You were dating her?

Miss Perfect


Sehun was with Chanyeol, Suho, and Kai and Chanyeol's apartment. All of them were really curious on what happened during their date. 
"Come on! Tell us what happened already!" Kai begged.
"Yeah! You have been teasing us for the last twenty minutes! Just tell is already!" Chanyeol yelled.
Sehun didn't want to tell them about Soo Jung flirting on D.O and leaving him. He was really embarrassed. 
"Yeah, how was the date Sehun?" SJ came out of nowhere and sat in the living room couch next to Kai. They were all looking at him with their eyes wide open and smiling stupidly. That just made Sehun more nervous. 
"You know what? Look at the time! i I have to go now. Bye guys!" Sehun said quickly and exited the apartment. 
"Why did he leave? He didn't even tell us anything!" Kai yelled.
"You guys are pressuring him. Maybe the date went bad and he's embarrassed to talk about it. We can't pressure him." Suho said.
"Heh. I know what happened..." SJ muttered.
She didn't expect them to hear her, but when they did they started tapping her to see what happened. 
"I don't know if I should tell you guys." 
"Come on! Just tell us!" Kai begged. 
"Ok, so Kyungsoo told me when he was going to the cafe to pick up our drinks, he saw Sehun on a date with that girl he's been talking to lately, and when she saw Kyungsoo she completely forgot Sehun was there and left him just to flirt with Kyungsoo." 
"Ohhh." They all said at the same time.
"That hurts very bad." Kai said. 
"Yeah, I feel sorry for him. But what can we do?" SJ said and put on her sweater.
"Whoa, where are you going?" Chanyeol asked SJ. 
"I'm going to talk to Sehun. I want to help him get back whatever her name is." SJ said and left the house.
"Aish, that girl." Chanyeol muttered.
"Was she supposed to do anything?" Suho asked. 
"She was suppose to do the laundry."
"You know she's your sister, not your personal maid." Kai teased
"Well she's under my rules since she's living here." 
"You guys need some sister and brother bonding time. She told me that you guys used to be close." Suho suggested.
"Eh, I don't need to do any of that kind of stuff with her."
"Hey guys, you know what I noticed about the girl that Sehun went on a date with." Kai mentioned out of nowhere.
Suho and Chanyeol both looked at him. 
"That Soo Jung's is like Su Jin. They both have the same initials." Kai sounded surprised. 
"Hmph, that's weird. I have a cousin who renamed herself Soo Jung because Su Jin was her role model." 
"Wait she renamed herself Soo Jung?" Kai said.
"Yeah, her name used to be Min Hee, but she went to court and got her name to be officially Soo Jung because Su Jin was her role model and stuff. She even tried to get her last name changed to Park, but it failed and she also tried to get people to call her SJ too. She just wanted to  be like Su Jin really bad." 
"So what happened to her?" Kai asked. 
"Oh I don't know. She disappeared out of nowhere. Probably trying to look like Su Jin. I don't know, she just moved on with her life. But I don't care about her anymore. She was as bad as Su Jin." 
"Thats crazy. I don't get why someone would do that just to be like someone else." 
"Sehun!" SJ called as she was running behind him.
Sehun turned around and smiled.
"Hey, I didn't expect you to follow me."
"Well, I want to help you get back that girl."
"But I don't want her back." 
"Then I want to at least help you get an apology from her. No girl should ever make you feel that way." 
Sehun eyed SJ. 
"Hey, I don't count ok?" SJ said and playfully hit him.
"Alright. I'll text her to meet us at the cafe." Sehun said and got out his phone and texted her
"She replied whatever." Sehun said. 
"Alright, lets go." SJ said and wrapped her arm around his.
They both started walking to cafe together.
They both came into the cafe and saw Soo Jung sitting at the table waiting for the both of them. 
"That's her sitting at the table." Sehun pointed.
"Ok, lets go talk to her together." SJ said and walked with Sehun to the table. 
"Hey Soo Jung." Sehun said.
She looked up from her drink and saw Sehun and SJ standing together.
"No. You went on a date with her?!"
Soo Jung just smirked. 
"Yeah. Why?" 
"Her name is not actually Soo Jung, it's Min Hee. Pak Min Hee. She's so fake."
"My name is not Min Hee anymore it's Soo Jung I got it officially changed!" 
"Whatever, you are still fake. What are you doing around here anyways?" 
"I came back to be with my family."
"Are you sure about that? Because you seem to be acting more like me every time I see you. And you are even trying to look like me. I can see it in your style and hair." 
"Whoa, calm down SJ."
"You were dating her, Sehun?"
"Yeah why?"
"This girl is my cousin." 
A/N: Sorry that I can't make this any better ;-; Don't worry I will make this better for you guys! I Promise! xD
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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 34: That is so cute!!

I really didn't like Baekhyun in this story though, and Sehun just kept switching sides :( Chanyeol kind of disappointed me, but oh well...

I'd rather prefer the happy ending though, that was really cute!!!

Great job authornim :D I really enjoyed it ^^
kyungsoo-akira #2
Chapter 34: Authornim!!! :) is there a sequel?? Please make a sequel. . Please
XDDD Sorry if i was harsh ㅠㅠ DONT BLOCK ME PLZ HAHAHA
Chapter 33: Wow. Literally unexpected. You got me. So, this isn't a troll chapter right? But I'd really like an epilogue based on this. I really do. I keep on thinking that your trolling and SJ didn't leave but the hype that made Kyungsoo angry thrills her. XD but I know that ain't gonna happen
Chapter 31: Author-nim dont make suspense waiting!!! Hahahaha sorry but i feel offended by my own comment coz it seems like im rushing you to update... SORRY


Update more!!! XDDD
Chapter 31: If they are so surprised I think she got accepted, oh man, :/ :(, why are people so cold and bad and non-understanding? Ahhhhh~, I hope sj and d.o don't brake up :(
Chapter 30: Aigoo !! Baekhyun become the bad guy again !! Aish..when will you learn baekyun..just accept that sj don't like you.. :/ just be like sehun..he's learn his lesson and now felt guilty towards sj..hihi,what can you do now sehun oppa.. :P
Chapter 30: Ohhh sehun got cute again, well too late!!! Why baekhyun *shakes head* you are so bad to her, why can't you accept that she is in love with someone else and leave her alone, *sigh* oh god that makes things complicated :/