 4: Joonmoney! Haha that's hilarious!!
Chapter 4: Finally a story that doesn't have Jongin and Sehun fighting over a girl? Praise tha lord.
Chapter 3: Ahh~ I really like this. Sehunnie is so cute and the storyline is very good! I love it! Will be waiting for an update. ^^
I like it! Can't wait for the next updates!:)