Against Me

Get It Right

Now Eunhyuk and Donghae both went to the guidance counselor as per his request because he can’t belive what he had just learn, Boa suddenly gives them a pamplet that reads So my boyfriend Lied to me.

“Ok, so you’re here because of what you learn am I right Eunhyuk?”

“Yes, I just can’t believe he lied to me.” He replied.

“Hyukkie, first I am sorry if I lied to you but when this all happen we are not yet dating, and you were still with Junsu that time.”

“But nothing happened between us, and I was so truthful to you.”

“Why are you making this a big issue?”

“Because you lied to me!”

“Kids, calm down we’ll settle this in a humane manner okay, Eunhyuk do you want to say something or ask something from him.”

“Hae, have you by any chance think she is more beautiful than me?” he asked his boyfriend.”

“Well I would admit the fact she is hot.”

Eunhyuk was shocked upon Donghae’s statement and looked at Boa.

“Uhm can I punch him in the face?”

“Well as offending as he said I would say No, because we are at school.”

Eunhyuk walk out of the room leaving Donghae alone, suddenly he bumps into Siwon, another club member and one of Eunhyuk’s former boyfriend.

“Hey, still not patching things up?”


“Come on, how about we discuss things, you know I am a lover expert after all.” Siwon said as he puts in arms around Eunhyuk’s waist.


Finally the program arrived, everyone is very excited but now not only Eunhyuk and Donghae is having a problem, Taemin and Minho had an argument because of being close to Henry same with Zhoumi and Henry. Eunhyuk still not talking with Donghae gets out of the backstage and went first to the cafeteria where he met their former schoolmate Heechul.

“Hyung, glad you can visit us.” He said

“Oh, it’s been a long time.”

“Want to grab some sandwich my treat.” Said Eunhyuk.

“I would love to.” Replied Heechul with a smile.


(at the cafeteria)

“Can you remind me why we hate each other before?” Heechul asked him.

“Because we understand each other and I know that you are my rival well except in dancing.” Eunhyuk laughed at him.

“So how’s the new school?”

“Well, still adjusting but Hankyung is always there to support me so no worries next month we’ll be competing with each other so best of luck for both of our school.” Said Heechul.


“But I don’t know I feel upset because I am still like a shadow there, I mean I want to audition to get a solo but… I am nervous.”

“Maybe I should think stuff like, fashion, admirers to give me confidence.”

“You need something more personal than that, do you ever fantasize your own funeral?” asked Eunhyuk.


“Well I do, Hae throwing hisself into the grave out of grief and all of  heartfelt speeches and regrets.”

“That’s insane!”

“I know, I mean I just hates him you know I mean how he lied to me.”

“Really? So you’re the only one who don’t know?” Heechul asked him.

“What do you mean only me?”

As he was to answer Eunhyuk’s question Hankyung appeared to pick Heechul for them to get a seat for the program, Eunhyuk walk back to the auditorium’s backstage and confront Donghae.

“You told Heechul-hyung?”


“About you and Jessica.”

“No.” it was Taemin who answered “It was me who told him.”

“Then who told you?” he asked Taemin.

“Zhoumi-hyung I guess or Yesung-hyung.”

“So you all know about this except me.”

“Pretty much.” Replied Sungmin while playing with Kyhyun’s arm.

“Well no one told you because A: you’re a blabbermouth and B: we all pretend to like you.” Jessica replied as she is fixing her hair.

“Well I like him, he ‘s hot.” Siwon commented.

“Look, Hyukkie I am sory I lied but you we’re dating someone when this all happen so I didn’t cheat on you and don’t think this is you against the world.”

“Oh! Who are you right now? You know what I won’t go out there and you enjoyed dancing and swaying in the background because I can’t perform with him!.” Eunhyuk pointing his fingers at his boyfriend.

“Me too I don’t want to perform with Henry either.”

“Why?” Henry asked Zhoumi who just looks away.

“Me too.” Minho also replied.

“ENOUGH!” Kangta suddenly appeared in the backstage. “I am ashamed that you act like this, we are a family and forget all your issues and be professional for once.” As he heard the cue he asks them to all stand up.

Eunhyuk and Donghae still not looking at each other walks off the stage.


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Chapter 4: Why would they fight, I don't want them to break up... Why would hyuk cheat, he should not do that... Please continue on the story...
ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 3: OMO !!! T-T why should hyuk tell him that aiiiiiiishhhhhhhhh~ and hae u should forgive hyuk cuz he do to uuuu he forgive uu >< i'm really mad at stupid hae thnx for update i like it and update soon
mellychau #3
Chapter 1: Jessica is an !! Does she have no life?!
Chapter 1: Omg !!! Jess is so mean !! Hyuk shouldn't forgive hae ! He's mean !!!
DivineShawol #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
It is complicated relationship they had. Can't wait for more
Sounds good, fighting !
Omg !!! Its so sad juz by reading the foreword !!! Definately gonna subcribes to it ! Can't wait ><