You Found Me

*ExoTaeng OneShots & Short Ongoings*


Xi Luhan:

Wow… So are you a love master, then?

You’ve gone through a really complicated love affair?



Kim Taeyeon:

I actually know what this is.

I want to go with you, I want to touch you.



Whenever she’s looking at her own reflection in the mirror, all she sees is a plain Jane. A plain Jane who doesn’t have anything to be proud of herself: either in beauty or brain department. A plain Jane whose big brown eyes stayed hidden behind a pair of thick glasses. A plain Jane whose presence can be considered as nothingness compared to the people around her. For Kim Taeyeon, a plain Jane, is what she always thinks of herself.


She more or less noticed her own plainness when she was in middle school. Ani… Delete that. It was actually as early as elementary school. And when she started attending high school, it became clearer than ever. Heck, even if she’s now a university student, her plainness hasn’t change even for one bit. Each moment, each second, each minute, each hour, each day passed by but she’s still the same old plain Jane. Nobody could make the plain Jane inside Kim Taeyeon poof away from deep inside herself. Not even the alluring breathtaking Tiffany Hwang or the university’s most wanted sweetheart, Im Yoona.


“Hey, Taeng, you’re here.” The gorgeous eye smile from Tiffany Hwang greeted her.


“Let’s have lunch together.” Yoona, the maknae invited Taeyeon to join them for lunch. All the people in the university have a big question mark inside their mind. Why on earth the two most famous queenkas in the university befriended a plain Jane like herself? The answer to that was because Kim Taeyeon is their beloved unnie, regardless how her appearance is.


When they were in primary school, Tiffany was an outcast as she lived in America before. Her Korean to the core till no one would want to be her friend. With her adorable cutie pie face, tons of boys had a crush on her, making her the object of jealousy of every other girl. Taeyeon was the one who first held out her hand, asking Tiffany to be her friend despite knowing she was just a plain Jane that no one wants to befriend. She knew what it was like to be isolated, so she doesn’t want Tiffany to feel the same way as she did. The pain of isolation scarred her heart deeply and she really didn’t want to see Tiffany’s beautiful eye-smile faded away from her face.


Im Yoona was a year younger than Taeyeon and Tiffany. She was a trouble kid during middle school. Yeah, she’s a beauty but that didn’t really save her from getting in trouble. With a bloody mess family conflict at home, cat fights in school because of envy, Yoona almost took her life away by trying to drown herself at the lake. Luckily Tiffany and Taeyeon managed to come to the rescue and save her from a pointless death.


That was how Kim Taeyeon, Tiffany Hwang and Im Yoona became a click. They have their own skeletons in the closet. But, Tiffany and Yoona managed to get a grip of reality and turned into swans, nope, angels to be precise. They grew more and more radiant and attractive with every passing day until she can’t even keep up with them anymore.


The three of them took a sit at a spot faraway from other students. Yoona being the maknae, volunteered to buy food for them.


“Taeng unnie, what do you want to eat?”


“Just some sandwich. I’m not that hungry.” Taeyeon replied after she put her books on the side of the table.


“Yoong, I want fruit salad and mineral water.” Tiffany eagerly said with her aegyo, letting a laugh slipped from Yoona’s lips.


“Fany unnie, I rather you gave me your eye smile than aegyo. It’s sending chills to my bone for crying out loud.”


“Taeng, Yoong is being meanie to me.” Tiffany pouted, asking for Taeyeon’s backup.


“Sorry, Fany. I have to agree with Yoong. Your aegyo is an epic fail.”


And thus, the table filled with laughter. They are like sisters; a little joke wouldn’t do any harm to their relationship.




“Fany unnie, you know what, today I chatted with the exchange student from Thailand. Nickhun is really a Thai prince. He melted my heart.” Yoona blurted out when they enjoyed their lunch.


“Wahhh! Way the go Yoong. I’m so envious. I wish I could talk to him as well.” Tiffany grabbed her mineral water and took a sip of it.


“Go and talk to him. He’s friendly. I’m sure you’ll like him.”


“Duh, if I like him, what about you? I thought he melted your heart.”


“Unnie, I just said he melted my heart, not win my heart. That doesn’t mean I want him as my boyfriend.” Yoona’s answered made Tiffany flashed her eye smile brightly.


“Yeay! Cool! That reminds me, what happened with you and Kim Jongin? Are you guys a thing now?”


Yoona scoffed. “Ani… Nothing happen between us. And he is sure as hell not worth mentioning anymore.”


Taeyeon just kept quiet, didn’t bother to even open to spice up the conversation.


If you ask Kim Taeyeon, why she didn’t jump into their conversation, to tell you the truth she can’t keep up with the rapid changes in every conversation either. Yoona and Tiffany always talk about stuffs that didn’t come close to her interest. For example, what is the latest fashion trend for this summer or what kind of makeup should they apply when they were to go out somewhere.  And she definitely seals shut when their conversation centers about L.O.V.E.




Because this plain Jane never knows what actually love is.


Because this plain Jane never find the right guy that could give her the feeling of giddy, heart skips a beat or cheeks feel like burning just by the sight of that one guy.


“Taeng unnie, what about you?” Yoona’s voice startled Taeyeon, flipping her back into reality.


“Huh? Sorry, I was spacing out. What was it again, Yoong?”


“You don’t have one? I meant like a crush or something?”


Her forehead creased. Im Yoona, you should know better that a plain Jane like me doesn’t even dare to have a crush on someone. I’m not that stupid to let myself be fool with such unreciprocated feeling.


“None. I don’t have one.”


Jaws dropped. Both Tiffany and Yoona can’t believe their ears.


“Gosh, really Taeng? What about someone you think who is good looking?” Tiffany asked, deep inside her heart she was hoping hard that Taeyeon would spill out even one name. Anybody would do.


“Urm… Not really.” Tiffany’s jaws dropped even lower.


“Then, how about a celebrity?” It was Yoona’s turn to ask.


“I can’t think of anyone, Yoong. Like seriously.”


“Like seriously serious?” Yoona emphasized the serious part to make sure she heard her unnie’s words correctly.


Taeyeon nodded her head. Why everyone is so obsessed about it? I can’t help it; I really don’t have anyone in my mind. And did these two have no any other thing to do than falling in love over and over again?


“Yoong! We need to find Taeyeon somebody to love. Like ASAP!” Tiffany sounded frantic, revealing her usual drama queen self.


“Unnie, I’m so totally in. I guessed Suho could be a perfect match for Taeng unnie.” Yoona began to imagine a plan to set up Suho and Taeyeon.


“Yoong, my soul mate! My sister from a different mother. You read my mind perfectly!” Tiffany giggled and was hyper like a mad fan girl.


Taeyeon shook her head. These two should stop with whatever diabolical plan that they have in mind. I’m not interested in Suho and I’ll never will. He has Seo Joohyun for crying out loud.



 “Stop it. I’m warning you two. Don’t do something that will make me explode.” Taeyeon said with a serious tone. “Plus, love is such a bother anyway.”


“Excuse me?” A voice unknown to the three of them echoed. Taeyeon turned around to see whoever the person was that suddenly became interested in their conversation.


“Wow… So are you a love master, then? You’ve gone through a really complicated love affair?” Xi Luhan, an exchange student from China spoke in a very intimidating plus sarcastic tone.


And that made every other student inside the café stopped from enjoying their lunch. Every set of eyes were on them, watching whatever confrontation that will occur any moment soon. Everyone stayed quiet; all ears were ready to hear every little words coming out from either Luhan’s or the plain Jane’s mouth.


“What???” Luhan’s sudden accusation made all the blood in her circulation rushed up to her cheeks. She felt like her cheeks were burning hot. The whispers echoed all around her made her heart ran faster. , what the hell did I get myself into this time?


“Yah, Luhan, you moron! That’s not how you treat a girl. Bullying is a big NO NO!” Xiumin or his real name Kim Minseok nudged Luhan’s shoulder.


“Huh? What did I do?” Luhan innocently replied.


“Urgh, apologize dude. You’re just freaking embarrassed her.” Xiumin whispered to Luhan, hoping that his moronic friend will do the right thing and apologize.


“But just now….” Luhan said before he turned to face the girl that Xiumin persuaded him to apologize. He saw the girl tilted her head down, didn’t even bother to lift her face up.


Stop it! People are staring at me. Don’t! Just make it stop. Taeyeon clenched her fists together while praying hard deep inside her heart that everyone would stop rooting their orbs to her figure.


Seeing the girl in front of him all scared and helpless because of the whispers made a sense of guilt crept into his heart.


“I’m sorry.” Luhan said with an apologetic tone. “Urm… miss… errr… what is your name actually?” 


Taeyeon glanced to his side, catching a slight glimpse of Luhan.


Xi Luhan. His groups of friends stand out more than anyone else in their college. Kris Wu, the duizhang of the group called EXO-M, is considered as the most fashionable guy here. They even gave him the title Fashion King of EXO. Kim Jongdae or nickname Chen has a voice that can be equivalent to an angel. Each time he hit the high note, he left the audiences in awed. Xiumin, eventhough he is the oldest in their crowd, he is like a maknae. With his baby face, no one would notice he is older than their maknae Tao. Huang Zitao or Tao in short is famous in their university for his martial arts skills. He’s quite athletic and won a lot of wushu competitions. Zhang Yixing or Lay as his friends called him is very talented in playing musical instruments like piano and guitar. On top of that, he’s a dancing machine. Xi Luhan, the guy who was mocking me before is nicknamed as Deer Luhan. He’s a complete package; good looking, melodious voice, slick dance move and armed with effortless aegyo, has charmed many girls.


“You don’t have to know.” Taeyeon replied slowly before grabbing her bag and took off.




Damn! I guess this is the first time that we’ve talked but he doesn’t even know my name even if we were in the same course. Could I be more pitiful than this? You dumb Xi Luhan! No delicacy at all. Screw you! Whoever said that you’re adorable must be blind!


“Taeyeon!” An explosive loud voice made Taeyeon stopped her steps.


What the hell?! Scared the daylight out of me! But it’s a guy’s voice, so…. He can’t be calling out to me right? If I turned around and it turned out to be someone else, gosh, that would be so effing embarrassing.


“Taeyeon!” Again that voice echoed plus a sound of someone running caught her ears.


Taeyeon still stood frozen on her spot. He’s getting closer. Yikes! Help me! Somebody! SOS! Fany! Yoong!


“Yah, Kim Taeyeon!” A hand touched her shoulder. “I finally caught up with you.” Taeyeon turned her head and what she saw took her aback. Xi Luhan was gasping for air. The guy who was practically mocking her at the café was running out of breath because of chasing her? Is this some kind of a joke?


“Look…” Luhan bended his knees, his hands placed on top of them. He was still trying to breathe properly. “I thought I should apologize for what had happened a while ago. I’m sorry.”


Eyes rolled, jaws dropped. Xi Luhan is apologizing to a plain Jane like me? Again, is this some kind of a joke?


“To be honest, I have no idea that I’ve done something bad. But I figured it out now and I apologized for that just in case.”


Just in case? Yah! Are you even sincere in apologizing to me, Xi Luhan?!


“I’m sorry, Taeyeon.” Luhan stood up properly, his face plastered with a serious expression.


Luhan must have asked my name from Tiffany or Yoona. I guessed I should accept his sorry. It’s not like it’s going to be a daily event where a famous kingka like him will apologize to a plain Jane like me.


“Sorry accepted.” She crooked a smile on her face. And like a domino effect, Luhan also curved a smile on his face.


And they ended up walking to the subway station together. Gosh, this is freaking awkward. Xi Luhan, what are you trying to do actually? You’ve apologized, so what the hell are you still doing, walking together with her?


“I’m sorry too.” Taeyeon blurted out, much to his surprise.


“Hhhmm… Sorry. Did you say something?”


“I’m sorry. I’ve jumped into conclusion thinking that you’re mocking me. You’re making fun of me like everyone else.”


 “Huh?” Luhan glanced at the girl beside of him, face written with confusion. “How so? What make you think that I was making fun of you?”


“Well, I mean it’s fairly obvious that a plain Jane like me haven’t got an experience when it comes to love. So, you see, when you said all that stuff…”


Luhan was dumbfounded. Did he hear her right? She’s inexperienced when it comes to love? Oh, crap! You and your mindless jumping into conclusion, Xi Luhan!


“You mean you’re not a love master? And here I thought that you were a love master of a super duper bloody mess troublesome love relationship.”


Taeyeon rolled her eyes. What the hell? Is this guy even in his right mind?


 “Oh, come on! Of course I’m not! I just think that love is just a pain.” Taeyeon kept on walking. “You know each time I heard Yoona or Tiffany talking about love, all their mood swings and worries about the guys they’ve crushed on made me think that love is a bloody mess.”


“So you went on ahead and said it was a bother. Even though you’ve never experience it up close and personal?”


Taeyeon turned her face to meet Luhan. I guess from the way he spoke, he didn’t mean any harm but frankly speaking, Xi Luhan is extraterrestrial weird. That I can assure you.


“You’re pretty interesting, Kim Taeyeon.” Luhan giggled.


“Interesting?” Taeyeon jerked her eyebrows. Shoot! This is the first time someone else aside from Tiffany and Yoona said that she’s interesting. “How so?”


“I don’t know how to explain it. But for me, you’re interesting. Every other girl I know can’t wait to fall in love. But for you love is a bloody mess.” And once again Luhan burst out laughing.


And when Taeyeon saw him laughing, at that moment she got a feeling that she knew Xi Luhan from somewhere before.




And each time Kim Taeyeon caught the sight of Xi Luhan, she kept on wondering where in the world she knew him. Have I met him before? If I did, how could I forget about him? But honestly, I couldn’t think of any point of contact between me and a guy like him.


Crap! The subway is here! Will I make it in time if I run? I might not make it though. But… I don’t know. Hurm.. I guess no then.


“Run, Taeyeon!” Taeyeon suddenly saw Luhan’s figure running down the stairs beside her, trying to catch up the subway.




“Shoot! I didn’t make it.” Luhan sounded frustrated.


I guess I make the right choice when I decided not to run. Taeyeon was eyeing the frustrated Luhan from her side. Luhan was wiping his sweats that were drenching his forehead.


Luhan glanced to Taeyeon. “Why didn’t you run for it?”


“Huh?” Confuse face was plastered by Taeyeon. “Well, it’s because I didn’t know if I could make it or not.”


“You know, you could have made it if you’ve run.”


“But I didn’t make it, did I?” Taeyeon retorted.


“Well, you didn’t run, did you?” Luhan was still persisting in continuing the conversation.


“But…. It would be embarrassing if I had run and not make it anyway.”


Luhan was flabbergasted. Did this girl doesn’t have any ounce of confidence somewhere deep inside herself? Why so pessimistic in everything? “But if you think about it, the only way to make it would be by running, wouldn’t it?”




“What are we doing actually? Arguing about something childish like this?” Luhan burst out laughing and so did Taeyeon.


“You know, I was right when I said that you’re interesting, Taeyeon.”


“Again, with I’m interesting huh, Xi Luhan? Care to explain why again this time?” Taeyeon flashed a smile to him.


“Well, in some ways, we’re completely different.” Luhan hooked his orbs to Taeyeon’s face. “Isn’t that super-duper interesting?”


Taeyeon was star-trucked. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure if she understood what Luhan words actually were.  But, those words really gave a warm feeling deep inside her heart.




I really feel like I knew him somewhere, long time ago. I don’t know why but I have this one nostalgic feeling whenever I looked at him. But why is it actually? Taeyeon let out a sigh. Her eyes were still fixated to Luhan and his group of friends.


“Yoong, see that? Taeng was staring at EXO-M.” Tiffany stopped from scanning through her notes. She put down the book on her lap before tapping Yoona’s shoulder. Yoona that was busy with her iPad hissed.


“Unnie, I was winning my Temple Run for crying out loud. What do you want?”


“Look at Taeng.” Tiffany motioned her eyes to Taeyeon that was still gazing towards EXO-M.


“Oh my gosh! Taeng unnie! What are looking at so intensely over the boys? Did someone from EXO-M attract your attention?” Yoona put her iPad on the table and nudged Taeyeon by the shoulder.


“Huh? What? Ani.. No way…” Taeyeon was flustered which brought laughter to Tiffany and Yoona.


“I’ve been thinking about this for a while, Taeng. But I don’t believe it when you said that you’ve never like someone before.” Tiffany said.


“Huh? It’s not like I’ve never like someone…. Probably. I think.”


“Really? When? When?” Yoona was squealing, unable to contain her excitement. “Tell us unnie.”


“Urmm… Urm… Ah!”


“What? What? Did you remember? When? Who? Why?” Tiffany bombarded Taeyeon with tons of questions.


“I guess around my third year of elementary school.”


“What?” Both Tiffany and Yoona shouted at the same time. Disappointment had replaced their excited faces.


“There was this one high school guy in my neighborhood. Our mothers were friends. I used to make him play with me all the time.”




“Hey, you’re here again, Taengoo.”


“Leeteuk oppa, omma tied my hair today.” Little Taeyeon grabbed Leeteuk’s arm and wrapped her tiny fingers around it.


“Wow, your omma tied it neatly for you. It suits you, Taengoo.” Leeteuk bent down as he patted Taeyeon’s hair. “That’s great.”




I like Leeteuk oppa a lot back then. That’s right. Luhan and Leeteuk oppa look almost the same. How could I have forgotten about it? That’s why I felt like I know him from somewhere before. Ah…. I feel so much better now.


“Yoong, Luhan and EXO really stands out no matter what they do, do they? Now I get it why Taeng was staring at them so much.” Tiffany threw her gaze towards EXO-M members that were sitting not too far from them.


“I know. Feels like they belong to a different world. I wonder what makes them so different. Huuu… I think I’m going to have a crush on one of them sooner or later.” Yoona put a hand under her chin as she too fixated her orbs towards EXO-M.


“Yah! You have Lee Jonghyun already. Just let me have EXO-M for myself.” Tiffany said while she smacked Yoona’s shoulder.


And yeah, it’s true. Luhan and the rest of EXO-M always seem to shine. No matter how much he looks like Leeteuk oppa, he’s still in a whole different world from her. He’s the handsome guy that everybody adores while she’s the plain Jane that nobody notices.


“Yo, Taeyeon. Have you seen Chen?”


Taeyeon that was hooked reading her book at the library lifted her face.


“Ah, Luhan. Chen? I think he went home already.”


“What??! That jerk! I just went away to have a chat with Baekhyun for a sec and he just left?” Luhan said as he dragged the chair in front of Taeyeon slowly. He then slumped himself on the chair, face leaned forward almost too near to Taeyeon’s.


! What? Why would he sit in front of me?


“World Architecture?” Luhan asked, while snooping around the book that Taeyeon was reading.


“Yeah.” Taeyeon felt like her cheeks were warm but she prayed deep inside that Luhan won’t notice them. “Urm… Luhan, it’s hard for me to read with you watching me like that. So… Like…” Stuttered. “Please stop.”


Taeyeon put her left hand up, trying to cover Luhan’s eyes. But Luhan just smirked. He then banged his head on the book covering the pages from Taeyeon’s sight.


“Trespassing.” Luhan said.


“Pfftt…” Taeyeon can’t help but to suppress her giggle but unfortunately she failed. “Ahahahaa…. Now I can’t read at all!”


Upon hearing Taeyeon’s laugh, Luhan raised his face; his eyes sparkled when he saw him laughing. Gosh, he never knew that she could laugh out loud like that. Yeah, it’s an ajumma laugh but for him, he was mesmerized by her laugh.


“Ah… That’s the first time I’ve heard you laughing.” He scoffed. “I see, so that is what you sound like when you laugh. Really cute I might say.”


And her heart began to beat fast; like crazy fast. Ah, Taeyeon, stop this. Calm down. There’s no special meaning when Luhan acts this way. This type of thing is normal for a person like him. He must have sweet talk his way with tons of other girls.


She tried to take a deep breathe. Inhaled and exhaled. But her heart kept pounding, just because it feels like she’s being told of these things by Leeteuk oppa. Thump! Thump! Thump! The sound of her hearting beating feasted her ears.


“Urm…. Let’s go home together, Taeyeon.” Thump! Thump! Thump! He felt like his heart almost jumped out from his chest. Oh, please say yes, Kim Taeyeon.


“Yeah, sure.” Taeyeon didn’t know what gave her courage to say yes to Luhan. But heck, whatever it was she wanted to be Luhan. Maybe even for just a while.




“Ah, wait up okay. I’ll just stop by the toilet first.” Luhan said.


Taeyeon nodded as Luhan made his way to the toilet.


Taeyeon, chill. You need to understand, he just suggested that we go home together. It doesn’t mean anything special. You have to get a grip of reality, missy! It’s you, Kim Taeyeon, the plain Jane that we’re talking about.


She took a glance at her watch. Where is this guy?


“Huwaaa…. Yul, Sungmin told me he never meant it that way.” The sound of someone crying made Taeyeon searched for the source of the cry. Near the corridor, she saw her course mates, Lee Sunkyu or Sunny was tearing up with Kwon Yuri was comforting her.


“Yul, if he didn’t like me, I wish he’d just stop it. I’m not used to these kinds of things, so I can’t help but to misunderstand. I’m so stupid.” Sunny sniffed as Yuri patted her shoulder.


And hearing Sunny’s words were like having someone slapped her hard on the cheek, giving her the taste of reality back. Luhan is like Sungmin. Don’t ever misunderstand, Taeyeon!


“Sorry for making you wait.” Luhan’s sudden appearance startled Taeyeon. “Let’s go.”


“Ah, yes.”


And they walked side by side to the subway station. Luhan noticed that Taeyeon suddenly became quiet, must to his disliking.


“Hey, sup? You’ve gotten pretty quiet.” He threw a glance to the girl next to him.


“Uh? What? No…” Taeyeon avoided her gaze from meeting Luhan’s. Right at that moment, she noticed her reflection and Luhan’s on the glasses near the shops. Walking beside him, I looked even plainer than usual. Haish, he’s the twinkling star while I am just a black hole.


“Yo, Luhan!” Chen shouted from afar. “Wow, Lay, look! He’s walking beside a girl.” Chen nudged Lay’s shoulder, ushering him to take notice of Luhan.


“Hey, what are you two up to? Going home together?” Lay asked.


“Shut it, Lay! None of your biz. Are you perhaps jealous?” Luhan remarked back. “And you, Chen! Why did you leave without me? You’re the one who told me to wait for you.”


“Idiot Luhan! Isn’t it thanks to me you’ve got this little situation going on right now? You should be thanking me instead of being piss off at me.”


“Ah, you have a point there. Then whatever I guess.”


Taeyeon’s orbs were rooted at Luhan and then to Chen and Lay. I’m not used to this kind of joke. Are they making fun of me? Honestly I really can’t follow. But hey, I guess I’m lucky. I’m not in love with him or anything. If I like him and only figured it out later that he was fooling around, I’d end up getting hurt for no reason. Wow, seriously. Thank goodness I’m not in love with him. Yeah, thank goodness.


“So, what do you like about Lu…” Before Lay even had the chance to finish his sentence, Taeyeon shouted.


“I’m telling you, I don’t like him! He just looks like Leeteuk oppa, okay!”


Luhan plastered a poker face. Both Lay and Chen were dumfounded. Who the heck is Leeteuk hyung?


Oh crap! What the hell did I just say? Gosh, Kim Taeyeon, are you nuts?! “I just remembered I need to stop by somewhere. See you.” Taeyeon immediately dashed away, leaving Luhan, Chen and Lay still on dazed thinking who on earth is Leeteuk.


Yeah, it’s because Luhan looks like Leeteuk oppa. I was just feeling a little nostalgic. That’s all. I’m not in love with him. So, I’ll be okay. I’m not hurt or anything. I’m fine.




“Mom, what are you doing? Pulling out old pictures suddenly.” Taeyeon dried her hair with a towel as she walked nearer to her mom that was at the living room.


“Taeng, do you remember Teukkie? He’s getting married soon.” Mrs. Kim said as she still scanned through the old pictures. “When his mom told me, I started feeling nostalgic all of the sudden. So here I am looking through all these pictures.”


“Teukkie? As in Leeteuk oppa?”


“Yup, Leeteuk. You used to play a lot with him remember? Here, take a look of this.” Mrs. Kim shoved a photo to Taeyeon.


Taeyeon took the photo from her mom and when she saw it, her jaws dropped.


“You know, you really love him when you were a kid.”


What the hell? His face… Leeteuk oppa’s face… He doesn’t even look like Luhan at all. But this person has a really angelic, likable face. He really is Leeteuk oppa. So why did I think Luhan looked like him?


Without even her noticing, tears began to gush down her cheeks.


“Hey, honey. Is the nostalgic photo making you cry?” Mrs Kim patted her shoulder.


Gosh, it’s not that he looks like Leeteuk oppa. The feelings were similar. The feeling when I liked Leeteuk oppa and the feeling I’m having now for Luhan, they are the same.




“You’re pretty interesting, Kim Taeyeon.”


Probably since that time, I’ve fallen in love with him. I’ve been in love with Luhan. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it. Falling in love with a person from a different world… It’s not like there’s anything I can do about it. I was scared of admitting that. So I convinced myself that it wasn’t love. I’ve been too focus in protecting my own heart that without even noticing it, I’ve turned into someone who never tries at all.


Taeyeon threw her gaze outside the window. Classes already ended but she can’t shrug off the feeling about Luhan.


No wonder I end up trailing behind everybody. It’s just that it would hurt too much if I failed after trying my best…


“Why didn’t you run for it?”


“Huh? Well, it’s because I didn’t know if I could make it or not.”


“You know, you could have made it if you’ve run.”


“But I didn’t make it, did I?”


“Well, you didn’t run, did you?”


“But…. It would be embarrassing if I had run and not make it anyway.”


“But if you think about it, the only way to make it would be by running, wouldn’t it?”


, I don’t like it! Not even for one bit! I don’t want to be the kind of person who never started running. I don’t want to be this way. I don’t like it!




“Luhan!” Taeyeon shouted when she saw Luhan’s figure walking to the subway. You have to do this, Kim Taeyeon. By hook or by crook, you have to start running. You have to start trying. No more hesitation.


Luhan stopped his steps. He saw Taeyeon standing not too far from him. She was gasping for air. Why is she even here?


“I… I’ve been thinking of myself as a really uninteresting person and somehow, I’ve ended up giving up on lots of stuff before even trying. I’ve brushed it aside, saying that love is a bother. Love is a bloody mess. It was as if I was putting up a guard that would let me get by without ever having to put in any effort.” Her eyes were teary; tears would come running down any moment soon.


“And it’s true that it’s easier that way and I will never ever get hurt. But in return, I’ll end up never getting what I want, won’t I?” And the tears were rolling down her cheeks, sending a shock to Luhan.


“Do you like me, Kim Taeyeon?” Luhan’s question was answered with a nod from Taeyeon.


“For the first time Xi Luhan, I want to cross this line. I actually know what this is. I want to go with you, I want to touch you. And yes, I do like you.”


“Then, go for it. Start running towards something that your heart desires.” Luhan flashed a smile on his face. Without wasting any second, Taeyeon rushed towards Luhan and threw her arms around him.


“I won’t let you go, Xi Luhan. Not ever. I’m going to try my best to have you stay by my side forever.”


“I’m waiting to see what kind of effort that you shall make in the future, Kim Taeyeon.” Luhan said as he too wrapped his arms around Taeyeon.


“I like you, Xi Luhan.”


“Not as much as I do, Kim Taeyeon.”


“Is this going to be our first couple fight? Fighting over who loves who more?” Taeyeon lifted her face, meeting her orbs with Luhan.


“Well, I don’t mind it. Because we’re a couple now.” Luhan lowered his forehead, leaning it with Taeyeon’s.


“You found me, Xi Luhan. You found the me that I myself didn’t know she exists.”


“You might think of yourself as a plain Jane but for me you’re a diamond in disguise. Like I said you’re interesting. We complete each other.”


“Thank you for finding me.”


“No, thank you for realizing that you love me.”




Hope you'll enjoy the one shot.

Hopefully it's not too lame or .

Comments and critics are highly appreciated. :)

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heads up. i'm so so very sorry if the update


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lilapou #1
please upate soon i rally want to finish it
Baek_Yeon_lover #2
Chapter 8: Please update soon !! Im really curious about what would happen to them.
Please update soon~!!!
sea0horse #4
Chapter 2: it's so sweet :3
Update please!!!
Chapter 8: . finally that puppy has realized his feelings :'(
. ME ME ME ME!!!! let me punch Chanyeol!!!!
. he shouldn't propose to Sooyoung when she hasn't even known the truth... kyargh bad puppy > * <
taeyeoppeo #7
Chapter 8: bad baekie! but why did chanyeol proposed to sooyoung???!
Chapter 8: Please update soon,author-nim:)
erahmaliati21 #9
Chapter 8: omo! that's so complicated -_-"
uh oh what happened in the next chapter? really curious ><
update soon, author-nim :))
canttaochthis #10
Chapter 7: update soon please :D