Technically in a relationship

We versus The World

Saturday night, 7 P.M

As I promised to Eunji, I came to she her performance tonight. So it was CUBE Mini Showcase for their trainees and their music academy’s students. Wonder if Eunji attend this showcase as a student or as a trainee. She didn’t mention it yesterday.

I spotted an empty seat in in front of the main stage, it’s free though.

They begun the mini showcase. DAEBAK. All of CUBE artists came here!

“wwooooooooo~~!!!!! 4Minute jjang~!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted.

No one knows me here’

“HOYA!!!!!” someone called me and tapped my shoulder

“Sunggyu hyung! Long time no see! What are you doing here?” I hugged him. Sunggyu was my sunbae on senior high school. I never imagine he will come to a place like this. As I know, he loves rock…….

“my brother is a trainee here, so I come to see him. And……I wanna meet 4Minute! Hahaha” he laughed.

so here comes our hamster hyung…

“wow! That’s good! I know, right hyung! This is a bonus. A super duper bonus!”

“you like 4Minute too?”

“yes I am! Nam Jihyun is my bias, how about you?”

“Jeon Jiyoon! Hahahahaha!”

We talked about so many things, as we put attention to this showcase. His brother performed right before Eunji. He was amazed by Eunji’s sweet voice. He kept ask for her number. Damn, this hyung is so talkative yet stubborn.

But suddenly, Eunji dropped her mic. People here were in mess. They were shocked by it. I looked at Eunji. Something was wrong. Eunji face looked so pale. She was alright few minutes ago.

Eunji bowed and took her mic. But instead of getting up, she blinked her eyes. Her breath was uncontrollable. Some staffs tried to help her. They were late. Eunji fainted that time.I ran to the stage and carried Eunji to the rest room. Luckily, there were some doctors there. I could only wait outside. I was so shocked also. My hands were freezing.

“are you Eunji’s friend?” the doctor called me

“yes, I am?”

“she want to meet you”

I went inside and stand beside Eunji. I hold her hands and rubbed her cheeks.

“are you okay? I was so shocked, Eunji-ya..”

“I’m okay, howon oppa…that was nothing to worry” she smiled

“I will company you here. Just try to sleep, we’ll go home after you are feeling better. Okay?”

She nodded. She held on my arm and slightly closed her eyes.


Two days after that accident, I went to her house. She asked me to come. I was so excited! You could imagine by yourself how my mixed feeling that time is. Her mom knew me so well, so she told me to just come to Eunji’s room.

“Eunji-ya? Oppa is here” I knocked her room

“wait!! Why are you so early! I’m in a mess! Please wait a minute!” Eunji shouted

“arasseo, I’ll wait here. 3minutes okay? Or I will open this door without your permission”

“just try if you can?!”

I laughed. Eunji was always be this childish all the time.

“Howon oppa~~~” she hugged me right after she opened the door

“Eunji-ya…I miss you”

“miss you too..come in. I want to tell something” she dragged me to her room. Pink. This room was almost filled by pink stuffs. But Eunji was not that girly though……her mom decorated this room for her.

I sat on the pink mat. Eunji too, with her monkey doll.

that’s my gift for her birthday a year ago’ I stared at that doll and eunji by turns.

“howon oppa! I broke up with my boyfriend” Eunji said….with a happy expression

“mwo? When?”

“right after I met you…….” She buried her face in the monkey doll

“that’s your choice, I can’t do anything” I said calmly, tried to hide my happy euphoria feeling

“YA! I THOUGHT YOU WILL BE HAPPY AND SCREAM AND HUG ME LIKE CRAZY! BUT LOOK AT YOU!” she yelled at me. She stared at me and kept kicking my legs. Yet, she slapped my whole body

“ok ok eunji stop it! I’m sorry! Okay I am happy! Really really happy!” I hugged her tightly. She fell in my embrace. She hugged me back, I could feel her smile on my broad chest. I kissed her forehead “you made a right decision, my darling..”

Eunji wanted to take a walk with me. So I suggested to go to Eurwangni Beach since it’s not that far from Seoul. She loved it. Eunji said she loved to play water in this hot summer day. So I asked her mom’s permission. She said yes.

We departed from Eunji’s house with bright smiles. I really love that smile! Looked so pure and my heart flutter faster just by seeing it. She couldn’t stop singing and yelling on the way. She even brought some tangerines with her.

“I can eat them when I’m hungry though. Because I know there will be a traffic jam” She said a while ago.

Eunji was right.  We trapped on a traffic jam.

“Howon oppa, wear this!” She found my sunglasses and told me to wear it. As she asked, I wore it.

“Indeed, you are so cool!” she tapped my shoulder and then showed her thumbs.

“you can have it too, I have one more. Open my dash” I said. She found it. She looked so cute with that sunglass. I couldn’t stop .

“stop it! Now just eat it! Or I’ll kiss you!” She peeled the tangerine and handed me one

“what? You want to kiss me? Our eunji is so naughty………..”


We arrived at the perfect time! The sun was almost set so we took a walk at the beach. She hugged my arm and put her head on my shoulder. I really love that moment. I would to stop the time for it.

I stopped her and looked at her face. She grabbed my hands and smiled. I smiled back to Eunji.

“Eunji, you know that I can’t erase my feeling toward you right? That feeling is growing bigger and bigger. I tried to stop it but I just can’t. I had a hard time when we broke up, when we were not together anymore,when I can’t see your face, when I can’t hear your voice, your whine, and your nags. I miss those times, eunji-ya….I would be the most happiest person in this world if I can get you back..” Eunji was calmly hearing what I said

“I want you back, I want you to own my heart….”

Eunji smiled. She nodded shyly and then pecks my left cheek.

“I was so stupid to leave you, oppa..I was a dumb. I left you and date another guy. I thought he was better than you, I thought he could make my days. But I was wrong. I didn’t feel the same as when I was with you. Me too, oppa….I can’t erase that feeling, never”


“no, we are not officially dating. I don’t want to, that makes me feel burdened. I just want to be with you, without a bond. Because bond can break anytime…I would to call it as technically in a relationship”

“what does that mean?”

“like us now! We know our feelings, we know we love each other, but we aren’t dating. We do as the other couples! Technically in a relationship……..”

“okay. Whatever it is, I’ll always by your side..” I her hair “I will marry you soon though!”

“mwoya! I’m still 20!” I laughed at her shocked face

“chill~ I’ll wait you till you are ready enough” I hugged her. We spent this evening with a joy. Together with us, the moon was smiling prettily…..


Technically in a relationship.

That’s okay, I know Eunji is being sincere so do I, as long as I can be with her ..



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Chapter 6: eyy woorong!!! XDDD
the monkey is so cute,ya know? ><
update soon!!!
Chapter 5: awww that's so sweet!!! technically in relationship??? kkkk~
heeyy sunggyu? jiyoon? why don't you make them in love? lol
update soon, my dearest AUTHORNIM! ^_^
Chapter 4: awww the quotes, deep enough~~ >w<
lolololol kenya puahahahaa XDDD
just leave your current boyfie and comeback to hoya,eunjiyaa~
and... where did you find those pics?? o_o
update soon!! ><
Chapter 4: Hoya is so deep in love with Eun Ji

I don't want Hoya fall in love with Bomi!!!
munah_pinkfinite #5
your love just for eunji,hoyaa
update soon <3
Chapter 2: waaaahh, it seems interesting!
update soon, AUTHORNIM!!! :p