
One Shot

I looked at the scene unfolding, slightly amused. Hey, it's not every day you see Youngjae get pushed away with so much force, that he was practically flying. But it must have hurt; his landing was far from perfect and with a loud crash.

Of course being the innocent maknae he is, Zelo began to panic and yell, thus Jongup was given a fright and he screamed like a girl. Being the leader and that crap, Yongguk used his deep voice to calm everybody down (with a bit of yelling), which resulted in more screaming and yelling. Sigh, why am with these idiots again?

But it all went silent, when an ear-piercing scream/shriek was heard. We all stared at Jaehwa, who were clutching her head tightly and looked like she was in great pain.

I was going to comfort her, but the tall doctor beat me to. He gently placed his hands over hers and talked in a low tone to her. I felt a pang of jealousy and anger in my heart. It's not like any guy would like another guy comforting their girlfriend.

She finally opened her eyes and stared, a bit to long for my taste, into the guys eyes. Then her eyes landed on us. I looked at her expectantly, but she only tilted her head in confusion. Which were very cute!

She stared for awhile at Youngjae, why would she stare like that at her own brother?, but then toppled over in pain again. I was worried, my baby wasn't feeling well and Youngjae had hid it from me for a long time.

Taking deep breaths as my girlfriend and the doctor continued to embrace each other, I'M FREAKING JEALOUS!!

Then the finally pulled apart and she held her hand out to Youngjae, gesturing him to come closer. I don't know, but he seemed hesitant to take her hands, but did it gladly anyway.

“Youngjae..?” she asked, like she wasn't sure. What...

“Y-y-you remember m-me?”

Why the hell wouldn't she remember her own brother?

“I honest don't know … I can only remember parts..”

“That's good enough for me! Noona, I've missed you so much! It was so painful to watch you from afar, not knowing if you would remember me. I-I-I missed you s-s-so much! Noona, I'm s-sorry!” Youngjae bawled and cried like there was no tomorrow.

It felt like thousands of knives were stabbing my heart. If she couldn't remember her own brother, what were the chances she would remember me? Remember us?

“Sshhh, Youngie, I don't know what you should feel sorry about, but noona is here now.”

Jaehwa patted his head and smiled one of her rare smiles; one that was from deep in her heart and pure. She proceed to wipe his eyes with her thumb and then turning her attention to us.

“Youngjae, isn't it rude not to introduce your friends to me?” she softly asked, still patting his head with one hand.


That did it. That broke my heart.

The woman I love cannot remember me.

Now I understand why Youngjae insisted on forgetting her, he wanted my heart to be safe.

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fbgliskfjksadn3 #1
Chapter 8: Gahh update. What happens? Will she die? There's a baby inside if her tho. Ahh palli update please. That's a mega big cliffhanger.