Chapter 12

P.S I Love You

I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a long time T_T I have been really busy and stressed lately. :( But here is chapter 12! I hope you like it~ :)


Sorry if there are any mistakes T_T



I woke up to a bright light and slowly opened my eyes. “Good morning Myungmyung”, Woohyun said to me and gave me his best smile. I buried my head under my pillow.


“Wakey wakey! Get our up. Me and Hoya made you breakfast.” Woohyun pulled my blanket off.


“Let me sleep”, I murmured.


“Do you even know what the time is? It’s almost 11am. Now get up!” He threw my clothes to me and went downstairs. I was about to throw my clothes on the floor and lay down on my bed to continue my wonderful dream I had before Woohyun rudely woke me up but then my phone vibrated. I groaned and took my phone.


Good morning, Myungsoo~ Do you have any plans for today? I was thinking if you wanted to hang out today? :)


- Sungyeol


I didn’t answer him. I put my phone back on the night table. I changed the clothes and went to downstairs. “Finally! What took you so long?” Woohyun asked.

“Why the hell did you give my number to Sungyeol?” I asked maybe little too harsh. Hoya turned to look at me with innocent look on his face. “What do you mean?”


“You do know what I mean…. Sungyeol told me you gave my number to him. Why?” Hoya put his newspaper on the couch next to him and changed his position.


“He was worried about you and he wanted to make friends with you. He thinks you are nice. There is nothing wrong with making new friends, right? Did he send you a message or something?” I sighed.


“If I wanted to have new friends, I would have done it by myself. And yes, he sent me a message last night and this morning. He asked me to hang out with him.”


“I thought you said he was ok and seemed nice. Why are you suddenly so angry about it?” Woohyun asked and brought me a cup of coffee and two ham-cheese sandwiches. I sat next to Hoya on the couch to eat them.


“I just don’t like it when people are giving my number to strangers behind my back. And last night I was little dizzy. When people are dizzy or drunk, they see other people in different ways. But yeah… I don’t know. This whole thing just surprised me so much.”


“So… Are you going with him or are you gonna stay here with us?” Woohyun asked. I sipped my coffee not knowing what to do.




“So, tell me something about you”, Sungyeol asked really excitedly. We sat in a café in the middle of Seoul. There weren’t lots of people which was really good, because Sungyeol didn’t shut his mouth even for five seconds. I had hung out with him only 40 minutes and I wanted already to go back to the villa. I massaged my temples. I was so sure I was getting a headache because of him.


“My name is Myungsoo and I’m from USA. I live in a small apartment in Miami and I’m 22 years old”, I told him. Sungyeol nodded his head countless times as I was talking to him.


“And are you a student or are you working somewhere?” I shook my head as a ‘no’. “I don’t have a job. I like to take photos and I have always wanted to become a photographer but I haven’t got guts to do anything about it. I’m so shy person.” Sungyeol mouthed an ‘o’ and stared at the table. I played with my fingers. I was so nervous.


“What about you? You told me yesterday you are a singer.”


“Oh! Right. Yeah, I’m a singer. Not a famous singer though. I graduated from high school last summer. I was studying in a music school. I love singing and I wish I could become an idol some day in the future. I even had a band in high school. After my graduation, I flew all the way from America to here in Korea and started to make videos where I was singing and posted them on internet. My parents are living here so I wanted to spend my time with my family. I don’t have a real job, except singing in bars and pubs.” I watched him adoringly.


“And how old are you?” I played with the spoon in my cup.


“I’m 23. Only one year older than you.” He drank the rest of his coffees and placed the cup on the table. “I want new coffee. Do you want too?” he asked me with shy smile on his face.


“I think that’s enough, Sungyeol. You have drunk four coffees already and we have sat here only one hour. How about we get something to eat? I’m little hungry.” We decided to go to Korean restaurant. We walked through the long street where were only little food booths. The whole time we walked, Sungyeol kept talking about random stuffs. I just decided to ignore him and focus to the smell and views. The smell was delicious. I was getting much hungrier. I just kept looking at the booths with shiny eyes. I probably looked like a little kid in huge candy shop.


“Why don’t we buy something from here? I can’t stand this hunger anymore, Sungyeol. Everything looks so delicious”, I whined. Sungyeol just laughed. “Okay, what do you want to eat?” I browsed the menu but I couldn’t understand anything because it was in Korean. “Anything! Surprise me”, I said. Sungyeol turned to look at old man in the booth and started to talk to him in Korean. He took his wallet and paid to the old man. We both bowed to him and walked away.


We walked to little park. We sat down on the bench and started to eat our food. “Do you have a boyfriend?” Sungyeol suddenly asked which caused me to choke on my food. I coughed at least five minutes. “W-Why are you asking me that kind of question?” I asked and coughed few more times. I took my water bottle and took few sips.


“I’m just curious. You look so handsome that you must have someone”, he said shyly turning his gaze to his feet. I saw his cheeks getting little pink.


“I don’t want to talk about this”, I said in low tone. Sungyeol turned to look at me. “So you do have someone! Who is he?”


“No, I didn’t say that.”


“Ooohh~ So you are single then.”


“No! Gosh, I don’t wanna talk about this, Sungyeol.” I finished my eating and threw all the garbage in the trashcan. I felt Sungyeol’s stare on my back. “Did you just break up with him? Is that the reason why you don’t want to talk about it?”


“Sungyeol, please. Stop.” I gave him warning look. Why was he even talking about this?


“Did he break your heart? Did he do something wrong? Did he cheat on you?” He just kept asking. I was about to cry. “He died”, said calmly. I got the look of pity from him. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but he couldn’t say anything so he closed his mouth.


“I… I’m sorry… I-”, he whispered. Was he pitying me right now? “… Didn’t know? Yeah of course you didn’t know that”, I interrupted him. He looked little scared. I took my wallet from my pocket and paid Sungyeol my food but he didn’t take my money.


“No, you don’t have to pay”, he said. I hesitantly put my money back to my wallet and put it back on my pocket.


“Alright then. I’m going back to the villa now. Thank you and bye”, I said and walked away from him.


“Wait!” I heard him shouting. I stopped walking and turned to look at him.


“Are we gonna meet again? I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that question earlier”, he apologized. He looked like a lost puppy and I had to admit that he looked cute. I chuckled. I’m trying to be mad at you but I can’t. Ugh.


“We’ll see…” I said and gave him mysterious look. I left him there dumbfounded and started to walk again.



“Oh, you’re here. How was your day with Sungyeol? Didn’t you have fun?” Woohyun asked. I closed the front door and walked to the living room.“It was ok”, I said and jumped on the couch. “But you know… He talks a lot. And I had to listen to his voice 24/7” I sighed. I took remote control on the table and the TV. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took my phone. 1 new message from Sungyeol.



Hi. You don’t know how sorry I am T_T I didn’t mean to hurt you. Anyways, thank you for hanging out with me  today. I had really fun ^^ Let’s meet again soon~ :)


“Who is that? Is Sungyeol missing you already?” Woohyun teased me and gave me a wink. I showed him my middle finger. “No. He just thanked me for hanging out with him and he wants to see me again.” I was actually really happy that I made new friend. “Woohyun… Do we have any plans tomorrow?” I asked suddenly. “No… I don’t think so, why?” He asked, watching TV and eating some snacks. “I was just wondering if we should ask Sungyeol here for a lunch or dinner? You and Hoya should get to know him better too”, I suggested. He stayed quiet. I started to think if he didn’t listen to me but when I was about to ask him that same question again, he answered: “Yeah, sure. Dinner would be better.” I smiled and typed a message to Sungyeol.


Don’t worry about it. You didn’t know. Just don’t ask me anything about that again. I was wondering if you wanted to come here for a dinner tomorrow? We could sit and talk and you could get to know Woohyun and Hoya better~ What do you say? :)


It didn’t take even 20 seconds until my phone vibrated again.


Sounds good! Do I have to bring anything with me?



Nooo~ Just bring yourself here at 5pm.



Ok! See you tomorrow~ ^^


I put my phone back to my pocket. I turned to look around the living room and kitchen. “Wait… Woohyun, where is Hoya?” I asked.


“He met one guy when we were shopping so he is out with him.” I was getting curious. “Who? When? Where? How?”  I asked many questions. “I don’t remember his name. He’s a dancer. He had a dance competition with Hoya on the street. After that he asked Hoya out.”


“Sounds interesting. Hoya is so picky about men. I really hope they are a good match!” I said in excitedly.


“Yeah, I wish I could find a guy too that easily…” Woohyun sighed dramatically. I rolled my eyes.


“You will find someone… He’s just with all the wrong men.”


He’s just with all the wrong men,” Woohyun imitated my voice. “I have heard that line so many times before. Can you just cut it out?” he continued. I laughed at his childishness. We both stayed quiet and watched some romantic comedy movie that was coming from TV. We were too lazy to switch the channel so we decided to watch it.


It was kind of interesting movie. There were a man and a woman who were in love and they were living together. The man died, leaving the woman alone. She got letters from the dead man, just like me got letters from Sungjong.


“What is this movie’s name?” I asked.


“P.S I love you”, Woohyun answered.


“This is the story of my life”, I said. Woohyun thought it would have been better to switch the channel. He took the remote control. From another channel was also coming a movie. It was romantic comedy too. There were a man and a woman. They were childhood friends and the man was secretly in love with the woman. The woman told to the man one day that she is engaged and she is getting married with other guy, which left the man heartbroken. Just few days before the wedding, the woman realized her feelings for the man and they got married.


“I hate romantic movies! Everything that happens in movies, never happens in real life. I hate it!” Woohyun cried as he threw one pillow on the floor. We heard the front door opening. We saw Hoya walking to us, wide smile on his face.


“How was your date?” I smiled.


“He is perfect. I’m in love”, Hoya said. His eyes were full of love and he was smiling like an idiot. I giggled and hugged him. “I’m so happy for you! I actually never expected you to find a guy from here. But yeah, congratulations!”



Hoya told us about their date about one hour. Then after that, I told him about my and Sungyeol’s day and after that we decided to go to bed. I was feeling bad for Woohyun. He will find his happiness too!


I laid down on my comfy bed I missed so much and played with my phone for a while. I checked the time. It was 10:22pm. Sungjong always told me that if the clock was 10:22pm(22:22), 11:11am(11:11) or it was midnight(00:00), you can make a wish. So I made a wish.


I wish Woohyun will find his happiness.




I think I won't be able to update this week or before new year's eve so I guess I'll see you next year? :) 


I wanna thank all my subscribers, I'm so happy that someone is actually reading this story! And also thank you for your comments!! ^^ 





And I wanna wish you all merry Christmas and happy new year! :3




I hope I will get more subscribers and keep leaving comments ♥ :) They inspire me a lot and I have changed the story line many times in my head because of them.


~ Sirr

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Chapter 1: OMFGEE!!! lol i was laughing about the balls thing
Chapter 13: Myungjong please :(
Chapter 13: No sungjong :( is this MyungYeol? T____T
hjuku123 #4
Chapter 13: Correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Sungjong dead? I mean Myungsoo always uses past tense when referring to him and in "P.S. I Love You" Holly's love died and in came a new flame when she went on vacation. I read some comments asking for myungjong but if Sungjong is dead then that's impossible :/ I think you should make clear whether Sungjong is gone or not >.<
Sungel1004 #5
Chapter 12: MYUNGJONG! T.T U BETTER! ㅠㅠ
sendirian1505 #6
Chapter 12: sunggyu sunggyu sunggyu! Cant wait :)
Sungel1004 #7
Chapter 11: Myungjong plz! DONT U DARE END IT WITH MYUNGYEOL
Chapter 11: This wont be ending with myungjong? Myungjong moments please T_T
Chapter 10: I think I got a heart attack about five times during this...
This is so good! I'm excited for the next update!
Chapter 10: wow! sungjong mom is so.. RUDE.. no matter what.. mayb sungjong got his divaness from his mom.. and myungsoo is just so cool! but really.. i cant wait for the myungjong moments.. will jongie ever comeback T.T