Spending A Day with Him

Miss Perfect

SJ was glad it was the weekend. She got out of bed and went downstairs, hoping that her mom made something she liked, but she doubt it. When she went downstairs she smelled syrup. She knew it was pancakes.
“Hi SJ! I made something you like for breakfast!” Her mom said.
“I don’t feel like eating it anymore…”
“Why? I made them just for you, so you can at least eat breakfast for once.”
“I don’t think you make good pancakes. I only like the way the restaurants make them…”
“Aish. You’re so stubborn. At least I make food for you…” Your mom muttered.
“Mom. I just don’t like the way you cook ok! So stop saying I’m so stubborn!” SJ yelled at her mom.
“Ok SJ. No need to yell. Now can you do me a favor?”
“What?” SJ had attitude.
“I have a friend, and she has a son your age and I made plans for both of you to meet and get to know each other. Can you just do this once, for me please?”
“No. Why are you even setting me up with a boy I don’t even know?”
“I thought he would be your type, you know the nerdy type.”
“I guess, but no. I don’t want you setting me up on blind dates.”
“Just can you do it for me please? I barely ask you for favors anyways.”
“Meet him at ice cream parlor at 2, and then you guys can do whatever you want after that. Ok?”
“Fine. Can I go now? I’m tired of being here.”
“Go ahead.”
Right when SJ’s mom said she can go, she grabbed her stuff and started walking, since she knew the guy she was going to meet has a car.


SJ went to the café, where she mostly meets her friends at.
“Wow your mom is making you meet up with a boy? Did your mom tell you how he’s like?” So Yung asked SJ.
“She said he’s nerdy.”
“You don’t even go for nerdy types. You go for guys that are like us.” Yuri had to get into the conversation.
“It’s ok with me as long as you are ok with it.” Min had to get into the conversation too.
“It’s not ok with her Min! She doesn’t like those kind of guys ok? So don’t think she would be ok with it.” So Yung yelled at Min.
Min got all quiet.
“Anyways, it’s almost 2, I have to run and meet him. Bye guys.” SJ said and left the café.


SJ arrived at the ice cream parlor and she saw a familiar face sitting at a table alone.
“Baekhyun, why are you sitting here alone?” SJ asked.
“Because I have to meet a girl and leave me alone SJ, I don’t want you to make fun of me being alone.” Baekhyun whined.
“No way. I have to meet up with you?”
“What? You are the girl that my mom wants me to meet up. A girl who smokes, and is rude to other people.”
“I swear, talk bad about me one more time and I will punch you hard in the face that you will be knocked out and wake up in a casket!” SJ yelled.
“Oh I’m so scared!” Baekhyun said sarcastically.
SJ was about to punch him but then Baekhyun put his arms over his face and screamed.
“Exactly. Pabo.”
“Whatever… Since we both promised our moms that we have to hang out, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going outside to smoke.”
SJ was about to go outside but Baekhyun pulled her back.
“Can I ask why you smoke?”
“Because I just do it ok?”
SJ was about to go outside again but Baekhyun pulled her back again.
“You shouldn’t smoke, because-“
“Fine I won’t. Just because it’s bad for me and my friends aren’t here.”
“I was going to say that I don’t want your stinky breath to stink up my car, but that reason works too.” Baekhyun said and started walking outside to his car.
“Bastard…” SJ muttered and walked with Baekhyun outside to his car.
SJ and Baekhyun stepped into his car. Baekhyun started playing MAMA and turning it up very loud.
“Turn it off. I don’t like that song.” SJ said.
Baekhyun turned down the volume.
“Why don’t you like this song? It’s awesome!”
“Well I don’t like music…”
“Man, for your birthday I should get you like a radio or something.”
“Look, I don’t listen to music, so can you stop it?”
“Whatever, what do you want to do anyways?”
“Let’s just go to the Myeong-Dong, so I can go window shopping.”
“You could of have said that before I passed it. Now I have to make a U turn.”
“Well too bad. Make a U turn.”
Baekhyun made a sharp U turn making SJ hit her head on the window.
“Dude! Why did you turn like that? I feel like I’m going to-“
Baekhyun looked at SJ and it looked like she was about to throw up.
“YAH! DON’T THROW UP IN THE CAR!” Baekhyun yelled. 
Baekhyun stopped the car and then opened the window. SJ opened the door and threw up on the floor. Baekhyun was making nasty faces. When SJ was finally done she wiped with a napkin that Baekhyun handed her. After she was done wiping she threw the napkin on the ground.
“I get sick easily so don’t make a U turn again!” SJ yelled.
“Sorry! It’s not my fault that I didn’t know.”
“Whatever, just don’t turn aga-“
Baekhyun turned right, cutting off her sentence.
“First, my name isn’t bacon! Get it right! And I had to, because we’re going to the Myeong-Dong.”
“I hate it when people drive like this…” SJ muttered.
“Says the person who drives like a maniac…” Baekhyun yelled out.
It was never ending arguing in the car between SJ and Baekhyun.


When they got there, Baekhyun took her to the music store and made her listen to a bunch of songs.
“I told you that I hate music…”
“Stop being stubborn and just listen to this song.” Baekhyun said and put the headphones in her ear.
SJ was actually getting into the music and actually listening to it. She took it off when the song finished.
“That was a nice song.” She admitted.
“It’s called don’t go. I know, I like this song too.”
“Whatever, let’s just exit this store.”
When SJ and Baekhyun exited the store, they saw exo walking around.
“Hey guys!” Baekhyun yelled.
They turned around and saw SJ with him.
“What’s he doing hanging out with SJ?” Sehun whispered to Kai.
“I don’t know, but I’m surprised he didn’t get beat up.” Kai whispered back.
D.O was surprised to see with Baekhyun.
“Hi Su Jin!” D.O said.
All the members patted D.O like he said something wrong.
“Hey Kyungsoo. If Kyungsoo is ok with you. D.O is just too much for me.”
“That’s fine.”
The exo members were surprised that SJ didn’t beat up D.O for saying her real name.
“You are not going to beat up Kyungsoo for saying your real name?” Sehun asked very frightened.
“Why would I do that?” SJ asked.
“Because you get really pissed off when people say your real name, if you haven’t noticed…” Kai muttered.
SJ pretended not to hear that.
“So are you guys on a date or something?” Suho asked.
“NO!” They both said at the same time.
“Then why are you both hanging out together, today?” Chanyeol asked.
“Because our mom’s made us. I don’t know why.” SJ said.
“It’s obvious their trying to set both of you up.” Sehun blurted.
“Don’t say that again, or else I’ll punch you in the face and throw you downstairs.”
Sehun hid behind his hyung’s.
“So, want to hang out with us for the rest of the day?” D.O asked.
“I want to go home now. I don’t want to spend another minute with him…” SJ muttered the last sentence.
“Fine, I’ll take you home.” Baekhyun said and pulled SJ.
“Don’t pull me or else I’ll hit you with my phone on the head until I break your skull.”
“Wait! Baekhyun!” D.O stopped him.
They both looked at him.
“I can take her home.” D.O said.
“Thank goodness! Will you please?” Baekhyun said in relief.
“Come one Su Jin. Let’s go.” D.O said and gestured SJ to come with him.
SJ followed D.O and they both were off.


When D.O and SJ finally arrived at her house, D.O was being very gentleman like and opening her door for her.
“Um thanks I guess.”
“No problem.”
D.O was going to walk to with SJ to the front door.
“I don’t want you to walk me to the front door. I’ll be ok.” SJ stopped him.
“I want to though.”
“Please don’t just go now.”
“Fine, I’ll be on my way….” D.O said.
SJ was about to get in the house.
“WAIT SU JIN!” D.O yelled.
“Umm yeah?”
“Are we friends yet?” D.O asked and put up a playful smile.
“Nope. Bye.” SJ said straight forward and went quickly into the house.
“I’m not going to give up yet…” D.O said to himself.


Exo were still at the Myeong-Dong just hanging out in the café.
“Wow I can’t believe you had to spend a day with her. Was it really bad?” Chanyeol asked.
“Well I can’t say all of it was bad. I mean, she’s so stubborn but she isn’t as bad as what people say about her.” Baekhyun answered
Kai scoffed.
“Are you seriously saying that you like her?” Kai asked.
“I guess.”
“Hyung! She’s scary! How can you possibly like her!” Sehun yelled.
“She isn’t that bad. I mean if you get to see the other side of her then she’s not that bad.”
“What other side?” Chanyeol asked.
“It’s nothing. You don’t need to know…”Baekhyun said and smiled.


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 34: That is so cute!!

I really didn't like Baekhyun in this story though, and Sehun just kept switching sides :( Chanyeol kind of disappointed me, but oh well...

I'd rather prefer the happy ending though, that was really cute!!!

Great job authornim :D I really enjoyed it ^^
kyungsoo-akira #2
Chapter 34: Authornim!!! :) is there a sequel?? Please make a sequel. . Please
XDDD Sorry if i was harsh ㅠㅠ DONT BLOCK ME PLZ HAHAHA
Chapter 33: Wow. Literally unexpected. You got me. So, this isn't a troll chapter right? But I'd really like an epilogue based on this. I really do. I keep on thinking that your trolling and SJ didn't leave but the hype that made Kyungsoo angry thrills her. XD but I know that ain't gonna happen
Chapter 31: Author-nim dont make suspense waiting!!! Hahahaha sorry but i feel offended by my own comment coz it seems like im rushing you to update... SORRY


Update more!!! XDDD
Chapter 31: If they are so surprised I think she got accepted, oh man, :/ :(, why are people so cold and bad and non-understanding? Ahhhhh~, I hope sj and d.o don't brake up :(
Chapter 30: Aigoo !! Baekhyun become the bad guy again !! Aish..when will you learn baekyun..just accept that sj don't like you.. :/ just be like sehun..he's learn his lesson and now felt guilty towards sj..hihi,what can you do now sehun oppa.. :P
Chapter 30: Ohhh sehun got cute again, well too late!!! Why baekhyun *shakes head* you are so bad to her, why can't you accept that she is in love with someone else and leave her alone, *sigh* oh god that makes things complicated :/