Chapter 6 - Alone in the Dark

Unknown Territory

Jae pulled her arm away from her sister and let out a frustrated growl. Today was just not her day.

“Appa? What kind of accident?! I just got here and now I have to worry about money?” she began to pace the sidewalk in front of the bus stop. Eun Jung watched her older sister sadly.

“He hurt his leg. That’s all Mi Unnie will let us know.” She grabbed her sister’s hand. “We can’t do much to help you, unnie. Mi Unnie already has her hands full with her part time job. I think your best bet is to get your own job.” Jung hung her head and kicked at the sidewalk.

“When you know more, let me know. I’ll call home tonight.” She put on a smile, even though she felt terrible. She didn't want to keep acting so selfishly. “You’ve done so much already. I don’t know how you could help me even more.” Jae turned and hugged her sister’s head.

“Yah, what if someone sees us?” Jung pushed her away and began fixing her hair, which was curled into tight ringlets. Jae looked her up and down and scoffed.

“You’re sure dressed up today, aren’t you?” she wiggled her eyebrows. “What are you trying to do, huh?” she elbowed Jung’s side.

“You never know when you’ll meet the boy of your dreams.” She adjusted her sweater and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Jae smiled. This was typical of Eun Jung. “You know, it’s not fair. You get to live with the boy you like and stuff.” She pouted.

“It’s not that simple, you know. I’ll text you the details.” She sighed as she heard the bus coming. “Call me when you get back home.” Jae turned her back and sighed. She didn’t want to start getting emotional. She was already starting to sniffle.

“I’ll see you, Jae Oppa.” She called and boarded the bus and waved, even though she knew Jae wasn’t looking. “Take care, Zico Oppa!” Jae looked up and Zico was waving to Jung.

“How long have you been here?” she rubbed her nose and blinked back her tears. Zico gave her a half smile and came and gave her a hug. She buried her face in his chest and began to breathe deeply, trying to steady herself. Being hugged wasn’t helping her emotional state, but at the same time she didn’t want to be alone.

“I’ve been here long enough.” He said gently. “Whatever you plan to do, I’ll try and help, too.” He her head.

“Aniya. I’m going to do this by myself. I want to stay here.” She looked up at him, her face determined. Zico released her and turned his back on her. Jae felt alarmed. “I guess you could help me look for a job, though.” She didn’t want him to be mad. He was the only person she could talk to.

“Araso.” Zico sighed. “If only you weren’t so stubborn. You wouldn’t even be in this situation to begin with.” He laughed and started walking back towards the Block. Jae patted her cheeks, trying to regain her composure before following. She grabbed her phone and texted her other sisters.

By the time they got back to the Block, everyone was in the middle of changing.

“What’s happening?” Jae looked up from her phone and looked at everyone running around. She nearly got run over by Jihoon.
“Jae Hyung! We’re going to get to know our new dorm mates and get some drinks!” he was overly excited again, jumping in the hall. Zico rolled his eyes.

“We’re getting drinks. You are getting water, Jihoon.” Zico made a sour face. “Remember what happened last time you had a drink?” Yukwon popped his head out of his room and nodded vigorously.

“That guy threw up on Zico!” he laughed. “It was hilarious. Jihoon almost got Minhyuk hyung, too, but he was too quick.” Jae’s eyes widened and she put a hand over . Jihoon was busy begging and apologizing to Zico. She looked at Zico, whose expression had changed from sour to pissed off.

“I think he gets the picture, Yukwon Hyung.” He glowered. “And you, Pyo jihoon! You will never drink around me ever again.” He crossed his arms. Jae couldn’t hold in her laughter anymore and bust out. Kyung flew out of his room.

“Oh, you’re back!” he looked at Jae to Jihoon to Yukwon, who had also begun laughing. “So, what’s funny? What did I miss?”
“You didn’t miss anything.” Zico side glared at Jae, who was too busy laughing to notice. She staggered over to Yukwon, who had collapsed on the floor and rolled out of his room.

“Hyung, I can’t breathe!” she wheezed. Kyung stepped away from Zico, who looked like he was going to punch someone. He watched Jae for a moment and cleared his throat.

“Wow. Jae Hyung giggles like a little girl.” He chuckled. Zico looked up and stared at Kyung, eyes wide. Jae stopped laughing immediately and mentally kicked herself for being careless.

“I laugh like that when I get really excited.” She coughed, trying to lower her voice.

“So why is everyone on the floor?” Minhyuk was staring down at Jae and Yukwon. He was wearing jeans with his t shirt slung over his shoulder. Yukwon got up quickly and dusted himself off.

“We were recounting the time when Jihoon decided he was a big boy and wanted to drink.” Yukwon sniggered. Jihoon frowned and quit bugging Zico, but then went to Yukwon and started harassing him instead.

“Yah, Yukwon Hyung! It wasn’t that bad!” he whined. Jae was still sitting on the floor looking up at Minhyuk. He walked around her and gave her a strange look as he walked down the hall to the bathroom.

“You look like an idiot.” Zico sighed as he held out a hand to help Jae up. She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up.

“I was just surprised, that’s all.” She coughed. “I’m going to go change.”

“Yea, me too.” Zico nodded and pushed Jae towards their room. “We’ll be out soon.” The last thing Jae saw was Kyung’s disappointed expression before the door shut. “You need to be more conscious of yourself.” Zico snapped.

“Mian. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to be a guy before.” She snapped sarcastically. “You’re turning into Eun Mi Unnie.” she muttered under her breath. She tried to turn away, but Zico grabbed her arm.

“Is everything a game to you? You know if you get caught I don’t know what will happen to you!” he nearly yelled. Jae stared at him with a blank look and then broke into a smile.

“Is that what you’re worried about?” she pulled away from him and flopped on her bed, her gaze on the ceiling.”I will deal with it when the time comes. Right now, we have to get ready.” Zico smirked. She had never really thought anything through. This time was no exception. 

She really hasn’t changed in the last eight years.

“You know… you’re still lying on your bed. If you don’t turn around, you’re going to see something you don’t want to.” He started to take his shirt off. Jae gasped rolled over and stared at the wall.

“I will get ready. I’m really fast. I’m even faster now that I don’t have to put on makeup.” She checked her phone and saw a reply from Eun Ae.

Appa said he’s going to be in the hospital for a week and he’ll have to have physical therapy after. What are you going to do about school? D:

Jae frowned. The news wasn’t much better than what Eun Jung had told her.

Don’t know yet. Trying to get a job. I hope that omma isn’t crying. She always cries.

“I’m done changing. You know, you’re going to have to get used to seeing our bodies. We have some crazy people in this dorm.” He laughed and left the room, closing the door behind him. Jae rolled over and sat up, sighing. 
You think I don’t know that? 
She rifled around in her luggage and found a black shirt. She locked the door before undressing. She didn’t want to take any more chances after what had just happened.


Zico was leaning on the door to his room fiddling with his phone. Almost everyone was ready except for Minhyuk and Taeil. Jaehyo emerged from his room with his half eaten bag of cookies.

“Zico, did you get some from that one girl?” he asked, still munching. Zico looked him over and shrugged.

“You mean that waitress? She sent you cookies? How?” Zico looked up from his phone. He was intrigued. Jaehyo looked at Kyung, who had been doing the exact same thing as Zico.

“Oh, that’s right I’ve got those.” He retreated back into his room and came back out with a bag.

“Mari says thanks.” He tossed the bag to Zico, who blushed slightly. Jaehyo just stood off to the side finishing off his cookies. He was always staring off into space.

“They’re pretty good.” His mouth twitched into a smile. “It was nice of her to bake us cookies.” Kyung raised an eyebrow.

“What did you guys do to deserve cookies? Zico, you were a bully when we were growing up.” Kyung chuckled.

“Really? Because I think Zico Hyung is a bully right now.” Jihoon yelled from inside his room. He was still upset that he couldn’t get a drink. Kyung just peeked inside the room and nodded sympathetically.

“You’re right, Jihoon. He still is a bully.” Jaehyo yelled back at Jihoon. Zico raised an eyebrow at Jaehyo.

“Crazy…” he muttered as he opened the bag of cookies. “She is a waitress at the place we’re going to tonight. It was her first night and some guy was trying to hit on her. Jaehyo Hyung and I got rid of him for her.” Kyung frowned.

“And by ‘got rid of him’ you mean…”

“Oh, we took him outside and beat him.” Jaehyo nodded. The bathroom door flung open and Minhyuk shuffled out of the bathroom, his towel stained with pink yet again. He walked through the group silently. Everyone’s eyes followed him until he made it back to their room, where they all looked at each other in confusion. Taeil rushed out and everyone immediately surrounded him.

“What just happened?” Kyung was the quickest to spit out what everyone else was dying to know. Zico, Jaehyo and Kyung’s eyes were going from Taeil to room one’s door.

“Nothing really happened. He threw his towel on the ground and flipped that picture of the girl over. I didn’t want to look at him so I left.” He shrugged.

“He seems really angry.” Jae had come out and joined the group looking at Taeil. Jaehyo shook his head and sighed.

“He’s been like that since we met him, actually. Sometimes he’ll just start stomping around and slamming doors.” Kyung’s eyes widened.

“So this is normal for Minhyuk Hyung?” Everyone except for Jae and Kyung looked to Jaehyo and Yukwon’s room.

“We should probably ask Yukwon. He would know. He and Minhyuk have been close since Minhyuk moved into our Block.” Taeil pushed Jaehyo forward. “You should ask him. He’s your roommate.” But before Jaehyo could do anything else, Minhyuk appeared. He looked calm, like nothing had ever happened.
“Is everyone ready now? I am actually pretty hungry.” He put his hand over his stomach. “I ran a lot more than I thought I would today.”

“Hear that? Let’s go!” Kyung smiled and put an arm around Jae’s shoulder and made his way to the door, Jae getting dragged along. Zico chuckled to himself and handed his bag of cookies to Minhyuk, who took a cookie and passed the bag to Yukwon, who had appeared beside him.

“Here have a snack.” Zico looked at Yukwon and then back to Minhyuk before turning to catch up with Kyung and Jae. “Yah, Kyung, you don’t even know where you’re going!” he laughed. Minhyuk and Yukwon stayed back a ways from the group. Minhyuk sighed and kept his gaze straight ahead while Yukwon occasionally looked at him.

“You can tell me what’s wrong, you know.” He smiled widely. “We’re friends so I’ll be around if you ever want to talk.” He patted the red head on the shoulder and walked beside him the rest of the way, nibbling on cookies. Minhyuk was lost in thought. He kept his hands in his pocket.

Up ahead, Jae was having a good time with Zico, Kyung, Taeil, Jaehyo, and Jihoon. Jihoon was telling jokes while Zico was trying to steal his spotlight. Taeil and Jaehyo walked on either side of Jae and Kyung behind her.

“Taeil Hyung, do you go to this place a lot?” Jae inquired. Taeil adjusted his hat and laughed.

“We don’t really have a choice. This is the only place that’s close enough. There are also quite a few girls from the other school that frequent that place too.” He looked back at Yukwon and Minhyuk for a moment before turning his attention to Jihoon and Zico. Their antics were quite amusing.

“I see.” Jae had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tried it ignore it and continue a conversation to get rid of the awful sensation. “Jaehyo Hyung, maybe Mari will be working tonight!” she elbowed his side. Jaehyo jumped a little and looked down at her. Jae felt like she was being consumed by his dark orbs. He looked serious again.

“It would be nice to be able to thank her for the cookies. I liked them.” He smirked. They were closing in on a small out of the way worn down building. The lights were dim inside. Jihoon ran up to Jae and clung to her arm.

“Jae Hyung, save me! Zico Hyung is being crazy!” he tried to hide behind her, but she was too short. Zico was about to take a swing at the younger boy, but Jae glared at him and he lowered his hand and backed away.

“That was pretty good. Zico never backs down.” Taeil nodded and patted Jae’s head. “Zico, how come you’re afraid of the little princess?” The only thing Zico could do was laugh nervously and back away next to Kyung, who had become oddly silent.

“Yah, Taeil hyung, I’m not a princess!” her blonde head was shaking side to side. “That’s just ridiculous. I’m the only son.” Jihoon tightened his grip on her arm.

“Jae Hyung, you’re so small. Are you sure you’re older than me?” he kept squeezing her slight arm. It was a bit toned, but it was still small.

“Enough, you.” She snapped and grabbed Jihoon’s arm back. 
Even the nerdy maknae has better arms than me, she sulked in her mind. I obviously need to hit the gym a lot more
She released him and scoffed. 
“I just haven’t been working out lately. I had to do other things.” she grabbed an excuse from the top of her head. They were at the door when Jae’s phone rang. She looked at it and her eyes widened.

“Want me to wait for you?” Kyung asked her quietly. She blushed and shook her head as she picked up the call. The other boys didn’t hesitate to get inside except for Kyung and Minhyuk.

“Noona!” she said cheerfully as she tried to wave the two inside. “Sorry I didn’t call earlier. I haven’t really gotten settled yet.” They finally went inside the building and Jae walked around to the back. “Mi Unnie!”

“Jae, I heard from Ae that you’re trying to find a job. I found an opening at a restaurant near you. It’s called The Black Boat. They need a waitress.”

“Um. Yes. I’ll try and it out. Thanks Unnie.” She put her hand on her forehead. 

“Oh, that’s right. You called me Noona earlier. Any particular reason?” Mi’s voice was becoming more and more agitated. 

“We were playing a game. Sorry about that. I was getting into my character. Don’t worry about it!” Jae laughed it off nervously. 
“My friends want me to come back and play again so I’ll call you again. Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it.”
“Be careful, araso?” Mi sighed.

“Wait! Before you go, tell me how appa got hurt!” Jae mentally slapped herself for forgetting about her father. “Is he alright?”
“He is fine. You know how he is. He tries to deny something is wrong until it’s serious.” Mi sounded quite amused. “And of course mom is being a drama queen and crying about every little thing.”

“Then it really must be alright if they’re acting normal.” Jae giggled. “I really have to go now. My friends are waiting for me. I’ll talk to you again, Mi Unnie. Good night!” She hung up and sighed. She really missed talking like herself. She was walking around to the front of the building when she ran into someone. She yelped. “I really should probably start looking where I’m going once in a while,” she muttered under her breath.

“Are you done, Princess?” Jae’s heart sank into her stomach when she heard Taeil.

“Oh uh yea. Um. What brings you out here?” she tried to play it off. She didn’t know how much of the conversation he had heard.

“I was just getting some air. I didn’t feel like it was safe for you to be alone in near darkness by yourself.” He patted her head. “You usually have someone to look out for you, don’t you?”

“Why would I…” she trailed off and squinted at his face in the darkness. It was still hard to see his eyes because of his hat. His mouth was set in a line “What exactly did you hear?”

“Enough.” He chuckled and pushed her ahead of him. “Let’s get inside before they start to wonder where we are, hm?” Jae nodded and bit her lip as she was being lead to the front. 
Exactly how obvious am I? 
How do I get myself out of this one?
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Chapter 13: i just realized this story is from 2012 @_@
should i die thinking for the next update??? U_U
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh omg must you stop in such moments?!D: XD
OMG!!!!! >.<
Eep. It's been a while~ Sorry everyone! I will hopefully have the next chapter up within the next few days. I've been busy with school and such but after this week, it should be getting easier. ^^ I hope you look forward to the next chapter!
OMG~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I CANT WAIT!!!!<br />
Hes going to Ask Rae Out! Kyaaaaaa~~~~
Hurhurhur this is what I get for writing at 4AM. Thankssss. ^w^
<br />
Hehe no problem! I was just being honest ;) anyway YAY YOU UPDATED!<br />
WHAT OMG did he found out that she is a girl!? Dear lord have mercy @-@<br />
Please update soon!!