
~ Cupid's Arrows ~ [HIATUS]

A/N: Sorry for the late update! Mianhe. *bows repeatedly*


A few weeks have gone past, and i'm still getting used to this 'celebrity' thing actually.

People have been coming up to me yelling "Dara, Dara! Can I have your autograph? A picture?" and things like that. The attention is weird, because i've never gotten so much in my entire life. Plus, all we've done is a collabo with Big Bang, and already it looks like half of South Korea knows us.

But I appreciate it, actually. Thanks to them, I guess our name of '2NE1' got more and more well-known and recognised. So it's all good, I just have to stay wary of the anti's and sasaeng fans. They scare me.

Oh, and guess what? I was on the internet the other day googling our name (yeah, i know) and was scrolling down through the results page until I clicked on this KPop website, dedicated to boy bands and girl bands of the likes. I searched the page and something immediately caught my eye, on the side of the page was a picture of us and Big Bang together, so I clicked on it and read the little paragraph below the photo.

'Sandara Park and GDragon; it looks like the fans have a new pair to support! With the new YG girl group collabing with the boys, surely they must have bonded along since they've met, and it looks like these two are pretty close! Especially when they did their dance duet together in their new single 'Lollipop' which so far has been a big hit and helped the girls gain popularity with the help of the boys. Pictures have been leaked from backstage of the pair talking and chatting, seeming intimate with each other (see image below). The fans have labelled these two as 'Daragon' ~ Aigo, gwiyeopda! It looks like love is in the air!"

'Love is in the air'? They just had to end it with something super cheesy. I scrolled down and to my horror there was a picture of me and Jiyong, talking to each other when we were alone backstage the other day. There was someone taking pictures of us? Secretly? I made a face in disgust. I never thought the day would come of my private life becoming public.

As for 'Daragon', I laughed at the name. It seemed clever, actually. Our names together, yeah, it wasn't that bad. At least it didn't sound weird. I couldn't believe people were already making assumptions of what our relationship is like with each other when clearly they have no idea.

I'm far from that stage with him.

My (or CL's plan) to somewhat 'seduce' him *rolls eyes* isn't going that well. We've had to perform 'Lollipop' about five times during the past two weeks. It got boring for me, doing the same thing over and over again.

But everytime I go backstage and see Jiyong again, I really want to make a move or talk to him. But i'm scared. I don't know what to say. He began to talk to me sometimes backstage, but it was usually things like 'Noona, have you eaten yet?' or 'Noona, good job today'.

I was disappointed, actually. I hoped he would treat me more than just someone he knew who he worked with, but obviously I don't think he sees me anymore than that.

I sighed. Noona, noona. Kyahh, why did I have to be a noona? Why did I have to be his  noona?

I'm only older than him by four years, but still. It's usually boys that are older than girls when it comes to dating and stuff like that, but having a girl older than the boy was just... strange, well, to me at least. Then again, i'm the noona of practically all the boys of Big Bang.

"Unnie," Minzy distracted me from my thoughts "gwenchana?"

I turned to look at her "Mhm" I mumbled

"What are you thinking?" she asked

"Nothing, it's nothing"

"I know what she's thinking about!" exclaimed Bom "It's GDragon ssi, isn't it?" I looked at her, raising my eyebrows in unsureness "It is! I know you, Sandy. You're not that hard to read"

"How's your 'plan' going?" CL asked, smirking, knowing that it obviously wasn't going well

"I'm ditching it"

"Eh? Waeeeeeee?"

"Can't you see, unnie? You're not making an effort!" said CL.

I looked at her. Supposedly, she was right. I'm not making an effort, hence why there's no progress. But to be honest, I don't want to make an effort. Honestly, what's a girl to do? How am I supposed to do it? Is this really the way to approach a guy? It's not my style. I'd rather have love just walk in front of me and grab me by the hands without me having to do anything besides fall in to his arms. I sighed whilst fantasising and in desperation as well.

"Well, you've got another chance. Yang Hyun Suk is calling us in tomorrow, he says something about releasing our own album soon, so he'll talk us through that. GDragon ssi might be there too. Busy busy busy..!"

"Well, so am I. I think i'll concentrate on my career for now instead of boys"

"You're 25, unnie. Before you know it you will have sprung white hair and have deep lines on your forehead" Bom giggled

"She already does"

"Yahh~!! What did you say?!"




"So, girls. We pretty much now have the outline of your first, new album. Since your popularity got so big after your collabo with Big Bang, I think it's safe to say that the fans want more from 2NE1. People here at Y.G had helped as well, writing your song lyrics, finding the tune, and soon we'll work on the choreography. Your fellow Y.G mate, GDragon, has even wrote some of the lines of your first single. He'll show you the piece later on" explaind Yang Hyun Suk to us

My eyes widened slightly. Jiyong? Making song lyrics for us? Wow. My heart felt like it was fluttering a little.



"Annyeonghasseyo" Jiyong and us greeted each other as we entered the studio room. It looked D a e b a k. I looked at the place and realised that this is where I hope to record most of our songs throughout our career, through the home of Y.G building.

"So," he began "I have the completed song right here, actually. Dara Noona, won't you come and take a look?" he asked, and I shuffled over closer so that I could see the piece of paper that was in his hand. "It's called 'I Don't Care'". Sounds of agreement came from the four of us at the title of it.

He sang out the lyrics. It seemed pretty catchy, actually. And then he told me my part.


All those girlfriends you call “friends”
Don’t think of me in the same way as them, I won’t let it fly
From now on, do as you want, I’m going to stop caring
For some time I really loved you but oh


"So, what do you guys think?" he asked

"The song seems cool" I blurted out. Cool?

"Alright," he agreed "We'll have you guys recorded it next week. It'll get really busy when a new album releases, trust me. Anyway, see you guys soon."

"Arrasso. Thank you, GDragon ssi" the 3 said and were about to leave the studio. I, on the other hand, had something else on my mind.

Make an effort. An E F F O R T. Come on Dara, you can do it!

"G-GDragon ssi.."

He spun around in his chair, facing me now. "Ne, noona? I told you to drop the formalities from now on" he smiled

I smiled back too "Oh, yeah. Mianhe."

"So, what is it that you need?"

"I-uh..." Crap. My mind thought of words to say at that very moment. Part of me wanted to ask something about the work, but obviously that won't turn out to be a really interesting conversation. And it seems like all we do is talk about work anyway. "Do..you want to..." Say it. Just say it! "Go out with..me?"

Jiyong tilted his head to the side in confusion. Crap, crap. He's taken it literally, now he thinks i'm asking him to be my boyfriend, but I didn't mean it like that. "A-ani! I mean, not go out with me but...go out somewhere? Together?" I mentally slapped myself.

His face relaxed and his mouth spoke to open. "Sure, where?"

"Um, I don't know. The movies? On Saturday? At 3?" I seemed nervous

"Okay, I don't mind. But wait, let's exchange numbers first."


"Okay!" I said rather excitedly as we both got out each others phones. We exchanged numbers and I actually felt really happy right there.

"Kansahamnida" I thanked

"See you later" he said, waving. And I left the room.

The 3 were waiting in the end of the hallway, desperate for answers as to why I didn't follow them. I approached them slowly.

"GDragon, huh?" CL nudged my on my arm and winked at me

I grinned. "I'll tell you on the way back home" I said


A/N: Again, sorry being late on this. This was a quick update on the story so far. I don't mean to be a complete nagger or appear to be selfish but I really need people to comment more on my chapters. I don't write for attention but as for the moment I merely only get around 3 comments or so per chapter that I spend quite a lot of time on each time I write. I'd really appreciate it if you do comment more though, thank you.





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Chapter 9: Good Dara!!! They going out!!!
pyeong21x #2
Chapter 9: Hmmmm i like that dara is going for gd but im bothered bec its not her character, she's just being pushed by her friends to do it, tnx for the update
daramaegon #3
Chapter 9: nice move dee!! gd being nice to a noona like you or maybe he had a crush on you now,,,thanks for the update,,,pls make a vivid point of you for jiyong,,,gomawo!!!!
juLin20 #4
Chapter 8: yay they're happily talking to each other...update soon~
bezioops #5
update soon..!
Chapter 8: LOVE dis chapter!!! They talked and It's look like they comfortable 2 each other (^.^)
canonship91 #7
Chapter 8: Dont guys like cool girls? Hehehe but great chapter never the less
Chapter 7: Oh the girls is going 2 help Dara now(^.^) Dara fighting u can do it!!!
Chapter 6: other peoples Povs too?
mrschoi09 #10
Chapter 6: Ji's POV too pls;-)