The Tutor, Thai Prince

Don't Want to Be Alone

It was almost Christmas. A time when the streets chime with the holiday themed music; stores over decorated with red, white and green; and the smell of freshly baked gingerbread lingers in the air. Many loved this gift sharing holiday whether spending quality time with either families or their significant others. Yet, there were those who shared the holiday alone. No family, no friends, no lover. Just alone. Heartbreaking, yes. One of the many love sharing holidays that a certain teenage boy disliked. He dreaded walking down the street, passing by couples, who would cutely give kissy faces to one another. He was bothered by the idea of being single for the rest of his life. Christmas was one of those holidays that many couples would go out onto the streets for a stroll, expressing their love to their partner– and he just hated it all.



But some how this year was going to be different.



Next week was going to be December. Christmas is just around the corner. Ugh, Christmas. Has it already been four months? BANG! Thoughts of a raven haired boy, as his eyes were glued to the window was disturbed with a binder (filled to where the point it could no longer hold anymore papers) had made contact with his desk. With innocence in his eyes, he looked at his English professor, but his innocent look wasn't going to get him out of this situation. From the piecing glare the teacher' gave, he did not seem pleased at all.



"Jang Wooyoung! Are you not paying attention again to the lesson? Maybe you will next time after your punishment. Consider yourself of having detention today!" his English professor said with a angry tone to his voice. As the chubby, middle aged man walked away, Wooyoung quietly whispered himself a “”. His granny wasn't going to like this.



English class was over, and Wooyoung gathered his things, stuffing them into his black nike backpack. Two boys soon approached him, one that was a look-a-like to the idol / actor Rain, measuring the same height as Wooyoung. The other boy was tall, short hair, and handsome, though he looked older than the two. It was hard to imagine that he was their dongsaeng.



"Hey Woo, I guess you're not going to practice, with your detention and all, huh?" said the younger looking Rain, smiling as he placed his hand on his shoulder.



"Yeah , I have to stay an extra hour after school to clean up the classroom, and give him an explanation why I wasn't paying attention in class today. Sorry Junho and Chansung" he gave apologetic look to both. Wooyoung was involved in a dance group with his dongsaengs, they would practice three times a week, to improve on their dancing skills. The three of them were preparing to participate in this year's dancing competition, that is held every year in the local club. They were aiming for gold this year.



"That's okay hyung! We can always practice tomorrow, during our lunch." Chansung said cheerfully, trying to enlighten the mood his Wooyoung was in. It worked for a while until he remembered he teacher may have had something up his sleeve after his detention. Today was defiantly not his day.



Wooyoung walked down the hall alone, Junho and Chansung left the school's grounds, anticipated to get out of school. While they were relived that school was over for them, Wooyoung still had to stay in this hell hole. As he casually walked down the hall, a group of girl students suddenly blocked the hall, forming a giant circle. He exhaled, letting out a sigh Ugh not again This almost happened everyday, it was like a daily route that he was not yet use to (and probably never would be). It was annoying how this would happen every so often, especially when he had classes to get to.



"He's coming!" a girl shrieked standing by Wooyoung. Her high pitched voice, trying to over power the other screams and giggles of girls, hurt his ears. The hallway felt like a concert, where all the fangirls went crazy for the celebrity preforming.



Despite his height, and the lack of muscle power he had, Wooyoung managed to get through the crowd of girls, getting to the middle of the circle, was a male taller than himself. This particular male student was handsome, with light brown hair, coffee colored eyes, and a killer smile that made any girl faint just by a single glance. Who was he? He was no other than the infamous, Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, a foreign student from Thailand. He just transferred this year, and already Nichkhun was the most popular boy in school, and he was admired by the whole female population. Literally. The girl students loved him; the female teachers, the school nurse. Everyone. In just a few weeks, Nichkhun already had a fan club and was given the title 'Thai Prince'. It was ridiculous.



Not just the women, but the men also. There were hand few of male students that developed a crush on the Thai Prince. With his gentle manner, and cute puppy dog eyes, who wouldn't? Just by his nickname, he certainly was a prince; he acted like one, heck was treated as one too. The way he wore his uniform, even showed that he had royal qualities. Reasons why Wooyoung disliked the student.



Nichkhun walked pass him, he felt a light brush against his shoulder. His eyes moved up to see, a smiling face that belonged to the older student. Crescent shaped eyes looked at him with friendliness, "Sorry for bumping into you". Wooyoung sneered, harshly replying an 'it's okay' then walking through the crowd once more, until he left the scene. Seriously who does this guy think he is? Walking like if he was some kind of celebrity. Pft, in hell I would ever fall for him.



Tick tock tick tok

Stupid analog clock couldn't be anymore annoying. It felt like years sitting in that ghost town- of-a-class, as he finished his duty twenty minutes ago.



" I'm already finished my punishment, why can't I leave sir?" curious of what his teacher's answer was going to be.



"Because your punishment is not yet over. Didn't I tell you, you would have to stay an hour after school?" his teacher said, returning his eyes to his crossword puzzle. The short male, sat in his desk, crossing his arms over one another, slightly pouting at him. It wasn't fair. By this time, he could have been in the studio with Junho and Chansung practicing their choreography. His black eyes, were glued on the clock, counting down the minutes of his punishment.



Three, two, one! Before rushing to the door, his teacher signaled him to his desk. Wooyoung pointed to the clock, but he knew he wasn't going to win this battle with him, so he did as he was told.



"I'm afraid you are not doing so well in english. Your marks are dropping, from an 90% to a 65%. This is very unacceptable Jang Wooyoung" It was. After knowing that the holidays coming up, he started to get lazy with his school work. Neither did his grandparents or older brother knew about his marks in English. He didn't bother telling them, because they would go ballistic. They would probably force him to quit dancing, and he couldn't do that. Dancing was his life. His passion. Dancing made him release any emotions he had inside, it was a getaway from his life problems.



"That is why I went out and got you a tutor. I think you may have heard him. What was his name again?" his teacher thought for a while, tapping his index finger on his chin.



"Ah yes, Nichk-" and at that moment, the Thai Prince walked inside the classroom.



"Sorry, I didn't realize that you were busy conversing." he said with an angelic smile. Wooyoung for sure could have heard a girl scream, somewhere in the school. Or was it just from earlier? The ringing of screaming, still rung in his ears.



"No,no Mr. Horvejkul you are just in time. This is Jang Wooyoung" his teacher's eyes returned to shorter student, who seemed to be a bit confused, though he was picking up the pieces quickly."This is Nichkhun, your tutor"



"What?" he could have barely said the word, he was stunned. It could have been anyone else in the whole school, but it had to be him.



"Your marks are dropping, I can't risk the fact that you may fail this class if you don't straighten up. Anyways, Nichkhun kindly offered this position. He studied in the States, and other English native countries. You might learn something Wooyoung from him" he smiled returning to his crossword puzzle, looking quite happy that he solved the entire puzzle.



Then finally putting his full attention to both of them "Tutoring will be twice every other week. You'll start today. This isn't permanent" He stood up, giving both boy a crooked smile, and left the classroom to themselves, with his things in his hands.



This wasn't happening. His tutor the Thai Prince. Junho and Chansung will surely tease me. Since Nichkhun attended this school, Wooyoung would make fun of him with his friends. He would make say rude comments, and mimic him. Was this karma? Karma getting him back from all his wrong doings in the past of the older boy?



"Alright Wooyoung, do you have any English homework you need help with?" asked the Thai



"No. I'll be fine doing this on my own." he retorted, starting at his work. He hadn't noticed but the Thai, wasn't that bad in Korean. Although he did have an accent when he spoke (which was pretty funny). His pronunciation was quite impressive even for a foreigner with no Korean background what so ever.



The classroom was silent. It started to become awkward between them.



"Need any help yet?" questioned Nichkhun once more, before Wooyoung's eyes looked up at him, at his smile. That stupid smile. His eyebrows narrowed downward, looking pretty pissed.



"I already told I didn't, why do you keep asking me?"



"I'm asking for a reason, Wooyoung. I'm your tutor, I am here for a purpose, and that is to help you with your English. If you are having problems I would like to help you." was he serious? Why was he acting so kindly to Wooyoung, he didn't even know him. Has he not caught on his disliking towards him.



"I told you already I'm fine. I am sure I can manage this stuff on my own, without a tutor like you. The only reason you're here is because my teacher thinks I need influence in my studies, when I don't" He grabbed his things and walked out the door. Wooyoung couldn't believe that he was such a pain. How many times was he going to ask him if he needed assistance?




The older male student was shocked, his eyes followed the smaller boy as he left the room, struggling to carry all his things in one hand while he tried to one the door with the other. He wasn't sure why he was so hated by Wooyoung. Did he do something wrong? No. He just met him today. Did he hurt him without knowing? Nichkhun's eyes wandered back at the desk, and found a wallet.



"He must have forgotten it." He reached out his arm to grab the wallet, to look inside it. It had all Wooyoung's information in it: his student i.d card, money, one or two family pictures, personal i.d card, membership cards, and some change. What was he suppose to do with it? Should he return it, without having that awkward feeling meeting the younger male again since what just happened. Should he leave it here? No, someone might take it. Could he give it to him tomorrow? No, he didn't know where his locker was, nor did he see him around the school. It took him a while until he decided what to do, and left the room, with his belongings.



What the?” when Wooyoung arrived home he searched his backpack to fetched his wallet. However, to his surprise it was not there. “! Today is really the worst!”



author's note: comment (I want to know what you think) and will add the other chapters soon

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Chapter 6: haha confused woo is so cute. but is nickhun playing dumb with woo? >o<
sharfawoo #2
Chapter 6: Awww i feel you you youngie.. I really do. This kind of confusing feelings are annoying, butat the same time, makes your heart flutter. Youngie definitely is in love :) i wonder how it is with khun tho.. Keep on updating ^^
Kanna- #3
Chapter 6: Aww poor khunfused youngie~!
Chapter 5: Lol how cute u relief your feeling
wooyoungsbutt #5
Chapter 5: OMG OMG so cuteeeeee..
Chapter 5: thank you all for the lovely comments I will try to update as much as I can before school starts! Once again thank you all for reading and enjoying this c:
Czseoul #7
Chapter 4: They're soo cute^^ update soon plz ;)
Kanna- #8
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute! Update soon please!
sharfawoo #9
Update soon! Really loved it!
sharfawoo #10
I like thisss :) i bet Khun is attracted to youngie as well right? Hence why he asked wooyoung if he has any english homework before holidays starts. Awwww