Suho x Jinmin

EXO One-Shot Collection

A/N: This isn’t school life, it’s idol life. Like, right now! (Promoting Growl as OT12) Yeah, haha.



*The Difference between Sasaeng and Sane Fans


“And that wraps up our radio show today! A big thank you to the legendary rookies, EXO! Please continue to support them and their songs along with this show. Goodbye, and we hope to see you again next week, same time!”

          “Okay, boys!” the female MC squeaked. “Thanks for joining the radio show today. Rest up because I know you have a lot of schedules to attend to tomorrow!”

          EXO thanked the MC before heading out of the broadcast building. They arrived at their dorms after what seemed like forever. Even if the dorm was close, because of the many detours they had to take to lose the cars that seemed to follow them, it took an hour. Despite the fact that they were absolutely exhausted, they all washed up before going to sleep. The next day was a big day on a big music show, and they were determined to win first again. Their song had received much love, and they appreciated.

          But with love, fame, and attention, came with unregulated obsessions and unpredictable fans. Sasaeng fans had been ruining EXO’s personal life and invading their privacy for quite some time. Following them, taking pictures, even going to the point to hurt instead of help, or hurt for their own benefit, and so on. It was going overboard, and no matter how much EXO and the staff told the sasaeng fans off, it only seemed to perpetuate their wrongdoings. There just was no end to their screaming, violence, and more. Lay, the kindest one out of the twelve, became suspicious of the sasaeng fans’ mental state. He thought maybe they had mental obsessive disorders. While people like Kai and Chanyeol laughed at that, thinking it was a joke, Lay had been very serious about it. He actually questioned the girls’ mental states.

          What type of fans would trip their idol on purpose, just so they could take an exclusive photo? Of their idol in pain? Disgusting. Or when their idol fell over the several feet clashing together, instead of helping, they try to get their hands all over his body, as much as they could? Abominable. Attempting to trick their idols into going into the wrong van to kidnap them, and have them all to themselves? Horrifying. Because of these traumatizing incidents, EXO can only return to their dorms an hour – or sometimes even longer, reaching to an extent of four hours before – later because of all the cars that seem to follow them. When seeing a mass of people, they freak out, become dubious. It was impacting their lives in such a negative way, and the sasaeng fans couldn’t realize it. While the sane fans are desperately trying to clean their reputation up, it’s hard when the sasaeng fans’ ludicrous and terrible acts are incessant. It was almost absurd as to how the sasaeng fans didn’t seem to have anything called “dignity” or a “conscience”. Couldn’t they see their idols suffering?

          Somewhere else, not too far from the dorm, a girl who responds to the name Jimin, closed her laptop with a sigh. Seriously, all these sasaeng fans are destroying our image as EXOtics… she pouted a little as she threw herself on her bed. We don’t have our place in Inkigayo anymore, and the incidents are just worsening…

          It was one in the morning, and Jinmin had school the next day, but she couldn’t fall asleep. Not with the social pressure. Not with the upcoming exams. She knew she had to study, but how could she, when she knew that her beloved idols are suffering? So nearby, too. Their dorm was somewhere in this city. Of course, EXO had no idea who she was. Unless they remember me from the last fan meet…? Jinmin chuckled softly at the absurdity. Impossible. EXO has so many fans, within the nation and out of it. Thousands, millions. Are you becoming a sasaeng fan too, daydreaming about someone you’ll never reach? Jinmin scrunched her nose at that thought. Unfortunately, Jinmin could never sleep with a full mind. To put these thoughts at rest, she had to get out of this suffocating room and feel the nipping cold of the autumn wind outside.

          She swiftly grabbed a jacket, pocketed her phone, and wrapped a scarf around her neck. She took the home keys and left the house, making sure to be quiet so she doesn’t wake her parents up. And when she locked the door behind her, she put her hands in her jacket pockets and winced at the cold. But she liked it. She began walking around the town, thinking things so that she wouldn’t think about them later when she slept.



Suho jumped up in his bed. He blinked several times and checked his surroundings. He was in his dorm room with Chen and Kai. No crazy sasaeng fans. No unwanted camera flashes. No strident screams. Safe. Nightmares were a common experience nowadays. His eyes flew to the digital clock by the nightstand. He groaned and rubbed the inner cores of his eyes in frustration. Two in the morning. Great. He laid back down on his bed and snuggled into his blankets. His eyes were closed, but his mind was aware. Aware of his environment, aware of Kai’s little snores and Chen’s teeth gritting. He could even hear the distant sleep-talk from Luhan in the other room. With a quiet sigh (the leader wouldn’t dare wake s up), he got up and quickly got changed. He had to clear his head, so he was going to take a short stroll around the city. He knew the risks of doing so, but it was two in the morning. Who would be out at this time?

          Suho took his jacket and beanie, and walked outside the dorm. He knew this was against the rules – sneaking out in the middle of the night – but even the dorky leader needed a break from all the acting and suffocation, right? Just a little fresh air wouldn’t hurt, he thought, assuring himself as he stepped out. The cold breeze already seemed to cleanse his arms, smelling the typical scent of the city. He took a deep breath as he began walking around the town. I wonder what we’re eating after our performance tomorrow? Suho thought. We should ask for hanwoo if we get first. I hope we do…no, we will. Our group is strong! Ha~ But if we’re up against f(x) seniors, it’s going to be hard…ah, well, even if we lose, our managers should buy us meat because we did our best~ Suho frowned. I’m thinking like Baekhyun and D.O, thinking about food and meat.

          As Suho turns around the corner, he sees a whole group of high school girls. Eyes widening he turns around, but it was too late. They had been walking towards his direction, and he hears them screaming his name. Crud, how did they notice me? I even have my – mask…? Oh. Suho mentally punched himself. He had forgotten about his mask. No wonder!

          He ran as they screamed after him in the middle of the night. What are high schoolers doing at such a time? Shouldn’t they be asleep?! He ran as he turned around the block but them bumped into someone. His eyes widened his shock as he stifled a scream himself. It was a female. Lately, female strangers meant sasaeng fans. But then her confused and shocked face startled him. He let his guard down and the girl grabbed his jacket sleeve and yanked him towards her. Just as he was about to push her off, the fangirls screamed as they passed right by, still continuing to holler his name out into the city. The girl was breathing heavily as she let him go. She grasped her chest and took a steady breath. Suho just blinked at the girl. She…helped me? And she’s not screaming? Or threatening me? She’s…just there?

          She looked up and saw the idol’s bewildered and uncomprehending expression. She hadn’t really intended on saving the idol. It was just instinct. Jinmin had seen the crazy girls earlier. She wondered what goes through their high school minds, but a university student like herself knew better than to freak out. And just suddenly, when the boy ran into her, the first thing she thought was: Get him away from them.

          “Sorry,” they both said in unison.

          She turned away and blushed, fumbling with her fingers. He casted his eyes down, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, feeling out of place. The silence was awkward, and neither of them knew what to do. Should I just walk away? Or talk?

          “Uh, I’m Suho,” he told her, deciding to talk to her. He knew how risky it was saying his name, but judging from her pink cheeks and how she read the whole sasaeng situation in seconds, he had a feeling he could trust her. “Well, Kim Joonmyeon, from EXO.”

          “Yeah, that rich one,” she giggled. “Paying an eighty manwon/eight hundred meal for your members. You’re an admirable and true leader. EXO is really lucky to have you. Oh, Kris makes an excellent leader too, but, yeah…you’re amazing.”

          He chuckled, becoming flustered at her compliments.

          “I-I’m Jinmin,” Jinmin said. “Yoo Jinmin, a regular university student who’s a big fan of EXO.”

          “W-Who’s your bias?” Suho asked. He couldn’t help but ask.

          Jinmin’s eyes widened a bit and she looked away. “Uh…”

          “Kai? D.O? Baekhyun? Sehun? Chanyeollie?” Suho suddenly bombarded her with names. “Or maybe it’s in M…Luhan? Chen? Xiumin? Kris? Lay? Ta –”

          “It’s you.”

          Suho blinked. Jinmin pursed her lips and shut her eyes. Oh god, this is humiliating, she thought. What do I say, what do I do?! Oh god, oh god, oh god…

          Suho laughed loudly and awkwardly, being the dork he was. His face flushed furiously. “T-Thank you. Hey…didn’t you come to the fan meet last week? I remember there was a boy with you…is he your boyfriend?”

          Jinmin’s jaw dropped. “You remember me?!”

          “I try to remember all my fans.”

          Jinmin’s face broke into a large grin. “Yeah, that was me! And no, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my idiot brother.”

          Suho raised an eyebrow. “Fanboy, I see?”

          “No, I dragged him there. But I’ve seen a few EXO tracks on his iTunes.”

          The two shared a moment filled with gentle laughter. Suho glanced behind Jinmin’s shoulder. “I…guess they’re gone now. Thanks for…saving me. I swear, the genders are switched though. Shouldn’t the guy be saving the girl?”

          Jinmin laughed again, sounding a bit sad. He’s busy, and it’s, like, three in the morning, Jinmin told herself. “The strong saves the weak. I guess I was just the stronger one this time.”

          Suho let out a small chortle. “Weak. Thanks.”

          Jinmin’s hand flew to . “N-No! No, I didn’t mean you’re weak, I meant…that your position was a weak one…like, like…like –”

          “I’m just joking,” Suho said. “Lame joke, I know. How is Park Chanyeol so funny and I have the humor level of a donkey?!”

          “Donkeys are pretty funny,” Jinmin said thoughtfully. “Well…funny-looking.”

          “Did you just call me funny-looking?!”

          “N-No! I called donkeys funny-looking!”

          “But I just called myself a donkey.”

          “No, you said you had the humor level of a donkey. See, I could say that I had the same jacket as you, but who looks better is a different question. Comprehend?” Jinmin said.

          Suho sighed. “University students are so smart these days…sometimes, I wonder if I should’ve taken the education route instead of the idol life…”

          “You were pretty smart, weren’t you?” Jinmin said. “You always placed in the top fifty, right? You said so on Beatles Code 2.”

          Suho grinned. “Yeah, I did. Do all of EXO fans remember little things like that?”

          Jinmin’s tongue shyly poked out the side. “Some…”

          Suho nodded, as he looked behind Jinmin’s shoulders. His lips pressed together, as if contemplating on what to say next. He has to go, thought Jinmin. Don’t be a brat and let him go. “So, uh…you should get going,” Jinmin managed.


          Suho sneezed, and Jinmin laughed. She undid her scarf and gave it to him, but his eyes widened immediately as he waved his hands back and forth frantically. “N-No! That’s alright! I’m not sick! I’m fine! You shouldn’t – you don’t have to – I –”

          Suho sneezed again. Jinmin pushed the scarf to Suho again, with a small laugh. “It’s washed, don’t worry. I’m not the type to take night strolls often. It’s just…tomorrow’s my exam and I needed some air. Take it, or I won’t be able to sleep. If my bias is sick, and I lost the chance to help him, how would I forgive myself?”

          He looked down at the scarf in his hands. He nodded at it, then looked up at her. He gave her a warm smile, “Thanks. And…” he took his beanie off and gave it to her. He couldn’t ask for her number, or give her his, due to privacy reasons. But a memento. That would be okay. “Take that, please. Or I won’t be able to sleep. If my fan goes home with the possibility of sick, and I lost the chance to help her, how would I forgive myself?”

          Jinmin didn’t even try suppressing her smile. But she didn’t want to seem creepy, so she tried to, but of course, failed miserably. She tried it on just as Suho wrapped the scarf around his neck warmly. Feeling the wool, his lips curled up. The gray beanie was stretchy but it fit on Jinmin’s head. The two exchanged a look and smiled.

          “Well, uh…see you around,” Suho said.

          “Yeah, see you.”

          Awkwardly, the two took a step back and slowly turned around. After taking a few steps, Suho looked over his shoulder and saw Jinmin already looking at him. Jinmin’s eyes widened in panic, faced forward, and dashed on, walking at a much faster pace. Suho laughed to himself as he made his way back to the dorms.

          Fresh face is cute. I bet her makeup face is pretty too, he thought. Long, straight hair. University student, so she must be smart. Double eyelids, I saw. Suho grinned as he stepped into his dorm. My ideal type.




WOW IT TOOK SOOOOOOOOOO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE SOOOOOOOOO SORRY D: It's been exactly a month OTL so sorry omg ;A; I was too busy with WTG & the stories that I was coauthoring.. I'm sorry for neglecting this story T-T Forgive me if there are any mistakes. I didn't read over it because OMG I haven't updated for a month.. at any rate, I hope you enjoyed this though!! Keke <3



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SuhoSandi #1
Chapter 12: life of fan girl :(
Chapter 14: Asdfghjkllll~~ omgggs so cutee~
Chapter 2: haha luhan got himself a date~~~~
That was sweet author-nim! ^_^
LoveLoveLove01 #4
Chapter 12: *sigh* fabrics get my hopes up :( XD
NickHippo #5
Chapter 10: KAI!! YOU CAN'T CALL A GIRL UGLY!!! But awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ><
Chapter 12: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww kiyeowo !
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #7
TanyaN #8
Chapter 10: awwwwwww that is cute as! Try to do a Chanyeol one !!! He's soooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeee ~ update soon !
Chapter 7: LOLOL look the 3 most recent comments are mine~ xD hehehe~ I liked this one~ 1. Because of Chen, 2. You described him so nice and caring, gah it made me love him even more!!~ LOL 3.... I just do.. LOL. Yays~ update soon~^^