Trap (Multi POV)

Trapped With the Memories of You

Kelsey’s POV

*1 Year Later*

“C’mon babe we gotta go! The movies starting soon.” I followed him through the crowd unhappily. Jake, my boyfriend, was always too excited when we went on dates. I didn’t know why he was still with me. I told him when he asked me out that I wasn’t interested in him and that I loved somebody else. He was persistent and asked me out countless times. I finally agreed but told him not to expect anything in our relationship because I didn’t feel anything for him. He said that he would make me forget about the other guy and promised to make me love him. It all sounded stupid but I agreed anyway. I needed to forget Henry. Here we were six months into our relationship and I still felt nothing for him. If anything I only missed Henry more and for some reason I felt like I was cheating on him. It’s been two years, if I was going to get over him I would have by now. 

“Yeah, okay. You go in before me. I have to use the bathroom.” He nodded and I went in the direction of the restrooms. Jake wasn’t a bad guy, if anything he was someone I could call my best friend, but he was no Henry. I didn’t feel the same spark with him. I was a few feet away from the bathroom before something on the promethean caught my eye.

Small town star, Henry Lau, to release solo album, titled ‘Trap’. The album will be released in two weeks.

Those lines repeated themselves along the bottom of the screen, under the 7 o’clock news. I pulled out my phone and called Janice. She picked up on the second ring.

“Hey Kelsey, aren’t you supposed to be on a date with Jake right now?”

“Yeah, I am. I needed to use the bathroom. That’s not important right now! Did you hear that Henry’s releasing his own solo album?”

“What?...How do you know? How did you find out before me?”

“Yeah his own solo album. It was on the bottom of the promethean in the theater. Listen isn’t it like incredibly rare that someone who only debuted one year and nine months ago to have their own solo album?”

“Yeah. Of course. Some of the members of the group he’s in don’t even have their own albums. This is huge for him.” She paused. “I wonder why SM decided to give him one. But Kelsey… Why are you still asking about him?”

“Oh, um… no reason you know. I- I was just shocked.”

“Ugh, Kelsey, come on!! You need to get over him! You’ve been with Jake for six months now!”

“It’s not like I don’t want to! I mean I really think Jake is a good guy, but he’s not Henry.”

“You’re going to end up being an old grumpy cat lady with thirty cats named Henry, you know that? Kelsey think about it though, okay maybe last year when ‘Breakdown’ came out he really did like you, but it has been almost two years! Two years! Just try to get over him. For me, please?”

“Ugh, Janice, you ask me this like it’s a voluntary decision for me. I’ve tried to get over him, that’s the whole reason I’m dating Jake.” Guilt welled up inside of me, but Jake knew this.

“Well, when you’re old, I’ll check up on you.”

“Okay, okay, I have to go now.” I hung up and turned to enter the theater, no longer needing to use the bathroom. I found Jake waiting outside the door and when I reached him we walked in to watch the movie.

*3 months earlier*

Henry’s POV

 After Kyuhyun was released from the hospital, things slowly went back to the way they were. I stopped talking about Kelsey and everyone wondered why. I simply shook it off as ‘Oh, maybe I’m finally getting over her.’ That was the biggest lie I ever told. I missed her even more now, and I regret not going back to her.


“Yes sir, her name is Kelsey Lee. I just need you to find out if she’s okay, how she is,… if she has a boyfriend, things along those lines.”

“Alright,” the private investigator I hired said back, “but you do realize that this is very strange. Especially for a boy your age.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Okay. I’ll get back with you within a few days.”

‘What am I doing?’ I thought to myself, ‘This can be considered stalking right?’ I groaned. ‘Ugh! Why is my love life like this. I’m pretty sure the old man down the street who has his two front teeth missing is having better luck than I am.’

I waited out those few days by pacing back and forth, barely eating, and yelling at whoever did anything remotely irritating. I was the maknae of the group, but all the guys feared me. If life was a little better, I would have really enjoyed my power.

The phone rang one day when I was alone at the dorm. The other members had gone out eat dinner but I insisted I wasn’t hungry.

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“Ah, yes, Henry. I have new for you.”

“Okay. Go ahead, sir.”

“Alright well. Her grades are exceptionally well, she has been accepted to Harvard and Princeton, but she hasn’t decided which to go to yet. She has a friend named Janice which she gets all of her ‘Kpop’ news from, and finally she has a boyfriend whose she’s been dating for three months. His name is,” I heard papers being shuffled around, “Jake.”

“E-excuse me? What was the last thing you said?”

“She has a boyfriend named Jake whose she’s been dating for the past three months.”

“Thank you.” I said after what seemed like an eternity of silence. I hung up the phone before he could reply and sat down on the nearby couch. I waited for myself to start crying or have some sort of sad feeling, but nothing ever came. I just felt empty. So completely empty that I thought I would never be able to feel anything again. I got up shakily off the couch, leaving my phone behind, and walked slowly to my room. I opened the door and then after walking in closed it. I laid down on my bed and just slept.

*End Flashback*

*Present Day*

When the CEO of the company told me they were giving me my own album, I really didn’t care. Of course ever since three months ago I completely isolated everybody around me and just did what I had to do to make sure I didn’t breech my contract. The reason behind my behavior was as always, Kelsey. I felt something stab at my chest as I remembered the foolish old me who hung onto the hope of her still caring about me. I let out a sarcastic laugh knowing that the only soft spot I had in my new cold self was her. Even if she came back to me now I would accept her. She caused me so much pain and thinking of her now filled me with so much sadness but I knew that she was also my only source of happiness.

The company said the reason they gave me a solo album was because it was requested in high demand by my fans. My fans always did make me feel better. I didn’t do much fan service and it’s true that I was extremely cold lately, but they were still loyal.

“So like I was saying, Henry, you can compose two of the songs on your upcoming album, but the rest will be bought by SM and you’ll be singing them.” The woman who was in charge of my album said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“So you’re saying I can write two songs? Can one of the songs I write be the one that’s going to be the title track? The one that’s going to be made into a music video?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. That is perfectly fine, but your fans prefer something dramatic and sad.” She laughed, “I think they expect you to be a ballad singer.” I didn’t answer her back as I was thinking about upcoming ideas for my songs. The idea hit me right away as I remembered the two songs I wrote soon after I found out about her relationship.

“I have this one song that I wrote not too long ago. I titled it ‘Trap’ and I think it would be a good title track.”

She thought for a minute, “Well I haven’t heard it yet, nor do I know the meaning behind the song, but I feel like ‘Trap’ would be a good title for this album.”

We went over some more ideas and I mentioned to her the other song that I wrote. This one was called ‘I Would.’ I wrote it after ‘Trap’ and it could be classified as a ballad song. It basically put forth all the desperate times I tried to get over her into one song. It said how she made me fall for her and if I could walk away as easily as she did, I would do it. The main lines ‘If I could just get over you, I would.’

*Two Weeks Later*

“Jake. I think we should breakup.” 

Short Chapter, I Know, but i'm still trying to make it up to you guys because of that long week without updates. 

Things are about ot get interesting and i decided to cut ot off here. If i didnt make things clear in the chapter, Henry is now a really cold person, somewhat anti social. I couldnt really express it well here because he had to talk about his album.

I hoped you guys like this chapter because I really did try to shake things up a bit. The next update will be soon ^_^

The pic up there is of Jake. I don't know what the guys real name is, so i couldnt really find a better pic. 

Comment and tell me what you think? ♥ 

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Chapter 1: Olg my name is Kelsey :O
Beautiful story.
Cried half the time.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this well-written fanfic. I really appreciate it.
The feelings are expressed perfectly. The spelling and grammar are perfect!
You really are an amazing author!
Chapter 16: Good job author-nim!!! Such a good story!!! I loved it!!! You made me feel all the right emotions and there weren't any noticeable errors!!! I applaude you ok your good work!!! XD I'll have to check out Henry's "I would". Thanks so much for helping out a new Henry fan!!!!! Fighting for your future aspirations!
Chapter 14: Lol! Moral of the story? Suju fans are EXTREMELY passionate.
Chapter 13: Yes I liked this chapter author-nim!!! XD Good job!!!
Chapter 3: Eeeek! Such a cute text convo!!!!! Loved it author-nim!!!
Chapter 2: Awwww!!! Author-nim! I love this story so far!!!!! XD It's so fluffy that it makes me smile while reading it! Good job and fighting!!
Chapter 16: T^T its come to an end. But oh geezes. You killed her off in the first write! Awww. :/ haha. And ermaghersh henry and Kelsey got together in the endddddd~~ ♥♥ awesome story btw!!!
cjumpay #9
Chapter 16: I AM CRYIN READING THIS GOOD LORD :'((( why must it end. But atleast it was a happy ending!! I love you authornim! Thanks for this great story!
Chapter 16: T___T i just cant believe that this would be the end...but I SUPER LOVE THIS!! ♡♡ Daebak!!