So I Have This Friend

Don't Want to Be Alone

Wooyoung didn't know how to approach his older brother with his unusual problem. It was all just too awkward to speak with Jay about what was bothering him these past few days, but he didn't have anyone else to look to when it came to relationships. Even if with his past girlfriend experience, Wooyoung understand his feelings toward Nichkhun. His closest friends, Junho and Chansung, never experienced young love since their lives revolve around dancing. His last choice was Jay. His older brother bragged about how many girls he had back in high school and now in college, Jay continues to brag about his confidence with girls. In Wooyoung's opinion, it really makes him want to punch him, but that is what brought Wooyoung to Jay's bedroom.


So I have this friend” Wooyoung didn't realize how hard it was to form his sentences without having Jay drawing the conclusion that this friend was himself in disguise. “He has this problem”


Problem? What kind of problem?” Jay titled his head


Wooyoung released a sigh while rolling his eyes, “I'm getting there! So like I said he has this problem with this girl” He doesn't know how he feels towards her, but whenever she's around it makes him go a bit crazy”


Are you falling head over heels for a girl?”


It wasn't a girl, but just the thought of Jay having a close guess made Wooyoung have a mini panic attack. Keep it cool Wooyoung, it's not like he can read your mind. Although, if Jay did have the ability to read his mind, he wondered if their sibling relationship would still be strong? Or would he easily understand him? Snap out of it. Wooyoung inhaled deeply before continuing the conversation with his impatient brother who was still waiting for an answer.


I just said it was a friend, Jay. A friend”


You know it's just better to be honest”


I came here for advice to help me-him out! So can you just answer me how I can understand what he's going through?”


The question lingered in the air for a minute or two before he was faced with a smirking Jay. “Well, from what you told me, it sounds like your friend is in love”



Can this really be love?”


Wooyoung returned to his bedroom after his conversation with Jay. He still couldn't understand that if his feelings toward Nichkhun was love when he tried to convince himself it was an innocent relationship between classmates. If it were love, what were his feelings with Tiffany? He certainly did not have the same stomach ache feelings whenever he was around her, nor did he study her face like he does with the Thai. “Is that what it feels like?” he questions himself before gradually falling asleep on his bed.



You look terrible. Did you even sleep last night?”


Junho questioned as he was inspecting Wooyoung. The constant dreams of his tutor and him acting all lovely-dovey as if it were some romantic drama, prevented him having a good night rest. Today's session would just be unbearable for Wooyoung.


Wooyoung pushed Junho away from his face, “I had some nightmares that's all”


You should lay off the horror movies then”


Yeah. Hey Junho where's Chansung?” The third wheel of their tricycle was missing which was unusual for him since the tall youngster was always following behind Junho.


He's at some appointment. Hey you coming to practice tonight?”


Practice. He almost forgot, again. With English tutoring, upcoming tests, and assignments, Wooyoung had completely forgotten practice. He was thankful his friends fully understood his situations and are quick to forgive.


I'll come later tonight. After English”



Five ten was what his digital watch said. It was nearly the end of the session. Wooyoung looked up to face Nichkhun who was writing up some sample questions for him to practice and take home. The thai seemed more put together today, it made Wooyoung wonder if he was going somewhere after.


So I made twenty random questions for you to answer and we can take a look at it tomorrow”


Thanks” Wooyoung folded the papers neatly and placed them into the front pocket of his backpack


I heard you did well on your last English class. Eighty-eight percent. I'm proud of you”


Why are you showing me such a charming smile? You're going to make me red. Wait did he say he was proud?


I think we can finish up here for today. Do you have anything else in mind to ask me before you leave?”


Snapping out, Wooyoung unbit his lower lip before facing the other man. Ask him anything else? He was tempted, tempered to ask about their relationship. He wanted to confirm that what his feelings are silly and just over thinking things, yet he hoped they weren't. He was really going to regret himself after this


Nichkhun, I have this friend and uh...” did he even dare to continue? “...he has these feelings towards a girl and he says it makes him feel a happy to be around her that his stomach hurts sometimes”

Sounds serious” was the response.


Could it be that he sees through this huge lie? Maybe he's getting the wrong idea. Great Wooyoung. The last thing Wooyoung wanted was to continue the conversation. He just wanted to run away, far away, but it was too late. Any avoidance would automatically seem suspicious. It was just too late to back out.


I think your friend should tell the girl. She might feel the same way as he does” I'll see you tomorrow Wooyoung, and good luck to your friend”


Nichkhun left shortly after that. Wooyoung didn't leave until ten minutes later.



Later that night, Wooyoung sat at his desk where he stared into space, thinking about his day. He didn't come back into reality until Jay lightly knocked on his door, then taking a seat on his bed. Why is he here? A puzzled face stared at a smiling goof.


So tell me, how did it go with the girl?” So that's why he's here. He just have told Jay that the whole story was a lie, but he dug a big hole, that he can't get out of.


Didn't I tell you it was a friend?”, he knew his brother was smarter than to believe him, but hell, maybe reenforcing the idea that it was 'his friend' would make him believe.


Cut the crap” Nope. “So how did it go?”


A sigh. A long one too. He might as well surrender, but keep going with the white lie of his crush being a girl. “I didn't admit my feelings to her yet”


Are you sure you're not the girl?”


W-what?!” Wooyoung made a face, that was slowly turning red whether of embarrassment or annoyance


Just kidding! Calm down, take a moment to breathe there”


Jay, I'll eventually tell her” Wooyoung looked back to the papers on his desk. His english homework from Nichkhun stood out the most to him, which made him smile. He didn't even notice Jay walking out of his room


You should man, who knows. She might even like you back!”

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Chapter 6: haha confused woo is so cute. but is nickhun playing dumb with woo? >o<
sharfawoo #2
Chapter 6: Awww i feel you you youngie.. I really do. This kind of confusing feelings are annoying, butat the same time, makes your heart flutter. Youngie definitely is in love :) i wonder how it is with khun tho.. Keep on updating ^^
Kanna- #3
Chapter 6: Aww poor khunfused youngie~!
Chapter 5: Lol how cute u relief your feeling
wooyoungsbutt #5
Chapter 5: OMG OMG so cuteeeeee..
Chapter 5: thank you all for the lovely comments I will try to update as much as I can before school starts! Once again thank you all for reading and enjoying this c:
Czseoul #7
Chapter 4: They're soo cute^^ update soon plz ;)
Kanna- #8
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute! Update soon please!
sharfawoo #9
Update soon! Really loved it!
sharfawoo #10
I like thisss :) i bet Khun is attracted to youngie as well right? Hence why he asked wooyoung if he has any english homework before holidays starts. Awwww