✰ Shipwrecked

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Story Title : Shipwrecked

Author : Baekyeollie92

Genre : Romance

On-going, 15 chapters 









1. Title :   3/5 points 


Personally, I like this title. I always like one word titles, because that single word can hold so much mystery in it, that I cannot help but click the story. When I first heard "Shipwrecked", I instantly thought.. Lord of the Flies, Island of the Blue Dolphines, The Cay, Titanic, etc.

I've been noticing for a while now that title with a lot of words in it are typically RomComs, while the shorter (one word) titles are darker, more serious ones. Therefore, (I feel that) your title seems to hint at a darker/tragic storyline. However, your story does not have any dark themes tagged, and only Romance.  Basically, I thought your story would have murder themes when I first saw the title, and it doesn't. 




2. Foreword and Description:     1/5 points


This may just be my own personal preference, but when I read stories I like to know what the OC and other characters will look like. I also enjoy reading some character descriptions, as well as background stories. 

The fact that you don't have any graphics also means that your foreword and description must be absolutely amazing. However... your description feels somewhat irrelevant to the story. Also, of course being snobby isn't "good". However, some may differ about the rich portion. Is it better to be drowning in opulence or living on the streets? I'd choose the wealth any day. 

"Meet Sol Hwa" is a very sophomoric way of starting your foreword. These kinds of intros are typically used in a more RomCom-type story, so I'd suggest that you change that, or people may get the wrong idea. Also, "subscribe to find out" should be taken out, because people don't actually need to subscribe to read your story. When people read a good story, they automatically want to subscribe. You can't insist for people to subscribe, because then they won't want to.  It's psychology. 

The grammar and word usage is.. not that great. Go back and reread the entire thing, and fix the grammatically incorrect areas. Or, you could always hire an editor! I think that it is EXTREMELY important for your foreword and description to be flawless, because this is what draws people in. If your foreword , then no one would want to read your story. I think you could work on this portion a bit, and more people would be interested when they stumble across your story ^^



3. Poster/Background/Trailer/Graphics :  N/A 

You have none. Therefore I cannot criticise, comment, or approve. I shall just remove this from the final score. :3 



4. Plot :  15/20 points



The plot has quite a few irrelevant moments. I know that you're trying to portray Sol Hwa's flawed personality, but honestly, that can be done ON the cruise, or AFTER they get shipwrecked. There's seriously no need to keep them in school for so many chapters, when the story is titled Shipwrecked. Overall, though, the plot isn't too bad! It's pretty unique compared to many stories I have read before. 



5. Grammar, Spelling, and Vocabulary :    10/15 points


There are a lot of grammar issues :\ There are also some punctuation and sentence fragment problems. The vocabulary is okay, though. While some parts seem a bit more immature, you throw in a few adjectives here and there that add effect to the story. 



6. Originality :    13/15 points


While the high school "queenka" theme is definitely not original, I think that everything else seems pretty unique. I don't think I've ever read a story on AFF about a cruise before.. ( I have seen a movie about it though) and I don't recall any shipwrecked stories either! ^^ Nice story idea. 



7. Characterization:   4/10 points


The characterization is pretty weak. Sol Hwa's father shouldn't be qualified to be a principal...

Mi Young? Wait. Min Young? You should probably check that out. Either Sol Hwa has two best friends with very similar names, or there are a lot of typos. 

Daehyun just got humiliated, beat up (by a girl, too!), and hospitalized. He does not show any, hatred, sorrow, or even guilt. 

Sol Hwa is probably your strongest character, which is a good thing, since she's the main character. However, I don't find her  likable at all. She also has some flaws... 

By the way, Daehyun can't call Sol Hwa "eonnie" unless he's a female... and younger than Sol Hwa. If Sol Hwa is older than Daehyun, then Daehyun should address her as noona. But then again, since Sol Hwa is so mean, she probably wouldn't like it if he called her noona, since it's a more affectionate term. She'd probably want him to call her sunbaenim... wait. No. She'd probably prefer " princess " or "queen" or something like that.



8. Flow :   5/10 points


It was a bit difficult to differentiate between the thoughts and speech. Also, when Sol Hwa is speaking, you shouldn't skip a line for her to continue talking, since it's supposed to be a continuation of the previous sentence. There's no need to start a new paragraph. 

 In chapter two, the font randomly changed, which irritated me a bit, since I am a perfectionist. Also, the rest of your chapters have a font that is different from the first two. Please fix that. Also, in chapter 6, what's with the random "Day 36"? Day 36 of what? 

Sometimes, it is really choppy. You would suddenly fast forward a few days, and then flash back to the day before. 

Aside from those few errors, though, the flow is mediocre. 




9. Overall Enjoyment :   8/15 points

I really don't understand why you have the "1 count. 2 counts. 3 counts" thing in the first chapter. If you're trying to make the story dramatic by making it kind of like... seconds, it's not working. I didn't like that at all. 

Also, you have two chapter 11's, and two 13's as well. 

No offense, but I didn't really find myself engrossed in the story. To be honest, I skimmed through quite a few parts. 




Total : 59/95 points




I guess this story isn't really my "style", but don't worry! I'm only one person out of 6 billion. There are a loooooooot of people out there who love your story, I'm sure. (:  If you'd like, you can resubmit a review request after you fix a couple things (if you want, it's really your own choice) and I can re-review your story :)











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Username : feng_hua

Co-Author (if any) : missbeautyyoong

Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/253025

Type of Ad (Story, Shop, Roleplay, etc) : Shop

Title of Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : 'cέdάr Graphic Shop

Link to Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/531172

Poster Link (if any) : http://i.imgur.com/lFSJ1jd.jpg

Characters : Featuring Kai and Baekhyun of EXO

Genre : anything.

Rated? (Yes or No) : No ofc.

Summary : we provide graphic request, but soon, we will add more fasilities such as trailer shop, layout shop and anything.
in this shop, we provide poster, background, character chart, and banner. from funny-happy poster to angst-sad poster.
so, enjoy...

Author's message : We need a graphic designer, trailer designer and layout designer (plus, a customer). If you interest, please fill the form in the shop! or just PM me. Thank you!! :)
Username : exotickungfupanda

Co-Author (if any) : None

Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/196262

Type of Ad (Story, Shop, Roleplay, etc) : Story

Title of Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : Little Girl Lost

Link to Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/483606/little-girl-lost-angst-romance--exo-kris

Poster Link (if any) :

Characters : Kris, Luhan, Baekhyun, the rest of EXO, Kim Songhwa (OC) Kang Haeryung (OC)

Genre : Angst, drama, romance, suspense

Rated? (Yes or No) : Yes

or yuri or ? (Specify which, if any) : There is

Summary : LGL follows 5 troubled teens caught up in a web of romance and betrayal. Songhwa was the girl everyone either wanted to be or hated. Behind the ice princess's mask is someone vulnerable and scared. Her scars start to show as she is thrown into a nightmare like no other. Kang Haeryung used to be the nobody in high school, till she befriended Songhwa her second year. The reject and the loner, it was perfect. But even such friendship has its flaws when sweet, innocent Haeryung crosses the forbidden line. Kris Wu was "saved" by Songhwa but as his past catches up to him, he can't stop the blood, the tears, and the "I'm sorry's". Byun Baekhyun. Member of the popular EXO in high school. Diligent student. Beloved boyfriend of Haeryung. But golden boys weren't always born golden. And if Luhan could leave, he'd run like a bat out of hell. But what made him stay? Surely it wasn't his heart that told him to stay and follow her, right? May they play the dangerous game and may whoever win, receive true solace.

Author's message : This is a sequel to my other story Good Girls Don't Lie though I would like to say, if you do read that one first, to ignore the foreword/description. I don't know why but I had actually anticipated too much but other than that, GGDL is suppose to give you a brief feel of the characters.
Chapter 1: I just wanted to say, thank you so much for the review! I'm really glad you liked my story and I hope you like the ending too as soon as it gets updated. (Just waiting on final editing)
I just wanted to note that I completely understand your confusion about Tao's character because he's confusing and doesn't generally make sense to himself. Most of it boils down to him being entirely too stubborn for it his own good. Anywho i'm really glad you enjoyed the story so far ^^ <3 <3 <3 <3
Username : KhuntoriaForever
Co-Author (if any) : Nope
Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/244390
Type of Ad (Story, Shop, Roleplay, etc) : story
Title of Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : On the Other Side
Link to Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/520634/on-the-other-side-drama-supernatural-thriller-exo-exok-exom-bts
Poster Link (if any) : http://31.media.tumblr.com/4e658e1470274aa6c40d544ef3ab73e7/tumblr_mrjr4mfH6F1s4f6guo1_500.png
Characters : exo, taehee (oc) featuring bangtan boys
Genre : supernatural, thriller, dark, romance
Rated? (Yes or No) : NO
or yuri or ? (Specify which, if any) : None7

Summary : The plot surrounds a young girl, smart and inquiring, who had always been haunted by her dreams. Dreams of something she cannot speak fully of, but she knows that they all revolve around the boarder. The boarder separating her city from the rest of the land on the area. The tall wall has always been there, and no one seems to know, or wants to say why. But Taehee isn't a mindless drone. She won't accept boring excuses, and her mind is ever growing more inquiring... So what happens when she gets a little too curious?

She finds out things she shouldn't know.
Sees things people shouldn't see...
Meets people she shouldn't know, but can't help but to want to know them more.

The story of how one day, a smart girl makes a bad decision... question is, will she even get the chance to LIVE to regret it.

Author's message : I'm only just starting out this one, as my thir full on fic... I'm trying to keep it refreshing and bold, so it stands out amongst similar concepts. It would mean the world if you checked it out, as I'm really excited for this story, putting my full efforts in, and will appreciated all the support I can get :D <3
Babyatheart #5
Chapter 24: Thank you sooo much for doing this for me!!! You're the best! <3
Username : Gizibeunnie
Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/424297
Type of Ad (Story, Shop, Roleplay, etc) : Shop
Title of Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : Urban Voile Graphic Shop
Link to Shop/Story/Roleplay/etc : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/517724/u-r-ba-n-v-oi-l-e-g-r-a-p-h-i-c-open-graphic-graphics-poster-request-shop-postershop-graphicshop
Poster Link (if any) : http://i.imgur.com/z6oSXvU.png
Summary : Created on 08/08/13. Urban Voile provide you with high quality poster and background. The sole designer here will do the best to meet your expectation!