Chapter 11

P.S I Love You

As I promised, here is new chapter :) I GOT MORE SUBSCRIBERS and wow thank you for your comments !! ^^ It made me ssoooo happy~ ♥ I'm glad you like my story :D


Here it is~ Enjoy! ^^




“The is this?? Where are all the good-looking boys and girls?” Woohyun asked disappointed. “Let’s go somewhere else, please!” he begged. “No, we are staying here! It can’t be that bad, right? I’m going to buy some beer”, Hoya said. We sat in the corner of the pub. I didn’t want to stay either.


“Tonight we will find you someone!” Woohyun shouted happily.


“Woohyun, no! No! I don’t need anyone right now…” I bit my lips.


“Oh c’moon! When was the last time you had ?? You really need it. Look at you!! You look like you haven’t-“


“Ok ok I get it!  Jesus, do you have to shout? My life is private thing… PRIVATE, so just mind your own business”, I interrupted him.


Hoya came to our table with three bottles of beer and three glasses of some kind of red liquid. “Here. You buy next ones!” he said and gave us our drinks. “What were you talking about while I was gone?” I was about to say ‘nothing special’ but then Woohyun opened his big mouth.




 “I’M NOT!! Woohyun is lying! He’s the one who is going to get some…” I said.


“C’moon Myungsoo! That would cheer you up!! When was the last time you had ?” Hoya joined our conversation.


“You too, Brutus!!! So what if I haven’t slept with anyone after Sungjong’s death?? It’s not your business!” I said with anger and stood up. I went to the bathroom. I was about to open the door but someone opened it before me and got a hit by it. I fell on the ground.


“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you. Are you ok? Are you hurt? I should have been more careful”, I heard someone apologizing. I hold my hand on my forehead.


“I’m fine. It wasn’t your fault”, I answered. The man took my arm and helped me to stand up. I turned to look at him.


“Let me check your forehead”, he said and gently moved my hand off. It hurt like hell but it wasn’t bleeding. He slightly touched it but when he saw my painful look, he stopped.


“Are you sure you’re fine?” he asked. I just nodded my head. “It’s nothing… Really, don’t worry about it.” “Ok then. But let me buy you a drink as an apology.” He took my arm and led me to the bar. This was really awkward. I felt Hoya’s and Woohyun’s stares at my back. I didn’t want to turn my look to them so I just stared at floor and my feet.


“Here’s your beer”, I heard the man saying. He passed me bottle of beer. I didn’t want to take it.


“Just take it! I didn’t poison it or anything.” I heard him laughing. I hesitantly took it and started to drink it.


“I’m Sungyeol by the way”, he said.


“Myungsoo”, I shortly answered.


“Hhmmm… You’re so quiet. Are you living in Korea or are you a tourist or are you-“ I slammed the bottle on the table maybe little too harsh and stared at him with pissed look.


“Look, I didn’t come here to look for a relationship or one night stand if that’s what you are thinking”, I sounded really rude but I just didn’t want him to treat me like I was his date or something…


He just laughed. “Chill! I just want to get to know you better, that’s why I’m asking you questions but if you want to be alone, I can go.” He stood up and was already leaving. “Wait. I didn’t mean to shout at you. I’m just really confused and my head hurts. I’m sorry. You can sit with me if you want. I don’t mind”, I apologized. He happily walked back to his seat and sat next to me. He smiled at me and I gave him a little smile back.


We kept talking about everything we had in our minds. I told him something about my family and my friends. I didn’t tell him about Sungjong. I told him I was from America and surprisingly he was from America too. He told me he was a singer but not a famous singer. He also told me he came to Korea to meet his friends and parents. We talked little more until he stood up. “I’m gonna sing few songs soon and I would really appreciate if you could stay here and listen to them”, he smiled at me. “Of course! I would love to hear you singing”, I told him. He walked to the stage to prepare his guitar and microphone.


“Who is that and what did you talk about?” Woohyun ran to me. “Tell us everything!” Hoya ran after him. I shrugged.


“His name is Sungyeol and he’s a singer. We met in the bathroom. Or actually outside the bathroom. He accidentally hit me by the bathroom’s door”, I told them.


“Omg. Why wasn’t I in the bathroom at that time”, Woohyun whined. “You can have him if you want. I’m not interested in him…” I said to him. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but Sungyeol’s voice interrupted us.


“Hey! My name is Sungyeol and I’m gonna sing few songs now. The first song is to Myungsoo”, he said while looking at me. I just stared at him with emotionless look.


Aren’t you something to admire, ‘cause your shine is something like a mirror


I can’t help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mine


If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find


Just know that I’m always parallel on the other side


I felt the tears falling down my cheeks. This was the same song Sungjong sang to me after our huge fight. I had told him I had meeting with my old friend who never showed up and had meeting with my another friend in another place. Sungjong had seen us and had thought I was cheating on him. He got really jealous. At home we had really bad fight and he didn’t speak to me after that. Suddenly he had sung me that song in the middle of our neighbour. There were lots of people and everyone had eyes on us.


‘Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul


I can tell you there’s no place we couldn’t go


Just put your hand on the glass, I’m here trying to pull you through


You just gotta be strong ‘cause I don’t wanna lose you now


I couldn’t fight back my tears anymore. I just cried. I was sobbing so hard I couldn’t breathe. I saw confused look on Sungyeol’s face but I ignored it. I didn’t look at him anymore. “Are you ok?” Woohyun whispered to me and slightly rubbed my back. I shook my head and buried my face in my hands. Everything felt so embarrassing so I ran away from the pub. Woohyun and Hoya ran few seconds later after me.


“What happened to you?” Woohyun asked worriedly. “I wanna go back to the villa. I don’t wanna be here anymore” , I sobbed. “I’ll go get our jackets. I’ll be right back”, Hoya said to us and went back inside of the pub. Woohyun and I stayed outside.




No One’s POV


Hoya stepped inside of the pub and took their jackets. Sungyeol stopped playing and rushed to Hoya.


“Where did Myungsoo go? Is he ok? Why did he cry?” he asked so many questions.


“Everything is fine. He just got too emotional”, Hoya tried to explain. He wasn’t sure if Sungyeol knew about Sungjong so he didn’t mention anything about him.


“Can I see him? Where is he?” he kept asking. Hoya wore his own jacket and gave sad look to him.


“I think it’s better if we go now. Don’t get anything wrong, Sungyeol. He likes you and wants to make friends with you”, Hoya said and wrote something on a little piece of paper. He handed it to Sungyeol and said good nights to him before leaving.



The taxi drove back to the villa and three tired men stepped out of the car. Woohyun paid to the taxi driver and walked to the front door.


“I’m sorry I ruined our night again”, Myungsoo cried.


“It wasn’t your fault. And you didn’t ruin anything. We had actually fun! And you found new friend, right?” Woohyun tried to cheer him up.  They took their shoes off and went to their bedrooms to change their clothes. They decided to sit on the couch for few minutes before going to bed.


“So… Myungsoo… Are you gonna meet Sungyeol again in the future?? He seemed really good guy”, Hoya asked. “Maybe… He wasn’t that bad. At first I thought he was flirting at me but he was just curious about me”, Myungsoo answered. “He was hot if you ask me…” Woohyun said his eyes on the roof. Everyone laughed a little bit.


“Yaaah!! He’s my friend. Go and find your own buddy!” Myungsoo said.


“I didn’t find anyone today… How come there is not good looking men here in Korea?” Woohyun sighed.


“You will find someone special! He’s just with all the wrong men…” Myungsoo smiled. “Yea yea.”


Hoya stood up. “I’m going to bed now. Good night”, he said and went upstairs. “I should go to bed too”, Myungsoo stood up and turned to look at Woohyun. “Woohyun, are you coming?” “I’m gonna sit here for few minutes. Good night Myungie”, he smiled.


Myungsoo ran to upstairs and opened his bedroom. He took his phone from his jeans pocket and placed it on the table next to his bed. He checked the time and noticed he had one new message from unknown number.


Good evening Myungsoo. I’m sorry if I woke you up T_T I just wanted to know what happened to you earlier. You looked so sad and hurt. I understand if you don’t want to talk about that with a stranger :) And I hope we will meet again.


OH and I’m not a stalker. Hoya gave me your number when he went to get your jackets :D Good night Myungsoo!


- Sungyeol




Sorry if there are mistakes T_T



OGS LONDON AND PARIS ARE OVER NOW! :c I feel so empty! I have really mixed feelings. Idk... I mean.... I waited for that day soooooo long and when the D-Day came, it felt like 5 minutes and it was already gone. I have no idea what I'm saying right now.............

I was at London's concert and holy jesus it was the best night ever! The best damn thing that has happened to me. And I still can't believe I saw them in real life. 


I had two loooooonnnngggg eye contacts with Sungyeol and Dongwoo laughed at me. And my friend got a toy from Myungsoo and made aegyo faces with Sunggyu.




I feel bad for those fans who got hurt and carried away during the concert ;;


ANYWAYS, I try to update this story this week but I can't promise anything yet :) 


Keep commenting and subscribing ^^ ♥



~ Sirr


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Chapter 1: OMFGEE!!! lol i was laughing about the balls thing
Chapter 13: Myungjong please :(
Chapter 13: No sungjong :( is this MyungYeol? T____T
hjuku123 #4
Chapter 13: Correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Sungjong dead? I mean Myungsoo always uses past tense when referring to him and in "P.S. I Love You" Holly's love died and in came a new flame when she went on vacation. I read some comments asking for myungjong but if Sungjong is dead then that's impossible :/ I think you should make clear whether Sungjong is gone or not >.<
Sungel1004 #5
Chapter 12: MYUNGJONG! T.T U BETTER! ㅠㅠ
sendirian1505 #6
Chapter 12: sunggyu sunggyu sunggyu! Cant wait :)
Sungel1004 #7
Chapter 11: Myungjong plz! DONT U DARE END IT WITH MYUNGYEOL
Chapter 11: This wont be ending with myungjong? Myungjong moments please T_T
Chapter 10: I think I got a heart attack about five times during this...
This is so good! I'm excited for the next update!
Chapter 10: wow! sungjong mom is so.. RUDE.. no matter what.. mayb sungjong got his divaness from his mom.. and myungsoo is just so cool! but really.. i cant wait for the myungjong moments.. will jongie ever comeback T.T