Missing by Daehyun

Memory - Expectation - Missing - Love - Tears - Farewell

Missing by Daehyun
No matter how much time passes you’re a habit I could get used to.


"Daehyun, stop it! It's enough!", the woman yelled with a hurt voice. "I should stop? It's not me who is wrong!", in a Busan dialect the man shouted back. The woman clenched a hand through her hair, tears in her beautiful eyes. It was always the same reason why the pair was fighting!"I already said we only work together! Jiyoung is only a working college! How often do I have to say this until it gets into your mind?", now her voice changed and was calm and cold.

She was so tired of all this jealousy of her boyfriend! She really loved the idol but lately he started to overreact about everything. The man glared annoyed at her "then change your job! He is obviously interested in you but you are MINE!" "Did I ever tell you to change your job? I always stayed quiet about you doing fan service or anything! How dare you to tell me to give up all I worked for!", angry she asked him.

He just turned away and walked to the kitchen while answering "fan service is something else, I have to do it! But you choose it yourself to smile at him and joke with him as if he was your best friend or more!" "Daehyun I have enough!" The woman shook her head and wiped a tear away. "What do you want to say " the man looked shocked at his love, she spoke calm and serious that made him nervous.

"I'm going, I can't go on like this...", she took her bag as he gripped her arm. "What? Are you mad? You can't leave me! Please! Why?", now he was hurt and afraid of losing her. "Daehyun... I'm weary, it's because I’m weary", she stated slowly and with a tired voice. Then she escaped his grip and went out of the flat. The man who was left behind was frozen. He had lost his one and only love. What has he done... He would regret it!


"____-ah! I'm back!" The happy man entered the flat and shouted as always to informant his love that he was back. No answer! The smile vanished as he realised that she was not here. Right the woman had left him, why did he still always think she would be there? She was a habit to him and maybe this was one of the points why his now ex girlfriend had left him.

He had treated her as if it was normal that she was there! A deep sight went over his lips as he sat down on the couch. It was so quiet here without her. The idol missed her shining eyes that were always full of love, her long silky hair that smelled like flowers and her bittersweet lips which made him lose his mind. Daehyun took out his phone, no message. One month had already passed by and she never had called him or answered his calls. She had left his life and the man was lost.


2months later

The woman was walking down the Han River. Still she felt lonely, something was missing. Even thought it was her decision to leave Daehyun, she felt half death without him. She missed him and at the same time she felt refreshed. 3 months without a stupid fight about nothing. She took a deep breath, who was she lying to? She was nothing without her ex boyfriend. Her heart hurt and there was this big hole.

Every day was black and white! No colour no happiness, no sound of his voice which always made her smile in the past. "Sometimes love is not enough...." She mumbled silently to herself and went on. The woman was in thoughts as she bumped into another person. "I'm sorry!" She said without first looking who it was.

Then she realised that it was bang Yongguk. His eyes widened as he saw her. Her eyes wandered to the other people around, everyone of B.a.p were here. Daehyuns jaw dropped as he tried to get the situation. Fast she turned around and wanted to leave but Yongguk gripped her arm and hold her back. "Wait!" He said calm and with his deep voice. The woman whined and avoided to look at everyone.

"Please let me go!", she sounded like a puppy in pain. "No!" The leader was too strong to get free so the woman was just standing there her face dropped to the ground. "Please Yongguk" she repeated. Daehyun made a step to her but she just turned behind the man who still was holding her arm.

"____", the younger said weak. It was hurting him to see how hard the woman wanted to escape. She really couldn't look at him, it was simply too hard. "Hyung... Please let her go... I don't have the right to ask her to come back to me, even if I miss her and life is empty without her!", Daehyun was fighting with tears but he didn't wanted to force his ex girlfriend.

"Dae! What the... Now it's your chance!" The older man couldn't understand the younger one. "I am the fool, I’m the one who made her weary! I'm not good enough... She deserves to be happy!", Daehyuns voice cracked. A single tears run over her cheek as Yongguk let her go and she just faced the man for a second. Then she run away, it was too hard to take! Why did he have to say stuff like these?



“Are you sure you want to go back to the flat? You can come to the dorm?”, Youngjae looked at his best friend. Since they had met Daehyuns ex girlfriend today he was quiet. The man was walking around like a ghost and everyone could see that he was not all right. He nodded silently. Then finally he spoke “I’m tired and want to be alone.”

The other man didn’t know what to say, it was painful to see his friend like this. The worst was the fact that he couldn’t help him, he couldn’t kip nap the woman and force her to stay with Dae. Without another word he left and went back home, even if this place doesn’t felt like home anymore.  Jaes eyes followed him until he was gone, he knew that his best friend loved his ex girlfriend and he knew that she loved him as well. She had been crying today as they met what meant she still had feels for him, right?


Daehyun opened the door and stepped into his living room. The empty room was killing him. No one was sitting on the couch with this big smirk on the lips and the twinkle in her eyes. No one was upstairs lying in bed reading a book waiting for him to come home too. No one was in the kitchen cooking this delicious food. The man felt like he could smell the amazing taste of fresh self-made food. He must miss her even more then thought.

Slowly he walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water but he froze when he opened the door. “I hope you’re hungry?”, a soft and insecure voice spoke. He gasped for air but don’t moved at all. “You have eaten already?”, she asked nervous with a short smile while continue cooking. “No, I haven’t”, he barely answered before he realised that this wasn’t a dream.

“What are you doing here?”, he asked carefully. “Should I leave?”, another short smile played around her lips. “No!”, fast he yelled and walked over to her. “It smells delicious”, his voice was still shaking because he was afraid that she would go. “I hope it will taste good too”, she replayed.

The two ate together without saying anything until the Busan man nearly exploded because of curiosity. “____-ah, do you give me another chance? Or why do you do all this here?” he asked gingerly. “Daehyun, I realised I can’t live without you. Even if the fights we have made me weary. You are a habit I’m used to. I need you by my side. I can’t stop loving you...”, she  blushed lightly.

The man smiled as wide as possible. “Never leave me again! I love you too, no I love you even more! I promise I try to not being so jealous anymore”, his voice cracked again but there was this smile on his face what made him cutter than cotton. She couldn’t resist getting up and sitting down on his lap.

 Without waiting for permission she kissed him softly. So long she had been waiting to kiss him again. These sweet lips. After they broke the kiss the man grinned happy “Please stay at my side forever! No matter how much time passes you’re a habit I could get used to.No, I’m already used to!”


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diana555430 #1
Chapter 7: I cried on all of them. It's so heart touching.
Chapter 6: Can I just say how amazing you are?! I cried at the Zelo story.. T^T So beautiful!! Keep it up ^^
omg you stole my idea! lol imma go read now xD
Chapter 3: OMG I love it :')
KoreanLover101 #5
Chapter 2: I love it ~ please continue and also keep up the good work !!! :)
Chapter 4: I love it!! Please continue. I'm really looking forward to the zelo scenario? ^^
Chikitten1698 #7
Chapter 2: I like it,carry on,it's really good.
Chelina hwaiting!!! ^-^