
Finding and Being Found


Hello! I'm back with an update! Kimmy's in critical condition with Amber. What happens to them and what secrets do we uncover in the hospital? Stay tuned!:)


UCLA Hospital: Room B7: Amber Green and Kimmy Ming

11:46 PM


Jonghyun's Point of View


Me and the rest of the guys made it to UCLA Hospital and arrived at the front of the room.


Room B7

Amber Green and Kimmy Ming


I didn't know any of the two girls, but I was about to.


Just as I was about to walk in, a nurse blocked my way.


I'm sorry, sir. These two girls are in critical condition and no one is allowed to visit. The doctor only let in a Miss Evans under much pressure from her parents. I'm afraid that you are Jonghyun...from... SHINee...?” She finally looked up and saw my face.


Muahahahahahahahahaha! Time to use my super awesome fame to get me what I want...other than REALLY -ay chicks!


I looked behind me to the rest of the guys to see Key and Taemin grinning like mad. Minho smiled with amusement. Onew was just smirking.

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_nohIWL9PgldCWK4xpLith_key_laughingsohard.gifminho3.jpgonew%2Baww.JPGjonghyun.jpgOnce again, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Are you sure? Can you at least get me in?” I winked at her. She flushed beet red.


I'll...I'll try, sir...ah...Mr. Kim. By the way, are you related to Miss Kim?” The nurse asked.


Bwoh? There's no Miss Kim. There's only Miss Ming. Her name is Kimmy.” I said, looking at the little board that had her name on it.


Yeah, but her real name is My Ming Kim. She's Korean like you and has the same last name as you.” don't know her.” I said. But, could it be her? Could it?


Oh, okay.” She said.


The nurse scurried away and I turned to the guys. “Hey, guys, I guess I'll just talk to My Min- I mean Kimmy. You know, tell her that Manager Hyung isn't responsible or else the media will make up wild stories with it. That okay with you?” I asked them.


Minho nodded and walked away, dragging Taemin who said, “No! I wanna see sick Noonas!” Key just ran after Minho to “Save his Baby” and Onew just walked away to...the cafeteria?...


I'm guessing you ALL know what Onew wants right now.

























Typical Onew.


The nurse came back and nodded at me, letting me enter.


I turned the knob and walked in. Could it really be her?


Nah. She was dead, according to Aunt Chun Eul...But, Aunty is dead too.


I walked towards the hospital beds only to hear a girl crying.


I closed the door gently. She didn't seem to realize that I was in the room with her.


I heard her say a couple of stuff.


Am-Amber. Wake up...Please, Ki-Ki-Kimmy, Wake up. I'll do anything. * Sob * You guys are stronger than that. I'm the weak one. Wake up. Wake Up!”


She sobbed more. I walked up to her. okay?” I asked the girl.


She froze instantly. “Get the hell out of here.”


I'll give you free concert tickets to our next concert next year.” I said, trying to cheer her up.


She turned around only to see me. The Great Kim Jonghyun.


And then she slapped me.




Oww! What was that for?” I asked.


I can't believe I was your damn fan! It's your fault that my best friends may NEVER wake up again. All your damn fault! They could be dead! I hate you! You think that I'm gonna accept some stupid concert tickets and let them die?!?! What the hell is in' wrong with your brain, you ?” And then she wept all over my shirt. She hugged my waist and cried, muttering things like, “Amber, I'm so sorry.” or, “Kimmy, it's all my fault.” I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Wait...


They're...dead?” I asked her. She removed herself from me, but the plopped down to the floor. She whispered, “No. But they're both in a coma. They can wake up tomorrow or in a week or in a month or a year, or...never.”


But what if the Kimmy girl was...her?


They're on life support. Even though I'm rich, I can't pay for their life support forever. I payed one week in advance starting today. But, I have to leave for the Bahamas to visit my relatives. The last day of school is next Friday and I'm leaving on that day, too. We were supposed to take Finals on Monday and then have the rest of the week for fun stuff.” She whispered this to herself, “ Kimmy, don't you want to do your exams? Then wake up.”


She pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed more.


This Kimmy girl, where are her parents?”




Well?” I pressed.


Dead.” She whispered, still on the floor and weeping a little.


Huh?” I asked.


They're ing dead! They abandoned her, so their dead to her. We don't know if they really are dead, but they might as well be for abandoning their daughter.”


Abandoned. What about...


Amber?” I asked.


She has a huge family. It's her, her parents, her 3 older brothers and 4 younger brothers.”


How is her family gonna pay for her life support?” I asked.


They can't.”


Bwoh? Why?”


Can't afford it.”


Then who's paying for her?”


Me, for the time being.”


And once you leave?”


They take her off.”


I understood that right away.






I didn't respond. Then, the door opened.


The same nurse from before appeared.


Miss Evans, your driver is here.”


She nodded.


I'll be back here for the rest of the week until I leave. And I still hate you for killing my best friends.” She said, getting up.


But I didn't explain yet! Someone tampered our van, so it wasn't our fault! And they're not dead yet.” I said.


Oh yeah? Well, they're not alive, either. Take care of then or I'll have a lawsuit on you. Wait. I already do. So take care of them while I'm gone.”


You gonna cancel the lawsuit?” I asked. We didn't need more stress and problems.


You gonna take care of 'em?”




Deal.” She said.


She turned back around to face me. “Thanks.” And then she left.


The nurse walked in.


You sure your not related to her?” She asked.


I'm not sure anymore.” I said.


Then, I had an idea. Two actually.


How much does it cost to get them their own nurse and the best life support available?”


Umm...that's...” She started counting on her fingers.


600 per person, per day.”


How much is being paid right now?” I asked.


500 dollars. Life support. Top of the top.” She said.


The $600 deal. Both of them. Starting Friday of next week.”


Yes, Mr. Kim.” She, said , about to walk out of the room.


Wait!” I said.


Yes, Mr. Kim?” She asked.


Is it possible to get a DNA check between me and Miss Kimmy Ming?”


She is in critical condition...” The nurse started. I gave her a charming smile.


But I can ask the doctor.” She said, a blush already on her face.


She then left me alone with two half dead people.


Hope you are her, 'cuz I've been lonely for the past 15 years.” I said to Kimmy.


And of course, I got no response.


One week later: Friday Night


UCLA Hospital: Room B7: Amber Green and Kimmy Ming

7:42 PM


Kimmy's Point of View


Hello reader.


I have a question.


What the happened?


Because, right now, I am in a room with beeping sounds, breathing, and people talking. And I can't see anything. What the hell is going on?


And then, I could see again. Blinding white light shone in my face and I could and Amber on a hospital bed, with TONS of equipment around us. A heart monitor, blood pressure monitor, life support machine, a generator for the life support machine, a guy looking at some paperwork, a bunch of IV needled strapped to us, a bunch of tubes transporting food and water down our throats, and a...




Who the hell is that? Definitely not one of the people I know. I know no one. And not one of Amber's brothers. He was obviously Asian. Korean. He looked familiar. How the hell did I know that. And then I heard a voice.


It sounded familiar.


So, your Kimmy's brother? I hope you know what the hell you did to her.” Who's voice was that?...Nikki's?


My-my-my BROTHER? What?...How?...Huh?...


And then it was black again.

Friday Night

UCLA Hospital: Room B7: Amber Green and Kimmy Ming

9:06 PM


Kimmy's Point of View


I woke up to a start. My eyes opened and I saw Nikki and some guy with her.


Her boyfriend?


No. It was...




I was wide awake now.


She seemed to know him, though.


Ni...Nik...” I said.


She looked over to me. Her eyes were wide open. was open, too. And then she jumped on me.


And started crying.


Ki-Ki-Kimm-Kimmy!” She sobbed.


What was going on?


Wha-what happened?” Me voice was coarse to me.


You're alive!” She was still sobbing.


The Asian dude grabbed a walkie talkie like thing near my bed and spoke into it.


She's awake. Call the rest of the guys and get her some food, stat.”


There was some garbled speaking.




Okay.” Said a voice from the other side.


I tried to raise a hand to point at him, but Nikki squished it.


Nik.” I said.


I'm so sorry. It's just...I ...I'm so happy your alive.” She sobbed more, but was clinging onto the rail of my bed.


What happened?” I asked.


You were in a coma. You and Amber. You guys got hit by this idiot's manager's van. You've been out for a week. Same with Amber.” I looked across to see Amber. There were tubes of all types taped to her and she was asleep.



She's in a coma?” I asked.


Nikki nodded.


Who's he?” I asked, pointing to the Asian guy who was standing around awkwardly.


Him?” Nikki looked nervous.


We shouldn't tell her yet. It might shock her and make her condition worse.” He said.


You're right.” Nikki agreed.


Then I thought hard.


Wasn't he my supposed...


Brother?” I said.


They were both still. Frozen, even.


How'd you...?” Nikki started.


I heard you.” I said.


...In a dream...but it turns out, that dream was a reality.


The Asian guy was still frozen.


You're my brother?” I asked.


I didn't believe it. And it was kind of shocking. So shocking that I passed out in my dream. But it wasn't as shocking as it is now.


But I needed proof.


Proof. Prove it.” I said.


He handed me some papers. The same ones in the dream.


I scanned it over. A DNA test between me a a guy named Kim Jonghyun. I knew that he was Korean. And there, in bold print, were the statistics.


89% Similar. Relationship: Siblings











I was related to Kim Jonghyun.


Where have you been?” I asked, not looking at him.




What are you doing here?” I still didn't look at him.


I had a concert.”


To attend to or perform at.”




You're famous?” I asked.


Yeah. Korean boy band, SHINee.”


Get the out of my life.”


Bwoh?!” He asked.


I sat up and winced a little.


If you've been gone like mom and dad are, you're dead to me, like them.” I said. This should scare him off. But it didn't.


They didn't abandon you.” He said.


Oh yeah, and pigs go 'Moo.'” I said sarcastically.




And that knocked me out of consciousness.


Friday Night

UCLA Hospital: Room B7: Amber Green and Kimmy Ming

11:23 PM


Kimmy's Point of View


I woke up to hear two people talking. Nikki and...


Him. Kim Jonghyun. My brother.


I have to leave soon. I postponed my flight as long as possible.”


I understand.” Jonghyun said.


Hmm...Wait.” I muttered.


YOU'RE AWAKE! STOP ING SCARING ME!!” Nikki screamed, hugging me again.


Nik...” I said, losing air as we speak.


Let go before you kill her.” Jonghyun said.


Sorry.” She mumbled.


I looked over to see Amber still asleep. No... more like in a coma.


Damn you, fate.


Ambs?” I asked.


Nikki smile turned into a frown. “Nothing, so far.”


I nodded, even though that caused me great pain.


Nikki looked at me sadly. “I have to leave.” She said.


This time, I nodded, but it hurt less.


Bye.” I said. She knew how I was never good at goodbyes.


Miss you already.” She said.


And you! Take care of Amber and Kimmy, or you'll find a law suit on you.” She pointed to Jonghyun.


Alright! Alright! I get it!” He said, shooing her out.


And then Nikki left me alone with him.


How are you?” Jonghyun asked.


Hmm...I'm in a hospital, strapped to life support for only God knows how long, and just awoke from being in a coma long?”


About one week.” He answered.


A week! How do you think I feel?” I asked him.




Yeah, but...”


Hmm...?” He asked.


How are you?”


He gave me a confused look.


How are you dealing with the fact that you just found your supposedly dead younger sister.”


I...I dunno. I'm not that shocked. I don't know...accept me as your brother...?” He asked.


Did I accept him? I guess I did. I guess I was just shocked? But all in all, I was glad to have someone to rely on. Yes, I could call him my brother now.


Yeah, I'm okay” I said.


Well, it's good to know that I'm not alone anymore, sis.” He said, smiling.


Alone?” He was me?...What?


He nodded. “Since when?” I asked.


When I was 6, I lived with our dad's sister, Aunt Chun Eul. She died when I was 13. Adopted family for two years, and then I went into SM Entertainment. I was training until I was 18, and then I debuted with the rest of the guys.”


Who are they? These 'Guys'” I asked.


. I regret saying that.


Suddenly, the door slammed open and four guys came into view.


Jjong!” A guy with a ...chicken bucket said.


Honey!” Said another guy...was my brother gay?!?!


Hey, shortie.” Said a really tall guy...that I somehow knew that I saw before.


Hyung!” Said this other guy...this really hot other guy.


Like, Johnny Depp Pitt...No!, it 's like, indescribable.


k! He's just so damn cute!--------> Facial Expression ♥O♥


Guys! You're here! Finally!” Jonghyun said.


Yeah! We had to sign something for this fan though. I forgot her name...Vikki?...No...Nick...”


Nikki. Nikki Evans.” I said. It must have been her. She might hate them, but an autograph would have been a once in a lifetime chance.


I guess, I shouldn't have spoken up, because then the four that just entered looked at me.


...Awkward Silence...


Cricket, cricket.


Yeah...I think it's time for introductions!


Err...Anyong haseyo! I am Kimmy Ming...Jonghyun's...err...long lost sister?”


BWOH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” They all said simultaneously.


Hehe. Yeah guys, that's why Manager Hyung's been letting me out of schedule, lately. I sorta found my long lost sister. Ya know, the one that Manager crashed into...?” Jonghyun said.


B-Bwoh!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” They were still shocked.


I just nodded, even though it brought on tons of pain.


You...You...He...Related...WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Someone said. He had multicolored hair (It's Key, like how his hair was in Hello Baby). But, his were in rainbow, when Jonghyun's tips were blonde.


Yes, I am his sister. Uhh...and you are?” I asked.


They still seemed dumbfounded, because they didn't answer.


That, was Kim Kibum, who just rudely yelled at you. But everyone calls him Key. The oldest, Lee Jinki. He goes by Onew.”


So, Multicolor Guy was Key. And Chicken Guy is Onew. Okay...Jongie! Get to the really cute guy who is gaping at me!


The tall one is Choi Minho, and the youngest is Lee Taemin.”

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUHzy4ATv9eI0Fdb7FR_3 taemin3.jpg

Taemin...Taemin...Taemin...where have I heard of that name before?


Was it...Nikki? Yeah! It was the guy that Nikki liked. That means...


You must be SHINee. Is my brother a pain in the ?” I asked jokingly, hoping to remove this awkward silence away from us.




I turned to Jongie. “Jongie, it seems that you are a pain in the , if they don't say anything.” I said, smiling.


Bwoh?!?! Of course not! I'm an amazing person!” Jonghyun said.


How old are you?” Onew asked.


Seventeen in July.” I said. We were in May...wait...June? This coma really was getting to me.


Hey, what day is it today?” I asked.


May...25th...” Key said.”


Wait for it...


Wait for it...



Ding! There it is!


! SCHOOL'S OUT TODAY! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! I-I-I didn't take my finals! Crap! Will they even accept me into the school for senior year! Am I gonna have to go back to that ty school that is never gonna help me! Stupid public school! Ugh! How will I get back to school? Crap, crap, crappity CRAP! is due on the 31st! And I haven't gone to work for a whole week! I don't have enough money to pay for it! Crap ! Oh mann~~!” I said.


Don't-” Jonghyun said.


But I cut him off.


Oh man, oh man, oh man! What am I gonna do? I have to find a summer job, ASAP!” I said...screamed.


Look, just chil-” Jonghyun started.


Ugh! Man! This is gonna so much! My life is ruined! How am I gonna find a job in like....NOW!”


My Ming! Listen to your oppa. I have it all planned out.”


Huh? What? What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.


Well...let's say that I made some...arrangements...” He said.


What did Jonghyun do? I dunno...well, I do, but I can't tell you.:) Great author I am, right:) Once again, sorry for the late update! I had tennis camp, and I still do, so updates will be slow. Thanks to all who have subscribed and commented!:) I love ya!;)♥ And to apologize more, here is a funny pic!:)



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Omo, I got on ealier, really fast, and then, BAM! Three different people update, and one of them from you. I was so surprised and happy! I'm so glad you got to update again! You were gone for ages! Please update soon again! I really want to see what else happens (>.<)
3 words
Nice to see you guys happy:) And I will update!:) Pinky promise!
Coolgranny440 #4
Uwah! Intense!! I love it. I was so excited when I saw you finally updated! HAPPY GIRL HERE!!!
Hehe:) Don't worry:) I still have to finish Chapter 3:)
Gah! Leave me hanging, haha. Can't wait for more!
Thanks so much!:) But, I'm not done with Chappie 3 yet!)
Coolgranny440 #9
Kyahh~ gomowo ! Hehe! U really r good at this...and the outfits~ so cutee!<3
Thank so much!:) I just updated!:)