The Benefits of Having a Misfit Brother

Finding and Being Found

So....sorry? *Gets thrown tomatoes at and booed*  I am truly sorry, because since school started, I haven't been able to do anything except school work!:o  So, yeah, it was hard... and I'm once again, very sorry to my...4 subscribers?  Dang...I lost a lot... well, anyways, read on, don't kill me, and what do you want for Christmas, Allie?;P

Yes, I am sooooooo flippin' sorry, but I do have to say that my writing has improved by a lot!, so look out for that!  Comment, Subscribe, and all of that SHAZAM~!  Well, read on~!:)


One Week Before...


"Yeah. This is it."  Nikki said as she led me into my sister's (it's still so weird to say that) room.  It was a plain and organized room... a little too organized... it was like no one lived here...




"This is her room?"  I asked.  In truth, I was very shocked.  It was so empty, like a ghost town.


"Yeah.  I know what you're thinking."  Nikki still had a cold and silent expression on her face.


"I see..."


"Well,"  Nikki said, "let's get started with moving all of this out."


"There's not much to move out, actually."  I replied to her.


She didn't seem to hear me as she was busy dragging in boxes to pack her clothes in.  Nikki continued to drag boxes in and pack My Ming's stuff in the boxes.


It was quiet for the fist half hour.  We had just finished packing everything other than the things in her closet.  We left the furniture for the moving truck guys to pick it up. We walked to her closet and also saw that it was very organized and colorful.



I broke the silence.  "How does she get all of these clothes if you told me she works on a budget?"  I asked.


She turned to me.  "She works in a clothing store.  When new merchandise comes in, she gets to pick what she wants to keep."


"Oh..."  Was all I said.  We began packing her clothes.  


One hour later (she has more clothes than Key! :o ), we took all of the boxes and began to put them in the back of a moving truck, one that Nikki happened to hire.


I walked back into the apartment building and looked in her kitchen.  All she had were 2 pots, 2 bowls, 2 spoons, and a pair of chopsticks.  She had no dining room and  a small living room.  It was mostly furniture and it had two lamps.  No TV.


"It's like she doesn't even go into her living room..."  I mused.


Nikki grabbed the last box and packed My Ming's kitchenware and lamps and moved onto her bathroom.  I just looked around.  Would she be happy living with me and the rest of the band?  Would she even be living long enough to see me?  Was it even worth it?  I didn't know the answer to these at all.


Nikki poked me and awakened me from my reverie.


"Yeah?"  I asked.


"We have one more place to go to before we go back to the hospital."


I threw her a questioning look and followed.  We were stopped by an old man.


"Excuse us, Mr. Dwayne, we have to get-"


Mr. Dwayne interrupted her.  "Someone needs to pay for Kimmy's rent."


Nikki sighed.  "Okay, I'll send a check through-"  I handed over 500 dollars.


"Thank you."  Mr. Dwayne said steely and stalked off to his home.


I gave Nikki a look that said, "What-Is-Up-With-That-Old-Man?"  She simply shrugged.


We walked back to the truck.  We climbed in and were off for our next destination.




Forever 21


Jonghyun's Point of View


I looked at the store and immediately, a flash back came back.


"Run, run, run!"  Minho screamed to me.


"I'm running as fast as I can!  Not my fault I don't have extremely long legs!"  I screamed back at him.


He still chuckled, but it sounded like a wheeze as we were running.  I spotted a store and dragged Minho inside.  We waited until we heard the hoards of screaming fans pass us by.  We let out a sigh of relief.  Never, ever, was I going to go anywhere without a disguise.  Ever.


Speaking of disguises... we turned and looked at a cashier who was flipping through a catalog.  She didn't seem to notice us.  Even after all of the fan screaming.  We walked further into the store...


I laughed at the memory.  So this was one of My Ming's special places.  I looked at Nikki and didn't see anyone next to me.  I looked through the glass doors to see her talking to someone.  I stepped in and was immediately shocked.  There were boxes everywhere and the cashier girl was crying in another boy's arms.  Nikki stood there awkwardly and motioned for me to come over.  Once I got there, I looked at the girl.


"Hey, you're the girl that was here last time with My Ming!"  I said.


The boy that was embracing her glared at me.  Geez, what is with everyone and hating me?


"What the hell are you doing with Chelsea?  Do you have a secret affair with her?  Back off man, I'm her boyfrie-"  He was interrupted by Nikki.


"Chill, will you Jason?  He's Kimmy's brother."


Jason immediately looked sympathetic.


"Hey, look, sorry man, I thought you were here for my baby.  And, yeah, sorry about Kim."


I shook my head, "Nah, it's cool."  He went back to consoling the crying Chelsea.  Nikki just shook her head.  I think I heard her mutter something along the lines of "Lovers", "Never", and "Freaks".  I didn't want to ask her for specifications.


"Hey, so I brought Kim's long lost bro."  Nikki said.


The couple looked up from their embrace.


"Hey..."  I said.


"Hello."  "Sup man."


"Well, yeah, we're here to get Kim's stuff from work."  Nikki said.


"Well, Nikki, you can check her locker.  Why do you need it?"


"She's leaving for Korea."  Chelsea cringed.  


"Are you sure that's good for her?  You know how she hates-"


"Yeah. We'll get that covered up soon."


"You sure?"


"Yeah, so lead me to her locker, yeah Chel?"  Nikki said.  Chelsea left, leaving me with her boyfriend, Jason.


"So... you're her brother?"  Jason asked me after a few minutes of awkward silence.




"Cool.  You know, she's always been lonely.  What, with her parents abandoning her and what not."


"Yeah, I know, but now she has me, right?"


"Yeah. I guess... just take care of her, yeah?  She's a tough girl, but if you break through, she's really fragile."


I nodded.  How ironic.  I'm listening to a stranger talk about my sister so fondly.  I guess this is what I deserve.


"Hey, we're back!"  Chelsea said.  Nikki was carrying a small box with clothes, shoes, and a notebook.


Nikki and I exchanged our goodbyes to the couple, but before leaving. Chelsea ran up to me.


"Here, when Kim wakes up, give her these, okay?"  I looked to see a pair of overalls, some heels, a feather extension, and a hat.


"Just tell her it's a goodbye gift.  And tell her that I'm leaving with Jason to New York because the shops closed."


I nodded. "Thanks."


"Yeah, well, no prob.  Give her my regards."


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I promise a longer one soon!  Promise!  And thank you for my new subscribers!






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Omo, I got on ealier, really fast, and then, BAM! Three different people update, and one of them from you. I was so surprised and happy! I'm so glad you got to update again! You were gone for ages! Please update soon again! I really want to see what else happens (>.<)
3 words
Nice to see you guys happy:) And I will update!:) Pinky promise!
Coolgranny440 #4
Uwah! Intense!! I love it. I was so excited when I saw you finally updated! HAPPY GIRL HERE!!!
Hehe:) Don't worry:) I still have to finish Chapter 3:)
Gah! Leave me hanging, haha. Can't wait for more!
Thanks so much!:) But, I'm not done with Chappie 3 yet!)
Coolgranny440 #9
Kyahh~ gomowo ! Hehe! U really r good at this...and the outfits~ so cutee!<3
Thank so much!:) I just updated!:)