
Seika High
When Amber felt better, she walked proudly into the school in the girls uniform. Alot of guys gawked in shocked surprise. Amber usually dominanted the males uniform. So for her to be in a girls uniform threw alot of guys off. Some started flirting with her getting ugly glares from Taeil and Zico. The two males had become super over protective skipping they're classes and going to hers. They followed her around all day. At first she cared yelling at them trying to escape. But they kept her happy all day and made sure guys didn't mess with her. It was nice after a while though and she couldn't help but enjoy them. As she walked home she debated who to chose U-kwon wanted Zico. When she had asked him why be said that he knew her better. And though it was true they had history, one question still bugged her. Why did he stop talking to her after middle school? She remembered it like it was yesterday the last day they talked. Flashback "Your late Zico!" Said Amber pouting as he sat down breathless. He poured her and himself tea catching his breathe. "I know sorry amber." He said drinking some. He seemed different like something happened. Before amber could ask he began to speak one of his hands trembling. "This is our last day of speaking amber." He said watching her face. "Are you moving?" Amber asked anf he shook his head. She stared at him in confusion and he let her piece it together. She looked down tears filling her eyes "I don't understand .. your my best friend .. did I .. do something wrong?" She asked him and Zico took her hands "n-no it's me we just .. can't hang out anymore .. im sorry." He said getting up and running off. Flashback over She whipped a tear now was her chance to ask she had to know. She unconsciously was walking toward his house but she stopped. What if the answer would hurt? She looked down and shook her head running home.
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Amber_ren #1
Kaichou wa maid samaa hhaha
This is totally kaichou wa maid sama.. Could you at least change the plot a little bit ? Because this is a little like plagiarism.
krisber_1806 #3
Chapter 10: Interesting.
I like this fic.
ChocolatePandaCookie #4
Chapter 10: This is from the anime kouchi wa maid-sama! ><
Chapter 9: please update soon!
Chapter 7: Amber choice is Zico~ Zico~ Zico
Chapter 6: woah Richard so generous!
Similarities to an anime I watch... like it! Subscribe!
Chapter 5: Ziaco aka ZICO finally appear <3
Chapter 4: Daniel is a good Brother :)