Angel Without Wings

We versus The World

Me and You Versus The World

I look at my phone once more before I press the tweet button. I sigh heavily. Standing alone in the rooftop of my friend's office. Silence. I only hear my breath sounds and the noice of the oncoming cars down there. Seoul looks so pretty to night. But that is not enough to cheer my heart up..yet.

Oh dear, why do I stand here like a fool? I don't even know why I love this place so much. Even though Seongyeol was not in his office right now, but I have the rights to come here since all of his people know me well. Moreover, it's late now. 

Am I depressed now? Yes, I am(maybe). But, there's something that I want to enjoy here tonight. Something that I believe can erase the depressed feeling for me? This place has so much impact. There are tons of memories from Eunji that left on this office rooftop.

I look at the way down there, let the night breeze hit my face. 

"Howon oppa, you'll never give up on thing right?"

I know her voice really well! She is the only one girl that called me with my real name! I know she is here! Eunji is here! But, I don't turn  over my head immadiately. I'm still staring down to the roads. With my small smile-so I can make sure she cannot she it- I turn around. Eunji is there! Standing there! Alone. She looks more mature! She is not a girl anymore, she's a woman. The choosen one.....

Perfect beauty radiated. That's the sentence to describe her now. I've never seen her like this. She is really pretty! No one can win over her beauty. And after months I didn't see her, once again..God let us to meet each other tonight. 

It's true when some people say "not all of angles come with their wings" . Tonight, I see it clearly with my own eyes.... 




kyaaaaa~ how is it? 

I'm gonna post next chapter on this end of week~ 

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Chapter 6: eyy woorong!!! XDDD
the monkey is so cute,ya know? ><
update soon!!!
Chapter 5: awww that's so sweet!!! technically in relationship??? kkkk~
heeyy sunggyu? jiyoon? why don't you make them in love? lol
update soon, my dearest AUTHORNIM! ^_^
Chapter 4: awww the quotes, deep enough~~ >w<
lolololol kenya puahahahaa XDDD
just leave your current boyfie and comeback to hoya,eunjiyaa~
and... where did you find those pics?? o_o
update soon!! ><
Chapter 4: Hoya is so deep in love with Eun Ji

I don't want Hoya fall in love with Bomi!!!
munah_pinkfinite #5
your love just for eunji,hoyaa
update soon <3
Chapter 2: waaaahh, it seems interesting!
update soon, AUTHORNIM!!! :p