Girl Stealer

Miss Perfect

Sehun and Soo Jung have been texting and calling nonstop lately. It would be mostly Sehun calling or texting her first, and their conversation would start. It’s been hard on Sehun to forget about SJ because Soo Jung reminded him so much of her, but he thought after this date maybe it would change his mind. The date started at around 5 o’clock, and it was only 4 o’clock, so he had a lot of free time, so he decided to go over to D.O’s house. When he went over there, he didn’t expect SJ to be there, but he didn’t mind. After all, they are cool with each other, right? Sehun came into his house, and SJ and D.O were just playing a card game called “Speed”.
“Hey Sehun!” SJ was the first one to greet him as he came in.
D.O slapped his cards down.
“SPEED!” He called out.
“Hey that was no fair! I was greeting Sehun!” She pouted.
“Don’t worry, we will play another game.” D.O said and smiled.
Sehun was just standing there awkwardly, and they noticed him.
“Oh why don’t you sit Sehun?” SJ told him too.
Sehun sat down on the other couch that was across from SJ and D.O.
“So what’s up Sehun?” D.O asked as they were setting up to play the next round.
“Well…” Sehun’s sentence trailed off.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell SJ and D.O about his date tonight. He would be afraid that he would stalk him or something.
“Kai told us about that girl you met; her name is Soo Jung right?” SJ said out of nowhere.
Sehun got surprised and his eyes widened.  
“Why would Kai tell my personal business?” Sehun said madly.
“He was so excited about it too, because…” D.O couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Because?” Sehun said.
“He said that it would help you feel more connected with other girls, and not just stay onto SJ.”
Sehun looked at him weirdly and SJ knew what he was talking about, but didn’t want to say anything.
“Um, I’m not stuck onto SJ, in fact, I kind of like Soo Jung now.”
SJ slapped her cards down, because that really irritated her when he said that. It’s like SJ was kind of jealous.
“Umm SJ, you kind of ruined our game.” D.O said and pointed down at their game.
“Oh sorry.” She said and fixed it.
Sehun was quite enjoying SJ’s reaction when he was talking about Soo Jung.
“Yeah, Soo Jung is really cute, nice, and sweet.” Sehun said and wouldn’t stop talking about her.
SJ was doing her best to ignore him, but you could see the jealousy in her eyes.
“Oh really Sehun? That’s nice…” D.O said trying to quit the conversation.
Sehun saw the time, and saw that it was time to go meet up with Soo Jung.
“Hey guys, I got to go meet up with Soo Jung, I’ll see you guys later.” Sehun said and left the house.
“Heh. She’s jealous.” Sehun said to himself as he was walking out.


Sehun decided to see Soo Jung at the café so they could have a little drink before they could go to the arcade.
“Hi Soo Jung!” Sehun said excitingly.
“Hey Sehun. Can you do me a favor and not call me Soo Jung anymore? I kind of like SJ much better.”
When he heard that name, he just felt a tingle inside of him.
“Oh sure, SJ.” Sehun said uncomfortably.
He felt really uncomfortable calling her SJ since he had an SJ of his own, who he was trying to move on from.
“So, would you like me to order you bubble tea?” Sehun asked.
“Sure, but can you get me Strawberry bubble tea? That’s the only flavor I drink.”
“Oh Sure…. Exactly like SJ who doesn’t drink any other flavor.”
Sehun went up to the counter and ordered bubble tea. While he was waiting for it to be made, he was thinking about how much Soo Jung was just so much like SJ. It seemed like he wasn’t forgetting her, but actually meeting another SJ, and he didn’t want that. When the bubble tea orders were done, he grabbed them and went up to the table and gave one to her.
“Thanks!” She said and started drinking.
“Yeah, no problem.”
D.O went into a café and went into the cash register line to buy him and SJ bubble tea. Soo Jung was the first to spot D.O and she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Sehun was trying to see what she was staring at and he turned into a bad mood since she was staring at D.O.
“HEY SOO JUNG. YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A DATE RIGHT HERE?” Sehun said loud and madly and everyone in café turned to him including D.O. Soo Jung completely ignored Sehun and got up and went up to D.O, leaving Sehun by his self, sitting at the table.
“Hi, I’m Soo Jung, and your name is?” Soo jung asked him.
D.O was very irritated by her when she asked that question.
“Can you get away from me please? You are on a date and you shouldn’t bail on him just because you found someone else you are more interested in. And besides, I have a girlfriend.” D.O said harshly.
“But I don’t care about him, you are so cute. And you should bail her for me.” Soo Jung said.
Sehun got mad and slammed his hand on the table and went up to D.O and Soo Jung.
“Look, you little , maybe you should go before I say more stuff to you that are not pretty.”
“Whatever, I’ll see you later, cutie.” Soo Jung said and winked at D.O
D.O was very irritated and walked away, but Sehun pulled him back.
“Why do you always have to steal every girl that I like?” Sehun said madly at D.O.
“Alright, first of all, I liked SJ first, and you had no interest in her at all, until you finally got to meet the real her, and I had faith in her all the time, so it’s not fair for you to get her when you didn’t like her at first.”
“I don’t care about all of that, that was  the past. The past shouldn’t be mentioned in the present, because the past was the past. All I want to say is, you are a girl stealer, and you need to stop.” Sehun said and walked out madly.
D.O’s orders were ready and he grabbed them and went into the car where SJ was waiting for him. She saw the madness in his eyes, and figured out something was wrong.
“What happened in there?” SJ asked.
“Sehun thinks I’m a girl stealer, because you are my girlfriend and you’re not his, and his date was more interested in me than him.”
“But you are not a girl stealer, I just like you more than him. What’s going on in Sehun’s mind…”
“Whatever, we should go.” D.O said and started the car and drove off.
Soo Jung was walking on the sidewalk, and she saw D.O and SJ in the car together, and Soo Jung saw D.O with SJ and guessing that SJ was his girlfriend.
“That is his girlfriend?!?! It can’t be her! I don’t even like her! Why did he choose SJ over me?!?” Soo Jung said madly and threw her phone on the sidewalk.


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 34: That is so cute!!

I really didn't like Baekhyun in this story though, and Sehun just kept switching sides :( Chanyeol kind of disappointed me, but oh well...

I'd rather prefer the happy ending though, that was really cute!!!

Great job authornim :D I really enjoyed it ^^
kyungsoo-akira #2
Chapter 34: Authornim!!! :) is there a sequel?? Please make a sequel. . Please
XDDD Sorry if i was harsh ㅠㅠ DONT BLOCK ME PLZ HAHAHA
Chapter 33: Wow. Literally unexpected. You got me. So, this isn't a troll chapter right? But I'd really like an epilogue based on this. I really do. I keep on thinking that your trolling and SJ didn't leave but the hype that made Kyungsoo angry thrills her. XD but I know that ain't gonna happen
Chapter 31: Author-nim dont make suspense waiting!!! Hahahaha sorry but i feel offended by my own comment coz it seems like im rushing you to update... SORRY


Update more!!! XDDD
Chapter 31: If they are so surprised I think she got accepted, oh man, :/ :(, why are people so cold and bad and non-understanding? Ahhhhh~, I hope sj and d.o don't brake up :(
Chapter 30: Aigoo !! Baekhyun become the bad guy again !! Aish..when will you learn baekyun..just accept that sj don't like you.. :/ just be like sehun..he's learn his lesson and now felt guilty towards sj..hihi,what can you do now sehun oppa.. :P
Chapter 30: Ohhh sehun got cute again, well too late!!! Why baekhyun *shakes head* you are so bad to her, why can't you accept that she is in love with someone else and leave her alone, *sigh* oh god that makes things complicated :/