
Finding and Being Found


Homeroom Class #1: Los Angeles High School for the Arts

8:25 AM


Kimmy's Point of View


(Authoress Notes:  These are the outfits that Kimmy, Amber, and Nikki are wearing.  It goes in order.)





Please, Kimmy?”




C'mon, Kim.”








You're going.”


Heck no!”


Uh, heck yeah!”


Amber, Nikki, I REFUSE to go to some concert. We have FINALS, need I remind you.”


Please, Kim? We NEED to go!” Nikki said.


Yeah. You guys can go while I study.”


No way! You work too hard! First your school work and then your part time job. You need a break!” Amber said.


And we want you to go. Please Kim?” Nikki asked.


No! How many times do I need to tell you this?”


None, if you come.” Nikki said, smiling like a madman.


No. I don't even know what band it is.”


What other band CAN it be for us to get all worked up?”


Right. Of course. A+ student, Kimmy Ming, just forgot about how her friends were in love with some Korean Pop Band. And how could I even forget that they were touring the U.S. for the next 2 months when they screamed about it each and every God forsaken day? Wow. And people say that I'm smart. Ha!


Want me to rewind? Sure, I'd rather do that than listen to how “awesome” this band is.


My name, as you have found out, is Kimmy Ming. But that's how the American Government put it. I'm Korean, so my name is actually Kim My Ming. Kim being my last name and my actual name being My Ming in Korea. But, if you combine Kim and My together, you get Kimmy Ming. So that was my name, Kimmy Ming. And I was fine with it.


Wanna know why?


I was fine with being an American. A Korean? Ehh...let's forget that.


Because being Korean means having parents that abandoned you at the age of two, putting you in an orphanage, and then putting you through foster care from age 5 to 17. That was when I finally got out of the foster care system and lived on my own.


And I was fine with it. I lived in a one bed, one bathroom apartment. Yeah, it wasn't much. I had a small kitchen and living room. No dining room. But that didn't matter to me because I just ate in my room (And my room is not a mess, I do clean my room!) , while doing my homework.


Yes, I'm your ultimate nerd. I loved to read, write, and I was one of the top in my class. I was fine with my life. Sure, I had no parents, no relatives, no one whatsoever, but I was fine. Okay, not fine, but good enough.


But, apparently, now I needed to be half-dragged, half-shoved by my best friends to attend some concert two days before finals.


My besties? They happen to be Amber Green and Nikki Evans.


Amber Green. Yeah, her name is two colors. And if you mention that, you end up black and blue. She hates it when people poke fun at her or others and is REALLY pissed off if you make fun of her name. She always dies her hair a different color (it's red because it's one of the favorite colors of the leader of the band.) She is unique in her very own way. Especially when she likes a famous singer who is in his TWENTIES! And she's SEVENTEEN! I mean, C'MON!


There's like a 3-4 year difference! But moving on.


Nikki Evans. She is a huge tough girl, but she dresses so girlyly that it's insane!  She is also a fan of the Korean Pop Band (which I still can't remember the name of!) and is in love with one of the singers. His name is the only name that I can actually remember.


Wanna guess? His name is Taemin. It's probably the only name that I can remember. Yeah, it is.


His favorite color is white. Now, how do I know his favorite color, and not what band he's in?


Well, Nikki's hair isn't white (Okay, it's like bleached blonde, so yeah, it's white)  It's also because she wears white non stop. I don't know how she's able to do it (especially for the time of the month), but she's good.


At least she doesn't wear to school. I would rather have her wearing white than lace undies to school. Even if she wanted to (thank the Heavens that she doesn't), she couldn't have. Wanna know why?


Her parents are the overprotective type. They let her go to this SHINee concert only because they rarely visit the U.S. And that's it. No mall days, no hanging out. Nope. Nada. Nothing!


Which is why when they offered me a place to stay in their house after I left foster care, I vehemently refused.


Because the one thing that I hate more than my ditching, no good, already gone, never coming back, Korean parents are overprotective parents.


Yeah, I'm weird.


But now, here I am, listening to Amber and Nikki go on and on about how awesome this band is.


Uhm...what's the band's name again?”


And then there comes the gasp that was bound to happen.


Kim...are you serious?” Both of them asked.


Yes, I am.”


SHINee!” They both yelled.


Shiny? That's a little wier-”


No! It's SHINee. Capital S, H, I , N. Lowercase e, e. They spelled it cool so it could be unique.” Nikki said.


Okay...that's original. I like it.”


Then you'll go?” Amber asked.


No. I'm just saying that the name of the band is cool.”


And I'm just saying that you need a break from studying. You've done that all week.” Amber said.


Well, if I don't study and do well, how am I gonna get a scholarship to UCLA? How am I gonna become a doctor?”


They quieted at that.


They both knew how much being a doctor meant to me. But since I wasn't in the best financial position, I needed a scholarship to get there. And that was why I studied my off.


So, I'm not going.” I continued, “You guys should study too. Finals are TWO DAYS AWAY! You need to get prepared for it!”


But we still have Sunday! That's the day after the concert. We can study then.” Amber said.


Yeah, but are you really gonna study? Or post pictures of the concert?” I asked.


Amber looked down at the floor of our homeroom class.


Yup, I thought so.” I smile triumphantly.


Then, you can...tutor us.” Nikki said, a smile slowly crawling up to her lips.


Wha- what? What are you thinking of Nikki?”


Simple. You go to the concert with us, we promise to study on Sunday under your watchful eye. You can even tutor us.”


I thought about it for a moment. My friends were smart, yes, but they were B students. They wouldn't study on their own and would probably slack off if someone wasn't there. And we all planned on going to UCLA together. There was no way I could let them fail Junior Finals.


But my pride was also in my way. I didn't want to spend a whole Saturday preparing for some concert for some band that I didn't even know. It was best if someone who actually wanted to go got my seat instead of me.


Which reminds me...


How are you going to get tickets to the Staples Center for the concert if it's tomorrow?”


Nikki smiled deviously. “I'm an Evans, right?”


Once again, I am seriously losing my memory. Nikki Evans is an Evans, which means that her family has connections. Some of which that I really don't wanna talk about.


Right. And that scares me sometimes.” I said.


Psh! Whatever!” Nikki said.


So, what time do you want me to come over?” I asked, already agreeing to do this thing. It would benefit my friends, so I was all for it. Pride, be damned!


WAIT, YOU'LL GO?” Amber and Nikki said.


Yeah, It'll help you guys, so I'm fine with it.”


They looked at each other with wide eyes.


AHHH! YES! MISSION COMPLETE! YES!” They shouted over and over again. So much that the whole class looked at us. But then they turned to the door, which burst open and revealed our teacher, Miss Johnson. The bell rang soon after.


Class,” She said, “What's all this ruckus?”


Come to my house at 10 in the morning. I'll tell you the schedule at lunch.” And with that, Amber left to go to her seat.


Okay, it was simpl- wait. What? A schedule?!?! You have GOT to be kidding me!


Lunch: Los Angeles High School for the Arts

12:16 PM


Kimmy's Point of View


-And at 5:00, we meet up at Nikki's house to ride in the limo, and at 5:30, we drive off all the way to the heart of LA, and at 6:00, we should get there, and at 6:15, we make a grand entrance, and at 6:30, we go to the concession stands and get snacks and souvenirs, and at 6:50, we go in the stadium and wait for SHINee to-”


Amber, please, stop. I have no idea what you just said.” I said.


Okay, at 10:00 we meet at my house and then we-”


Amber!” Me and Nikki yelled.


What? guys didn't get that?” She asked, a little sheepishly.


No. I got lost at 5:00.” I said.


I wasn't even listening.” Nikki admitted.


Well, what am I supposed to do?” Amber asked.


Write it down? .” Someone else replied.


We all turned to see Ashley. She was head cheerleader and head at Los Angeles High School for the Arts. Yeah, it was no wonder that she would be here. I swear, her main goal in life is to ruin Amber, Nikki, and me. What's high school like without having a ?


And yes, I go to the prestigious high school that only people can dream of. Of course we have regular courses, like math, language arts, science, history, and other stuff like that, but we also boast the best music, art, and dance classes in all of LA. Wow. I sound like some saleslady. No, I sound like the pamphlet that they gave me when I got a scholarship here to attend this school. I mean, it was better to attend some prestigious school that focuses mainly on music than medicine, than go to some school that is, well...the worst in LA? Yeah, I used to go to that school until they gave me a scholarship to go to here.


Yeah, I have musical talents. I can play the piano and the drums (that's an odd combo, I know) and I can sing. Although people tell me my voice is sweet and full of emotion, I think it sounds horrible.


No, I KNOW that it sounds horrible. I recorded myself once after school and replayed was HORRIBLE! I SOUNDED LIKE A CAT DYING AND A MOOSE CRYING WHILE DROWNING. Yeah, I was that bad!


So, I never sang. When our grades depended on a talent show performance, I would just play the piano. Nothing else.


Ugh. The first day, I remember that. Igg. That was when I first met Ashley. Blech! Speaking of her...


Permission to puke?” Nikki asked, looking at Ashley.


I smiled. “Permission granted.”


No. I can't puke on her, she doesn't deserve my puke.” Nikki said, smiling like a coy cat.


Agreed.” Amber said.


So, I heard that you guys are attending the last SHINee concert.” Ashley said along with her two friends, Kylie and Kourtney, in unison.

(Authoress Notes:  Ashley, Kylie, and Kourtney in order....Boys....don't drool:PAnd the twins outfits are the same)


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Kylie and Kourtney are the only twins at LAHSA. That's what made them popular. What made them even more popular was the fact that they tend to dress like s who have no morals. Yeah, they're those types of girls. Gross, I know.


I'm surprised they even made it in here. Either they seduced the principal (Gross!), or got their Daddy's money and got bought into here. Probably both.


But, as much as I hate to admit it, they also have talent. Ashley is head cheerleader for a reason. She can dance really well along with the twins. But academically, they .


Ashley and her little group, which consists of more -flinging bimbos, are the most popular, but in my book, they're also the tiest around. Amber and Nikki agreed with me and that's how we became friends in Freshman year.


Now, we're Juniors, and STILL have to deal with Ashley and her group's constant annoyance.


Yeah. What's it to you?” Nikki asked, I could tell that she really wanted to say more.


Well, me and the Montgomery twins are going. We're gonna blow away all of the people there with our fabulous clothing. Jealous much?” She asked, a smirk on her face.


Not really. Who would notice a bunch of bimbos?” Amber asked, malice in her voice.


Humph! Well, the Oppas are, aren't they, Kim?”


Damn you. She knew how much I hated being Korean sometimes. She was part Korean, part Caucasian. And I hated her because she always used that to her advantage, like now.


Ashley, why don't you and your s go somewhere else, yeah?” Nikki asked.


Whatever, I can't stand here in the presence of losers.” She and her little group then left.


Thank God they're out of the way.” Nikki said, a smile of peace returning to her face.


Yeah... but the idiot gave me an idea. I'll write down the schedule.” Amber said, smiling.


No! I don't want a stupid schedule! Why can't we just go into a taxi and get there?”


NO! I wanna make an impression on the SHINee members. Especially Taemin!” Nikki said, delight and glee written all over her face.


Oh! And Onew, too!” Amber said.


Oh! How about you guys stop day dreaming and get to reality. Write down the stupid schedule if it will make you guys stop with your fantasies. Yeah?” I said.


Fine.” Amber said.


Wait, how are you gonna clear this with your boss at Forever 21?”


Chelsea? She'll let me off on Saturday. I've worked there for nearly two years without a single break day or arrived late.” I said proudly. You would think that a high school student would ditch out on her work, but I had nothing better to do than study and sleep. And I would always study in the shop because it was really empty sometimes. Like we only get 30 customers in a day empty. Hey, we're in the heart of LA, where the rich go to shop at Gucci or Channel and make it seem as if they're at Wal-Mart. Yeah, I live in a town of rich folks.


SWEET! EVERYTHING'S SET!” Nikki shouted out.


Can you please stop yelling? I'm going, okay? No biggie.” I said, a little exasperatedly.


No, now we know for sure that nothing's gonna stop you from going!”


I laughed. So I actually had plans this weekend.


Hey, don't jinx it!” Amber said, yelling at Nikki.


Hey, look! The line for pizza is shorter. Let's go line up! I'm starving!” I said, not wanting to see both of my friends bruised up.


Race you?” Amber asked me.


You know your going to lose, right?”


Oh, I know. I just wanted to see if your still the Kim I know. The real Kim wouldn't agree to go to a concert, but would agree to run 3 miles.” Amber said.


Yeah, but running is funner!” I said.


Amber looked at me like I was crazy.


No, it's not. But since you already agreed to go to the concert, I could care less if you wanted to run a 25 mile marathon!” Amber said.


Hey, look! Nikki's already in line!” I said.


What?!?! Nikki get back here!” Amber said as me and her raced to the food cart.



Forever 21



Kimmy's Point of View

(Authoress Notes:  This is what Chelsea is wearing and Kim is wearing the same thing as before.  And the pic next to the outfit is what Chelsea looks like.)




Hey, Chelsea?” I asked while looking at the really cute denim overalls at one of the racks.


Wassup, Kimmy?” She asked.


She was at the cash register, looking through one of the old catalogs of Forever 21. There were only 10 customers so far, and none of them really looked like serious buyers.


Do you mind if I take Saturday off? Amber and Nikki really want to go to this SPARKLee concert or something.”


Don't you mean SHINee?” She asked. She looked up at me to give me a skeptical look.


Right. SHINee. Got it. Mind if I take the day off?”


Doesn't your shift start at 3:30 and then you get off at 8:00?”


Well, yeah, but the concert's at 7:00 and it ends at 11:00. We'll get home at around 11:30. So, I won't be here. But they want to spend the whole day looking for outfits and stuff.”


Uhh...hmm...Jason's got your shift too. I can take over your shift. I have nothing planned. And I still owe you for setting me up with Jason on that date.” She smiled when she mentioned him.


When I first arrived at Forever 21, ANYONE can tell that Chelsea was in LOVE with Jason. Well, that is almost everyone. Jason was CLUELESS! So, I set then up on a blind date and now they're dating. I'm so proud.


Promise to me that you guys won't mack in the fitting room.” I said while grabbing the cute denim overalls and going to the “Hats” section of the store.


No promises.” She said while smiling.


Eww!” I shrieked.


Just kidding!...ish!” She grinned at me.


Not listening! Hey, feather extensions, or not?” I asked after I picked out the hat and went to hair accessories.


Yes. It looks nice. You planning on grabbing those at the end of the month?”


Right now, we're at the middle of May. At the end of the month, the head manager allows us to take as many clothes as we want to clear the way for the next month's new clothes. So, I never really needed to go shopping since I got tons of new clothes for free. It was so easy and I really liked what Forever 21 had in store. You could mix and match and get an awesome outfit in the end.


Yeah. It looks cute. And no one really seems to like it. I guess people hate overalls?”


Chelsea laughed. “Pfft. Whatever.” And then she went to attend one of the customers who went up to the cash register.


I looked at what I grabbed. It was pretty cute.


Chels, I'm gonna go try this on after my shift. You staying late?”


She looked up from the cash register and handed someone their change.


Uh...yeah, I really wanted to try on this sweater.” She said.


Have a nice day!” We both chimed in. The customer waved and left.


Can't wait to try this on!” I said. I then placed them back on their corresponding racks.


Be back in 4 hours, lovelies.” I said.



Forever 21

8:05 PM


Kimmy's Point of View watcha think?” I asked as I stepped out of the fitting room dressed in the cute short denim overalls and a hat with feather extensions in my hair. I also had on my trademark Converse.  (Authoress Notes:  Go to this link :  Just imagine the heels as Converse that are black and feather extensions in her hair. :) )


Nice. Very casual. Now all you have to do is wait until the end of the month.”


Right. No one will grab these, at least, I hope not.”


Yeah. Remember that time when I wanted those boots?” Chelsea remarked.




How could I not? You were crying after that lady took the last pair.”


I was not crying! I was mourning! There's a difference!”


Right, Chels, say that to the boots.”


Whatever. Look, we better close up before we have to lock up.”




I went to the fitting room. Just as I was about to walk in, the automatic motion sensor make it's sound, indicating that someone just walked in. Although my shift ends at 8:00, Chelsea is a full time worker, making her stay there until 8:30.


I always stayed after to help her. It was usual empty by 7:30, so I did all of my homework and studies there. I never really needed to go home. I just needed my apartment to shower and sleep.


I walked out of the fitting room, looking up at the person, no persons, that entered.


Welcome to Forever 21, is there any way that I can be of assistance to you guys?” I asked the people in front of me.


There were 2 guys. One was extremely tall while the other was short. But the shorter one was still a head taller than me.


Uhm...we're trying to get away from these people that are chasing us. We need disguises, ASAP.” The shorter one said.


Okay.” this didn't creep me out at all. I've heard weirder stories than that.


What are you planning to go with? A whole outfit change, or just accessories?”


They looked at each other.


Accessories.” The taller one said.


Okay, right this way.” I led them to the Accessories section of the place.


There's sunglasses, hats, and scarfs. Take your pick.”


Thanks.” The taller one said. The shorter one just looked at me.


Uhm...I'll be at the cash register.”


I walked over to Chelsea who was still looking at a catalog.


This is still your shift, why am I working?” I asked playfully.


Hey, I never told you to go and help. You volunteered.”


Touche.” I said.


Hey, do you have a more sunglasses, miss?” Asked the shorter one.


Right this way.” I said, leading him to more eye wear.


Thanks. I'm Jonghyun, by the way.”


Are you Korean?” I asked.


He looked a little nervous. “Yeah, I am.”


Cool. I'm Kimmy Ming.”


You're Korean?” He asked.


Don't remind me.” I said with bitter humor.


What's wrong with being Korean?”


Your parents ditching you at the age of two.”


Oh, I'm sorry for-”


It's no big deal.” I said, interrupting him.


Hey, done yet, Jonghyun?” Asked the other guy.


Almost. Just wait for me Minho.” Jonghyun said.


This Jonghyun guy, he looked familiar. As if I had seen him before. But where? I feel like I see him everyday. I shook my head. No, there's no possible way that I know this guy.


He took his stuff to Chelsea. Minho followed.


Chelsea, counter.” I reminded her.


Right.” She dropped her catalog.


She got their stuff scanned and then they payed.


Thanks and have a good night.”


Nice meeting you Jonghyun!” I said.


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They just smiled back and left.


Chelsea, is it me, or does the shorter one look familiar.”


Nope, he doesn't look that special.”


Hmm...I guess your right. But I can't shake off the feeling that I know him. Like, on a personal level.”


Kimmy, look! There's a new color in Converse! And their shipping it over to us next month! Let's hope these aren't going to sell, 'cuz I want them!” Me and Chelsea were Converse freaks. And of course Chelsea wasn't listening to me. She had her catalogs.


I ran over to her and snatched it out of her hand.


Did you hear what I just said?”


Yeah, and I think it's no big deal. This one guy walked in looking exactly like my older brother.”


Yeah, I guess so.” I looked at the catalog.


Oh My Begeezus! These are some really shiny Converse. Me want!” I said as me and Chelsea fawned over them.


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Omo, I got on ealier, really fast, and then, BAM! Three different people update, and one of them from you. I was so surprised and happy! I'm so glad you got to update again! You were gone for ages! Please update soon again! I really want to see what else happens (>.<)
3 words
Nice to see you guys happy:) And I will update!:) Pinky promise!
Coolgranny440 #4
Uwah! Intense!! I love it. I was so excited when I saw you finally updated! HAPPY GIRL HERE!!!
Hehe:) Don't worry:) I still have to finish Chapter 3:)
Gah! Leave me hanging, haha. Can't wait for more!
Thanks so much!:) But, I'm not done with Chappie 3 yet!)
Coolgranny440 #9
Kyahh~ gomowo ! Hehe! U really r good at this...and the outfits~ so cutee!<3
Thank so much!:) I just updated!:)