Your new friend

Fanfic Reader Falls in Love (no ending)

 I started reading fanfics on my laptop but got bored after an hour and decited to close it . '9 more hours to go' you thought looking at your watch. You got your phone out and turned to Jin who was still reading his book. "let's talk"  you said to your phone "let's talk" your phone said in Korean. You woudn't usually be the first one to start talking but since you were bored and felt a bit awkward you said something.He smilled while putting his book back in his bag like his been waiting for you to say something. He faced you and came close to your phone wich was infront of you "what about?" the phone translated it. 

  "Tell me about your life" he looked at you confiused. "I'm sorry was I being to pushy?" you phone kept translateing what you said. "no, but why would you want to know about my life?" "Because people usually tell me their life story and I think it's fun to hear. It's like everyone is unique and I like to hear everyones story" He nodded understanting."well..."  "Well first of all my real name is Seok Jin Ah" You shook your head understanding and then moved your free hand gesturing him to keep going. "I'm Korean" you facepalmed yourself. "This is going nowhere. What are somethings you like?" He thought for sometime and right when you were about to say something he spoke "I really like traveling, seeing new places" His voice seemed different, he seemed very relaxed and happy. "dog's and puppies. The was the spring sunlight hits our skin"  He closed his eyes and smile still talking " and a homemade cook meal, I really like cooking." You studyed his face as he talked, he was really handsome in your eye. His lips were the think that stiched out the most in his face, they were thick and looked soft. "I really like singing too" He opened his eyes making you snap out of it 

  "I'm a curent trainee"  "no wonder you're so good looking" It took you a few seconds to realize what you said but it was too late, the phone already translated out loud. He gigle making him look cuter. 'why am I feeling so hot all of a sudent?' you thought to yourself. He looked at you with a blank face and then touched your forhead. Your eyes opened wide in shock and felt your skin heating up even more. 'this is a dream I must be dreaming, did I fall asleep reading fanfics again?'. "You. Okay?" Jin asked you in a cute accent. You nodded backing away. 'It's because he looks like an idol that's why I'm being like this. Right?' 

 You guys kept on talking about randoom things and played a few games on the compiuter. Before you know it 5 hours pass by. "Here's your meal" a lady came with warm noodles and a cup of rice, we could have asked for something fancy but it would have taken a longer time and we were both hungry. "our first meal" you said outloud withour realizing it. He looked at you confused, not able to undestand you since you put away your phone.  He ignored it and looked at his meal "first meal" he said starting to eat. You did the same 

 It was finaly time to go. You looked around tying to see if you could find Yoseob. Jin thought that you were confused on where to go so he grabbed your hand and went for the plans exit. You realized he was holding your hand after you got off the plan. Still walking holding hands you got into the aeroport. You looked around and remembered you still had another flight to catch in 3 more hours. Jin stoped infront of a map. He looked at it and then looked at you smling. You looked back at him and saw him looking at your hand which was still holding his. You shyly let go and looked at him "Map" he said pointing at it. He seemed to remember that you told him you were going to China. 

 "Hand phone" He said. You took out you phone and gave it to him. You thought he was going to say something to it but instead he started doing something in it. He then stoped and took a picture of himself. "This me. Not forget" He said letting me see the phone. He took a cute picture of himself and put his contact information

He then asked for your phone again, but this time he used it as a translater. " I love visiting new places so maybe someday I could visite you in China". You smilled and said "I would love that". 

 The two of you walked around for the next two hours. You saw a lot of cute kpop things and so much korean food like you would see in dramas and reality tv shows. You stoped when you saw the cutest couple hoodie.

'I wish I had a boyfriend so we could wear that together' you got a bit sad but shook it off quickly. Jin saw you looking at it from far since you guys seperated a little looking at things. After a while you looked at your watch and realize your flight was going to leave in 30 minutes. You looked around for Jin but coudn't find him so decited to leave, afraid to miss your flight. 

 When you got to the check in desk you saw Jin standing there. He gave you a bag, you were about to open it when he stoped you "no. later" "okay" you told him. He took out his phone and took a picture of you out of nowhere "cute" he said looking at it. He gave you his phone for you to put your information in. You gave it back to him and you were surpriced when he showed you that he downloaded the same translater app you had. " we might have just met but we already spend 12 hours together getting to know each other" now that you thought about it you did just meet him. But you felt like he was a long time friend. " text me whenever you can, or email me. I'll do the same" he did a little bow " I hope you will be able to see me once i debut. I'm going to look so cool". You smilled at the thought that you befriended a future idol. He hugged you unexpectedly "Fighting!" He said letting you go. You waved at him with a happy but somehow sad smile while walking away. 

The plane ride started and you looked inside the bag. You were surpriced finding the couple hoodie you were looking at. There was a note in really messy english handwriting. It said: "Hope you like the hoodie. I have another one, maybe when we meet each other again we can both wear it" You smiled and was so touched by how he tried to write in english, probebly use his phone to help him. 'Till we see each other again Jin'.


writers note

Okay longer chapter, more pictures hope you enjoyed it. In the next chapter you will meet a new character. Can you guess? Let's just say he's from Bejin 

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Chapter 7: aaaaw i liked this story ;_; good luck on the other one!
Chapter 1: please update next chapter soon^^
shiningdorks #3
Update soon, neh? ^^
Bang-Jello #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^