Chapter 1

P.S I Love You

The first chapter ! It was hard to write this first chapter :( HOPE YOU ENJOY ! I'm scared that you don't like it. :D


”I can’t believe you really said that!!” Sungjong yelled when he opened the door violently. He went straight to the bathroom and slammed the door. “I don’t know what I said, but listen to me… Sometimes I mean nothing, when I say something”, Myungsoo explained and tried to open the door, but it was locked. Few seconds later Sungjong opened the door and went to their bedroom and started to undress his jacket. He didn’t want to talk to Myungsoo. He was really mad right now. He sat on the couch and took his shoes off. Myungsoo just stood there watching Sungjong yelling at him.


“No! Something is never nothing. It’s always something.” Sungjong kept walking around the house while Myungsoo tried to follow and calm him.


“Most of what I say is nothing. Just something to say…”


“Men like you say it’s just something to say to get away with saying something… But they know they are saying something.”


“Say what? What did I say?!” Sungjong started to throw his shoes at Myungsoo. “Ow. OW! Can you please stop? That hurts!!” Myungsoo begged. “You said to my mother that I don’t want to get married. TO MY MOTHER!” Now Sungjong started to throw anything he found behind his back. Myungsoo took a pillow that was in Sungjong’s hands and placed it on their bed.


“I did not say that.”


“YES YOU DID! You said exactly that!”


“I didn’t! I didn’t say you don’t want to get married. I said we want to wait the perfect moment. I don’t want to propose you at home. I want to make that day unforgettable and special.” Myungsoo walked to Sungjong and hugged him. Sungjong just stood there not hugging him back.


We want to wait? It’s YOU who wants to wait!” Sungjong yelled waiving his hands like a crazy. Sometimes he asks himself how Myungsoo could have been so calm around him, loved him and been with him all these years. Myungsoo and Sungjong has been dated for 3 years and they are living together. They are living in a small apartment in USA and they are planning to get married.


“OK!! You want to get married?! Let’s get married. Right here, right now. If that’s what you want! Is that what you want?” Myungsoo was getting pissed off. Sungjong just stared at his boyfriend’s soon to be angry face. He didn’t answer. He hated their fights. Every time they fought, Sungjong thought it was his fault. He was the first one to start arguing and that leaded to real fight. They have never used violence towards each other, luckily. In the end, Sungjong always knew when it was better to stop; He saw it in Myungsoo’s eyes. Myungsoo held Sungjong in his arms.


“What do you want, Jong? What? I’m tired of trying to figure it out. You want to get married, you don’t want to get married. I know what I want, and I’m having it in my arms right now. I don’t care if we are married or not. It doesn’t matter. As long as I have you, I’m happiest man on Earth. Do you know what you want? You better tell me now, if I’m not it.” Myungsoo stared Sungjong with serious face. Sungjong saw love in his lover’s eyes. “I…” “Just tell me, Jong. What is it?” “I’m sorry, Myungie! I love you. I’m sorry I overreacted, again. I’m sorry for being like this. I just can’t help it. I’m sorry. I love you! I want to marry you. I want you. I need you”, Sungjong cried and laid his head on Myungsoo’s shoulder. Myungsoo caressed Sungjong’s hair. They stayed like that for a while.


“About your mother… I think she doesn’t like me”, Myungsoo said with a funny tone. Sungjong chuckled and raised his head to look in to his boyfriend’s eyes. “What do you mean ‘doesn’t like me’?” “I don’t know… She just stares me like I’m some kind of pestilence.” “Hhhmmm… You are right, she doesn’t like you”, Sungjong smirked and went to brush his teeth.


Myungsoo stared Sungjong with eyes widened, mouth open. ”Really? Deep down, I thought she would have liked me”, he said. Sungjong’s head peeked behind bathroom’s door. “She doesn’t. I was 17 when we started to date. And she says you corrupted me with and charm and the longer it takes you to make your fortune, the less y and charming you are. And besides… She never thought I would date a guy so that’s why she doesn’t like you. But she knows I love you so she tries to accept this situation.” Myungsoo opened his pants and he looked like he was looking for something. “What are you looking for?” Sungjong watched Myungsoo’s actions amused. “I’m trying to… Find my balls. I’m sure they were hanging here a minute ago but now I can’t find them.” Sungjong started to laugh.


He walked to his lover and hugged him. “My mother said it was mistake to fall in love with you. I love you sooo~ much. I don’t care what my mother says, I just want to be happy and I am happy when I’m with you.” And with that, he kissed Myungsoo. The kiss was gentle and full of love. “Let’s just not talk about this wedding thing… We have time… Now let’s go to bed.” Myungsoo carried Sungjong to their king sized bed. He wrapped his arms around Sungjong’s slim waist and pulled him against his chest.


We have time… 



How was it? Was it bad? Good? Like I said, this is my first fic and I'm not good at writing :( This may sound the same as the movie but let me tell you, it really isn't! Just wait ! Next chapter is coming on Saturday or Sunday. :) I'm sorry if there are some mistakes T_T



- Sirr

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Chapter 1: OMFGEE!!! lol i was laughing about the balls thing
Chapter 13: Myungjong please :(
Chapter 13: No sungjong :( is this MyungYeol? T____T
hjuku123 #4
Chapter 13: Correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Sungjong dead? I mean Myungsoo always uses past tense when referring to him and in "P.S. I Love You" Holly's love died and in came a new flame when she went on vacation. I read some comments asking for myungjong but if Sungjong is dead then that's impossible :/ I think you should make clear whether Sungjong is gone or not >.<
Sungel1004 #5
Chapter 12: MYUNGJONG! T.T U BETTER! ㅠㅠ
sendirian1505 #6
Chapter 12: sunggyu sunggyu sunggyu! Cant wait :)
Sungel1004 #7
Chapter 11: Myungjong plz! DONT U DARE END IT WITH MYUNGYEOL
Chapter 11: This wont be ending with myungjong? Myungjong moments please T_T
Chapter 10: I think I got a heart attack about five times during this...
This is so good! I'm excited for the next update!
Chapter 10: wow! sungjong mom is so.. RUDE.. no matter what.. mayb sungjong got his divaness from his mom.. and myungsoo is just so cool! but really.. i cant wait for the myungjong moments.. will jongie ever comeback T.T