Call Me, Maybe

Don't Want to Be Alone

It was early in the morning and Wooyoung faced his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was coming to the realization that he was developing feelings for the Thai prince that made him question his uality. Sure, he was with a girl, but maybe his uality did not surface until now, until he met the right person. Then again, how was he sure? He knew that his feelings toward Nichkhun is completely different than how he feels toward other males, and that twist in his stomach and urge to embrace him. It just wasn't normal. Maybe Jay was right, maybe he is in love. Maybe he had his uality all wrong. Images of Nichkhun were becoming common, almost unbearable that sometimes it made him go red. In a soft whisper to himself: “Maybe I'm not straight”


Wooyoung! Come on you've in the bathroom forever! Hurry up, I gotta piss!”



Five days away from winter vacation. Just five more days and yet school could not be more annoying for Wooyoung. It was as if all his teachers gathered together one night and developed a plan to prevent him from having any fun what-so-ever during his winter break. He can imagine himself now, spending every waking hour finishing his studies and assignments due after the break.


The bell rung, indicating it was lunch time. Wooyoung walked alongside his classmate Jokwon, as they left their last period class, English. Jokwon was one of Wooyoung's friends that was a funny character to hang around with. If it wasn't for Jokwon being in his class, he would surely die of boredom.


That quiz was difficult! How do you think you did, Wooyoung?”


It was actually simple. Besides Jokwon you only think it was hard because you barely study, but in the end you always do great”


It was true, Jokwon seemed like the class clown but in fact was one of the top students in his classes. It always amazed him how little the guy studied, but always ended with one of the highest marks.


Hey, don't you ever think these teachers like to torture us during holidays?”


You mean with the heavy workload? Yes, it's unfair, but at least we will be over with this semester soon”


You're right. Thank goodness for that”


Jokwon was right, half a semester done would be done. No more math, no more gym, no more English. Wait no more English. He suddenly realized the consequence of not attending English class anymore. No more English, no more tutoring, no Nichkhun. Nichkhun. He wouldn't have an excuse to see him anymore after exams, and the thought of that paned his heart. It's been a day since he asked Jay and Nichkhun for advice on his own love life, and never had the guts to have a one on one talk with Nichkhun. Time was running out, and he needed to get let it all out.



Maybe it was gods playing with him. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Nichkhun and Wooyoung were alone, well sort of. Nichkhun invited him to sit with him far from the rest of their friends, which left them perplexed because it is not often that the most adored guy in school sat with someone outside his circle of popular friends. Even Wooyoung thought it was out of place.


I received notice that you're passing English and I wanted to know that if you were studying early for your English exam”


And to think that you wanted to say something more than that.


I wasn't planning to...not until later into my break”


I know you probably heard this a lot from your other teachers, but you should start early. It will become easier and it's a subject finish. Plus you want to keep that high average”


Maybe it was weakness of the subject, or maybe it was mouth running, but Wooyoung knew he couldn't study without the proper tutor. He nodded in agreeing with Nichkhun's advice, at least I'll study harder these few days with him


Oh yeah and sorry for not mentioning yesterday, but I won't be able to tutor you after today. I need to study as well”


Oh” was all that came out. Today was their last day. He couldn't believe it, time flew by so fast.


I can try to help you study during the break, but I can't guarantee you though.”


Are you sure?”


Yeah we can study together at the library” Nichkhun reach for a pen in his backpack and grabbed Wooyoung's hand to scribble down his number “Call me, okay?”



Tutoring was quiet than ever between the two males. There was minimal talking and even less eye contact, mostly Wooyoung was at fault. He couldn't fully face the other without remembering lunch and have that warm tingling sensation on his hand. Today was their last day together, and a part of him did not want it to be spent in the classroom.


We should go out for ice cream, huh? We did never the chance last time”


Memories of Nichkhun's treat flooded his mind. That night was fun, just him and Nichkhun talking about things other than school, but it never furthered than that. Just small talk, laughter, and exchanging smiles. Perhaps this time they could relive last time, and the mention of ice cream made Wooyoung excited.




Why not? Let's get going we deserve it after all!”



Ice cream was bought at the nearest ice cream parlor, where they both decided on sharing a sundae. It was a cute shop, with couples occupying most of the tables. On a regular day, Wooyoung would hate it being in this store, but as of now he didn't mind it.


You really are the best , Nichkhun”


Stupid, charming laughter escaped his lips “Why thank you. We should celebrate like this every time we do well in our classes” Tell me how did it go with your friend?”


He was in midway of scooping up some ice cream, “Uh he's good now. He told me he's waiting for the best possible moment”


That's good to hear. Should be soon though”





Is he planning dumb or is he a genius? It's like he knows. I need to figure out if he likes me too, or this will make me go crazy.


A minute later his cellphone rings, when he realizes that it's Chansung, he answers.


Hey Chansung, what's up?”


Nothing much. Just watching the some comedy show, how about you?”


I'm studying English”


What really? It's like that hyung changed you. Am I talking to the right Wooyoung?”


Of course you are, and I'm just studying early nothing wrong with that”


You two seem close nowadays, it's like you're practically a thing”


A thing?”


Nichkhun has never treated anyone the same as he does to you”


You're drunk, just be quiet”


Seriously, even with girls hyung. Do you hear that? I think it's his angry fanclub hunting you down”


Ah really just shut up”



Friday, the officially the last day of the school week. Students were excited to get out of class, that most of the students paid no attention to the teacher recapping the lessons they learned so far. It was boring, and after days and days of mindlessly paying attention to hour long lectures were thrown out the window along with worries for the exams. When that clock strikes three, it's officially freedom.


The school bell rang throughout the school, and students quickly left their classrooms and crowded the narrow hallways. Wooyoung didn't expect for Junho and Chansung to wait for him the school entrance, since both of them had their own plans to carry out. Neither did he expect for


Nichkhun? What are you doing here”


Surprised? Wooyoung definitely was. This was the first time he ever waited for him. He started to think if he wanted to tell him some bad news like he wouldn't be able to see him over the break or “hey I'm with some”. The latter seemed more crushing, with at least the first, he would probably have some sort of chance.


Waiting for you. I told you I wouldn't be able to tutor you, but I am able to walk with you”


He was starting to believe Chansung that Nichkhun behaved extra nice with him, but made him so frustrated that he couldn't conclude if it was just to be polite or if the Thai was interested. There it was the small ache in his stomach and cheeks were flushing.


O-okay just give me a minute to pack up”



Can I ask why you're walking me?”


It's been five minutes and Wooyoung couldn't brush off the question that was itching to be asked.


I thought since this is the last day of school we could walk together. Who knows if we'll see each other before the break”


Mhm”. Yet another disappointing reply.


More small talk passed and they were reaching to Wooyoung's neighborhood. It was his last chance to ask Nichkhun. One last, hard swallow was made and eyes glued to the ground


Do you like me?” Did he say it too soon? Was he too weirded out? Can I run home now and avoid this?


Of course, we're friends after all! Well, this is where we part ways, call me during the break okay?”


Was I just friend zoned? Shortly after his embarrassing moment, Wooyoung looked to his incoming message he received that read “Wooyoung study hard! Fighting! Love, Nichkhun”. Really Nichkhun, you are really messing with my head.

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Chapter 6: haha confused woo is so cute. but is nickhun playing dumb with woo? >o<
sharfawoo #2
Chapter 6: Awww i feel you you youngie.. I really do. This kind of confusing feelings are annoying, butat the same time, makes your heart flutter. Youngie definitely is in love :) i wonder how it is with khun tho.. Keep on updating ^^
Kanna- #3
Chapter 6: Aww poor khunfused youngie~!
Chapter 5: Lol how cute u relief your feeling
wooyoungsbutt #5
Chapter 5: OMG OMG so cuteeeeee..
Chapter 5: thank you all for the lovely comments I will try to update as much as I can before school starts! Once again thank you all for reading and enjoying this c:
Czseoul #7
Chapter 4: They're soo cute^^ update soon plz ;)
Kanna- #8
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute! Update soon please!
sharfawoo #9
Update soon! Really loved it!
sharfawoo #10
I like thisss :) i bet Khun is attracted to youngie as well right? Hence why he asked wooyoung if he has any english homework before holidays starts. Awwww