Chapter 3

There's an angel in my heart

There are various of reasons why students are choosing boarding school instead of the typical ones. wanting to experience living independently, being able to learn how to be self responsible, and having the opportunity to be stretched academically would be the common responses you might get but it is a different story for me. I was suffocated

Sometimes I'm wondering if my parents still knew the fact that they have a son. Ever since the company which my parents are managing became big, they rarely spends their time with me. They gave me expensive things, branded clothes and money but that is not what i want. I want to feel loved and giving all my wants won't satisfy what I actually need from them; I became a child begging for their littlest time. I simply need them, I want them to fill that lacking relationship between us- those comfort and love.

I was an only child and I know it added more sadness to what I feel. I'm always hoping to have that sibling that I can talk and play with but life is being unfair. You know, this tv shows that focuses on families makes me mad. I felt extreme jealousy and frustration by asking myself why can't I have that genuine smiles on their faces. I want to be happy. I want to feel the real meaning of it.

I spent my birthday alone. Well.. not really, there are about six maids singing and wishing me a happy birthday. It was annoying, not actaully because of my parents absence on a special day of my life, it was because of the maids singing out of tune. A group of whale while suffering a constipation is what they sounded like. It was horrible but being a nice kid I was, I ignored it. We hired them as maid in the first place, not freaking operatic singers.

When my parents became paranoid of thinking the possibility of having a kidnapping incident might occur, I was homeschooled. There is no classmate that would lend me his notes if ever i missed one,there is no one to cheer me up for our coming exam, there is no one to remind me about our assignments and no one to compare our lunchboxes to. It was just between me and the nerdy old guy wearing old fashioned glasses. Protection, I know my parents wanted to give me that but it was so suffocating; I can't breathe. They let me out to shop and have some fun in a condition that there are few bodyguards in a suit and dark glasses tailing behind me. It caught the attention of a lot of people and it was shameful for my side. I never leave our house after that and became a prisoner inside the Choi residence.

"Are you finish with that book?" My thoughts got interrupted by a voice of a guy whom I did not expect to be also interested at the secluded part of the library.

"Oh it is you" I flipped another page of the book after noticing the familiar face in front of me.

"Ya! I have a name" He took a seat across me while complaining.

"You do? Congratulations" I said, still not taking off my eyes on the book which I'm pretending to read.

"Such an interesting attitude" At the corner of my eye, I saw him smile which I find pretty disturbing.

"It's L.Joe. Remember that name, newbie" His tone wasn't that friendly but he still wears that annoying smile which is slowly getting in to my nerves.

"Sure" I answered, uninterested. There is something about this L.Joe guy that I hate. I can't point it out at the moment. I'm still on the process of figuring it out.

"Niel was my roommate before but he moved out" My sight left the book that I'm holding when L.Joe mentioned a particular name. I squinted my eyes at him, he got me puzzled by interjecting such topoic.

"Maybe he thought that you're on hell of a douche" I expected for L.Joe to be pissed off with that remark but he gave me a no-eye-smile instead. How can he act so cool about it?

"A friend of mine pleaded Niel to switch room with him. That guy heard that his new roommate is an arrogant freshman and he doesn't have the time to deal with preson like that" L.Joe narrated while tilting his head to the side, trying to act cute even he can't pull it off. It came rather disgusting to my sight.

"What are you trying to say?" I raised a brow to him after noticing the emphasis he gave to the word arrogant. I know this guy is insulting me indirectly, there is no doubt about that.

"What I am pointing is, Niel is an amazing person. He is kind and sweet if still hasn't notice" L.Joe stood up, his tone becoming serious as he gave me a piercing gaze.

"And so?" I quickly replied then shot him too an intense glare. I don't care if he's older. Age is just numbers.

"Don't in give Niel a hard time or else" He warned but I wasn't frightened. I can't feel any tiny hint of fear in my body.

"I will be observing you" He turned his back at me and I watched as his figure slowly disappeared before my eyes.

"Wow. Will I be gaining a stalker?"


It's been two weeks since I moved to this school and I'm pretty enjoying everything so far. I had fun time staring at the students walking back and forth in the corridors and listening to their laughs and chit chats. A scene I don't usually witness when I'm was homeschooling.

I was taking my usual route to my dorm when I saw Niel standing in front of the gate of our school. It is his 5th day waiting there.

"Going back to our dorm is a pretty long walk so having someone to walk together is good thing" That was he told me. I get the idea of what he is trying to say but I didn't say yes. Ahn Daniel is so persistent. From the previoius days, I usually go to the library to browse any books, anticipating for him to go tired of waiting for me but this time I never thought that he will still stand at that spot. 

I hid myself behind a large tree, observing him from a distance. I saw him smile every time a student will pass by  and he will occassionaly wave his hand to those saying their farewell at him. It makes me wonder if he ever gets angry, he's always bright like the sun.

An hour had passed but he's still there, it is slowly getting dark too. I saw him pout which made me a bit guilty. I'm not use of seeing him sad. Then something makes me wonder, is he always waiting for me this long? He knows that I won't be going home with him but why is he still waiting for me. He should give up by now.

I shivered after the cold wind hits my body then tiny droplets of water followed unexpectedly. I hurriedly opened my bag to look for my umbrella, luckily I brought it with me today. I smiled to myself, feeling proud that I was prepared. As I was busy congratulating myself, a figure crouching to the ground who is holding a bag above his head to protect himself from the sudden rain caught my attention.

"Doesn't he have an umbrella?" I groaned, deciding to reveal myself behind the tree but then I stopped half way when a guy holding a dark colored umbrella sprints to his direction.

"L.Joe" I rolled my eyes after witnessing him sharing his umbrella with Niel. He look so worried as I saw him stare at Niel. They left shortly after some minutes. Now, it is only me again. Alone and standing behind the willow tree.



Does asianfanfics have autosave? T_T

it was my third time typing this chapter because I accidentally click the back button or the back space causing for what I type earlier to vanish. It was annoying. It happened twice.

Well thanks for the subs, yey! thank you for reading <3


I don't own anything except for the plot and the grammatical errors.

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Don't you want to update this .. author nim ? :(
Chapter 5: please please please update soon~ >.<
Please update....
Chapter 5: That feeling~ That feeling is LOVE >:D!!

I love how he called Niel a fish.. lol xDD ♥
I really like this story^^

Oh, and, I know you already got some answers.. but I have different advice. What I do is, I go to add the next chapter (writing like one character so I can add it xD), but I click the box that says " Hide chapter"
Then, I can just click on the hidden chapter and start writing, and it'll automatically save every five minutes. The previous chapters will still be available for readers, only the current chapter you're working on will be hidden. And when you're finally done, you can just un-mark the "hide chapter" box^^
That way, if you accidentally close out, you won't loose much, if any at all~
MuShii #5
Your story is amazing ! I subscribed ! I can't wait to read more !
JuzzMee #7
Chapter 5: aww changjo that is just a lovesick symptom... it means you are in love...

@shipsailer you are not the only one... i love to think that was what happened... l.joe and changjo fighting over niel <33
Chapter 4: episode =_= i meant chapter XD
feels like watching a drama