A Doll

We versus The World

“Howon oppa, I’m jealous..Chorong unnie got a big teddy bear from Woohyun oppa…” Eunji said, she called me first this midnight just to say that she’s jealous?

“so..? maybe the doll is for Chorong’s birthday? That’s why Woohyun hyung gave her a teddy bear?”

“iishhh…..that’s not it! That was because Woohyun oppa JUST want to give her a doll…” she murmured “I want to get a doll from you too….”

I didn’t answer her for awhile “what kind of a doll do you want?”

“I really want to have a monkey doll”


“eo….ha ha ha”

“you really have a unique taste, eunji-ya..okay, I’ll buy it”

“thank you, oppaaaaaa…”

“no problem..now go sleep, you have a class tomorrow right?”

“I was about going to…emm…good night, Howon oppa…I like you..”

“I like you too…”

She hang up. And I showed my wide smile. She liked me, Eunji said it..


The following afternoon, I came to her campus and waiting for her inside my car. I bought the monkey doll before. Eunji came out from her campus and immediately run to my car. She opened the door and came inside. She hugged me…..

“Oppa..I miss you” she said

“I miss you too” I kissed her forehead

“ah~! Where’s my present?” her eyes widened at the word ‘present’

I gave her the doll. She smiled and kept hugging the doll.

“thank you so much! I’ll call him Hitori!!”

“why Hitori?”

“why did you ask why…isn’t Hitori good?”

 I nodded to her “yeah..that’s good”

“I will hug him every time I miss you, Howon oppa”

“what? I don’t want to be a monkey!!”

Pretend like she didn’t hear anything, she kept playing with her new Hitori.

I sent Eunji home right after she got her Hitori. I told her I had a meeting with Mr.Yoon, my previous client. He gave me a new project. Still the same project, I just have to make a company profile, but this was not for his company. This was for a hotel company from Australia, Mr.Yoon’s friends. And the value’s not a joke! It’s quite big!

After a long chatted, we went to play bowling together. There were 6 of us. I played too, even though I was not that pro. But I got two strikes in a row. And that time was my turn. When I was about to throw the ball, I saw Bomi come. She wore a long skinny jeans, flat shoes, with a white “I <3 NY” T-shirt and an ELLE red bag in her hand. She tied her hair up. She looked so stunning.

“Hi, Hoya oppa…” she said as she sit beside her father

Damn, I was so nervous. The bowling ball slide in the alley and I didn’t get any score. Bomi smiled “you are a good player” she said, mocking.

Mr.Yoon told be to stop playing. She here the three of us. Me, Mr.Yoon and Bomi. Bomi had an event for her doctors friend. She wanted me to help her with the event. I accept her request because I thought that was a simple event. I just have to make the presentation for her.

I gave her my phone number. Just for a work. I kept saying those words.




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Chapter 6: eyy woorong!!! XDDD
the monkey is so cute,ya know? ><
update soon!!!
Chapter 5: awww that's so sweet!!! technically in relationship??? kkkk~
heeyy sunggyu? jiyoon? why don't you make them in love? lol
update soon, my dearest AUTHORNIM! ^_^
Chapter 4: awww the quotes, deep enough~~ >w<
lolololol kenya puahahahaa XDDD
just leave your current boyfie and comeback to hoya,eunjiyaa~
and... where did you find those pics?? o_o
update soon!! ><
Chapter 4: Hoya is so deep in love with Eun Ji

I don't want Hoya fall in love with Bomi!!!
munah_pinkfinite #5
your love just for eunji,hoyaa
update soon <3
Chapter 2: waaaahh, it seems interesting!
update soon, AUTHORNIM!!! :p