Memory by Yongguk

Memory - Expectation - Missing - Love - Tears - Farewell




Memory by Yongguk

Our one and only love story…


Silently his head rested in his hands. He was already sitting there for a time that felt like hours but actually it was only maybe half of an hour. Tears had run over his face but they were dried now. His heart was broken, his mind lost. How had something like this happened? Why her? His hands clench in his hair and he shook his head again. It’s impossible! This was only a bad dream, only a nightmare and soon he would wake up next to his beautiful love, his one and only! But this was no nightmare!


“Hyung! What have you planned for you D-day?”, the younger man asked curious and smiled bright. The grumpy one answered with a smirk, “You know that ____ love to solve riddles, I planned something like a little hunt. She has to follow some hints and in the end she will come to the Rooftop, where I will wait with a self made dinner!”

Yongguk sounded happy and proud about all his thoughts he had gone through to make his girlfriend happy and to celebrate their two year anniversaries. For him it has been the best two years until today. The woman was simply perfect for him and he loved her with all of his heart. Every minute she was not around he was missing her. Every time he saw someone smile, he remembered her cute smile, her beautiful eyes which were looking at him with all of these true feelings, with so much love.

“Sounds great, ____-ah will love it!”, Zelo was surprised about the leader who was really a good boyfriend for the Girl. Never before he had seen the oldest happier than when he was together with her or was thinking of her.


The Day came and everything went well so far. The women found the message who told her to go to the little convention store close to her working place. As she entered the store she was filled with curiosity and happiness. One hint after another she solved and followed the instructions. As she entered a store that sold clothes she smirked widely.

‘Choose whatever you like to wear tonight, we are outside so take care to take something warm’ the text told her and again she grinned. It was late summer and even by night it was still warm outside. Her Boyfriend was caring as always. She choose a cute outfit and went on.

Next she entered a flower shop, a beautiful bouquet was waiting for her, Dahlia’s her favourite’s flowers.  Softly she smelled the flower scent and smiled happy. This was simply perfect Yongguk had worked hard for this. Then she followed the street again. She went around the next corner as it happened.


A car crashed into the woman and her body was lifted up into the air. The flowers were spread everywhere as she fell to the ground. With squeaky wheels the car drove away. Every part of her body was hurting and she felt so heavy. Her mind was full of memories of the time she had spent with Yongguk, every single detail. His smile, lips and voice.  Slowly a tear escaped her closing eye and run over her nose, before it dropped to the cold ground. With her last breath everything turned black and vanished. Her last thought ‘Mianhae Yongguk, thank you for everything’.


“She’s late! Maybe I should call her?”, the man was waiting already worried. Actually he had thought she would be here on this time but there was no sign of her. He took his phone and dialled her number. No answer! “Aish! Where is she?”, Yongguk was really worried now. With a sight he sat down on a chair and looked up to the sky.

The stars were beautiful and he couldn’t wait to show them to his love. A smile played around his Lips as his phone rang. Fast he picked it up with the thought it would be his girlfriend. “Yongguk-hyung? Are you on the Rooftop?”, the voice of Himchan was talking and there was something in his ton that made the older one nervous. “Yes why?”, he asked curious but a little bit frightened.

Without an answer the other man hung up and just a few minutes later he stand in front of him. “Himchan! What the hell are you doing here? ____ should be here in a few minutes, don’t mess up all my work!”, he sounded annoyed but as he saw the face of Kim Himchan he went quiet.

“Yongguk... she won’t come...”, the visual started but got interrupted by the leader. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”, he already knew something was totally wrong.  Himchan started to explain what had happened, that the woman had been hit by a car and that she had died right there.  The face of the rapper was white and tears stared to run out of his eyes.

“Tell me that this is a cruel joke! YA! Himchan! Tell me this is a joke!”, he yelled totally out of his mind and shook the body of his friend for and back but as he didn’t said anything the man collapsed crying. Softly the other one laid his arms around his hyung trying to calm him and show him that he was not alone. In the back the other members of B.a.p arrived and rushed over to be there for their friend. The perfect night ended as the biggest nightmare!


He was still sitting in front of her grave, not believing that this all was real. It was simply not possible! A hand lay down on his shoulder and his eyes wandered up to the maknae. He was more looking through the other man than really realising that he was there. A part of him had left together with the woman and he felt uncompleted.

“Hyung? Let’s go?”, the young man gently asked and without waiting for an answer he forced him up. This was easier then thought because Yongguk just followed him without objection. The two started to walk away as the older turned around again and looked back to the grave stone. In beautiful letters was written ‘memory - Our one and only love story…’


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diana555430 #1
Chapter 7: I cried on all of them. It's so heart touching.
Chapter 6: Can I just say how amazing you are?! I cried at the Zelo story.. T^T So beautiful!! Keep it up ^^
omg you stole my idea! lol imma go read now xD
Chapter 3: OMG I love it :')
KoreanLover101 #5
Chapter 2: I love it ~ please continue and also keep up the good work !!! :)
Chapter 4: I love it!! Please continue. I'm really looking forward to the zelo scenario? ^^
Chikitten1698 #7
Chapter 2: I like it,carry on,it's really good.
Chelina hwaiting!!! ^-^