Chapter 7

P.S I Love You

I give you double update! :)




I took the player and pushed ‘stop’ button. I had my eyes widened and my mom had weird look on her face. “What is this Myungsoo?” she asked. “I don’t know”, I whispered. “Let’s listen to the tape and then we can discuss about it. I wanna know what it says!” Woohyun said. “NO! I want to know what is this! Why is he sending you tapes?? Isn’t he dead?!” Mom got really confused. “Yes, he is. I have no idea what is he planning but I want to figure it out”, I said in a calm voice.


My mom sighed really hard. “I’m going crazy… Did you Woohyun do this? Because if this is your so called ‘funny prank’, you should stop it immediately.” Woohyun raised his hands in the air. “No! I swear I didn’t do anything!” “Woohyun didn’t do anything, mom. Let’s just listen to this tape, ok?” I said and pushed again ‘play’ button.


“Hey babe! Surprised? I know this may feel a little bit morbid but… I just hate the idea that I’m not there celebrating your birthday with you… To see you turning 22. It literally kills me not to be there with you.


Hah hah I’m being funny.”


“No you’re not”, I whined.


“Okay, not. But you’re gonna be impressed! I have planned something bigger for you. Can you believe it? As I wrote before, I have written you a letters. Letters that will be coming to you all sorts of ways but don’t try to figure out how the letters are coming, because it will ruin my plan. Just go along with me on this, please? Because the thing is…. I just can’t say goodbye yet.


You know that wherever I am, I’m missing you, right?


Happy birthday baby.


I love you”


“Sick…. This is so sick.” That was all my mom could said. I laid my head in my hands and let a heavy moan come from my mouth. “Let’s make this stop”, my mom once again opened and was trying to destroy my tape but I was faster than her so I took it and hid it in my pocket. “No! I have to know what he has planned! Can’t you just let me figure out where is this leading to? Please! This means a lot to me.”


She just shook her head. “No. You maybe accept all this because he was your boyfriend but me… I’m not letting this happen. This is sick… I want you to delete all those letters and move on. That is what Sungjong would want too, right?”


“STOP IT! YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SUNGJONG SO STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM LIKE HE MEANT A LOT TO YOU! I KNOW YOU DIDN’T LIKE HIM! I’m not gonna stop this. He told me to have a happy life without him.. Maybe he has planned me the ‘happier life’. I don’t know, but I’m figuring it out. You liked it or not!” I cried. And my mom cried too.


“I did like him… He was a great boy and you were perfect together but do you know how I felt when you came home and introduced us your boyfriend? At first it wasn’t easy to handle but in the future I realized it was your choice and you were happy so I wanted to be happy too. I’m not against Sungjong, I’m against this letter thing. You will find someone new someday, somehow, somewhere without Sungjong.”


“Mom, I’ve made my decision.”


With that, she left tears in her eyes. I sighed and took a look at Woohyun. “Well… That was… Interesting…” he said. I sighed again and sat next to Woohyun on the couch. “Yep. I wasn’t expecting this at all…” I put my hand in my pocket and stared my player. I bit my lower lip.


“Was I too harsh?”


“Hmmm… I don’t know? I understand your mom’s feelings but I also understand you… This is complicated situation but I’m ready to help you.” I turned to look at Woohyun. He looked at me too. We both smiled at each other. “Thanks Woohyun. You really are my true best friend!”


“I know. Let’s eat this cake. It looks delicious.” We both took little pieces of the cake we got from that clown before. “I guess we don’t need to buy food because we have two cakes”, Woohyun joked. I chuckled.


I felt something on my nose and turned to look at Woohyun who had whipped cream on his finger.


“Happy birthday Myungsoo.”


“Thank you Woohyun!”


Later at night we planned to watch a comedy movie and eat cake we had. We ate so much cake that we were laughing at everything. Too much sugar.


“Do you remember when you, Hoya and I took our mom’s lipstick, eye shadow, blush and your sister’s clothes and wanted to dress up like a girl?” I laughed so hard. Woohyun was crying because of laughter.


“HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT! OMG Yes!! We made ‘ a fashion show’! Hahahhahahahaha oh my… I can’t breathe!!!”


“I never thought back then that I would be a gay”, I still laughed.


“Yes hahaha me either!!”


We talked about our childhood and our lives back then. We were tired so we went to bed. I couldn’t get a sleep immediately so I just kept remembering the past and stuffs.


Good times, good times.





because im going  ^^


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Chapter 1: OMFGEE!!! lol i was laughing about the balls thing
Chapter 13: Myungjong please :(
Chapter 13: No sungjong :( is this MyungYeol? T____T
hjuku123 #4
Chapter 13: Correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Sungjong dead? I mean Myungsoo always uses past tense when referring to him and in "P.S. I Love You" Holly's love died and in came a new flame when she went on vacation. I read some comments asking for myungjong but if Sungjong is dead then that's impossible :/ I think you should make clear whether Sungjong is gone or not >.<
Sungel1004 #5
Chapter 12: MYUNGJONG! T.T U BETTER! ㅠㅠ
sendirian1505 #6
Chapter 12: sunggyu sunggyu sunggyu! Cant wait :)
Sungel1004 #7
Chapter 11: Myungjong plz! DONT U DARE END IT WITH MYUNGYEOL
Chapter 11: This wont be ending with myungjong? Myungjong moments please T_T
Chapter 10: I think I got a heart attack about five times during this...
This is so good! I'm excited for the next update!
Chapter 10: wow! sungjong mom is so.. RUDE.. no matter what.. mayb sungjong got his divaness from his mom.. and myungsoo is just so cool! but really.. i cant wait for the myungjong moments.. will jongie ever comeback T.T