Ode To Joy

We versus The World

“Good job guys!” Mr.Yoon clapped and gave us a standing applause for my final presentation. Thi’s  d-day. He liked his new company profile. He was satisfied with my work!

“Thank you, Hoya~ it was perfect! You’re genius! I love your work so much!” he tapped my shoulder

“No problem, sir…thanks to Dongwoo too, without him I can’t finish this work”

“but he’s not here?”

“yeah, he must go back to Kenya”

“ohh it’s okay. Ahh would you go lunch with me and the others?” he asked me

“as pleased, sir” I smiled and then he called his people to have lunch.

Mr. Yoon treated us in the luxurious restaurant in front of his office. I sat beside him.

“So..what will you do later, hoya?” Mr.Yoon started the conversation

“eemm..I love my job as a freelancer, sir. So I can get jobs anytime and anywhere” I answered and Mr. Yoon just nodded. I take a glass of water and drink. My phone vibrated that time.


For a God sake!


Eunji texted me!

I unlocked my phone and read her text. my heartbeat was uncontrollable. I wanted to scream and run around this whole city that time!


Oppa~ how are you?

Long time no see~!!

I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu……


Oh my god! I immediately text eunji back


I’m in the midst of a lunch with my clients.

I’ll call you back once I finished this.



That’s it! I sent my text to Eunji, I want to finish this lunch asap!

After we finished our lunch, and had some chit-chat, Mr.Yoon and his people should come back to their office. But I was still in the restaurant because I want to call Eunji that time.

“Howon oppa! What does take you so long!” She shouted there

“sorry, Eunji~ I had a lunch with client. So what’s up?”

“can you come here? I want to meet and have a talk with you”

“where are you?”

“CUBE. I have my violin class today”

“okay, I’ll be there in 30 minutes”

“good! See you soon oppa!”

She hung up first. I couldn’t hide my smiles. I took my car and heading to CUBE. Eunji is a talented girl. She’s good at singing and music. She loves to play piano and violin. So she take a violin lesson every week in CUBE.

One day, she was offered by CUBE staff to take an audition. But she refused it.

I parked my car in front of CUBE building. I loved to be here tbh. Who knows, 4Minute will popped out that time. Who knows~~

Being bored, I entered CUBE building and looked around. I asked one of their staff and she told me where the room for violin class is. It’s on the third floor. No problem. I went there and sit in the bench.

I heard Eunji’s favorite song. Ode To Joy by Beethoven. It’s was beautiful. I wish I can see her play this song one day, in a big stage.

She came. I went to open the door for my little princess. With her bag, violin,and mineral water bottle in her hand, she looked so exhausted. I helped to bring the violin and smiled.Finally, I can see that smile again.

“Thank you, my gentle oppa..” she tapped my shoulder

“So? Where will we go?” asked me

“I’m hungry” she said while she her tummy “let’s go down and eat first?” she continued

“okay!” I answered with a big enthusiasm. I couldn’t hide my wide smile and happy face

“What’s wrong wih you??”


“eii don’t say~ you are being nervous??”


“No, I’m not”

Eunji pinched my arm slightly. Haha. Her habits, it was still the same. We walked arm in arm. Yes, arm in arm. She didn’t look jittery at all. But here I am, being weird by myself. We stopped in CUBE Café as she ordered coffee latte and hamburger.

“you don’t want to order some,oppa?” Eunji asked

“no, I’m full”

Then we sat in the corner. There were not so many people here. Only those fans or maybe sasaeng fans waited outside of this café. No doubt. Their idols could leave from this big building anytime. Me too, I couldn’t imagine if 4Minute come to this café…..

“Howon oppa!” she waved her hands in front of my face “what are you imagining about?” she raised her eyebrow

“no! I’m not imagining anything..” I lied

“liar..you are imagining some dirty things right?” she burst out laughing

‘Eunji-ya. stop it. You are killing me. Those crescent eyes’

I smiled to her than she stopped

“why?” I asked

“Oppa….” She called me with heavy voice

“yes?” then Eunji told me everything about her new boyfriend. He is from the same university as Eunji. She cried. I swear I never made Eunji cry like this when we were together. I felt like I want to meet that guy and send my fist to him.

“Eunji-ya…don’t cry…” I said as I hold her hands

“Oppa, I don’t know what should I do..”

“do you really want to hear my solution?”

“yes, why? You don’t want to?”

“it’s not like I won’t but are you sure you didn’t choose wrong person?” I talked to her, still holding her hands

“no?” she answered warily

“I warn you, I’m your ex. I don’t want you to hear my solution, because I’m afraid you might take it as a subjective solution…….”

Eunji didn’t answer me. But she grabbed my hand.

“I’m ready to hear your solution, oppa...”

“okay. Eunji-ya, listen to me. You must feel happy and delighted every time you meet your boyfriend, every time he called you, every time he texted you, even you don’t meet him in whole day. Love makes people feel happy. Love doesn’t bring sadness to people, Eunji…Love never hurts people, but love heals it.” I said. I tried to calm, but in my deep chest I know I’m broken.

“what’s more??”

“just that. I just want to tell you that.” I sighed “I hope you can find the answer by that.”

“that boy is so stubborn, oppa. He never wants to hear my opinion. He wants me to do anything as he wants, and we fought recently. Everyday…..”

“Eunji….do you love him?” with a heavy heart I asked her

Eunji shocked by my question. She lost my hand from her.

“I don’t know what to answer…”


“because I’m really confused right now. I don’t know what’s my true feeling to him and to….”

“me?” I cut her senctences. Eunji became a silent statue

“that’s why I don’t want to answer your question. I have manner, I want to protect your feeling, oppa….” She buried her face in her own hands

I her hair as I put my arms around her shoulder. “Eunji-ya, you know that I never forced you especially about your heart to me. Never be burdened with your own feeling, but you must try to be honest with it.”

“do you still love me, oppa?”

I didn’t answer her question immediately. I looked at her eyes deeply. “Loving you or not, it doesn’t matter. But I still feel the same as I met you first.”

“what feeling??”

“whenever I meet you, just like a moment ago, I feel the time is stopped”

Eunji laughed. “you know how to make a girl fall for you, oppa…” she put her head on my shoulder “I have a mini show this weekend, would you like to come? Emm…no…actually I want you to come..”

I smiled to her. “Of course. I will come”

She handed me an invitation card “don’t be late, I want you to see my performances”. I nodded

After she finish her snacks and she felt better, I sent her home.

However, I was happy because I can meet her again. Thanks, God…at least you heard my pray…




kkeeeeeuutt~~! ><

how's it? long enough??? :/ I hope it is since I posted 2 chapters tonight.

well, this is just the begining for both of eunji and hoya. the came to each other's life once again.

what will happen next? are you curious? or maybe not?

since I don't see many comments and subscribes here :((

I'll post next chapter ASAP>< 


anyway, thank you for those who had comments and subscribes!

I love you all :* 

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Chapter 6: eyy woorong!!! XDDD
the monkey is so cute,ya know? ><
update soon!!!
Chapter 5: awww that's so sweet!!! technically in relationship??? kkkk~
heeyy sunggyu? jiyoon? why don't you make them in love? lol
update soon, my dearest AUTHORNIM! ^_^
Chapter 4: awww the quotes, deep enough~~ >w<
lolololol kenya puahahahaa XDDD
just leave your current boyfie and comeback to hoya,eunjiyaa~
and... where did you find those pics?? o_o
update soon!! ><
Chapter 4: Hoya is so deep in love with Eun Ji

I don't want Hoya fall in love with Bomi!!!
munah_pinkfinite #5
your love just for eunji,hoyaa
update soon <3
Chapter 2: waaaahh, it seems interesting!
update soon, AUTHORNIM!!! :p